TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (April)

craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Craig @craigo3154.


  • freespirit6315
    freespirit6315 Posts: 119 Member
    Hello everybody!

    My name is Karla I am 6 ft tall and 55 years old. I live in Oklahoma, I am single with no children, and never married. I'm currently 273 lb I will weigh in on Monday. I started mfp about 2 weeks ago, and I weighed 284.2 lbs I have lost 11.2 lb since I started. I'm hoping to lose 1 1/2 to 2 lbs week. My UGW 180 lbs. Thank you for allowing me in your group, and I look forward to learning from you all and for the support and encouraging we can give each other. Thank you and have a good evening,
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited March 2018
    Good morning, team TBBT. The April challenge doesn't officially start until Sunday, but I thought I'd give you some more information so that you can be ready to jump in with both feet when Sunday rolls around! Within the main weight loss challenge we have another optional, but highly recommended, challenge. It is called the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge, or the Mini Challenge. It is based on another MFP challenge group by the same name, or UAC.

    The way it works is simple:

    1. Log everything you eat that has calories in MFP.
    2. Stay inside your allotted daily calorie budget.
    3. Do at least 20 minutes of activity daily. This could be anything that gets you off the couch and being active: run, walk, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.
    4. Report each day on this thread (something to the effect of logged food: yes, under calories: yes, exercise: yes, and a brief description is nice)

    You get one free pass day a week (went over calories, could not log food, rest day, etc.) At the end of the week, if you have managed to be "accountable" for at least 6 of 7 days, you will be recognized on this thread as being in the Winner's Circle!

    This strategy works for weight loss because it is based on CI<CO. When calories in are less than calories out, you stay inside your allotted daily calorie budget, and you will lose weight! And exercise is just good for you, plus it will burn calories and help with the calories out portion of the equation!

    What's great about this challenge is that it works for everyone, as long as you are honest with yourself. There are no dietary restrictions, so you can eat whatever you like, and follow whatever plan you like. Your own daily calorie budget is set by you and MFP and you choose your own exercise and intensity of exercise! Plus it is a practice that can be carried beyond weight loss into maintenance! If you are having a bad week, a new week and a fresh start is just around the corner!

    Consistency and new habits have been shown to be the keys to long term successful weight loss. Why not make the Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge your new habit, that you do consistently!!

    Week #1 for the Mini Challenge starts Sunday, April 1st!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello everybody!

    My name is Karla I am 6 ft tall and 55 years old. I live in Oklahoma, I am single with no children, and never married. I'm currently 273 lb I will weigh in on Monday. I started mfp about 2 weeks ago, and I weighed 284.2 lbs I have lost 11.2 lb since I started. I'm hoping to lose 1 1/2 to 2 lbs week. My UGW 180 lbs. Thank you for allowing me in your group, and I look forward to learning from you all and for the support and encouraging we can give each other. Thank you and have a good evening,

    Hello, Karla, and welcome to TBBT!! We are happy to have you!! Congratulations on your 11.2 pound loss already!! Seems you have figured out how to log your food and stay under your calories!! And 1 1/2 to 2 pounds a week is a very reasonable goal to set. Thank you for telling us you are 6 ft puts your UGW into perspective!! Keep doing what you are doing and we will hopefully see a posted loss from you on your first weigh-in!! (I'm sure you'd love that, too!!)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Posts: 1,082
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Nice work on the 0.3 pound loss this week and the 4" @drea2011!! You can see how passionate Craig is about using measurements vs. the scales for true determination of weight loss success. So much so, he felt it necessary to chime in on our thread!! He hates it when people get all hung up on the number on the scales. He is not even really a fan of this Challenge and it's format of weekly weigh-ins, but you know, took over when no one else would. He does like the support aspect of a team challenge very much though. It gives a forum to reassure and educate people, like yourself Drea, when the scales aren't moving but the inches are! A place to vent and ask questions when things don't go as planned, and also a place to safely brag about achievements and get well deserved high-fives in return! A team to whom we must be accountable!! That is why losing weight is not a requirement to stay on the team...only that you are trying!!!

    @HASWLRS. Thank you. It is true I am not a fan of the format of the challenge, but I am a fan of the difference it makes to people (which is why I am passionate about keeping it going).

    To let TBBT on a little secret. I see this challenge as a beneficial bait-and-switch type activity. The name and format has been made popular by culture and media, but the real bonus to participation is that you find a group of like minded people that are all trying to achieve what you are and doing it in a healthy manner.

    Society judges by weight, but that is not the real measure. The real measure is health and fitness. The healthier and fitter you are, the more you can do and the more you enjoy life. You do not need to be an athlete. You do not need the shape of the models you see in the popular media. You do need to keep healthy enough to enjoy the best life can have to offer for as long as you like.

    Learn about your body. Learn about nutrition. Learn what works for you. Celebrate the victories and study the setbacks so they do not happen again.

    What has been taught in the popular media and from commercially biased studies has to a large extent misinformed the public on what is "healthy" and what is not. Eg. from a lot of independent research, I'm pretty sure the FDA "food pyramid" did WAY more damage than good (and the USDA MyPyramid is only a little better but has fundamental flaws - still too much emphasis on grains, however it is sponsored by the Department of Agriculture - so what would you expect).

    I could go on about weight, size, exercise, fitness, satiety, nutrition, and more all day. I'll put the soap box away for now and let you get back to your usual programming.

    This was such a well written response from Craig, that I thought I would carry it over so all the new members can read it as well. It is quite insightful.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I didn't quite "quote" that properly, but I think you can figure out who is talking if you read it!!
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm a returning team member after taking the end of february and all of march off due to gallbladder surgery and happy to be back! I've had a heck of a time since leaving full of very emotional and stressful issues outside of my body going into revolt with the gallbladder mess, but here's hoping it's all behind me. Surgery went well, I've gotten the all clear from the professionals that I can start swimming and exercising again, and I'm back to eating normal foods without dying in agony.

    I mostly hovered right between 188-191 while I was away, which is not terrible but obviously I want to start the downward progression again. One of the things I have learned since revamping my self care last July is that maintenance is not impossible, but it still requires attention.

    I started in July at 225lbs and have been slowly making my way down with the goal being around 145-150. I took swim lessons last year and found I *love* swimming so not being able to swim for the past three months has been miserable.

    This team has been super positive and very supportive along the way -- if it wasn't, I wouldn't have come back after a hiatus :) If you're new definitely jump in to the conversation :)

    Anyway. My April goals:
    1. tracking 5 out of 7 days. I've been very lax about tracking so this will be a good month to get that back on track.
    2. get back to the pool 3 days a week, work up to 45 minutes a session (first few sessions I'll be lucky if I can do 20 minutes)
    3. walking the dog. we had to put one of our dogs to sleep last week and my heart is still broken, but i still have my younger dog to take care of who is lonely and depressed now which means he needs new routines to help him transition to being an only dog. I've been easing him into these walks, short trips around the block one or two times a day and will start extending it block by block and hopefully get some longer walks in the nicer it gets.

    I'm also in the process of looking for a new job and moving to northern virginia while my husband is re-deploying to Puerto Rico and we're taking on some major home renovations so I am going to have plenty of chances to practice letting.things.go

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @enyagoboom. Wow, so much going on!! First off, welcome back!! I am very glad to hear that your surgery went well and that you've been given the all clear to swim, exercise and eat normally again.

    So sorry to hear that you had to put down one of your dogs. Anyone who has had to put a pet to sleep, myself included, knows how very difficult and emotionally gut wrenching that is. My condolences, and hugs.

    You have a well laid out fitness and diet plan for the month, as well as plenty to do in your spare time, what with the renos and job hunting. I wish you well!!
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @enyagoboom. Wow, so much going on!! First off, welcome back!! I am very glad to hear that your surgery went well and that you've been given the all clear to swim, exercise and eat normally again.

    So sorry to hear that you had to put down one of your dogs. Anyone who has had to put a pet to sleep, myself included, knows how very difficult and emotionally gut wrenching that is. My condolences, and hugs.

    You have a well laid out fitness and diet plan for the month, as well as plenty to do in your spare time, what with the renos and job hunting. I wish you well!!

    Thank you @HASWLRS. It's been a special kind of hell. Skye was my husbands dog and we are both grateful he was able to be here for her passing.

    I'm trying to keep my plan realistic. We are going on a cruise in July that I am not going to be at goal weight for, nor am I ready to do the tough mudder in June that I had signed up for, so these are some set backs that I'm mulling over. Still though, I have a lot to be grateful for and I'm still here so there is plenty of time to get stronger and healthier. Just keep it as positive as possible and still realistic about all the crap that's going on. <3
  • katevt78
    katevt78 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi, I'm Kate. I've been on this team since January. I'm about 28 pounds from my first goal and I love being held accountable with the weekly weigh in.
    I live in Massachusetts and it's finally starting to feel like spring is coming. After a horrible March, I'm looking forward to April and the warmer weather. This month, I want to take part in the weekly challenges as well as being in the group. I love the inspiration from this group!
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Hi I am murdog3t aka Tami
    I have been a long time MFP member since 2012 this is my first time in this group I am always looking for new friends and challenges. My weight seems to fluctuate 5lbs either direction
    I want to break this Plateau. my long term goal is down 15lbs but for this month I would love to just get to my baseline which 7.6 lbs and stay their and not go back up
    Good luck to us all
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Hi everyone, my name's Destiny. I've been on the team since Jan and I love the accountability! I'm a sahm to 4 kiddos ages 7, 5, 2, and almost 5 months. I got pregnant with #4 before I had lost all the baby weight from #3 so even though I've lost all that I gained in my last pregnancy, I still have 15-20 pounds for my 3rd one, if that makes any sense :D My goals are to workout 5 days a week and still be active the other 2 days, and drink 8 cups of water each day. Also to get my calories from "real" food instead of junk food. I've noticed its easier to lose weight and I feel better, even if I'm staying within my calorie goal.
  • WhineThyme
    WhineThyme Posts: 959 Member
    Hi, I lost 30 pounds in 2015 and have yo-yoed the next 10 for the past 2 years. During that same 2 year period, I may not have continued to lose, but I have continued to change lifestyle and habits for the better. It's time to lose that last 28 pounds and I'm starting April with a renewed focus and eagerness to accomplish the task.
  • Addie378
    Addie378 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, my name is Addie! I am currently studying in TN to become a speech pathologist. I lost 10lbs in October and 5 in November, but then with Christmas, I fell off the bandwagon. I’m around 135 lbs and need to be at 115 lbs for my height, 5’1. I’m super excited to start again! Thanks!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    To those of you who celebrate Easter, I wish you a very happy and blessed day!! I need to get ready for Mass now...I'll see you all a little later!
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Hello team! Excited to start another challenge with you! My name is Drea and March was my first challenge! I lost 5” but this was my smallest loss so far looking forward to April and ramping it up!! I want to keep my weigh in days on Sundays.

    My April starting weight: 229.8- up 3 lbs sigh....hopefully this is leftover pizza and alcohol weight from when I went out on sat plus Tom bloat. My goal his month is to get under 220! And stay under!!
  • primekayprime
    primekayprime Posts: 253 Member
    Hello Big Butts!

    I have been part of this challenge since Jan and I'm really glad that I've joined. Accountability has been biggest struggle in reaching my healthier lifestyle goals. This group has been great at helping me stay accountable.

    March was not my best month and I'm looking to refocus my efforts for April. My fitness goals for this month will be to lose 1.5lbs/week, hydrate, 20mins of cardio for a minimum of 3 times a week, strength training 3 times a week, yoga 2 days a week, and to continue to meal prep.

    Making an entire lifestyle change does not happen over night. Sometimes it's one-half step forward at a time. Progress is progress!
  • bluewindfarm21
    bluewindfarm21 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello everyone! This will be my first time in this group and team. Hope we can motivate each other! Glad to try something knew and I definitely need to get healthy again.
  • WhineThyme
    WhineThyme Posts: 959 Member
    edited April 2018
    My weekly goals for April
    1. Log daily
    2. Stay within calories
    3. Stick to exercise schedule

    Exercise schedule:
    Mon/Thur - Upper Body workout
    Tues/Fri - Lower Body workout
    Wed/(Sat or Sun) - Cardio (walking, gardening,...)
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