April 2018 Challenge



  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    I was listening to 2 Keto Dudes podcasts a while back, but haven't in a bit. I think they share a lot of valuable information and explain the science behind a lot of topics they cover HOWEVER...they aren't Drs. They are upfront about that, and go back every podcast to correct any misinformation they've previously shared. I can't recall if there were things they said that I now know are erroneous because I was so new to keto when I was a listener.

    I'm visually driven, so listening to people talk for hours with nothing to see or visualize doesn't work for me. I occasionally watch a video but not from one specific source I can even remember.
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    @NikkJRM:[/quote]The thing with keto is it's incredibly easy to overeat fat. Once people start making desserts & even a lot of the snacks or bpc & using hwc there is a lot of fat. Fat is calorie dense. [/quote]

    “What Nikki said!!!” I used to eat fat bombs (FB) and drink bullet proof coffee(BPC) when I first started keto. I was a macro hawk, and if the recipes I made didn’t meet my high fat needs, I’d slam down a FB or BPC. However, once I became fully keto/fat adapted (about 3 weeks) my weight loss dropped off drastically. I found it to be a delicate dance to balance my calorie restriction with my high fat macros.

    I had to back way off from FB, BPC and other non-meal ways to get fat into my diet. I didn’t like the idea ingesting pure fat that I didn’t really enjoy eating. Frozen coconut oil mixed with peanut butter and butter in my coffee were not appetizing to me. So, I searched for and became more sophisticated in my menus.

    Deserts are one way to go. There are numerous yummy keto deserts out there. I’ve tried several of the ones posted on this thread. I prefer simple one serving deserts because I will eat all 12 servings if a recipe makes that much. But my go to is homemade sauces and dressings. There are a lot of them out there. What I like about them is control. You control ingredients and the amount you use. In addition, they make stuff delicious. I don’t feel I’m sacrificing calories solely for the sake of adding fat.

    By the way, I <3 keto and I <3 eating fat!

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Just saying 'Hi' to everyone new, it's never too late to join this challenge, even the 29th April will be fine! Then you will slip gently into to May Challenge and yes there will be a May Challenge!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    That is one of the fascinating things to me, @stormywxs288

    At first, I didn't feel good without adding more fats. I have since discovered that an underlying health condition was inhibiting my ability to convert the eating fat to ketones -- and my ability to use the ketones...

    Looking at the macro breakdown, I think one of the things the keeps getting lost in translation is this:

    Our nutritional needs to not change WITH A CALORIE DEFICIT.

    Whether we are eating to lose 0.5 pounds per day or 2.0 pounds per day, our protein needs are the same (additional exercise excepting, etc,). Our carb limit is the same.

    And this is because we are providing the caloric difference in the calories we are burning - BY BURNING THROUGH STORED BODY FAT. This stored body fat doesn't have any nutrients in it. It is straight up stored energy. The ONLY macro this should replace is fat.


    Take a moment to let that sink in...

    You're burning body fat for the caloric deficit. Therefore, that can ONLY replace consumed fat.

    The fat, in a non-medical ketogenic diet (as in, you're not managing seizures, migraines, other neurological things, etc.) is used for hormone health (this is EVERYONE, not just keto folks)...and then for satiety... It is a combo of burned body fat and eaten fats that make up the main "fuel."

    The carbs are a limit...

    The protein is a MINIMUM range needed for muscle protection, for skin, etc. maintenance, and such.

    The only thing left to tweak is fat...
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Re People to read/listen to, my person of choice is Amy Berger at tuit nutrition, I love her approach and utter common sense and she makes me laugh out loud at times!

    Re Fat and Calories, yup calories matter. If Keto was all that was needed to loose weight then those on strict keto for years for medical reasons would disappear, just waste away! There is a balance to everything and I think the issue is not thinking 'I have so many calories per day therefore I can eat what I want as I'm just following a calories deficit diet', we've mostly all done that and it hasn't worked too well for most of us which is why we are here now.

    It's not quite the simple 'a calorie in equals a calorie out' equation as it's what these calories are made of and our bodies responses to them that counts. We need to keep up the protein keep down the carbs and loose some of the fat once we are fat adapted. After all as KnitOrMiss says, it's the body fat we want to loose, not provide our bodies with unlimited amounts of fat via our diet.

    Both protein and fat contribute to the lack of hunger most people experience on Keto, which is why suddenly it is easier to loose weight and to go longer between meals which means some people end up doing some fasting which is fine if you aren't hungry but if you are then go ahead and eat! Just make sure it's in your macros and also remember that these will change as your weight drops.

  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    I just want to say that I love this group and I enjoyed just reading that last round of discussion! I SO wish I had the time to join in fully right now (and give my 2 cents-lol)! I love the support and encouragement that is freely shared, along with the wealth of information.

    @KnitOrMiss , I agree with your most recent post and have learned first-hand during the times I have tried to 'cheat the system' that I get the best results when I stick firmly to macros by looking at my protein # as a GOAL, my carbs # as a LIMIT and fat to be tweaked depending on my current need or the calorie deficit I am aiming for!

    And, @stormywxs288 , I also think Keto is "a magical, beautiful, scientific miracle." !!

    I like the works of Dr Phinney and Dr Volk. I read/watch others for additional info, recipes, ideas, but I typically weigh the info I get against what Phinney and Volk say and stick with them. There are a lot of resources out there (which is great), but there are many speaking definitively without supporting what they say with science and many are not doctors (not that being a dr makes anyone automatically right!) I don't discount the other resources, but I do weigh and research what they say....

    I did not post my weight on Sunday because I was boycotting my scale. I was up a few lbs and know exactly what it was from, so I'm working on getting it together. I will be logging tomorrow no matter what it yells at me.

    I get frustrated that I feel I have to be so strict in my approach to get results - especially when I see losses others are experiencing with what to me looks like a much more laid back approach. I feel this way even when I KNOW not to compare - as we all have different goals, different bodies and are at very different parts in our journeys. UPSIDE: what I love about Keto is that the 'strict' is just so darn easier than any other thing I've tried....and it works!!
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    calories aren't supposed to matter as much because you're eating more healthy on a keto diet

    This may be true for someone who eats meat & veggies but, at the end of the day calories are exactly what matters no matter what diet you keep. The thing with keto is it's incredibly easy to overeat fat. Once people start making desserts & even a lot of the snacks or bpc & using hwc there is a lot of fat. Fat is calorie dense.

    I know I personally loved making desserts & keto alternatives to a lot of my favorite foods, but they always have a lot of dairy & butter. I had to skip over many recipes because they would have put me over on calories for the day.

    Maybe that's why I haven't come across over eating yet, lol! I haven't really played with too many dessert recipes. I have seen some really yummy looking ones that I've saved for pinterest for 'later.' Later, when I've lost much more weight. Because one of those yummy fat bombs would be my entire fat allocation for one day. So, I've had to really look around for recipes that aren't too terrible. But again, I haven't really used too many recipes.

    I'm barely a month and a half in to my keto journey, so I'm following my KISS method and just keeping it as simple as possible til I adapt. :smile:
  • d_dc_lady
    d_dc_lady Posts: 121 Member
    @KnitOrMiss @stormywxs288 Love this discussion about fat and weight loss. My question is, then, since the deficit needs to come from fat calories (i.e. burning body fat in place of nutritional fat), should my macros be more like 5% carbs, 30-35% protein, 60-65% fat, since reduction of fat intake will reduce the percentage of calories from fat in my diet?

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    d_dc_lady wrote: »
    @KnitOrMiss @stormywxs288 Love this discussion about fat and weight loss. My question is, then, since the deficit needs to come from fat calories (i.e. burning body fat in place of nutritional fat), should my macros be more like 5% carbs, 30-35% protein, 60-65% fat, since reduction of fat intake will reduce the percentage of calories from fat in my diet?



    I have to say that I don't remember how far you are in to your keto journey or whether you're struggling currently...

    My general thought is - if it ain't broke, don't fix it... You can always adjust later. But if you feel well, you're regaining health markers, and you're losing weight (if that is a goal), keep calm and keto on... Does that make sense???

    BUT, if it is "broken," then yes, your breakdown being more that way makes sense to me as long as you aren't using a MEDICAL KETOGENIC DIET for neurological reasons and instead are using a Nutritional Ketogenic Diet for weight loss/health gains.

    But remember, while the breakdown in percentages are what we use here on MFP, it is really more about the grams as far as keto itself.

    5% of carbs for one person can be 10 grams -- for another person it might be 60 grams! (obviously different height/weight situations there)....

    But, saying 20 NET grams or carbs with a cap of 50 TOTAL grams of carbs is better - and you can just make that percentage as close to your number as possible, whichever makes you feel better, not seeing RED or using RED as a motivator.

    And so on...
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    d_dc_lady wrote: »
    @KnitOrMiss @stormywxs288 Love this discussion about fat and weight loss. My question is, then, since the deficit needs to come from fat calories (i.e. burning body fat in place of nutritional fat), should my macros be more like 5% carbs, 30-35% protein, 60-65% fat, since reduction of fat intake will reduce the percentage of calories from fat in my diet?


    I started following my macros in grams rather than percentages. Because a person could be at 3000 calories, and the percentages could look perfect. I was spending a lot of time tracking. When I stick to my current macros by numbers rather than percentages, the calorie count takes care of itself.
    So, my macros are 100p/68f/20c and if I stick there, I am about 1092 calories for the day automatically and I don't have to think about it. (I still look at it because I am requiring a higher calorie deficit right now to lose weight - and I get that through exercise or lowering my fat for the day) But, I am not following a high fat version of keto because it wasn't working for me.

    I try to always meet my protein number because I don't want to lose muscle mass, I try to not go over on carbs. I read that women do best with at least 50 g of fat - so I look at that, but as long as I don't go over my 68 I don't care. If I'm feeling hungry too soon between meals, or having cravings I look at my fat number (along with my electrolytes).
    I also try not to snack because I read how it spikes your blood sugar and affects cortisol levels every time you eat, so I'm trying to keep at least 4 hours between my meals. That was hard to get past because I was always told that we needed to be eating constantly to keep our metabolism up. I have a lot of things I 'learned' when I was younger that I am trying to re-learn! And definitely, the things that worked for me to lose weight when I was younger (and before having 4 kids) most definitely do NOT work for me now! I have really gotten to know the current version of myself during this process - because I am a far cry from my 20 or even 30 year old self!
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    I value results more than words. On this thread I’ve been inspired by real people showing real results. I hope we continue this thread into May and the rest of this year.

    This is true for me as well.
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    edited April 2018
    Well, I just got my new RENPHO Smart Scale, and a Mononucleosis diagnosis all in one morning.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Well, I just got my new RENPHO Smart Scale, and a Mononucleosis diagnosis all in one morning.


    Mono?? Oh, goodness. That's awful... Did you suspect at all??? All the hugs...
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    @KnitOrMiss I didn’t suspect Mono at all, I thought it was an abscess due to recent dental work. I still think I got it at the dentist, or my child sneezing into my mouth every day.
  • Freischuetz
    Freischuetz Posts: 147 Member
    Sunday 04/01: 174.4
    Sunday 04/08: 172.4
    Sunday 04/15: 173.9
    Sunday 04/22
    Sunday 04/29