Leslie Sansone April 2018 Walk Challenge



  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @MelsLeanDream, belonging to this group does affect our desire to walk/ exercise... in such a good way! Great insight!
    @berardellicm6, I look at activity like gardening as functional fitness exercise... it definitely counts as exercise! Great minutes!
    @Deeder522, I have not heard of Jenny Ford's DVDs. I'm glad that there are enough instructors out there that everyone can find their own favorites that works for them. I've given away various DVDs over time that just haven't clicked for me.
    @PinkyPan1, another lovely profile pic. Awesome golfing mileage! you always do so well with those miles.
    @dalynnrmc, that sure is a lot of steps. I am so sorry that you are hurting a lot. Feel better quickly :flowerforyou:
    @AnnofB, your DVD choices always sound so like they would be so awesome and effective! Especially today's.
    Have fun at the plant nurseries! I love all things gardening ;)

    April 12: 2 miles - 5 Day Slim Down. As well as several hours doing yard/garden work.

    Walk for your health!
  • dalynnrmc
    dalynnrmc Posts: 29 Member
    Deeder522 wrote: »
    dalynnrmc wrote: »
    Grocery day. I haven’t logged more than about 500 steps in a day since I started... and I’m now sitting at over 8k for the day.

    I’m in so much pain and will never go grocery shopping by myself again.

    That's a big jump, 500 to 8000! Don't get discouraged you'll get there even with baby steps and sometimes baby steps are the best steps.

    Yeah... but it’s not usually as bad as this time because I have help getting stuff off shelves, loading onto the belt and into the vehicle, and usually hubby and I split up and he gets the meat while I’m in the center of the store. (We usually shop produce, dairy, and frozen sections together.) That saves so much time and energy!!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    5.51 miles golfing this morning.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    2 Fast Miles tonight.

    We are under a Winter Storm Watch in my area. Name your participation of choice b/c it's in my forecast! Rain, Snow, Ice, and Sleet. Nothing says Pure Michigan like an old ole April winter storm.
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    4 Mile Walk from Leslie's Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan

    Oh my @Deeder522! :hushed: It was 77°F here today. We're expecting plain old thunderstorms tonight.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    April 13: 30 minutes - 3 mini walks from Mix & Match Walk Blasters.

    Our rain chances fizzled out with only a few minutes of light drizzle today :'( . Sure could've used the rain again. We are fluctuating between the low 40s on up through the high 80s already.

    Y'all stay warm, dry, and safe. Having DVDs is especially great during the cold, wet weather!

    Enjoy the weekend!


  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    24/90 - U5DWP - Friday - 5 Miles
    Great way to start a Saturday :smiley:
  • berardellicm6
    berardellicm6 Posts: 43 Member
    Friday and Saturday used Walk Slim for a total of 110 minutes. Total for the month = 608/1200. Half way to April goal :smiley: Cathy B.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    We ended up last night with a light and sound show with plenty of rain, lightening and thunder, wind and small hail. Totally surprised me :noway: in the middle of the night since I hadn't looked at my weather app in the evening. But it did usher in the awesome 20 degree drop in temperatures for another burst of spring like weather for the weekend! Lots of wind for the next several hours so I'm getting the laundry washed to hang out on the line. I really like to make sure I use my clothes line when it is unusually windy.

    @MelsLeanDream, the U5DWP is such a fun DVD. I like to walk my "blue walk" when I want 2 miles. The warm up and cool down and the 'blue' walk x2. So named because everyone wears blue for those segments :D lol, and I like the "Proud Mary" song B) .

    @berardellicm6, Awesome being on track with half way to goal and half way through the month! Well done!

    April 14: 60 minutes, includes 1 mile - The Tone Every Zone Walk: both the upper and lower body strength circuits and the 20 minute fast walk. Plus extra stretching. I'll be cleaning house and working on my Declutterfest project today. Yay! I love to declutter :laugh:

    Walk happy and enjoy your weekend!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    6.84 miles golfing this morning. The last 2 holes were in a downpour. I am drenched but I feel amazing. So much fun today!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    We ended up last night with a light and sound show with plenty of rain, lightening and thunder, wind and small hail. Totally surprised me :noway: in the middle of the night since I hadn't looked at my weather app in the evening. But it did usher in the awesome 20 degree drop in temperatures for another burst of spring like weather for the weekend! Lots of wind for the next several hours so I'm getting the laundry washed to hang out on the line. I really like to make sure I use my clothes line when it is unusually windy.
    ], Awesome being on track with half way to goal and half way through the month! Well done!

    April 14: 60 minutes, includes 1 mile - The Tone Every Zone Walk: both the upper and lower body strength circuits and the 20 minute fast walk. Plus extra stretching. I'll be cleaning house and working on my Declutterfest project today. Yay! I love to declutter :laugh:

    Walk happy and enjoy your weekend!

    Love your enthusiasm, Mary. Tone Every Zone sounds like a stellar workout.

    What you had yesterday, we are getting today. Possible tornadoes and for sure the temp will drop down into the upper 30's a few nights. I'm filling my garage, (it seems) with plants, tomato and Lantana, butterfly bushes and geraniums. I have a lot of digging in my future. But when the tomatoes come in, it's worth the sweat, isn't it?

    I'm enjoying the De-cluttering board. So many good ideas there. Thanks for mentioning it.

    Have a great Saturday. :)

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Friday and Saturday used Walk Slim for a total of 110 minutes. Total for the month = 608/1200. Half way to April goal :smiley: Cathy B.

    Cathy B. you are right on target for your goal. :)
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Deeder522 wrote: »
    2 Fast Miles tonight.

    We are under a Winter Storm Watch in my area. Name your participation of choice b/c it's in my forecast! Rain, Snow, Ice, and Sleet. Nothing says Pure Michigan like an old ole April winter storm.

    Winter is hanging on like a bad cold, isn't it?
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »

    5.51 miles golfing this morning.

    PinkyPan, love your new pic.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    Oh my gosh! What a month so far! LOL It's April 14 and we are in the middle of a winter storm with sleet, freezing rain and it is snowing at the moment!! :noway: Where are our spring showers that bring May flowers??? The poor trees and crocus do not know what to do!

    I am so sorry to have been MIA, but my browser would not load MFP! I have been tracking on my iPad, but I can't reach the boards from the mobile app. I thought it would just clear up because all my other websites worked, but it didn't. I tried a different browser and had the same issue. Yesterday and today, I finally had time to search the web for fixes and after attempting several, found one that worked!!!! So, I am back on MFP in all my browsers. Honestly, computers make me so aggravated! :explode:

    Anyway, it has been a crazy month so far and will get crazier! I have not had much chance to fitness walk as my DH is refinishing the hallway, stairs, living room etc floors and my DVDs are all in a box! A couple more days and I can get back to Leslie on beautifully refinished oak hardwood floors! YEAH!!!! I've almost got a gym now! :laugh: Because of the disruption in my household that will continue into next month, I am going to simply set a goal to walk at least 2 miles a day! For me this is low, but working out is on the back burner for the moment and will return when my world returns to normal-although, I am not sure exactly when THAT will be as more disruption is coming in May! :wink: Life after 65 is crazy!!!! No wonder people retire! :laugh:

    Goal-2.0 miles/day or 60 miles/month

    4/1-13-Vivofit tracked 33.2-33.2 total miles

    Welcome to all new walkers!!! It is nice to have you with us!

    I am so sorry to hear about all the problems you have had since the accident VeggieGirl! This distracted driver stuff has to be dealt with much more severely. Yesterday, a lady passed me in the right hand lane and she had her phone on the steering wheel and was texting away! If a car stopped in front of her, she would have slammed right into it resulting in someone else being badly injured. I hope they find the person who hit you and dispense some serious justice! :rage: Meanwhile, enjoy walking with all of us! :sweat_smile:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Week 2 started 4/8
    4/8 Walk and Jog 31 minutes
    4/9 Walking For Weight Loss/Debbie Rocker
    4/10 Walk Off Fat Fast 40 minute walk
    4/11 2 miles of 5 Mix and Match Miles/Jessica Smith
    4/12 Strength and Stamina/Kelly Coffee-Meyer and Stride, Stretch, Relax/Jessica Smith
    4/14 2 miles of 5 Boosted Miles
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Welcome back @zichab! :grin: It can be so frustrating to have computer issues. I'm glad you were able to find a solution. Sometimes it takes patience and trial and error.

    Sounds like your home is getting a lovely redo! I love working around my house, I've recently remodeled the entryway (with help) and the new floor is my favorite part.

    Thank you for your kind words about the accident. It's amazing how bad you can get hurt just from getting rear-ended. Distracted driving is rampant everywhere and it's so dangerous. Hopefully I will heal completely from this, it's just going to take a lot of time. So glad I already knew about Leslie's workouts and I can easily modify upper body movement to stay on track with exercise.
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    edited April 2018
    Tonight's achievement: 5 BOOSTED Miles!

    51 out of 85 so far! :smiley:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Ugh! I've been doing really good this week with eating, exercise and then today hit....Whamoo! So unbelievably off my counts for everything. So I fell off the wagon. tomorrow I'll pick myself up, dust myself off and run to get back up on the wagon.

    @zichab : Glad to "hear" from you again. I've told several of my clients that we also with emotional technical support for when things happen to their computers.

    @AnneofB : This weather isn't even for the birds. I felt bad for the raccoon who took up residence in our large maple tree. The hole where it's living is pointed to the east the same direction a good amount of this front is coming from. We could see the wind fluffing its fur.

    I'm hoping to keep power through the night, it blipped off a little bit ago.
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    29/90 5 Boosted Miles - such an awesome walk for a Sunday :smiley: