Bringing our A-Game in April!

Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
Mihani, I think you're being too hard on yourself...Dr. Fuhrman himself probably wouldn't give you a big red X for the day you had a whole avocado! :) Great job staying on plan. I love the sticker idea. I have a bunch of stickers around here somewhere that I should dig up and use.

Batching day today. I did about half of the recipes yesterday so today should be pretty quick. We're redoing a previous week (Cuban). This week is supposed to be a week of salads and it looks really good, but there are a number of things in there that don't appeal to Joe, including mustard-heavy dressings, so I'm going to do that meal plan another time when he's visiting his family. The last time we did Cuban week, a recipe called for Jackfruit, but it wasn't available near us, so we used the suggested substitute of mushrooms. It turned out fantastic. This time, the Jackfruit was in our local store so we decided to try it. It looks kinda gross tbh LOL Kind of alien with large seed pods.

I'm ordering my treadmill today. It will take a few weeks to ship, and then Joe and I will have to figure out how to assemble it. Super excited to try out all of the up-to-date features.

B - smoothie
L - salad w/ baked tofu, curry dressing, few raisins
D - leftovers from the week, probably the BLT & salad combo. it is so good
S - mango or pear


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Congrats on the new treadmill Carla! Will be hard to wait a few weeks, but it sounds like you've discovered some good trails for outside walking. I have two cans of jackfruit that people have given me, haven't tried it yet though. Now I'm scared lol. Do you think that you will get any more chickens eventually? I don't know if there's any way to keep them safe from coyotes and other predators. Poor li'l chickens.

    L - romaine and spring mix with the cashew Caesar dressing, a tangerine
    D - broccoli, asparagus, leftover mustard greens, grilled marinated portobello mushroom (yum!), two wasa crackers, some blueberries and an apple with the last of the chia seed pudding and a couple walnuts. I marinated the mushrooms in a mix of balsamic, garlic, pepper and no-salt seasoning. Grilled on my George Foreman then sliced and put on top of my greens with a drizzle of balsamic glaze.

    20 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes light dumbbells when I got home from the office... not much but I figure even a little is better than nothing. I am mostly just trying to get myself back in the habit, even if I only do 20 or 30 minutes.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Karrie, grats on the weight loss! Fantastic first week. Those lemon pie date balls sound good! I'd love the recipe if you don't mind. I probably can't trust myself with them now, but it's nice to have a few options for special occasions. I am saving all the recipes I acquire on

    Mihani, nice job on the treadmill & with the weights. I think 20-30 minutes a day is excellent.

    Donna, are you back yet? We miss you around here!

    My weight loss for the week is 0.9 lb. A little disappointing but there's always some ebb and flow. I cheated and weighed myself a few days ago and I had more weight loss then. The Easter week meal plan was a little more decadent than normal weeks, and the rainy weather probably didn't help (less walking).

    Salad w/ sauteed greens, lemony beans, and baked tofu
    Pear or Mango if I need a snack
    Smoky Black Eyed Peas and Sofrito Collard Wrap

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Awesome loss bringing you into April, Karrie!

    Still almost a pound Carla, that's great! I keep telling myself on the weeks I have only lost a pound, that's about what you are supposed to expect, so we're way ahead of the game.

    No treadmill tonight. I have work to do and need to get upstairs to my desk. I am shooting for exercise at least 4 days a week for April. Eventually I want to be walking every single day, but with work how it is I'm not going to set unrealistic goals.

    I've settled into the 2 meals a day groove. I just don't feel that hungry after nearly completing the 6 weeks. I eat a big salad at lunch, the container is 7 cups and it is full, and a serving or two of fruit, and then I'm fine until dinner. I eat a pretty big pile of veggies and beans at dinner. Tonight was leftover asparagus, broccoli, portobello, with spicy brown mustard. I have discovered that I really like brown mustard on my veggies! Also had a tangerine and a few walnuts, two wasa bread crackers.

    I have the new Dr. Barnard Cookbook for Reversing Diabetes written with Dreena Burton. I have several recipes bookmarked and will be trying a new recipe this weekend. I've kept things very simple for the 6 weeks and I am ready for some more exciting flavors.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Mihani, 2 meals a day is hard core! Nice that you're in the groove with it. I don't know that I've ever had brown mustard, or maybe I know it under a different name. I'm looking forward to hearing about the recipes you try in the Reversing Diabetes cookbook. I keep eyeing it online, but I can't justify it right now with all the recipes I'm getting each week on the meal plan.

    I went for a walk yesterday and realized that I was really in need of one. I feel the mood boost afterward. Just a few rainy days in a row and I get into stay-at-home mode. I have to force myself to go out and do things. I signed up for an art class at the local art center and the first class is this Friday. I'm a bit nervous about it, but it only meets once a week. It will get me out of the house and hopefully get me out of this creative slump I've been in!

    My "official" weigh in day is Monday, so I don't get to record this loss, but I am down another 1.6 lbs since yesterday. I'd forgotten to weigh myself first thing on Monday so maybe that had something to do with my results. I'm hoping that loss (and more) sticks around for next Monday!

    B - smoothie
    L - tuno salad over greens
    S - orange or mango
    D - Picadillo stuffed peppers and pineapple jicama side salad
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Good luck with your class, Carla. I keep telling myself I need to do something like that, just to get out of my work/home routine once a week if nothing else. Woohoo on another 1.6 pounds!!

    Have arranged to leave work at 3:00 or 3:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays (barring unforeseen events) so I can get home and treadmill and get dinner at a reasonable time. I brought work home, but at least this way I can get some treadmill time in before dinner and be up at my desk by 6:00.

    Usual salad and fruit for lunch. Dinner will be leftover broccoli and asparagus plus some great northern beans, an apple and some blueberries. I'm going to make a double batch of the cashew Caesar for my salads the next week. Hooked on that stuff. I may also cook up a batch of collards with onions and mushrooms for tonight.

    And way to go Karrie! Hopefully you join the April thread soon. ;)
  • jdeatsveggies
    jdeatsveggies Posts: 10 Member
    I'm joining this April thread. I was a member before and now I had to rejoin. I'm staying in the 120's by eating Plant Based.
    B- toast, peanut butter, All Fruit, green tea
    L- broccoli, beans, stuffing (left overs)
    S- fruit
    Good luck everyone and reaching your goals!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Hiya JD... that is awesome you are staying in the 120's. How long have you been plant based?
  • jdeatsveggies
    jdeatsveggies Posts: 10 Member
    November 1st, it'll be 7 years that I decided to go Vegan. I first saw Joel Fuhrman on PBS, bought Eat to Live, and after reading the book, it was the plan for me!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hi JD, fantastic that you're staying in the 120's! Welcome back :)

    Going for a walk with my mom before the rain hits, so I'll post again later.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    We didn't beat the rain, so we had an abbreviated walk. I went to a running store and got a pair of New Balance running shoes that fit me really well. I also found a sports bra with lots of support that's comfy. Score!

    B - smoothie
    L - missed it while out
    Snack - half of a stuffed picadillo pepper
    D - Shredded Jackfruit Cubano sandwich on sprouted bread w/ a side of pickled slaw
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    JD, did you have a lot of weight to lose when you started ETL? I wandered far from ETL the past couple years and gained back quite a bit of weight, so I'm working my way back down the scale. In my last week of re-doing the 6 week plan to get a start. I found it easier this time around than in the past, not sure why.

    Carla, how was walk with your mom?

    L - big ol' salad with Creamy Cashew Caesar Dressing, a tangerine
    D - leftover broccoli, asparagus, great northern beans, two wasa crackers, and made a skillet full of sauteed purple and green kale, bowl of grapefruit, blueberries, chia seeds, a few raisins

    I'm really surprised how much I'm enjoying greens all on their own lately. I just saute/steam in a little water with garlic and maybe some other spices, and usually add a little balsamic or soy sauce toward the end.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Oops, your post snuck in before mine, Carla. We actually had some snow here today again. Ugh! How was the jackfruit? I need to give that a try soon. I have two cans of it.
  • jdeatsveggies
    jdeatsveggies Posts: 10 Member
    Mihani, no I didn't have a lot to lose, about 10 lbs.
  • jdeatsveggies
    jdeatsveggies Posts: 10 Member
    It seems like everyone I know is low-carbing! I'm the only Vegan I know! :(
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Hahahahahaha im so dumb. I didn’t realize I was in the wrong thread for DAYS!!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    LOL... I got a kick out of it Karrie!

    I don't think I have any real life friends who are vegan either JD... a few vegetarians but even they thought it was crazy when I said I had gone from vegetarian to vegan lol. I thought giving up cheese was going to be impossible, but after a few weeks I quit thinking about it, and 6 years later the idea of cheese kind of grosses me out. I just decided one day that I was going to do it and that was that.

    L - big salad with Creamy Cashew Caesar Dressing
    D - Threw in a pot on a whim... can of great northern beans (not drained), can of sliced mushrooms (drained), couple tablespoons of nooch, pepper, chili powder. Brought to a boil then wilted in a huge pile of baby spinach. It was really good! Had a bowl of that with the kale leftover from last night and a couple wasa crackers. Apple and blueberries with chia seeds for dessert.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Welcome to April, Karrie ;) I figured you had the last thread bookmarked or something like that.

    I don't any other WFPB people in person either, with the exception of my husband. But a restaurant owner in our town is opening up a 2nd location with more space and when he asked on Facebook for food suggestions, a surprising amount of people requested more vegan food, so I'm excited about that!

    Worked all day and didn't get in a walk. My treadmill hasn't even shipped yet, and I re-read the email and it takes 12-14 days to arrive AFTER it has been shipped. Bah! Getting impatient here, especially with all of the rain we're having. It is supposed to rain from now through until Monday.

    B - smoothie
    L - tuno salad on mixed greens, pickled slaw
    S - pear
    D - "cheesy" sprouted grain quesadillas and black bean soup
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited April 2018

    I have been reading and catching up on posts. I am inspired! Everyone is doing great! I am so sorry about your chickens Carla. That would upset me too. The farm next to where I was staying had geese, ducks and chickens all together. The geese honked and hissed at everyone who walked by.

    I got back from a month in northern Italy last night. I was only up 3 lbs. It was NOT hard to stay off meat, gelato and most sweets. I did have wine with lunch and dinner, several vegetarian pizzas that were delicious and pastas. In Northern Italy the food is much lighter, not the heavy, cheese laden pasta or pizza. The pizza is very thin crust and whole wheat pizza an option. One of the favorite places I went to made a pizza with small apples, leeks, mushrooms and artichokes. I know it sounds weird but it was delicious. Another dish almost all Osterias serve is a side dish of grilled vegetables for $4-5. It usually includes a slice of zucchini, peppers, egg plants, artichokes, etc. I would have that with a simple salad and way to much bread.

    I swam in the Aviano pool 2-3 x week. Walked or hiked with dogs every day. I actually feel stronger. One of my friends who is a RN and a massage therapist gave me a great massage focusing on the sore hip. I have 3 really close friends still living there as well as Sarah the vet. Brooks and I and a friend went to Tuscany for 4 nights with the dogs. I stayed a month because Sarah went to USA for a conference and to see her parents and then at the end of March she went back to obtain a small rescue dog that was seized and face was very beaten up. It was a rescue group in the states she had worked with that asked her about taking this dog. It is a Patterdale terrier and she had one as a child. Really cute little guy but he has been through a lot. Sarah ate vegetarian with me the whole time. I appreciate she honored what I was trying to eat. We also had lots of wine though. :). My other good friend is stuck in a bad diet and constantly would ignore that I did not want meat or cheese . The pizzas have very little cheese and they make a good white pizza with olive oil and vegetables.

    I will try not to flood the site with too many pictures. It was a wonderful trip but good to be back home.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    Hi all. I'm still in the midst of catching up with all the posts. I haven't checked in for a couple weeks nor have I been eating well (I think I fessed up about this a couple weeks ago and then jumped right back off the band wagon again). Last night I was eating cheese laden pizza with the family and took one look at my husband's face and realized I've got to stick to my goals. He's a hawk with my health nowadays. It's not that I'm craving or preferring junk food - in fact, I'm not enjoying it at all. No, I just get weary of the prep and making separate meals, etc. This eating lifestyle would work perfectly if I had a chef. ;) I'm considering purchasing an Instant Pot as so many of the videos I watch (like Jill McKeever) swear by them. Maybe it would make food prep less frustrating since I'm making separate meals for myself.

    Anyway, I'm back here for inspiration and motivation!

    Donna, your trip looks like it was wonderful! Love the village scenes. Old world charm! Love the dogs as well. :smiley: You mentioned too much bread. That would be my downfall as well! My daughter had a friend over yesterday - a German foreign exchange student - and I asked what food from home she missed the most. She said it was definitely bread. American bread is seriously lacking in quality. Maybe it's the kind of wheat we bake with?

    Hope you all have a great weekend! I'm stocked up with veggies and plan on prepping them this morning so that I'm ready for the next few days.
