Bringing our A-Game in April!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    Hello Jacque -

    You know change does not happen over night and you will eventually learn a few basic meals to fall back on that are easy and healthy. There will be ups and downs. Upon a lot of self reflection during my walks with dogs....I am facing a few truths for this year: I am turning 60. My father died at age 63 of a heart attack. My mother lost her vision at 65 due to macular degeneration. Another aunt with colon cancer died in her 60's. These diseases are all age. genetic and food related. I still feel rather young and want to ride bikes, hike more and travel.

    I find having a lot of fresh food around helps as well as fruits, hummus, carrot and celery sticks. Plus fancy carbonated waters such as La Croixs. Funny because when I go to Trader Joes I usually buy one or two premixed salads for the times I am too tired or hungry to go into much preparation....Brooks usually "steals" them. :)

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,954 Member
    Donna's back YAY... we missed you! Beautiful pictures making me totally jealous! You do so well when you are on your game, I have no doubt you will get right back to good habits, and I'm always impressed with how active you are.

    C&P great tips from Donna, and also it really helps not to try too hard to cook every meal at first. I'll be honest I've never made it through the entire 6 weeks on the strict plan before, but it has been really easy this time. I haven't made much anyone would call a recipe other than soup a couple times. Mostly I have just been eating a big salad at lunch and a big bowl of sauteed greens and/or other veggies with beans for dinner. I haven't been eating breakfast the past week, but when I was it would be oatmeal, a smoothie, or just some fruit and a few walnuts with chia seeds. Keeping it so simple was a game changer.

    Tomorrow will be the last day of the 6 weeks and I'll weigh in on Sunday. I plan to keep at the strict plan for a while yet. I still have a long way to go to get to my ideal weight. I will make a few allowances after this for a glass of wine now and then or a little splurge like some sprouted grain bread. I've been avoiding bread the entire 6 weeks because I just don't trust myself with it.

    L - big salad of romaine and arugula with Cashew Caesar dressing
    D - Bought an artichoke and going to figure out what to do with it lol... also think I'll make another pot of the great northern beans with mushrooms and spinach. That was really good. Sauteed rainbow chard.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Welcome back, Donna! Great pictures. Fantastic job of pretty much maintaining weight while in Italy. Did you see anything new/ go anywhere you hadn't when you lived there? Nice that you had friends around to spend time with.

    Jacque, I have an Instant Pot and love it. I use it every week with the meals I batch...for things like rice, beans, and soups. When I'm on an oatmeal kick I do that in there, too. Making food ahead is the best way for me to stay on track.

    Mihani, grats on completing all 6 weeks!! That is so impressive. I'm not sure I've made it past 1 week of being totally on plan with the 6-week strict plan. Are you going to buy yourself a new item of clothing or do anything else to celebrate your success?

    There's actually a break in the weather today and the sun is even peeking out right now. I got in a 30 minute walk during lunch. We might get lucky tomorrow afternoon as well. I would like to do a longer walk tomorrow, but I'll have to see how my hips and lower back are doing. They've been really acting up the last few days and I think its from doing a bunch of work at my computer. Hopefully the walk today helps. I am making a physiotherapy appointment next week.

    This weekend we will be eating with my family to celebrate some birthdays. We are bringing our own main dish, and I'm making the dressing for everyone's salad. I haven't decided which one yet, likely either the tahini-crack or the creamy curry. The tough part will be saying no to the birthday cake!

    Breakfast - smoothie
    Lunch - tu-no salad over mixed greens, hummus, bite of Joe's hummus bagel!
    Snack - orange or pear
    Dinner - cuban-caribbean bowl
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I batched my meals this morning since Joe and I will be out tomorrow most of the day. I cooked and he did the dishes. It kept us both busy! This week we're having Tom Kha Soup with Cilantro Brown Rice, Korean BBQ Pizza, Crispy oven-fried cauliflower salad w/ mandarin oranges, toasted sesame dressing and crunchy noodle &almond topping, Teriyaki Tofu Tacos, and a Yum Yum Noodle Bowl! Looking forward to trying it all.

    Shopping for a few birthday gifts this afternoon and stopping at Whole Food for some sprouted grain pitas for the BBQ pizza. If we have enough oomph and it isn't raining, we'll squeeze in a walk too.

    B - smoothie
    L - tuno over greens
    S - pear
    D - leftovers from the week
  • jdeatsveggies
    jdeatsveggies Posts: 10 Member
    bisky- beautiful pictures! Thanks!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,954 Member
    Feels good when the prep is done Carla! Have fun tomorrow.

    Last day of the 6 weeks. My reward will be the 4 pairs of dress pants that I really want to wear again and are just a little too snug for comfort and don't look quite right yet. So my plan is to mostly stay 6 week plan strict for another 10 pounds. Went to the office for about 6 hours today now doing some laundry and going to start on a little cooking. Used up the last of my salad stuff today so I need to prep veggies, and I think a nice pot of lentil soup, and clean up my chard and collards ready to cook tomorrow and Monday. It is cold, and we actually got some snow again last night. It's mostly gone already, but come on... it's spring! Tax time will be over in another week and then I'm taking a weekend off.

    L - romaine, arugula and baby spinach with Cashew Caesar
    D - small salad, lentil soup, leftover sauteed kale (I made kale last night instead of the chard), fruit with chia seeds
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,954 Member
    edited April 2018
    Week 6 results: 1.2 total 16. I'm happy with that, and even happier I managed to get through a whole 6 weeks. I had 4 days where I overdid it a bit on grains, avocado, or walnuts, but other than that I was 100% for the 6 weeks. I have proven to myself I can live without alcohol, bread, crackers and pretzels, etc. Sweets have never been a big temptation for me although I like a little dark chocolate now and then, but I avoided that too. I'm going to keep at 100% for at least another week, then move to slightly more life plan a couple days a week after that.

    Plan for today will be a repeat of yesterday except adding shredded beet and carrot to my lunch salad and will be cooking collards tonight since I ate all the kale. I am going to try to add a small salad to dinner every night too. It was easier for me to just eat a big salad at lunch and my cooked veggies at dinner, but I should be eating salad at dinner too.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 127 Member
    Mihani, congratulations on a job well done!

    Carla, your menu sounds amazing!

    The weekend is going well. Having eaten too many refined carbs, etc, for a couple weeks I’m finding that I’m “hungry” a lot right now. I know it’s a hump I’ll get over, though.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,954 Member
    C&P it took a couple weeks before I got over the "I'm hungry" all the time feeling. I had to break the habit of thinking everything was a symptom of being hungry and indulging it. Now I really can tell when I'm hungry and I don't think much about food when I'm not. Quite a change! It's very freeing. I still once in a while think about snacks, especially at work where there is a cabinet full of pretzels and crackers which are my favorite things, but they are fleeting thoughts and I just keep busy and ignore the impulse.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Ugh, I accidentally closed my browser window in the middle of a reply. :neutral: NOT typing it all again. Sorry... :tongue:

    What can I say. It's Monday...
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Karrie, Oops! I haven't closed my browser before replying before but I've hit a side mouse button that accomplishes the same thing. I feel your pain.

    Great losses, Mihani! You are on a roll.

    Jacque, I did a juice fast for 3 days to get rid of that "I'm hungry all the time" feeling, but fasting isn't my favorite! I think powering through it like Mihani did might be a nicer way to go. It has been so much easier for me to stay on track after getting through that stage.

    This week I'm officially in Onderland! Yay! I was so close last week, but my weight fluctuated and I didn't get there. I'm down 1.8 lbs for the week.

    I had my first real stumble yesterday when we were celebrating some family birthdays. I had a cupcake. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. It was sickeningly sweet (even though everyone else was commenting on how they were nice and not too sweet) and I had a sweet feeling in my throat for an hour after and felt ill. It also tasted really fake and processed. I had a little homemade trail mix later in the day with raw unsalted nuts, raisins, and dried cherries and that was a much better treat.

    Both hips are still very sore and I had a hard time sleeping last night. Today is the last day without rain for the next week, but I'm not sure if I should walk or not. Maybe a 20 minute walk at a slow pace. The treadmill has shipped at last, which means roughly 12 more days until it arrives.

    B - smoothie
    L - mixed greens topped with leftovers, side of smokey black eyed peas
    Snack - pear
    D - tom kha soup w/ cilantro brown rice

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    Everyone is doing so well. Carla, congratulations on onederland!!! That is so exciting. It is the weather and the walking bothering your hips?

    Mihani, congratulations on 16 lbs. that is quite an accomplishment.

    Well my big weakness is Italian cookies. I had Brooks put them in a box to send to his Mother for Mother's day along with a tablecloth I found in Italy she wanted. I wanted to get into those so badly.

    I have had terrible jet lag. I am ready to go to bed at 4:00 pm and up wide awake at 4:00 a.m. We took the dogs on a 3.5 mile walk yesterday and I was exhausted after. Made a few cards and had oats and fruit for dinner...then went to bed after falling asleep before a movie started.

    We are going swimming this afternoon and I think that will help me wake up. I have lost 2 of the 3 lbs I gained. Haven't decided what to do for diet: either 6 week plan or Carla's plan. I am just not motivated to shop, cook or eat. The first day I had a big house cleaning and laundry day when I got back and cleaned out refridgerator. All my prep containers are clean and empty. Brooks signed us up for another bike tour. This time at the big King Ranch in Texas so I need to start training for that. It is suppose to be beautiful at this time of year with the wild flowers blooming.

    Carla, Brooks and I went to the Mosaic School in Spilembergo, Italy. I toured there before. It was beautiful. I forgot my camera but Brooks has pics I will have to down load.

    Went on some new hikes in the Italian Alps. The city above Arta Terme we explored was new. Where I took the picture on Easter day on the cross in the mountains. I avoid the big cities such as Rome, Florence, Veronoa...I have been to them. I did go down to Venice to get some gifts. Venice is close to where we lived and we would take guests and new people down there frequently.

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys!! We are a third of the way through April practically but here I am hehe. I've started a 1 week ETL plan for myself after being inspired by Mihani, and too terrified to think of 6 weeks. I would like to do at least 4 weeks but 4 1-weeks sounds so much more manageable. I know myself !!

    Donna, your italy pictures look incredible!!! We've been having a whole wave of snow this first bit of April, and just looking at photos of Italy makes me feel better! Lol. Awesome that you are so active! Do you speak Italian?

    Woohoo Carla and Mihani!!!!!!!!!! Such incredible losses <3 So funny about the cupcake. Sometimes I think those "slips" are awesome because it makes you realize that you don't miss what you thought you missed after all. I remember missing bacon incredibly for the first year I went veggie and finally tried a bite, and was so revolted by the texture. I don't even remember what meat tastes like anymore (this is my 6 year veggie anniversary) and so alternatives seem great to me lol.

    Jacque, I'm with you! I'm in the hungry phase too lol. It's strange but it's sort of nice in some ways, because I realize how seldom I let myself get hungry when I'm not eating well. Also, I loveeeee my instant pot. I couldn't figure out why, but I think it's because I don't have to watch over it like I would something simmering on the stove. I just throw everything in there and leave the kitchen. Such a nice feeling.

    Hi Karrie!!! I do that all the time.... ugh. Hope you're having a good week with not too much crappy weather. How are the houses?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,954 Member
    edited April 2018
    I hate when that happens Karrie! Are you still hitting the treadmill?

    Carla, sounds like you did really well for being surrounded by tempting food. Dinner sounds yummy. Hope you aren't so sore tomorrow. YAY for Onederland!!! WOOHOO!!!

    Donna, I knew you'd drop those extra few Italy pounds quickly! Glad the cookies are out of the way. The trip sounds so lovely, looking forward to more pictures.

    I predict a great week 1 for you Lia! I don't remember what meat tastes like anymore either, but it's funny a couple times I have had faux meats that made me really suspicious because I felt like they were too close in texture and taste. I can't remember when I went vegetarian, it was quite some years ago, but I went vegan 2012. Kind of hard to believe, a true cheeseaholic like me lol.

    L - big ol' salad with romaine, spring mix, shredded beet and carrot, balsamic and nooch
    D - small salad of spring mix with walnut vinaigrette, leftover bean concoction with sides of greens and stir-fry broccoli, a wasa cracker, bowl of frozen mixed berries slightly warmed in the microwave and sprinkled with chia seeds, cinnamon and a couple chopped walnuts

    I forgot, I've been eating one or two brazil nuts most evenings before dinner.

    Got ALL the GBOMBS today. o:)
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 127 Member
    Carla, congratulations on Onederland! It's a fantastic milestone! Thanks for the recommendation about juice. Great idea!

    Donna, hope your body clock gets reset soon and glad those cookies are out the door!

    Karrie, I've lost a post more than once - all those words lost in cyberworld! It's frustrating for sure.

    liapr, it's nice to meet you! Glad to hear of another Instant Pot fan. I'm working on my husband to convince him that we need one. Our kitchen is quite small so another large appliance will have to be well worth it for me to convince him.

    I did some intermittent jogging yesterday and I didn't die! (I thought of you, Karrie) I met a lady at the track who is turning 60 soon and started jogging a month ago. She's almost able to do a full mile without walking. Inspiring! I asked what prompted her to try to jog and she said she'd always wanted to try it, but mainly she'd noticed her body shape morphing rapidly with middle-age spread and when she asked her doctor what she could do about it, her doctor said, "fight like hell!" It was just the push she needed to give jogging a try.

    Even though I'm following ETL loosely - "mostly" eating plant based - I'm feeling good! However, I'm depending on things like Field Roast meatless sausages and Larabars a bit too much. But, hey, baby steps! Anyway, I am realizing that I have way overstocked my pantry & fridge considering that I'm the only one in the family eating plant-based. I gravitate toward the same meals pretty regularly which means I have a lot of the extra food just sitting there. My reasoning for overstocking is, "what if I want something different and I'm understocked and then make bad choices because I don't want what's in the fridge?" I know, I need to chill. B) Bottom line is, I'm really hoping to streamline what I purchase so there's less waste (fresh produce, especially).

    So, here's a poll for you:

    What are your top 5 must-haves in the fridge and in the pantry?

    Even as I type this I'm looking up at Mihani's post about GBOMBS. That would be a good start, wouldn't it?

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,954 Member
    C&P, I can't narrow it down to five, but the following is what I always have on hand: 1) canned beans, tomatoes and mushrooms, 2) fresh greens (kale/collards/chard/lettuce/baby spinach, etc.), 3) rolled oats, 4) frozen berries, 5) fresh fruit, 6) onions, 7) good selection of various nuts, seeds, dates, raisins (especially need for making yummy dressings), 8) variety of condiments like vinegars, coconut aminos, mustards, tahini, 9) other fresh veggies for salads and stir-fry, 10) lemons and limes, 11) onions

    That is pretty much all I need if I'm following ETL 100%. I also keep a good stock of frozen greens and other veggies. Not my favorite, but good to have in case I run out of fresh.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 127 Member
    Great list, Mihani, thank you! I didn't think about canned mushrooms! I have been considering dried mushrooms but canned would be even quicker. I have everything else on your list. Woot!

    Donna, I wanted to thank you for your post on April 6th. I get impatient with weight loss "programs" and I need to remember that this is a lifestyle change and therefore will take time.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    My top 5 must haves: mushrooms, green onions, rice, tomatoes, garlic


    Still nothing on the old house yet. Grrrr.

    Mihani, I am happy to say that I am still on the treadmill every day. Gonna be time to add the sprints in soon, maybe next week. I'm very stiff after sitting for awhile, so I think I'm going to have to add in some yoga too... 'Cuz I've got so much free time.

    Carla & Mihani congrats on your great losses! I hope to be hot on your heels into onederland soon Carla!! :smiley:
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Donna, the Mosaic school sounds so interesting! How much time do you have before the bike tour? Does he surprise you with these signups?! I bet it will be lovely with all of the wildflowers. What kind of temperatures are you likely to be biking in?

    How's week one going so far, Lia? Did you make meals you've had before or are you trying out some new recipes?

    Hmm, 5 must have food staples. Probably very similar to Mihani's! We have a huge variety of nuts and seeds in the fridge, with backup bags of them in the cupboards. We go through cashews and walnuts the most. We have dry beans in bulk (chickpeas, pinto beans, kidney, lentils, etc). We have about 6 different kinds of vinegar on hand at all times, mostly because the meal plans uses all of them. Also tamari, vegan Worcestershire and coconut aminos. We have sprouted grain bread in the freezer always, and a good supply of frozen blueberries. We always have a box of pre-washed organic baby spinach and mixed baby greens ready to go. We have bananas for smoothies and at least one other fruit. Right now that's oranges and pears. And I like to always have a homemade dressing in the fridge. Oh wait, you didn't ask for our top 100 staples LOL oops.

    My favorite small appliance in the kitchen is my blender, followed by the Instant Pot. We have a big food processor with a ton of attachments and we use it because we have it, but we could get by fine without it for the most part. We started using it more now that we do batching on weekends because once it is out and dirty, may as well make use of it. It does a nice job of grating and slicing, but I find it hard to get the right size when chopping.

    I did a slow walk yesterday and it started out on the painful side. It got better as I warmed up, and then got more sore again by the end of the walk. It did seem to help overall for the rest of the day and I got a much better sleep.

    breakfast - a change! Rip's Big Bowl cereal, the one with bananas and walnuts w/ almond milk
    lunch - salad, island vinaigrette, chickpeas
    dinner - korean bbq pizza, salad

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys, week 1 feels good so far except for the headache today! I knew it was coming, and I was just lucky yesterday I didn't get it. Also, my sleep has been weird since the baby is sick too, so that may be part of it. I'm going with tried and true (Fuhrman and OSG this week, and some basic salads) but I really need to expand my salad game!

    Jacque, Good question re 5 staples, it's so interesting seeing everyone's answers! Every week, among the various groceries we buy, we always make sure that we have (1) Cans of beans/tomatoes, (just starting to get into dried beans in the IP) (2) A big container of spinach and big container of spring mix (3) Bananas and oranges (4) Frozen fruit & almond milk for smoothies (5) Bags of rice and lentils (6) Veggie stock

    Carla, I know this is probably stupid but I never thought about using the food processor to prep veggies and stuff lol. Maybe enlighten me a little?

    Karrie, please come to Ontario - I've just heard that they are running a goat yoga session at the end of the month in my home town!!! What could be better?!?! I love little goaties, and I love the idea of them jumping on and around me lol. (I will probably stink like barn afterwards, but WORTH IT!)