Bringing our A-Game in April!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Fun to read everyone's staples. Karrie reminded me I always have garlic too, and Carla I also have sprouted grain bread in the freezer. I haven't had any bread since starting the 6 week plan though.

    Well done on the treadmill Karrie! Do you go to yoga classes or do it at home?

    Carla, hope your soreness wears off soon. I've been meaning to try some of the Engine 2 cereal. How was it?

    Lia, it's no fair for babies to be sick. Hope you are both on the mend. Glad the first week is going well!

    C&P, I love fresh mushrooms but hate cleaning and chopping them, so if it's a choice of throwing a can of mushrooms in whatever beans and greens concoction I'm making or having no mushrooms, I am okay with canned.

    I was actually considering buying something a little indulgent while at the grocery, since I'm through the 6 weeks, but I didn't see anything that literally called to me, and I thought it's kind of crazy to plan on having something just for the heck of it, with no craving or social occasion or anything. So I bailed on that idea, and will wait until there's at least some reason to indulge.

    L - big 'ol salad same as yesterday
    D - small salad same as last night, the last of the great northern bean concoction, sauteed chard, two wasa crackers, a tangerine with a couple walnuts and some chia seeds
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Goat yoga sounds so weird, and so fun!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited April 2018
    Jet lag is officially over! I feel good. The mornings are still cool here but sunny. Great time to walk. Cleo and I went for 4 miles yesterday. I had several phone calls to make and discovered my bluetooth head phones were great for walking & talking. I am sure I look like an old nerd.

    Liapr - I love goats and goat yoga sounds like a blast. I too like everyone's list. It has helped me to get focused.

    Carla - I think it will be 70's for most of the ride. Hopefully not that horrible headwind as the last ride. Brooks found a beginner's triathlon for me to do in Austin, Tx first of May. Yikes. Then a sprint Triathlon in August. It is in Culver, Indiana at his high school. One of his friends asked us to do it with them and they have a vacation house there, so it feels real. I hope we are swimming in the pool there and not the lake. Not ready for that experience.

    I speak a little Italian with a horrible accent.

    Mihani, I get so inspired by reading yours and everyone else's menu for the day. All I can think of right now is breakfast and going to have a bowl of banana, blueberries, walnuts and almond milk (inspired by Carla).

    Jacque - I get very impatient too. Even though mentally I "allowed" myself to gain 5 lbs on vacation (and I only gained 3) I have been fluctuating at about the same weight since February.
    I am 2 lbs away from onederland.

    I made a Mother's day card for my MIL who is obsessed with tea yesterday.j96lmb5p9935.jpg

  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    Good morning all! Thanks for your input on your food supply - very helpful and I now realize I'm well on track.

    Donna, your bike tour sounds fun! My old 10-speed bike was not a good fit (back issues), so WJ (husband) surprised me with a retro bicycle. It's cute, but no gears, so hills are a no-go for this old bod. [me: No gears? What were you thinking, hubs? ;) ] But, it works well for our neighborhood rides as our streets are flat.

    Goat yoga! Our niece is a yoga instructor and shared pics recently of her goat yoga experience. She loved it!

    Carla, are you doing better? Lia, how about you?

    Karrie, house selling can wear on the nerves, can't it? Hang in there!

    I was ready for a big salad for dinner last night! I've been eating what sounds good and haven't been up for the big salad lately. Mostly, I've been eating raw veggies and beans on high-fiber whole wheat pita (topped with spinach and salsa).

    B- oatmeal w/cinnamon, banana, 1 T. nut blend (finely chopped walnuts, almonds, pepinos, coconut), and a teaspoon of Enjoy Life mini-choc chips.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Wow, I love that pop-up card, Donna! I'm sure your MIL is going to love it too. (I have that same washi tape :) ) That's exciting about all of the events you guys are signed up for! Nothing like a deadline like that for motivation.

    Lia, the recipes in our meal plan will sometimes specifically instruct me to use the food processor. Things like "add the garlic and pulse until minced, then add the onion until a fine dice (don't overdo it and turn it to liquid), then add the garbanzo beans, cilantro, etc and pulse 10 to 20 times, until the beans are crumbly but don't turn it into hummus! .... stuff like that. I have a grating plate and a slicing plate that I use whenever I need grated carrot or other veggies, and the slicer is fab when I need even slices done fast. I have a little manual press that I use a lot for onions when I want them evenly cut and not too small. Goat yoga?!? I think I need to go to ON, too!

    Karrie, I love how you get into a groove with exercise and kill it! I hope you get some action on the old house. Things should pick up now that it's spring! Do you still have furniture in it?

    Jacque, a retro bike sounds cute! But I'm with you on the no gears, no hills mindset! My MIL and FIL have powered bicycles to assist them going up hills. They have amazing range. We've though about getting one of those each but the temptation to use the assist all the time might be too much for us!

    I've been following the tracking info on my treadmill somewhat obsessively, and yesterday it made it to Seattle! The local courier should be calling to set up a delivery date any day now. I was hoping to have it by this weekend, but realistically it will probably not be here until some time next week.

    My art class got canceled due to low registration numbers, so I decided to take a (yarn) spinning class instead. It starts in a week and a half. I'm going to lug my own wheel to class. I'm hoping I get inspired to do a bunch of spinning again. I have some lovely fiber that has been waiting for me.

    Yesterday I over-ate at lunch and dinner. I don't want to fall back into bad habits so today I am on the straight and narrow. (The Korean BBQ pizza for dinner was really good, but too tempting for me to eat beyond full.)

    B - smoothie
    L - salad, baked tofu, dressing
    S - mandarin orange
    D - oven-fried cauliflower salad w/ mandarin oranges, sesame dressing & crunchy noodle & almond topping
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Lia, goat yoga would be great! They ran a goat yoga class here last year; I only heard about it after the fact. It would be cute, but I'm not sure I'd actually get any yoga done. I'd be too busy playing....

    I usually do yoga at home. I have a couple of videos and a book. I have taken 2 different classes. One I loved and the other I hated. It completely depends on the instructor and what you're there to achieve. So that's why I do it at home now. I just have to find some time to fit it in...

    Carla, we do still have furniture in the old house right now. Some we're keeping, but most of it is going to be sold. But we don't want to show a vacant house, as it's likely to get us a lowball offer... Almost all of my craft room is still at the old house. Only my knitting has been moved so far. So that's going to be a huge job. Everything else is just furniture. Dining room table, couches, beds, etc. Sell it and let the buyer worry about moving it...

    I didn't have a meal ready last night and I had to cook, but I ended up inhaling half of my pantry while I was waiting for supper to be ready. Oops. :neutral: Dang it...

    My daughter had her braces adjusted yesterday and they're very sore again (hasn't happened in a while), so I'm going to make vegan potato leek soup tonight. It's her favorite. I'm looking forward to it too; yum!

    Oh, I keep forgetting to post the lemon pie date ball recipe. Here it is finally, SORRY!

    Lemon Pie Date Balls
    - yields 4 date balls, serving size is 2 date balls
    6 medjool dates, pitted
    3 tbsp. unsweetened shredded coconut
    1 tbsp. pecans
    juice and zest of 1 lemon

    place all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until mixture comes together.

    Of course, I usually double the recipe. I also usually roll them in more shredded coconut so they're pretty. Very simple and tasty! A great way to tide you over between meals.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Sweet card Donna. You are definitely back in the groove, 4 mile walk is excellent.

    Glad you are enjoying your salads more C&P.

    Carla, maybe when you get the treadmill you can program in the delivery route and walk it lol. Sorry to hear your class got cancelled, but glad you signed up for something else.

    Lemon Pie Date Balls sound really good Karrie. I’ll make a note of that. I remember a while back seeing a website that had a whole bunch of different lara bar type recipes. I was planning to make some but decided they might be dangerous!

    I was glad I didn’t give in to my impulse to eat something off the 6 week plan yesterday. I wasn’t planning a total free for all kind of indulgence, but thinking something like a veggie burger or a pita pizza. The more I thought about it, I have lost my cravings lately, but the time I had the Mary’s Gone Crackers during the 6 weeks I overate on them. I just don’t need to test myself like that right now.

    L – big ol’ salad, small handful of walnuts
    D – small salad, sautéed turnip greens (still not my favorite greens, think I may give up on trying to develop a taste for them when there are other greens I enjoy eating), “stir-fry” broccoli and edamame with ginger, garlic and soy sauce, frozen mixed berries heated up a bit and tossed with a fresh chopped pear and chia seeds
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    edited April 2018
    LOL, not a bad idea on mapping the delivery route, Mihani. It came from somewhere in CA. No reason to bring those cravings back when you aren't even really wanting something. I was completely over my cravings, but 1 cupcake and a few handfuls of trail mix and now I'm having to fight to stay on track again. It isn't worth it.

    Thanks for the date ball recipe, Karrie! I think I'll make a single recipe up the next time my mom and I go for a long walk so that we can go out for a tea/coffee and have a little snack to go with. I've taken 2 yoga classes as well and loved one and didn't even finish the other even though I paid for it. The one I loved was 90 minutes of hot yoga. Fantastic but took too much of the day because it was about a 20 minute drive each way on top of the 90 minutes and very necessary shower after. The more recent yoga class was too hippy dippy for me and not enough of a workout.

    I just finished reorganizing my clothes closet and pulling out some of the items that are too big now. I found a few smaller clothes in a box that fit and almost fit. For some reason I don't have a workout tank and I don't see any around in the next size down either, so I may get a cheap one for now. I just wear a t-shirt for walks but when I'm jogging I like something cool that wicks the moisture away and dries fast after washing so I can wear it daily.

    Last night's salad was really good! Loved the baked cauliflower and the sesame dressing with mandarin slices. I made the bowls a little too big and got stuffed. At least I was stuffed on salad.

    I bought a few loose leaf teas to help tide me over now that I'm dealing with a few cravings again. I got Okinawa Lemon and Evening in Missoula. Both very nice. The Missoula one has spearmint and chamomile in it, among other things.

    B - smoothie
    L - mixed baby greens with mandarin slices, baked tofu & leftover sesame dressing
    S - orange or pear, tea
    D - Teriyaki Tofu Tacos
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited April 2018
    Everyone's meals sound delicious.

    Brooks rocked it last night. He made a quinoa bowl with black beans, roasted corn, tomatoes, red onion, lime and avocado. I had roasted some sweet potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower that we had too. I was so full but down again today!

    Great walk with dogs. We came upon about 16 vultures having a feast and later saw a bald eagle plus the usual deer.

    Started spring cleaning today. Carla you have me inspired to start on my closet next week.

    B - blueberries, banana, walnuts, flax seed and walnuts plus almond milk
    L- leftover quinoa bowl with an egg.
    D - Chana Masala with roasted broccoli and cauliflower
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Love finding "new" clothes right in your closet Carla! I am looking forward to wearing some of the things that I am soooo close to fitting into, but just not quite there. They fit, but would be a tad uncomfortable over a whole day at work. I think I need to lose another 5 or so for them to fit right.

    Quinoa bowl sounds delicious Donna. What chana masala recipe do you use?

    I am having a debate with myself whether I want to run to the store tonight or wait until tomorrow. I kind of like the idea of just getting it over with tonight.

    L - big salad, threw the leftover broccoli and edamame from last night in it that was nice
    D - small salad, sauteed collard greens, 2 Lundberg Red Rice and Quinoa thin stackers crackers, dessert 1/4 cup oatmeal with mixed berries, oat milk, cinnamon

    I really like these Lundberg Thin Stackers that I came across recently. The only ingredients are puffed brown rice, red rice and quinoa. Serving size is 4 cakes for 100 calories, zero sodium, 1 g fat, no sugars. I only eat 2 cakes when I have them. They are really good, but they don't cause that mindless eating some snacks give me.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Mihani - I tried this one. It seems okay plus I added veggies to it.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Just checking in; yesterday was terrible. My "Friday the 13th" came a day early... No time to chat this morning, but I hope everyone has a great weekend. I know I am REALLY looking forward to it!!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Ack, sorry you had a bad day yesterday, Karrie! Hope today is lucky for you :)

    Ruby went back to the vet and we're going to go ahead with the ligament surgery. She is going to have to stay a few nights in the hospital afterwards, and then she will have exercises we need to do at home and physio appointments as well. They have a water treadmill they use that keeps most of the weight off her leg while she walks. We don't know when she'll be scheduled yet, but in the meantime she is on more anti-inflammatories and pain meds. She isn't allowed to even move around freely in the living room anymore and has to be confined to the laundry room. It takes 12 weeks to heal afterwards. Poor pup!

    I got in a walk with Joe after work yesterday. It was a gorgeous sunny day with a cool breeze. My favorite walking weather. Good thing we did, too, because it is raining today and the forecast is rain for the rest of the weekend.

    I had trail mix last night. Bah! Joe was eating it in front of me and the temptation was too great. I'm not buying any more raisins, except in the quantity needed for recipes.

    B - smoothie
    L - salad, sesame dressing, mandarin orange
    D - bowl w/ udon noodles, broccoli stir fry and 'yum yum' sauce.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Hi guys, happy Friday the 13th!! Does feel like it was a bit of a weird week. Hope yours finished off better than yesterday, Karrie! We are having crazy rain apparently all weekend long (with the potential for freezing rain). I'm so ready for spring!!!

    Mm your meals always sound so interesting, Mihani! Simple but things that don't seem obvious to me. I should throw broccoli into my salad!

    Donna, so cool that you reguarly get to see some wildlife in your walks!! Also, what does a beginner triathlon entail?! ! You're so brave. Also, I wish I could make things like that... soo cute.

    Carla, oooh send pictures of your yarn spinning!! Yay for new found clothes too. I can always find justifications for new exercise clothes too... "it will make me go to the gym more!!!" lol.

    Jacque, I totally go in and out of salad phases too!! I generally prefer cooked veggies, but luckily I've been into salads lately. I can tell I'm going to be bored soon though so I'd better find some more interesting recipes. I'm feeling better though, over my cold finally!!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Thanks for the recipe link Donna.

    Hope everything is okay Karrie!

    Awww... poor Ruby :( So hard to have to keep her cooped up too.

    We finally had a real spring day today Lia. It's about time! How is your ETL week going?

    One more weekend of work hell and I am going to take the following weekend completely off (unless the weather is crappy in which case I'll go ahead and go to the office and choose another weekend).

    L - I totally forgot to eat, too busy
    D - brought home my lunch salad, had some Italian seitan in the fridge so I opened that and browned it (without oil) in a cast iron skillet and threw some on the salad with some of the cashew caesar... yum! Thinking it would be good with some sauteed onions and peppers on the salad too. A bowl of mixed berries with chia seeds and cinnamon and 1/4 cup of oats with oat milk for dessert.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited April 2018
    Carla - I am so sorry Ruby has to have surgery. The water exercise sounds great though.

    Mihani - I hope you get to enjoy the spring weather despite working.

    Liapr - It was a weird week, or weird day. I don't suppose you want to hear it was in the 80's this afternoon here in Texas ?

    This is the beginners Triathlon I am entering: Rookie Triathlon – 300 meter Swim, 11 mile Bike, 2 mile Run. In Italy I was up to 2000 meters swimming but I am a slow swimmer. 11 mile bike ride will be easy but I am not running so I might walk or run/walk.

    I had planned to dog walk with a friend in the morning. Brooks was going to a field exercise but unknown to him it was cancelled so he got to join us for a 3 mile walk. I did not have time to have more than coffee & fruit. Then we went to this place called the Mellow Mushroom. I had vegetarian mushroom pizza and shared a spinach salad.

    We were going to swim in the afternoon but Brooks hit a wall. I actually had my swim suit on under my clothes when he took a nap. Now going to go help friend stuff swag bags for a tennis tournament tomorrow our YMCA is having. Our local YMCA outdoor pool opens Monday and it will make it so much easier to swim laps.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Wow, the triathlon sounds tough Donna!

    L - big ol' salad with 6 Mary's Superseed Crackers
    D - going to make a sprouted grain pita pizza with tomato sauce, spices, nooch, peppers, onion and the rest of the seitan from last night with a side salad and a piece of fruit
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi everyone! We are in day 2 of an on-again-off-again-blizzard. Lia & Carla, I wonder if it's the same storm system that's giving you rain? Yesterday was movies & popcorn & cuddling with Tucker (bichon-poo). Oh, and my 21 year old asked if he could take me to breakfast (oatmeal!) before the storm hit. A rare treat to have one-on-one time. Today, Wes and I got out for grocery shopping and to get our 18 year old to work. Also got my walk in at the track and was able to work in some jogging - it felt great! Tomorrow we're supposed to drive north for father-in-laws 91st birthday but with the snow we may have to postpone.

    I've started body brushing again. It's supposed to help a lot with flabby skin as you lose weight and I'm down enough that my skin is wrinkling in areas I didn't expect. Since I'm on a blood thinner I wasn't sure about doing it as I bruise at the drop of a hat. So far, so good though. If you haven't tried it, it feels great!

    I was thrilled to find 3 varieties of no-salt canned beans at Walmart today. Organic, too! I'm sticking with a menu that's working right now, but I've decided to make one new recipe a week (something with leftovers) and have decided on lentil meatloaf. I will use Jill McKeever's recipe.

    Donna, your triathlon sounds so exciting! I'm rather phobic about putting my face in water so my "swimming" is very slow. Can't wait to hear how it goes as you prepare.

    Carla, pulling out stored clothes is just like shopping sometimes! What a great feeling to fit back into smaller sizes. I have been a size 18 for over 20 years, so I don't have a stash to go to. I've been relying on Kohl's coupons & sales for a few items and will be shopping at local thrift stores for some summer things. Sorry to hear about Ruby! Hope everything goes smoothly.

    Mihani, hope your work weekend is better than expected! And Karrie, hope the aftermath of Friday the 13th is treating you well!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    B - Oatmeal w/banana, mixed raw nuts and a teaspoon of Enjoy Life mini dark chocolate chips
    L - Sweet potato topped with pinto beans, salsa, onion and jalepenos, Romaine & Kale salad with cherry tomatoes & 1 T. of Olive Garden dressing. (It's my one oil splurge....)
    D - I'm gonna try to make that meatloaf and serve with salad.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Way to go on jogging C&P! That's some dedication to go out in a snowstorm to get your exercise done. Let us know how the meatloaf turns out.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Week 7 results 2.2 total 18.2. The only thing I did differently this week is added salad to dinner. During the 6 weeks it was just easiest for me to have a big salad at lunch then cooked greens and other veggies with beans or tofu (and maybe a grain) at dinner. Maybe there's something to this salad at lunch AND dinner thing. Hoping to hit the 20 pounds down mark in week 8.