Bringing our A-Game in April!



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Just finished batching this week's menu. It took around 3 hours. This week we're having Ful Mudammas (Fava Beans) Wrap w/ Pan Roasted Pepitas and Lemon Turmeric Tahini Dressing, Coconut Creamed Corn and Peas w/ Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Mixed Grains, Southwestern Veggie Soup (subbing this instead of Dill Pickle Potato Soup because Joe doesn't like pickles), Eggplant and Chickpea Paprikash, and OG Big *kitten* Salad.

    Congrats on another great loss, Mihani! I'm rooting for you to hit that 20# goal next week. Salads always seem to accelerate my loss too, even when I add dressing and lots of 'goodies' on top.

    Thanks for the reminder about body brushing, Jacque. I have a brush in my Amazon 'save for later' cart. I have clothing in sizes 20 all the way down to 4 (where I was for a heartbeat!). The smaller the clothes the less worn they are haha! Old Navy has really good prices and different sales every day. They have a great selection of sizes and also regular/long/petite options.

    Donna that triathlon sounds really awesome. Nice to have the local outdoor pool open for swimming!

    I'm having fun getting back into my spinning. I have a yarn hanging to dry now, so I should have pictures the next time I post. I ordered some more fun fiber to spin with, too. I am trying to stay focused on just spinning for now, and not going down the knitting rabbit hole, or weaving, or any of the other things I get caught up in!

    B - smoothie
    L - not sure, super tired after batching. maybe some of the SW soup
    D - whatever leftover bits are in the fridge, over some greens
    S - pear
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Jacque - this is not a hard triathlon by any means. It is short distances. I am going to try running - walking tomorrow. The run part is 2 miles. We went on a 20 mile bike ride today in 1 hour and 45 minutes. There were lots of curves and people walking that we had to slow down for.

    Mihani - congratulations on your weight loss and sticking to the ETL diet. Good for you.

    I still haven't figured out what I want to do as I am focused on getting ready for the next few events. I am officially entered in the Rookie Triathlon.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    I'm having an off day - maybe it's that fresh foot of snow outside our living room window! Breakfast was on track. Lunch - not so much. I ate what I prepared for the family and as usual I'm feeling it in my gut. I'll have a healthy snack for dinner and be back to it tomorrow. I'm down 1.8 lbs this week so even though lunch will probably cause a hiccup it's not the end of the world.

    Carla, when will you be stopping by to batch that amazing menu?
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    The snow hasn't melted here yet, so I can't even wrap my head around outdoor pools and bike rides just yet... And we're supposed to have more snow this week, too... :open_mouth:

    Woo hoo, good job with the weight loss, Mihani!!

    I'm pooped. SOOOOooooooo tired.

    Carla, I did some spinning on the weekend. Check it out!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Nice yarn! Great colors. I checked it out on ravelry so I could get a closer view. Are you going back to your old place to spin or did you move your wheel? How do you like the 'Hello Yarn' yarn? I just bought all back issues of PLY magazine so I've got a ton of inspiration. I going to spin a thin silk yarn next. I have some new fiber on order from etsy so that I have lots for the spinning class that starts next Saturday.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    I lost half a pound for the week. Not great, but I'm happy to lose anything after a few trail mix binges.

    Here's the yarn I finished. It was already mostly done months ago and was sitting on the wheel. It's a 2 ply with low twist made from 50% Merino, 50% Mulberry Silk.


  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Wow! Carla and Karrie that yarn is gorgeous. How does it feel? Soft? Congratulations on the 1/2 lb loss!!!! What a great skill to have.

    Well who knew, certainly not me I could run 2 miles extremely slow. I took Cleo out and my legs were lead after the 20 mile run yesterday. We ran one mile in 18 minutes without stopping and then walked a mile and ran another mile in 19 minutes. It is a start...slow start. I feel really good and I did not push it hard. I think all the walking & hiking I did plus the weight loss enabled me to be able to run. Right now no foot, hip or knee pain! Just seat bone pain from yesterdays ride.

    Ready for a big salad with beans, veggies and nuts. Then a friend of mine wants a simple water color of a tree from me for her birthday. Going to get watercolors out and practice.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    A good day - back on track and the sun is shining! Had coffee at a friend's this morning and said "no thanks" to the cookie. Proud moment :blush:

    Wow! Your yarns are lovely, Karrie and Carla! A friend of mine just took up spinning this past year and is totally hooked. Love her stuff. Makes me want to learn how to crochet or knit!

    Donna, I guess there's no way around the seat pain? Sounds like you've got a strong start to conditioning for your event.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited April 2018
    oops, I just read my post. It was a 20 mile bike ride Yesterday, hahaha.

    Awesome passing the cookie up Jacque. You inspired me. Brooks is making fudge brownies for a neighbor who gave us several plants. I am going to just say no too! Can't outrun a bad diet.

    I had on a thin pair of bike shorts yesterday. For the 25 mile ride last month I had my longer bike pants with more padding. I have a good pair I will use for the event but the bike ride is only 11 miles. I do have a 32 mile ride in 12 days at King Ranch.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Just wrapping up work for the night ugh! I didn’t even have time for lunch today ate a few crackers and a lara bar then ate my salad when I got home then came up to my desk to work some more. I am hoping to leave a little early tomorrow so I can get laundry done and relax a little.

    Love the yarns Karrie & Carla! Good to see you back spinning away.

    Donna, I wondered about the 20 mile run! Good for you and C&P passing up the sweet treats.

    Off to bed.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    It's been a good day in spite of a poor night's sleep. Got a 2 mile walk in (at the mall, so no jogging) and ate well, with one intentional "splurge." I chose to put shredded cheese on my bean taco. Yeah, guess what? I could not taste it. At all. Glad I know! Won't need to do it again. A splurge isn't a splurge if you can't even taste it.

    Grad invites have been ordered! Dd graduates in less than a month (homeschool) and we've been dragging our feet on the order. Talk about making it real! Doesn't seem possible - time goes quickly. I am very excited for her! And me! It's been quite a journey.

    B - oatmeal w/blueberries and 1 T mixed raw nuts
    L - sweet potato w/pinto beans, 1/3 avocado, salsa, onions, jalepenos, kale
    D- corn tacos (beans, onions, jalepenos, tomatoes, kale) and that darn cheese
    S - grapes

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Nice job C&P.

    I'm just wrapping up work again and need to get to bed. I did take time for some leftover steamed kale late afternoon lunch. Dinner was a big salad followed by some steamed collards and sauteed asparagus. Small serving of oatmeal with mixed berries, chia seeds and a few walnuts for dessert. I hope after this week things settle down a little. I'd be really happy right now to only work 6 days a week!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,957 Member
    Not feeling well today came home a bit early and did some work here now heading to bed. Hope it's just that I'm a little run down and not a bug. Had a vegan protein shake that I had left in the office fridge for lunch because I didn't feel like eating. Came home and whipped up a batch of oil-free hummus. Had open face whole wheat sandwich flat with the hummus and piled high with baby spinach and steamed asparagus, little drizzle of balsamic glaze. Also had my first major "cheat" in going on 8 weeks. Ate a couple big handfuls of Newman's pretzels with my sandwich. Just a weak moment brought on by lots of stress, fatigue and not feeling well. Will do better tomorrow.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Donna, fantastic job on the running! Impressive.

    Jacque, I know what you mean about those splurges that turn out to be not worth it. I love realizing things like that! How exciting about your daughter's graduation! Does she have plans for what she will do next?

    Sorry you are feeling under the weather, Mihani. I'm sure the crazy work hours are contributing to that. How's the weather looking for the weekend? Are you still planning to take a few days off?

    Busy couple of days for me here, and a bunch of work to do tomorrow. My mom and I went for one of our nice walks in the sunshine, and afterwards we went into a home decor shop and I got a few nice containers with lids for storing food.

    My treadmill is supposed to arrive tomorrow, but they didn't call to make arrangements today so my fingers are crossed. Ruby has an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow to determine which procedure they will choose for her.

    B - smoothie
    L - salad w/ tofu, lemon tahini turmeric dressing
    D - southwestern soup, slice of sprouted grain bread with avocado
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited April 2018
    Mihani - I hope you are feeling better. You need a vacation more than anyone I know. A vegan retreat somewhere beauitful that you can go for walks, yoga and rest. That is what I picture for you! I love making my own fresh hummus. Do you make it in a mixer?

    Jacque - sweet potatoes and beans sound wonderful. Sweet potatoes with anything ...I love them.

    Carla - Your walks with your mother sounds delightful. I hope your treadmill comes soon. I was really hooked on treadmill work outs years ago. I think the only reason I am not now is because of the dogs needing good walks. I am very sorry Ruby has to have surgery. Can you ask about conservative treatment and trying swim therapy before surgery? Was your southwestern soup part of the dirty girls recipe plan?

    Met with friends today for lunch. We walked 30 minutes prior and went to my favorite Mediterranean place. Had quinoa salad with roasted vegetables. Could only eat 1/2 but mixed it with more salad and having it with Brooks tonight. We just got make from a 10 mile mountain bike ride.

    My friend loved her simple water color I did for her birthday. I had about 5 and let her choose one.
    I am looking at using my GI bill money for art classes!!!!!!!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm feeling run down too this week; it's been busier than usual and I haven't gotten on the treadmill this week because I'm too tired to wake up. But I did still do my 2 swims, so at least there's that...

    I can't wait for the weekend.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    I tried tossing air popped corn in nutritional yeast today. I liked it! I haven't cared for "nooch" in other recipes, but it adds a nice flavor to popcorn. I over did it, though, so I'll eat a very light supper.

    Hope you all have a good evening!

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Friday - yay!! (finally)
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,337 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    My treadmill arrived yesterday and Joe and I assembled it. I'm really happy with it. It is super solid. I haven't played around with the features much yet.

    Donna, the SW soup is from a previous week's Clean Food Dirty Girl meal plan. Because Ruby's leg hasn't healed on its own and due to her being a large breed, the vet and surgeon think it is important to get the surgery done and asap so that we can minimize arthritis pain in her future. The recovery is going to be long and involved! Physio appointments plus exercise and massage that we do here. They have week by week instructions for levels of activity and what to watch out for. At least they are thorough! She is scheduled for early May.

    Jacque, I love nooch. I haven't had it on popcorn yet. I read somewhere that you can get a fine spray bottle with tamari or Bragg and mist the popcorn so it has an extra hit of flavor plus the nooch sticks better. I want to try that but I'm afraid I will binge on huge tubs of popcorn!

    Karrie, I hope you have a great weekend and can de-stress.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Carla it sounds like you have an excellent surgeon who will not only do the surgery but has a plan for recovery after. Maybe you can schedule massage for both you and Ruby :). Yea for getting the treadmill!

    We are doing a mini tri today, walk 3 miles, swim, bicycle and then run walk. I hope I survive. I feel so sleepy.