Tracey's OMAD Fat to Fit to Fat to Fit Again



  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Hi Tracey,

    That is still a loss. I bet your "whoosh" is coming next week!
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    I sure hope so Donna, I am definitely ready for it.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Great work Tracey and I hope you get that whoosh soon :)
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I forgot to tell you that I love your new profile picture :)<3
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks Brenda!
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    edited September 2018
    Happy Saturday everyone. I have been thinking about my journey and have decided on a different approach adding in true alternate day fasting. So my new plan looks like this

    Monday - Eating Day
    Tuesday - Fast Day
    Wednesday - Eating Day
    Thursday - Fast Day
    Friday - Eating Day
    Saturday - OMAD
    Sunday - OMAD

    I like this plan because it can be adjusted to fit any life events that come up. If something comes up on my fast day, and I am in a position that calls for eating, I can turn it into a modified fast day and eat up to 500 calories or switch it to an OMAD Day (Thanksgiving :) ).

    On my eating days, my aim is to be done eating by 8:00pm so my next day's fast will begin at 8:00pm.

    Until I reach my goal weight, my eating days will consist of 8 hour (11am-7pm) or 4 hour (4pm-8pm) eating windows and after I reach my goal my eating days will just end at 8:00pm with no specific start time.

    Today is day 9 of my 100 days so I will be incorporating my new plan with today being an OMAD day.

    I like this plan too because my official weigh in day (Friday) will always be after a fast day.
  • katjustkat
    katjustkat Posts: 754 Member
    Nice plan Tracey :) It's great to have a plan and when it doesn't suit you can just change it shame in doing whatever works as long as we keep plugging away. Hope you love it. Hugggggssss
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday😘
    Your plans looks great👍
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Love the plan and you new profile pic!
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks Donna!
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone. Today's official weigh in day weight is 169.0. This is a 2.4 pound drop from last Friday which I am pleased about. I hope to be able to keep at the 2 pound a week or more range for the remaining 85 days of my 100 day plan.
  • katjustkat
    katjustkat Posts: 754 Member
    Wow! Nice drop Tracy! Omad rocks. Hope you have a great weekend :)
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Way to go you totally got this!!!
  • EstrangedTiger
    EstrangedTiger Posts: 543 Member
    I like to dry fast, much easier than water fasting (imho).

  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    That's an amazing loss! Keep up the good work! :)
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Your plan is working :) I love it!!!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    How's it going Tracey? I hope all is well o:)
  • katjustkat
    katjustkat Posts: 754 Member
    I second what Brenda said :) Looking forward to an update <3
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    Hello everyone, I am still here, thanks for asking. I am not where I'd like to be, but I haven't given up. I am now back up to 172 pounds. I have been having a hard time resisting the carbs and it is bringing back the weight. I have decided to take it one day at a time reducing the carbs and eliminating the junk carbs. I hope to be reporting significant losses real soon.
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Hi Tracey,
    Have missed you....glad you are totally can get reset and start losing again!!!
  • katjustkat
    katjustkat Posts: 754 Member
    Hi Tracey, Do you mean that eating carbs during your omad meal inhibits you losing weight? You're maintaining really well. I tell myself I can have whatever I want but I don't like being overly full so I stop eating when I feel good and I don't have room for junk afterwards unless it's like..."dang it's halloween and I should have a treat'. I think I lost most of my sweet tooth. Occasionally I say yes but it's not the norm anymore. You're a pro at omad so you'll find your groove again lickity split ;)
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    I have been snacking after my meal which is what is hurting me. If I can stop that, I can do carbs with my meal as long as I keep to the proper portions. I am determined to get back in the groove again. I think I need to eat my meal later maybe closer to me going to bed so I won't be tempted to snack.

    I want to get back down to at least 150 pounds so I need to stop playing around and get to losing. I know what to do I just need to do it.

    Thanks for the encouragement.
  • katjustkat
    katjustkat Posts: 754 Member
    Got it. I head upstairs after dinner and somehow I don't get hungry up there lol. If I sit in the family room I def get to thinking about food. Hard for me to control my appetite when I'm close to the kitchen...even though there's really nothing delish in there to eat. You'll get always do! :)
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Hi Tracey,

    I totally feel your pain....I have not done great recently either.....still at 179......for me it has been eating at work snack or junk and then following by a meal for dinner.....I have got to cut that out, but this time of year sucks with all the treats around......I am determined to have a solid week as well!!! You totally know what you need to do and I am sure you will be back on the down side soon!!!

  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Tracey and Donna I have faith in both of you, you got this o:)
  • Ladies, this is hard. If it would be easy everyone would be successful. Your determination will get you the results you want! Chin up :0)
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement, this is hard, and I now realize it is definitely harder to maintain than to lose at least for me. I am working on getting my mind back in the game.

    Donna, we can do this. Let's do this. Today is a new day, our past slip ups are behind us.
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Totally am with you Tracey! I am laser focused again.....
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    You go girls!!! :)
  • tlblanks1
    tlblanks1 Posts: 201 Member
    I have just re-read all of my threads and am feeling down and encouraged at the same time. I am feeling down because I have not been able to make my weight loss stick. I am encouraged by all of the good advice I received from you guys during my journey and am now motivated to lose the weight again and make it stick. I got to see again the things that worked and will be going back to them.

    I see that I have gotten away from drinking water as I should
    I stopped taking pictures of my meals
    I am not getting the amount of sleep that I should

    I am essentially back where I started...BUT this is not the end of my story...It Begins Again!!!
    Goal Weight: 145 pounds
    Current Weight: 175.2

    I have again 30 pounds to lose...I will be losing it using the OMAD strategy below


    Meals will follow the Basic OMAD rules (One Meal, One Plate, One calorie beverage, One hour) making use of the small plate

    This is my plan I will be sticking to until I reach my goal, however long that takes. Splurge days will be reserved for major holidays and special events (My birthday/anniversary) only. The timing of my meal may change based on the day's happenings but there will only be one meal per day and the meal will follow the days specified meal type (Low Carb/Vegetarian/OMAD)

    Today is Thursday so I will be having a vegetarian meal.

    I will be taking and posting pictures of my meals. I will be weighing myself and posting my weekly weights on Fridays only.

    Here is to a successful reboot. I thank you all for all of your past support and encouragement and look forward to sharing this reboot with you.