TEAM: The Slimsons (September)



  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Daily Post for Monday
    Track: yes
    Calories: no.....
    Exercise: stairs. I did go up and down 3 stories of stairs a few times.

    I am in a state of exhaustion. So eating and drinking was my fuel for staying awake. Also, with the hour drive at the end of the day, I needed a decent snack..... Cheetos ftw. If it weren't for the Cheetos, I would have been under. However, it it weren't for the Cheetos, I might have seriously struggled to stay awake on that long drive home.
    Planning to do better today though.

    @tinak33 For the past 3 weeks I've been in a state of exhaustion, although, if I just stop trying to beat all of the Halo games in one month, I might have more time for sleep...just saying. (granted, only 1 week of Halo has contributed to my sleeplessness, the rest was too much to do and too little time)

    And planning is usually the key to making healthy choices! You got this!
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Daily Post for Monday
    Track: yes
    Calories: no.....
    Exercise: stairs. I did go up and down 3 stories of stairs a few times.

    I am in a state of exhaustion. So eating and drinking was my fuel for staying awake. Also, with the hour drive at the end of the day, I needed a decent snack..... Cheetos ftw. If it weren't for the Cheetos, I would have been under. However, it it weren't for the Cheetos, I might have seriously struggled to stay awake on that long drive home.
    Planning to do better today though.

    @tinak33 For the past 3 weeks I've been in a state of exhaustion, although, if I just stop trying to beat all of the Halo games in one month, I might have more time for sleep...just saying. (granted, only 1 week of Halo has contributed to my sleeplessness, the rest was too much to do and too little time)

    And planning is usually the key to making healthy choices! You got this!

    It's been a cold few days, and we found out that there is a gas leak in the new house, so we haven't been able to turn on the heat. Add in the fact that my daughter (she is 2) seems to enjoy waking up multiple times and climbing on me so she can fall asleep, which puts me in awkward sleep positions..... yeah. I wake up stiff, sore, and so so tired.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Happy Tuesday Team!!

    Today I will be heading downstairs to LIFT! Super excited, however I have to feed and get my husband out of the house first! he's trying desperately to be late to a meeting, good thing one of us is a morning person!

    Let's crush Tuesday!

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    It's been a cold few days, and we found out that there is a gas leak in the new house, so we haven't been able to turn on the heat. Add in the fact that my daughter (she is 2) seems to enjoy waking up multiple times and climbing on me so she can fall asleep, which puts me in awkward sleep positions..... yeah. I wake up stiff, sore, and so so tired.
    @tinak33 That really sucks about the heater! I sort of love the cold days when they start coming, and we've been getting into the 60s, to which I still have my air on, mostly because I work from home and it's still getting to 80 during the day and I can't open the windows while I work, too much noise, and I don't like being air it is!

    Also...I get the awkward sleep positions, I don't have a kid to contribute to that, but I have 2 giant cats who only like to sleep with me, this morning I woke up to a weird dream about something on my head only to find out that one of my cats (the 20 lb one) had decided that he wanted to sleep on my pillow so he wiggled his way up to the top of my pillow with his legs on both sides of my head...guess that's where the weird dream came from and my other one (16 lbs wormed his way under the cover with me) yep, that's how I sleep a lot.
  • ekuassi
    ekuassi Posts: 88 Member
    Daily post:09-10
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: yes, bootcamp
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Hi Team - hope you are having a good day.

    Daily post- Tuesday 9.11
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 60 minute SoulActivate @SoulCycle

    Goals: to figure out if a “woo” is a “woohoo” or a “huh?/ew”
    Hmm .. team consensus?
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday Team!!

    Today I will be heading downstairs to LIFT! Super excited, however I have to feed and get my husband out of the house first! he's trying desperately to be late to a meeting, good thing one of us is a morning person!

    Let's crush Tuesday!


    Yes! 🙌🏻
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    mg07030 wrote: »
    Hi Team - hope you are having a good day.

    Daily post- Tuesday 9.11
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 60 minute SoulActivate @SoulCycle

    Goals: to figure out if a “woo” is a “woohoo” or a “huh?/ew”
    Hmm .. team consensus?

    It's a WHOOOHOOOO!! YAY! kinda-comment right?! I hope so---I've been HUH/EW-ing a bunch of whooohooo-ing if not--- LOL :D:p:)
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    mg07030 wrote: »
    Hi Team - hope you are having a good day.

    Daily post- Tuesday 9.11
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 60 minute SoulActivate @SoulCycle

    Goals: to figure out if a “woo” is a “woohoo” or a “huh?/ew”
    Hmm .. team consensus?

    I think for the team it is a "woohoo!".

    But MFP, I believe, meant for it to be a "seriously? woo..... " I would say the button version of an eye roll.
    They didn't explain it well though, so I still think most users just make up their own idea of what it means. haha
    I prefer it to be a positive WOOHOO! :bigsmile:
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    Daily post: Tuesday, Sept 11th

    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes, Under
    Exercise: Yes, 60 min. strength training class & 65 min. HIIT lateral climber
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited September 2018
    tinak33 wrote: »
    mg07030 wrote: »
    Hi Team - hope you are having a good day.

    Daily post- Tuesday 9.11
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 60 minute SoulActivate @SoulCycle

    Goals: to figure out if a “woo” is a “woohoo” or a “huh?/ew”
    Hmm .. team consensus?

    I think for the team it is a "woohoo!".

    But MFP, I believe, meant for it to be a "seriously? woo..... " I would say the button version of an eye roll.
    They didn't explain it well though, so I still think most users just make up their own idea of what it means. haha
    I prefer it to be a positive WOOHOO! :bigsmile:

    So back in February this was a topic of discussion and someone posted this link that explains it and we all decided to make it mean "Whoo Hoo", because the real idea behind it is well...sort of useless in that capacity...
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Mexiconona Sept 11 th.
    Tracking yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise yes walking around Sam’s and Walmart,
    Carbs no

  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Sept week 2?
    Pw 168.7
    Cw 168.3
  • Merrettsmom16
    Merrettsmom16 Posts: 30 Member
    Calories-Under...infact, so under....MFP won’t post my diary.
    Exercise: Yes- 20 mins Arms and Back with Peloton app. Ran 1 mile for time.

    Day: well, due to this hurricane, I was in clinic seeing patients nonstop and barely ate all day. Not sure what the future holds but I’m just gonna pray!
  • jcgator2016
    jcgator2016 Posts: 540 Member
    Daily Report Tue 11 Sep

    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: Under Barely
    Exercise: Plenty

    Busy day. Got the houses boarded and sandbagged. Except mine. With the current hurricane updates, wife informed me we are staying. From the current projections, looks like we may be south of the hurricane unless the hurricane dips unexpectedly. Bad news is we are looking at up to 30 inches of rainfall if the hurricane decides to stall once it hits land which is likely. Immediate family will be staying with us starting Friday, so we have a full house which makes my wife happy we are all together.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise:45 mins weight training, 60 mins walking

  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Daily Post for Tuesday:

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes (under! Yay!)
    Exercise: stairs at work multiple times

    Exhaustion level is still high, but I kept my snacking under control. I want a loss this week, godernit! :D
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Daily Post Tuesday
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: elliptical and jog

    Hoping water weight won't affect any progress I've made with my weigh in this week.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Happy Weigh In Day (Wednesday):
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