TEAM: Flab-U-Less (September)



  • Anneysmith
    Anneysmith Posts: 163 Member
    edited September 2018
    Daily post: Thursday
    Track: yes
    Calories: over (too many calories from fat too ☹)
    Exercise: 9000 steps
    Goal: have not had enough water as of yet, i did get 6 hours of sleep though.
  • JCoolaide
    JCoolaide Posts: 1,185 Member
    Daily Post 9.20
    Track: yes
    Calories under: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Goal: yes
  • rhiannonlewis35
    rhiannonlewis35 Posts: 51 Member
    Weigh in day: friday

    Starting weight: 282

    Week 1 (September 7th): 275.8 !!! :smiley:
    Week 2 (September 14th): 272.0 :smile:
    Week 3 (September 21st):269.3 :smile:
    Week 4 (September 28th):
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    mellee1430 wrote: »
    @BEASTFIELD314 Required overtime yesterday did not allow for a weigh in- plan is to attempt it today and post this evening.

    Noted! Not a problem.
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    12774 wrote: »
    @BEASTFIELD314, thanks for managing this team so effectively. Love this team!

    Thanks for the vote of confidence. Don't know how well I am actually doing though, lol!
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    edited September 2018
    Good morning team, and Happy Friday.

    The challengers with a scheduled weigh in today are:

    @leni1us (got you message from above)
    @rhiannonlewis35 (got it - missed this morning. Early morning brain fog.)

    I am still missing weights (let me know if you posted but I didn't see them) from the following:

    Thank you everyone!
  • rhiannonlewis35
    rhiannonlewis35 Posts: 51 Member
    @BEASTFIELD314 i have already posted my weight above.
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Can I make a daily post for the entire week thus far, lol??

    Sorry for my slacking on that challenge. I love reading all of your all's posts. It has been crazy busy. My son just started a leadership mentor program and has to be at school by 6:30am everyday. I barely have time to get up and get myself going, let alone post. My profound apologies.

    I never realized how much work goes into being the captain, lol. (I am not complaining or wanting to stop - don't think that!) But man, there is a lot more than thought.

    So - how IS my team doing?

    lar25473 wrote: »
    Up just a tad, I went to Notre dame to visit my best friend last weekend and ate a little strangely (though not particularly unhealthily). I had Subway for lunch on Friday, and for breakfast that day I had Dunkin Donuts' wakeup wrap, which is actually a lot more healthy than a lot of people think. I did really well on the weekend as well; just a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast and for lunch I wasn't feeling hungry or very well in general so I just had a soft pretzel at the Notre Dame football game. For dinner that day was spaghetti with alfredo sauce and some vegetables, which may have been the most fattening thing I ate that day. On Sunday I ate well, a protein shake for breakfast, spaghetti at my grandma's house for lunch, and just some light popcorn snacks for dinner. I tried to go light since I didn't get to work out. All in all, I did well.

    Sounds like you made some good choices - visitors and going out make things difficult for sure. But I think you did great!

    cdavisdeva wrote: »
    Daily Post: September 18th
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes- 24 minute Ab workout
    Goals/day: Day started off bad with Mcdonalds for breakfast. Skipped lunch and made a smoothie for dinner, so my morning food choices didn't totally ruin my day. My goal today was to get more water in. Another glass to go to make 90 oz total for the day.

    Learning how to make foods fit into our daily lives is very important. The occasional McDonalds or fast food won't destroy progress unless it becomes habit again! Good work on balancing it!

    cdavisdeva wrote: »
    Username: cdavisdeva
    Week: September Week 3
    PW: 158
    CW: 156.5

    -1.5 lbs from last week 🙂. Great loss in a week but still think I could have better results if my food choices were better. Working on this!!

    Excellent loss!!!!!

    mram3582 wrote: »
    DP: 09/19 Wednesday
    Calories: under
    Track: yes
    Exercise: 3.6mile walk 60min. .6mile run 5mins
    Daily Goal: Remember to feed Shelob. Continue drinking water to get all the salt out of my system from yesterday. More of the same tomorrow.

    Remember that it can take a few days to return those sodium levels to normal! (Which I am sure it has by now, lol)

    12774 wrote: »
    Daily Post
    Track yes
    Cal Under
    Goal Not met today

    Days like that happen. Don't let it bum you out! Keep working towards your goals - every day is a new one!

    mram3582 wrote: »
    Daily Post: 09/20 Thursday
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 3.6miles walk 60mins/ .6mile run 5mins
    Daily Goals: Confund a muggle. Trying to stay way under today because my dad wants to take me out tomorrow. It will be the last time I see him for a while as he is moving to NY.

    Is your father moving for work? Did he get a job with the Ministry of Magic?

    Anneysmith wrote: »
    Daily post: Thursday
    Track: yes
    Calories: over (too many calories from fat too ☹)
    Exercise: 9000 steps
    Goal: have not had enough water as of yet, i did get 6 hours of sleep though.

    Good job getting a lot of steps in! And make sure you are getting your rest... sleep helps with all sorts of things!!!!!

    Weigh in day: friday

    Starting weight: 282

    Week 1 (September 7th): 275.8 !!! :smiley:
    Week 2 (September 14th): 272.0 :smile:
    Week 3 (September 21st):269.3 :smile:
    Week 4 (September 28th):

    Great work- you are on a roll!!!!!!! Down another 2.7 pounds!! Excellent work!!!
  • mellee1430
    mellee1430 Posts: 28 Member
    Well- I attempted to post from my cell phone last night- guess that was a fail!

    My weigh in for Wednesday September 19**

    Starting weight- 265
    Previous weight- 258.2
    Current weight- 255 (loss of 3.2 lb this week- total for the month 10 lbs!

    Track- yes
    Calories- under
    Exercise- daily walking work/home
    Goal- water intake of 100 oz!
  • roamingtiger
    roamingtiger Posts: 747 Member
    Previous weight: 222.0
    Current weight: 221.2

    Slowly but surely :)
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @BEASTFIELD314 thanks for the kind words and all you do!
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    Is your father moving for work? Did he get a job with the Ministry of Magic?
    Close...he is a Urologist/Nephrologist and he wants to retire, but still do medicine stuff, so his sister (also a Dr.) talked him into coming up to Buffalo, NY with her to write medical marijuana prescriptions (Close enough to the Ministry of Magic right?)
  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    DP: 09/21 Friday
    Track: yes
    Calories: under, but had to use some of my exercise and WOWZERS on the sodium again :(
    Exercise: 3.6miles 60 run because I went at high noon and it was 95 degrees and slowly baking me.
    Daily goal: Find the Keymaster and summon Zuul. Water, water, and more water.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    Daily Post: September 21st
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes- 24 minute ab workout.
    Goals/day: I hurt my back somehow, so it's been bothering me all day because I was worried it would effect my workouts. I am thinking maybe I hurt it from crunches last night. Pushed myself through my workout today though and it actually feels better than it did thankfully. I made sure I got my stretching in. No more floor crunches for a while.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Daily Post..Sept/21
    Track Yes
    Cal. Over
    Exercise. Yes.. 30 mins walking
    Goal.. Met

  • mram3582
    mram3582 Posts: 2,482 Member
    @cdavisdeva feel better soon! Back problems are the worst! :(
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    mram3582 wrote: »
    @cdavisdeva feel better soon! Back problems are the worst! :(

    @mram3582 thank you so much!
  • Anneysmith
    Anneysmith Posts: 163 Member
    Username: Anneysmith

    Weigh in for Sept. 21

    Starting: 181.6 lbs
     Sept. 7: 182 lbs
    Sept. 14: 181 lbs
    Sept. 21: 180.6 lbs
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Happy Saturday Team! Here are the challengers with a scheduled weigh in for today:


    Thank you! Have a wonderful day!!!
    BEASTFIELD314 Posts: 660 Member
    Well Team - hard to believe another week is wrapping up!! Thanks for everything YOU are doing to help this team - not just losing weight, but interacting with each other and spending time reading other people's stories... encouraging and motivating! It makes all the difference in the world!!!

    mellee1430 wrote: »
    My weigh in for Wednesday September 19**

    Starting weight- 265
    Previous weight- 258.2
    Current weight- 255 (loss of 3.2 lb this week- total for the month 10 lbs!

    EXCELLENT LOSS! You are doing fantastic.

    Previous weight: 222.0
    Current weight: 221.2

    Slowly but surely :)

    You are correct! Every little bit helps. Little bits added together make big bits. Big bits make it worth it! Keep going!!

    mram3582 wrote: »
    Is your father moving for work? Did he get a job with the Ministry of Magic?
    Close...he is a Urologist/Nephrologist and he wants to retire, but still do medicine stuff, so his sister (also a Dr.) talked him into coming up to Buffalo, NY with her to write medical marijuana prescriptions (Close enough to the Ministry of Magic right?)

    It is close to the Ministry! LOL! Flying high as in a Quidditch Match!

    cdavisdeva wrote: »
    @BEASTFIELD314 thanks for the kind words and all you do!

    I try - we are a team and we are all here to achieve the common goal of health. But thank you kindly. I hope your back issue heals quickly. Those are no fun at all. Pfft. Like we need our spines or something... as if!!! HA!

    Anneysmith wrote: »
    Username: Anneysmith

    Weigh in for Sept. 21

    Starting: 181.6 lbs
     Sept. 7: 182 lbs
    Sept. 14: 181 lbs
    Sept. 21: 180.6 lbs

    Great work! Keep going!
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