September 2018 Walk Challenge



  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    2 mile Walk It Off in 30 days
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    7 Miles: 1 Mile walk after lunch + 5 Boosted Miles (Mile#5 twice) tonight

    95 of 145 miles
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,094 Member
    2 Miracle Miles.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Goal: 30 minutes of some activity, 5 days a week.
    9/2 ... 32 minutes2 miles of 5 Boosted Miles
    9/3 ... 33 minutes 2 miles of Walk On 15 Minute Fast Blasts and a 30 minute strength workout.
    9/4 ... 46 minutes 3 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    9/5 ... 38 minutes walking
    9/6 ... 34 minutes of the 4 Mile Super Challenge, 24 minutes of weight lifting and 40 minutes of yoga.
    9/7 ... 40 minute Walk Off Fat Fast
    Week one done.
    9/8 ... 29 minutes walking
    9/9 ... Rest day.
    9/10 ... 33 minutes of the 5 Day Slim Down
    9/11 ... 43 minutes of Walk Blasters
    9/12 ... 33 minutes of 4 Miracles Miles and 44 minutes of a strength workout.
    9/13 ... 46 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
    9/14 ... 32 minutes of 2 Mile Miracle Miles.
    Week two done!
    9/15 ... 31 minutes
    9/16 ... Rest day.
    9/17 ... 133 minutes doing a strength workout, a 2 mile walk with Leslie and a lot of running the weed eater.
    9/18 ... 44 minutes of 5 Mix and Match Miles
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    9 Miles: 5 Fat Burning Miles (Miles #2,3 and 4 twice) + Mile #5 of 5 Really Big

    104 of 145 miles
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Not feeling it today but pushed out a 1 Mile Walk n Talk with Jessica.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    5.31 miles golfing this morning
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Goal: 30 minutes of some activity, 5 days a week.
    9/2 ... 32 minutes2 miles of 5 Boosted Miles
    9/3 ... 33 minutes 2 miles of Walk On 15 Minute Fast Blasts and a 30 minute strength workout.
    9/4 ... 46 minutes 3 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    9/5 ... 38 minutes walking
    9/6 ... 34 minutes of the 4 Mile Super Challenge, 24 minutes of weight lifting and 40 minutes of yoga.
    9/7 ... 40 minute Walk Off Fat Fast
    Week one done.
    9/8 ... 29 minutes walking
    9/9 ... Rest day.
    9/10 ... 33 minutes of the 5 Day Slim Down
    9/11 ... 43 minutes of Walk Blasters
    9/12 ... 33 minutes of 4 Miracles Miles and 44 minutes of a strength workout.
    9/13 ... 46 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
    9/14 ... 32 minutes of 2 Mile Miracle Miles.
    Week two done!
    9/15 ... 31 minutes
    9/16 ... Rest day.
    9/17 ... 133 minutes doing a strength workout, a 2 mile walk with Leslie and a lot of running the weed eater.
    9/18 ... 44 minutes of 5 Mix and Match Miles
    9/19 ... 33 minutes of The 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    6 Miles: 3 Miles Walk to the Hits: Radio Remixes
    + 3 Mile Walk

    110 of 145 miles

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Goal: 30 minutes of some activity, 5 days a week.
    9/2 ... 32 minutes2 miles of 5 Boosted Miles
    9/3 ... 33 minutes 2 miles of Walk On 15 Minute Fast Blasts and a 30 minute strength workout.
    9/4 ... 46 minutes 3 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    9/5 ... 38 minutes walking
    9/6 ... 34 minutes of the 4 Mile Super Challenge, 24 minutes of weight lifting and 40 minutes of yoga.
    9/7 ... 40 minute Walk Off Fat Fast
    Week one done.
    9/8 ... 29 minutes walking
    9/9 ... Rest day.
    9/10 ... 33 minutes of the 5 Day Slim Down
    9/11 ... 43 minutes of Walk Blasters
    9/12 ... 33 minutes of 4 Miracles Miles and 44 minutes of a strength workout.
    9/13 ... 46 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
    9/14 ... 32 minutes of 2 Mile Miracle Miles.
    Week two done!
    9/15 ... 31 minutes
    9/16 ... Rest day.
    9/17 ... 133 minutes doing a strength workout, a 2 mile walk with Leslie and a lot of running the weed eater.
    9/18 ... 44 minutes of 5 Mix and Match Miles
    9/19 ... 33 minutes of The 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk
    9/20 ... 33 minutes of weight lifting and 16 minutes of Low Impact HIIT with Jessica Smith
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    5 Miles: 3 Fast & Fun Miles + 2 Mile Walk

    115 of 145 miles

    So I have plantar fasciitis on one foot and now I have a huge bruise on the bottom of that same foot and I don't know why. I struggled so hard today, but I am determined to meet my goal for the month...
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Last night I sneezed and automatically kneed up at the same time. Taking a rest day for my knees.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    September Goal: 3miles/ day or 90 miles for the month.

    9/1-WAH: Walk 15-1 mile=1.0 mile total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles= 2.5 miles total
    9/2-WAH: Walk 15-1 mile=3.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles=5.0 miles total
    9/3-WAH: 2 mile Power Walk-7.0 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.5 miles=8.5 miles total
    9/4-WAH:2 mile Burn Body Fat=10.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles ( :smiley: )=13.7 miles total
    9/5-WAP Ultimate Collection-2 mile Brisk Walk=15.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.8 miles=17.5 miles total
    9/6-Vivofit tracked 4.2 miles=21.7 miles total
    9/7-WAH-iWalk Strong-3 miles=24.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=26.7 miles total
    9/8-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles =29.4 miles total
    9/9-WAH-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=33.4 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=34.8 miles total
    9/10-WAH-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=37.8 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.7 miles=39.5 miles total
    9/11 -Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=42.7 miles total
    9/12-Just Walk: Walk Off Fat FAST-40 minutes-2.5 miles=45.2 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=47.5 miles total
    9/13-Vivofit tracked 4.0 miles=51.5 miles total
    9/14-Vivofit tracked 2,2 miles -53.7 miles total
    9/15-WAH-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=57.7 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.3 miles=59 miles total
    9/16-Vivofit tracked 3.1 miles=62.1 miles total
    9/17-Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=65.3 miles total
    9/18-Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=69.4 miles total
    9/19-Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=71.4 miles total
    9/20-WAH-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=4.=75.4 miles total

    Oh no veggie Girl! My sister has plantar fasciitis and my son had it as a teenager and it is so painful! My heart goes out to you as it is very hard to walk with that. My sister really struggles! :heart:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    6 Miles: 2 Miracle Miles + 1 Mile Burn Body Fat + 3 Mile Walk

    121 of 145 Miles

    Thank you @zichab, yes it is painful! I learned tonight that the side steps and kick backs are too much pressure on my foot. I just walked thru the parts I couldn't do comfortably. I'm pretty stubborn, so I did what I could do. Using Arnicare on my foot and it does help.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    8.55 miles golfing this morning.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Goal: 30 minutes of some activity, 5 days a week.
    9/2 ... 32 minutes2 miles of 5 Boosted Miles
    9/3 ... 33 minutes 2 miles of Walk On 15 Minute Fast Blasts and a 30 minute strength workout.
    9/4 ... 46 minutes 3 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    9/5 ... 38 minutes walking
    9/6 ... 34 minutes of the 4 Mile Super Challenge, 24 minutes of weight lifting and 40 minutes of yoga.
    9/7 ... 40 minute Walk Off Fat Fast
    Week one done.
    9/8 ... 29 minutes walking
    9/9 ... Rest day.
    9/10 ... 33 minutes of the 5 Day Slim Down
    9/11 ... 43 minutes of Walk Blasters
    9/12 ... 33 minutes of 4 Miracles Miles and 44 minutes of a strength workout.
    9/13 ... 46 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
    9/14 ... 32 minutes of 2 Mile Miracle Miles.
    Week two done!
    9/15 ... 31 minutes
    9/16 ... Rest day.
    9/17 ... 133 minutes doing a strength workout, a 2 mile walk with Leslie and a lot of running the weed eater.
    9/18 ... 44 minutes of 5 Mix and Match Miles
    9/19 ... 33 minutes of The 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk
    9/20 ... 33 minutes of weight lifting and 16 minutes of Low Impact HIIT with Jessica Smith
    9/21 ... Rest day.
    9/22 ... 2 miles of 15 Minute Fat Blast by Jessica Smith

    VeggieGirl and Deeder, I hope you both are feeling better now.
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    8 Miles:
    5 Fat Burning Miles (Miles #3 and 4 twice) + Mile 5 of 5 Really Big Miles

    129 of 145 Miles
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    8.05 miles golfing this morning.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Goal: 30 minutes of some activity, 5 days a week.
    9/2 ... 32 minutes2 miles of 5 Boosted Miles
    9/3 ... 33 minutes 2 miles of Walk On 15 Minute Fast Blasts and a 30 minute strength workout.
    9/4 ... 46 minutes 3 miles of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    9/5 ... 38 minutes walking
    9/6 ... 34 minutes of the 4 Mile Super Challenge, 24 minutes of weight lifting and 40 minutes of yoga.
    9/7 ... 40 minute Walk Off Fat Fast
    Week one done.
    9/8 ... 29 minutes walking
    9/9 ... Rest day.
    9/10 ... 33 minutes of the 5 Day Slim Down
    9/11 ... 43 minutes of Walk Blasters
    9/12 ... 33 minutes of 4 Miracles Miles and 44 minutes of a strength workout.
    9/13 ... 46 minutes of The 4 Mile Super Challenge
    9/14 ... 32 minutes of 2 Mile Miracle Miles.
    Week two done!
    9/15 ... 31 minutes
    9/16 ... Rest day.
    9/17 ... 133 minutes doing a strength workout, a 2 mile walk with Leslie and a lot of running the weed eater.
    9/18 ... 44 minutes of 5 Mix and Match Miles
    9/19 ... 33 minutes of The 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk
    9/20 ... 33 minutes of weight lifting and 16 minutes of Low Impact HIIT with Jessica Smith
    9/21 ... Rest day.
    9/22 ... 31 minutes of 15 Minute Fat Blast by Jessica Smith
    9/23 ... 34 minutes of 2 Miracle Miles
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Sept 1-9: 38.94 Miles.
    Sept 10-16: 28.24 Miles tracked
    Sept 17-23: 30.09 Miles tracked

    Total 97.27 Miles tacked so far.