TEAM: Gutbusters (October)



  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    October 25
    Exercise: yes, finally "finished" up the yard work for now. Let the snow shoveling begin!
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    October 26
    Exercise Yes
    Calories. Yes
    Tracked. Yes
    Look out! It's my eldest son's engagement party tomorrow night. Food 😯
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Not happy with my food choices last night at dinner when I took the family out. Gonna pay for this one. Must tighten the belt and really watch what I eat the next few days. Taking daughter to airport today so things should start getting back to normal now
  • edising
    edising Posts: 45 Member
    Sorry I am a little late posting but this is accurate as of last Wednesday
    Username: Edising
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's Weight: 197 pounds
    Todays Weight: 196.6 pounds
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    October 24
    Exercised?: Yes (5km walk in forest)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    It's been a while, and I am still here and still tracking.

    Only real not 100% day while away was on the trip home from Spain, and that was through lack of exercise.

    Still only 63.5kg as of this morning.

    Since I last posted I have between Spain and Australia 2 times (from Melbourne to Madrid and back to Melbourne again). Each trip is 24 hours. Only one of them was an "inactive" trip as I was caught with work emails to catch up on while changing flights in Dubai instead of my usual walking.

    I have been insanely busy with Spain work and travel, but nice to be back home. Only problem is that I feel like I am working two jobs for the wage of one (daytime support for Australia, the night time work for Spain that is 10 hours offset - soon to be 11 when they exit daylight savings).

    Sorry for lack of communication. My Spanish is a lot better :) - I can read it at near full speed with 80+% comprehension, but my pronunciation is appalling (by Madrid standards).

    My wife is still doing fantastic with her blood sugars and losing weight. She is looking fantastic (and I tell her at every opportunity). Still no insulin. Her blood pressure medication has also been reduced. Will be looking are reducing the oral blood sugar medication in early November when she next sees her specialist. Her "bad" days are better than her "best" days ever used to be. She has way more good days than bad days. She has lost 18kg (40 lbs) so far and looks to be on track to be no longer in the obese BMI well before Christmas. I am so proud of how well she is doing. Diet has been the biggest thing. Her main exercises are walking (daily), spinning (making yarn) and Zumba once a week.

    I'll leave you with a photo of a shy little critter I saw on todays walk.


    What is your goal? I would guess 63 is pretty good for a male.
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Happy Friday, folks! Busy day, and I only just managed to check in.

    Today I'm looking for weights from:
    @Rocknut53 - Way to go on the loss!
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    General discussion topic for the team.

    Is there someone that you want to inspire to take more care of their health/size/weight?

    I definitely want to inspire my family to take good care of their health/size/weight. My husband and I both are working on it, though I definitely feel, especially in the last month or so, that neither of us are truly in overeating recovery yet. I feel like we're still walking a tightrope, and the habits are not yet fully set. I feel like I need to get even more vigilant or I could relapse.

    But beyond that, my 6 year old has a check up this week, and I think he's too heavy, even for being a tall kid for his age. He wants more carbs and less protein than his brother, Mr. 4, who somehow tends to know to choose protein-rich foods when he's hungry. Mr. 4 also mirrors me when I exercise, but Mr. 6 doesn't.

    I want to ensure that both of the Misters have happy, healthy childhoods. I see too many overweight or obese kids, who look like any kind of activity is a labor, and it makes me feel so sad. (That was kind of my childhood). I want my boys to run for the joy of it, and to be able to play hard all weekend with their friends, and to feel strong and confident when they do physical things.

    Being more vigilant about my own choices and what food we bring into the house will help Mr. 6, I hope.
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    Weigh in day:Friday
    Weigh in week:4
    Weight last week:196 lbs
    Weight this week:194 lbs
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I want to inspire my friends. Our town is the most obese in our state with over 80% of the town overweight or obese. I hope as a newcomer I come with better insight. Every time I have someone over they comment I don't have junk food... That was normal back in my old town. We only had it one weekends with guests, not for mums playmates. One woman is very obese but she doesn't want to change, I don't know why. Another who is obese is sticking well to her diet, while everyone else eats junk around her. it's very hard in spring, let alone summer to want to exercise, I'm mainly doing it through diet alone now.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Also for kids obesity does anyone know much about this? My understanding is children need rich wholegrain food and good fats more than adults. .. I give this through bread. I do give white rice and pasta due to hubby's choice rather than brown (but I grew up on brown). Fortunately my kids are the opposite, tall and almost too skinny.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    October 27
    Exercise No
    Calories. No
    Tracked. No
    Son's engagement party. No idea of the calories. Back on track tomorrow.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    October 26
    Exercised?: Yes (3km in 24 mins)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Busy work day at home (again). Got out to walk at least.

    Managed to get the bodyweight set done on Thursday night, so all good for activity on the 25th :) )

    October 27
    Exercised?: Yes (drone track setup, take down and 1 hours ice skating)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Helped set up a drone track at a local club in the morning, flew 3 flights, then went off to a reunion of an ice skating team I used to compete with.

    First time ice skating in over 10 years. Could still skate forwards and backwards (and turn between at speed), could also still do spins (did not try any jumps :) ). Vary shaky at first, but enough came back quick enough to start to feel comfortable again.

    After skating, went back to drone race track and only got in 2 more flights before having to help pack up. (Flights are only about 4 minutes at most).

    Spent the evening repairing small issues with main race drone and getting backup drone flying gain (it had a bad motor that needed replacing).

    Drone race competition tomorrow (club event).
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Rocknut53 wrote: »
    @craigo3154 As I'm sitting here waiting for my husband to return with his carton of ice cream I find your post very timely. I've been on my "Lois Reduction Plan" for 3 years now inspired in part by my husband's near death experience from a ruptured colon. I lost 60 pounds and although he was/is proud of my success it has not inspired him in the least to get healthy. Now, next week he's meeting with his cardiologist to discuss his valve replacement coming up in November. I might add that 6 years ago he had a stent put in his brachial artery (he did quit smoking after that procedure). 6 years of health issues have not inspired him to change. I've resigned myself that our golden years are not going to be as I'd hoped. In the meantime, I'll keep hiking, skiing, snowshoeing and doing all I can to stay healthy. It makes me so sad though.

    @Rocknut53. I can empathise. It's not easy when those you love make every excuse available to not do what you consider the right thing for them.

    I don't know what my wife's turning point was. All I know is that I made a lot of fuss over her when she started moving the the direction I could see was best for her. Lots of positive re-enforcement. But no negative comments or actions when going another way.

    How difficult was your 60 pound loss? How difficult is it in your lifestyle now to maintain it?

    My wife has has weight related health issues for 20+ years. Does not seem that the threat of potential ill health is a motivator to change. Seems like it leaves room for denial (it won't happen to me - I may beat the odds - medical science will be able to sustain me). The other problem is the abundance of bad, misleading or contradictory information.

    I think one of the things that encouraged my wife was that my loss (and maintenance) seemed fairly easy. No different meals, no really hard exercises. What she saw was my diet preference switch to gluten free (and I had evidence behind it as to why it worked for me) and that I was tracking everything (and this took only a couple minutes per day on a free app (MFP).

    My wife knew low carb worked well for her (like atkins), but was reluctant to experiment as she could not see how this could fit into a lifestyle she could accept. Eventually she decided to try a keto style diet and has not looked back. She is seldom "really hungry" now, which was unexpected. The blood sugars are WAY better. The weight is just falling away as she is well in calorie deficit.

    My only real advice is over-praise any type of change in the right direction. Change is hard. People react MUCH better to praise (positive re-enforcement) than any attempts at negative re-enforcement. Praise/reward for the right thing. Praise/reward for any attempt in the right direction. Just no praise (but NO disapproval - cannot stress this enough) if not doing the right thing.

    Keep healthy and enjoy the benefits of your health. Hopefully Lois can see benefit in trying to join you.

    (btw. I had both ice-cream and pavlova for dessert tonight, so it is possible to have sweet deserts and keep weight off. The key for me is to track and ensure I stay in budget (so effectively portion control) ).
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    October 24
    Exercised?: Yes (5km walk in forest)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    It's been a while, and I am still here and still tracking.

    Only real not 100% day while away was on the trip home from Spain, and that was through lack of exercise.

    Still only 63.5kg as of this morning.


    @12Sarah2015. What is your goal? I would guess 63 is pretty good for a male.

    63kg (140lbs) for a 5"9' male is excellent. In fact it is probably a little under-weight (although still in the healthy BMI range).

    I have about 10% body fat (which is low - visible 6 pack - clear vascularity on the arms).

    My goal is to STAY around this weight (no greater than 70kg, no less than 61kg (60kg and I think my family would put me in hospital - for good reason). My other goal is to remain active so I can take advantage of the health and size I have attained.

    Once you have been overweight and unfit (1-Jan-2017 I was 91.5kg (200 lbs) and unfit), ideal size and fit feels fantastic. It is worth the effort to maintain.

    I aim to help as many as I can, achieve what I have.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    I want to inspire my friends. Our town is the most obese in our state with over 80% of the town overweight or obese. I hope as a newcomer I come with better insight. Every time I have someone over they comment I don't have junk food... That was normal back in my old town. We only had it one weekends with guests, not for mums playmates. One woman is very obese but she doesn't want to change, I don't know why. Another who is obese is sticking well to her diet, while everyone else eats junk around her. it's very hard in spring, let alone summer to want to exercise, I'm mainly doing it through diet alone now.
    Also for kids obesity does anyone know much about this? My understanding is children need rich wholegrain food and good fats more than adults. .. I give this through bread. I do give white rice and pasta due to hubby's choice rather than brown (but I grew up on brown). Fortunately my kids are the opposite, tall and almost too skinny.

    @12Sarah2015. Firstly, people need to want to change to be able to change. Secondly, they need the right information to make good decisions on how to change.

    The general population has been fed so many health lies and half-truths that it is hard for people to know fact from fiction. A lot of "advice" comes from interested or funded parties that ultimately gain from the "advice" given.

    Lastly. Healthy living is not a diet you stick to. Diets start and end. Healthy living is lifestyle choices that are ongoing that work for you and your situation that can also adapt to whatever life throws at you.

    I can have junk food if I want it. But I find I don't want it. Snack sugar rich, carb rich food does not interest me any more. Therefore it is not a temptation. Temptation is only temptation when a) it is forbidden in some way b) it is something you believe you desire.

    Keep kids active, and feed them filling foods and they do fine (fats, proteins, carbs with fibre). The processed carb foods (sugar/candy/cookies) and deep fried foods (nuggets, fries) should not be a regular (or everyday) thing. Also do not always reward or console with "comfort" food as this sets up a bad psychological habits for adulthood. You can reward with activity's, excursions, attention and occasionally gifts instead of continually reverting to comfort food.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    @craigo3154 Thank you. I do eat ice cream now and then, I just don't purposely go buy it. My eating is not restricted in any way other than calories. I've learned though, that with so few calories to work with, being 64 and lightly active with lots of hiking in addition to my daily activity, I need to make healthy choices. You're right about positive reinforcement and I will try harder to do that. Usually, at this point, I just don't say much. There just haven't been many circumstances to praise.
  • 90kgToNewMe
    90kgToNewMe Posts: 52 Member
    Weigh in day:Sunday
    Weigh in week:4
    Weight last week:163 lbs
    Weight this week:158 lbs

    Sorry didn’t post in week 3 - don’t know if that disqualifies me?

    I was on a Prolon fast mimicking diet in Week 4 which is why I have shed 5lbs.
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Last day of Week 4! Tonight I'm looking for weights from:

  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    October 27
    Exercise: kind rain gutters
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes
This discussion has been closed.