TEAM: Gutbusters (November)



  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Username: hooversgurl
    Weigh in week: Nov wk1
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    Previous Week's weight:168
    Todays Weight: 167

    I did very little exercise this week. That will be my focus tia week!

    Hi @hooversgurl! We have you in the spreadsheet as a Wednesday weigher. Would you like me to get you changed to a Sunday weigher instead?
  • westray16
    westray16 Posts: 143 Member
    Monday week 1
    PW 197 lbs
    CW 197 lbs
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    Hi! My name is Steve or grebber1. Call me anything but late for dinner. Been in this group a few months and it really helps to keep me on track.
    Been heavy all my life and my eating habits had been horrible since I was a kid. I started my weight loss in july of this year. I started in at 420 pounds. I'm currently at 319 now. I did nothing special. No pills. No voodoo. Just watch what I eat. Grilled chicken, fish, veggies. Anywhere from 1500 to 2000 cals a day. You would be amazed how much food you can eat when its clean food like salads and veggies. Walking and biking. That's it. One thing I have learned is its all about consistency. Weight changes up and down all the time. But just like a retirement savings, is about being consistent over a period of time. Patience.

    @grebber1 Sneaking that "oh yeah, I've lost 101 lbs since July" into this post like it's nothing!

    It's just awesome, inspiring, incredible, uplifting, amazing -- I don't have the words for it. Can't wait to see where you are at the end of November, December, next year... :smile: Welcome back, and way to go!

  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!

    Today I'm looking for weights from:

    @ryjar80 - Great 2.09% loss for the week!
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    edited November 2018
    November Week 1
    PW: 166.5
    CW: 166.7

    I give myself an A- for exercise, a B- for food choices, and a C for mindset. I'm having some serious trouble with getting into the weight loss mental game. My brain is willing to force the rest of me to do enough to maintain my loss, but it's not been forcing the rest of me to do what's needed to continue losing.

    My self needs to have a serious talk with my self!

    A small victory: today I did 2 sets of 8 reps of 5 lb tricep kickbacks in a standard plank position )two sets for both arms). Small weights, but my triceps were not very strong to begin with. I was able to feel strong while holding that plank position on one arm and doing the kickbacks with the other.

    One foul-up today with food choices, but that need not mean the rest of the day is wasted. To those of you with lots of Monday remaining, here's to staying on track!

  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    So the app stopped working and won't take my password even tho its right. In no mood to mess with it any more. If it won't work then it's been fun meeting everyone.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    So the app stopped working and won't take my password even tho its right. In no mood to mess with it any more. If it won't work then it's been fun meeting everyone.

    The app had issues today. They posted the problem on FB. Hopefully it's fixed. I'm on my laptop, it works, my phone it didn't. Little bumps, please stick with us, you are doing so well and it's inspiring to watch your progress.
  • auntdeb37
    auntdeb37 Posts: 32 Member
    App working on Kindle, but not on cellphone.
  • auntdeb37
    auntdeb37 Posts: 32 Member
    November 5
    Exercise: No, still recovering from 10k. I will in Tuesday.
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked: Yes
  • michellelagle
    michellelagle Posts: 77 Member
    Ok I posted my weight loss this morning. But I guess because of all the app issues it got lost some how.
    Week: 1
    PW: 164

    Next week I'm shooting for 3-4 pounds
  • michellelagle
    michellelagle Posts: 77 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Excersize: yes
    Calories: yes
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    looks like its just phones thats messed up
  • TomatoeLady
    TomatoeLady Posts: 24 Member
    I changed my user name from asttc to TomatoeLady. Hope that isn't to much of a pain <3
    November 5
    exercised: yes
    tracked: yes
    calories: yes
    Hope you all had a great day. Talk to you tomorrow
  • dommylifts
    dommylifts Posts: 96 Member
    I did track calories, stay within under my calories, and exercise today but everything was deleted from my diary today. Very annoying. I’ll update it all tomorrow.
  • bubblemum2
    bubblemum2 Posts: 33 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    Happy Monday, everyone!

    Today I'm looking for weights from:

    @ryjar80 - Great 2.09% loss for the week!

    Week 1: 152lbs

    It’s frustrating because I’m not losing any new weight I bounce up and down from151-155lbs and I did that with 160-165 for months n only just broke it but I’m not doing anything different so I don’t know why it does this :(
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    November 6
    Exercise. Yes
    Calories. Yes
    Tracked. Yes
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Morning everyone. One thing I would love to start doing is getting up early to work out before work. Thing is, I'm a night person and for sure not a morning person. I just don't see it happening. I'll have to give it a shot if I could ever get to bed early.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    November 5
    Exercised?: Yes (5km in 38 mins - hills).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Work from home.

    Daughter auditioned for local theatre company. Hope she gets a part.

    Well under today.

    November 6
    Exercised?: No (Rain most of the day, Lazy day inside).
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Public holiday, so little work today. Poor weather meant I did not get out to walk or fly.

    Late getting out of bed. Some house cleaning.

    Still well under calories today.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,807 Member
    Username: jm216
    Week: November 6th
    Can I change my weigh ins to Tuesday’s?
    PW: 222
    CW: 225.2

    I have been off the rails! Lots of family stuff going on, and I’ve been eating everything in sight. I can’t do that anymore... I’m done.
    I’m ready to commit to getting back on track. I can’t control stress and frustration by stuffing myself. It’s time to walk and move... and track again. I can’t control everything around me, I can only control how I react.

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