

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: No
    Water: not enough
    Exercise and steps: 10565 steps

    It is dangerously cold here in Michigan and many other places today. I am here at work but I doubt there will be much activity. Town is quiet. But I am in a warm office and I have my space heater running. I have packed some great food for the day and dinner is already planned. I am working on getting my momentum back.

    @lenka1 The glasses are taking a little getting used to. But they are growing on me.

    @hope002 I love that you are trying snowboarding. my son before he moved to florida use to snow board. I tried it. it was impossible for me to master! good luck and have fun!

    @nstephenson01 yay nancy is build quite an impressive string. sounds like your day is full with household tasks.

    @ihp2015 what a great present! he is a very sweet guy. I am going to miss you tho on our fit bit challenges. and yes, it is starting sunday feb 3rd and you will post your daily steps in our team weight no more thread.

    @Cafelelia looks like you got about the same amount of snow as us. I love the snow as long as I don't have to venture out in it. I guess I like to look at it not play in it!!

    @eyesopennow ohhhh nooo. that is terrible. I am praying for an answer.

    @phoebe112476 I am so glad you found your groove! It was just ment to be. good job at staying commited to your plan. take a picture of how you are feeling right now. the momentum you have built up. it is really important for you to internalize and commit to memory this feeling of success. write it out on a stickie note and put it on the frig. you are GREAT!!

    @sleepymom5 thanks about the glasses. I am still getting used to them. I have never had dark frames before. they have always been real light or frameless. but this is whats is style and they are the cutest dark purple.

    @gottagetthisdown ohhh no. that's ok. you know how this works. just put that weigh in away and start again. that's the great thing about this. this one gain does not ruin all the hard work you have done.

    @GingerPwr maintains are good. you have had a great January now lets hit it hard in February.

    @Mrsbell8well well!!! now you have been doing awesome. I am so proud of you for all the hard work you have put in. look at the new you go. good job!! and those balls look delish!!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Home sweet home today....,-30 here in Minnesota so our office is closed today as is most of the state! Still sitting in bed drinking coffee and checking my emails. I brought my laptop home as I have some work to do, but it will be a nice quiet day!

    Yesterday food wise was good with lots of water, steps and yoga!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: Yes and under
    Water: 64oz
    Exercise and steps: Leslie Sansone video 30 min and 10,069 steps

    So, it is 25 and sunny in Philly AND my first day was rescheduled to Friday because of inclement weather. I am not going to lie, I wasn't really paying attention to the weather because I was finishing up things for my Mom and trying to get stuff done to start work today. My daughter who goes to a local college about 30-40 min away got snow so I guess there was bad weather somewhere...Now I have an extra 2 days to finish up things AND to get back on track. Yesterday was ok and I hit my goals, today will have to be better.

    @gottagetthisdown Hope everything is ok. We are here if you need us.
    @Gingerpwr You did great this month! Maintains aren't bad. Don't let it get you down!
    @Mrsbell8well OMG! The 150s!! That is awesome!! Those truffles look yummy and the presentation is beautiful!
    @cyndiesstuff Sounds like you have a great day planned. You can do this! I am off since my trip so I am trying to get back on track too. Purple?! Thats so cute!! I got a dark pair too, Shannon talked me into it. They are darker and bigger than I was used to. I like them now but I didn't at first.
    @carlsoda I like that you are making the best of a very cold situation! Enjoy your warm bed while you can and stay inside!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member


    There will not be separate steps thread this month. We will be asking steppers to post within their threads daily their step count and then captains post the steps to the spreadsheet. Mods will tally on Sunday or Monday for the weekly posting.

    Secondly, We will be cutting the steppers from 12 to 10 challengers.

    Updated Stepper list for Feb

    So this means our step challenge is full for February. So all 10 of you come here daily and post your steps and myself or @sleepymom5 will then enter them on on weight tracking spread sheet.

    Fyi-This will start on Sunday Feb 3.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited January 2019
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 16 minutes yoga
    Steps: 12,753

    Met my goals yesterday and had a lot of fun with both kids home!

    @carlsoda I didn’t realize you also lived in Minnesota! I’m just north of the Twin Cities. It looks so beautiful and sunny out the window…but with an unbelievable -49 wind chill. I am getting antsy to get outside! Just a couple more days and should be nice.

    @cyndiesstuff Hope you are feeling better today. You’ll find your momentum again! Stay warm!

    @nstephenson01 You’re doing great! That ice can be so dangerous…good thing you found a safer alternative.

    @Cafelelia Looks like your kids enjoyed their snow day! Hoping we can get out and play in the snow here soon too.

    @Mrsbell8well Look at you go!! Officially in the 150s! Your almond truffles look delicious.

    @eyesopennow Sure hope you can find a solution that works better soon!

    @GingerPwr 6 pounds in a month is fabulous!!

    @phoebe112476 Way to go getting yourself into a routine that works well for you. I also would like to add in some strength training in February, so need to get a plan in place.

    @sleepymom5 Nice job hitting your goals yesterday! Enjoy your extra couple days!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: Partly but under I think
    Water: 84 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute Leslie Sansone video + 30 minute walk; 11,878 steps

    Quick check in as I'm running behind this morning. Stay safe in this dangerously cold weather everyone!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @carlsoda your so lucky your office closed. my boss is so self centered. he didn't come in today but I am here! lol. he's a turd.

    @sleepymom5 two more days to get nervous. ughh. well at least you can get caught up from your recent trip and maybe get in a little Pam time. I feel exactly the same way about my glasses.

    @Shirin_K good job at meet your daily goals. make sure to give yourself credit for all the hard things you do everyday to meet them!!

    @nstephenson01 you be safe too girl. chat at you later.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello everyone and thanks for all the positive feedback! I just stayed on track with my food and exercise. After being off-track for so long, my body responded quickly.

    This week was a little slow go over the weekend, but I am back on track again. My hubby and sons have been sick along with many of my co-workers, I think it finally caught-up to me :neutral: I am drinking lots of green tea and taking a decongestant. I went to the gym last night and felt fine. I am going to do my workout at home tonight.

    The temps are supposed to drop and get bitter cold, which seems to be the case in most places in the US. Crazy weather! We have not gotten any snow yet, supposed to hit us this afternoon, but not too much accumulation. Trying to remember that summer bodies are made in the winter and summer is not too far away.

    Have a wonderful day! :smiley:
  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member
    User ID: ihp2015
    Week Number: Week 5
    Previous weight: 213.1
    Current weight: 213.0

    Ok, this better be my last maintain. The scale should really start going down again!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Shirin_K wrote: »
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 16 minutes yoga
    Steps: 12,753

    Met my goals yesterday and had a lot of fun with both kids home!

    @carlsoda I didn’t realize you also lived in Minnesota! I’m just north of the Twin Cities. It looks so beautiful and sunny out the window…but with an unbelievable -49 wind chill. I am getting antsy to get outside! Just a couple more days and should be nice.

    @cyndiesstuff Hope you are feeling better today. You’ll find your momentum again! Stay warm!

    @nstephenson01 You’re doing great! That ice can be so dangerous…good thing you found a safer alternative.

    @Cafelelia Looks like your kids enjoyed their snow day! Hoping we can get out and play in the snow here soon too.

    @Mrsbell8well Look at you go!! Officially in the 150s! Your almond truffles look delicious.

    @eyesopennow Sure hope you can find a solution that works better soon!

    @GingerPwr 6 pounds in a month is fabulous!!

    @phoebe112476 Way to go getting yourself into a routine that works well for you. I also would like to add in some strength training in February, so need to get a plan in place.

    @sleepymom5 Nice job hitting your goals yesterday! Enjoy your extra couple days!

    I am west of the cities but work in Eden Prairie. So nice just staying home with the sun shining in the windows. 😂
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    @carlsoda your so lucky your office closed. my boss is so self centered. he didn't come in today but I am here! lol. he's a turd.

    @sleepymom5 two more days to get nervous. ughh. well at least you can get caught up from your recent trip and maybe get in a little Pam time. I feel exactly the same way about my glasses.

    @Shirin_K good job at meet your daily goals. make sure to give yourself credit for all the hard things you do everyday to meet them!!

    @nstephenson01 you be safe too girl. chat at you later.

    I hope you can go home early. I have been working so am not falling to far behind. On my lunch break right now with my electric blanket 😁
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    daily checkin
    food under (as I am swimming later I may have a late snack and get to target)
    water no idea I have been struggling to drink water as it so cold having lots of tea though
    exercise 20 mins spin swimming.

    @mrsbell8well yummy more delicious treats

    @lenka1 well done for not giving up it is tempting when you have a set back to say hang it all.
    In answer to your questions:-
    Do you have a timeline for your goal? I plan on losing 1lb a week I want to make sure that I am making sensible long term changes for my diet that are sustainable. I guess I will get to goal about June. When I started the programme I lost a lot of weight really quickly and I struggled to maintain it. I also know that when I get closer to my goal my weight loss slows down weirdly the less I have to lose the harder I find it
    How often do you lift weights? Cardio? I have been going 5 sessions a week but this week I have been really struggling. At the end of this cycle I start training for a half marathon so I will be doing a lot less. I do a lot of cardio because I am trying to maintain my tri fitness some might argue too much I try to do 2 swims 2 runs and 2 spins a week. It is a lot (so my husband says). I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Its that time again!!! FEBRURARY REGISTRATIONS have been opened!

    We are hoping you all help us spread the word by posting an invite to join our group on your profile pages, in your other groups, or by going to our FORUM INVITES and posting a little comment about how our Group has helped you on your journey! This will show people what we are all about and help keep our invites on top of the forums page. Simply click on the links below and give us a shout out!!

  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Jeeze, I'm a dummy - i thought yesterday was my last day of the 28-Day Challenge, but it's actually today lol. So i have one last fun workout to do after work, then i'm ACTUALLY FOR REAL done!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily Check In for Tuesday
    Food - Logged & on target
    Water - not enough!
    Exercise - physio & 7652 steps

    Extreme cold here in Toronto as well. Hope that everybody experiencing this stays safe & indoors. Had my physio appt today & I continue to improve! I have a new set of daily exercises this week, that are more intense & focus on core. I maybe, just maybe can see the light at the end of this tunnel. Would be great if I could run a short race (5 k) in June.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    We had some snow overnight, I did some shoveling today for my workout because I just wasn't feeling it today. The next few days are going to be freezing, they are already delaying the start for some schools. Not looking good on the scale, I just think we are not friends. I have been working out and eating right. I feel like I am getting up at 4 for nothing when I actually could be sleeping.
This discussion has been closed.