

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    wowzers!! , Milove…..you may be bigger than you were, but you are a total movie star in that dress!! lovely !!! ...and you know pictures are not always flattering...but this is! But you will get back to where you want to be.

    Carol....so soon! congrats!! I know you have many trips planned. Enjoy!!

    Snoozie, I also didn't know that yours was this close. How exciting!!

    Suzy, I hear you on the exercise motivation. I am trying to find mine since I am losing the lbs, now. To help with the extra skin thing....ugh!

    Vail, I think we fluctuate so much with our water weight, cause I know I can pick up 3 to 5 lbs overnight sometimes.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi ho Hatters...

    I managed to get a few pb games in this morning before the skies opened - rest of the day is calling for rain which i suppose is good cause i'vve been putting off my house chores every day so far lol... so this will force me into them!

    I finally sat down with the classes list for the seniors centre.. i have to say im impressed with the number of different ones they offer. I am going to sign up for only 1 class for the fall session (sept to dec) and 2 classes for the winter one (jan-mar) .. they provided a description sheet of each one as well which was handy as it indicates what each class provides (cardio/strength/flexibitility/stretching and whether it involves mats or not - which are a challenge for me.. i can get down on the mats.. but getting up ... ya not so much lolol).

    So i picked a weight lift/strength training class for fall... because i think i get the cardio from pb .. its so much cheaper at the seniors centre than the rec centres.. $30 membership for the year then the classes are 14 classes for $60 and the other is 10 classes for $40 (all weekly classes). so it averages about $4 a class which is way cheaper than the $11.50 at the rec centre. I've always done drop in classes not scheduled ones tho.. and i can usually talk myself out of going to those... so i'm hoping this will force me out if i sign up for (and pay for!) a whole session in advance.

    im working on making better thoices again... and eating less.... but its definitely a work in progress lol..... but we're all still here trying right .. none of us have given up so kudos to each and every one!!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Thank you ladies, you truly made me feel good.

    Enjoy your time off Snoozie, whether it is outdoors or indoors.

    I agree Gail, Water weight is part of the pounds and the inches around our abdomens, extremities etc.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Well done on getting your exercise programme organised, Snoozie! I know you'd been talking about specifically doing strength training. The seniors centre sounds good value. I wish we had something similar here! My gym is £12.99 a month which really isn't too bad if you go to a lot of classes, but of course sometimes I'm paying that and not going at all! I see you have the same plan as me of making yourself pay for something to commit yourself - lol!

    I'm still going to Slimming World, even though I still have mixed feelings. It's quite expensive, then you're expected to buy a raffle ticket, and bring in a prize for the slimmer of the week, and then I find myself buying their products as well (which you don't have to do). So I really do have to lose weight after all that expense! I still can't get my head round the weekly weighing. According to them, I lost 4.5 lb this week! Which of course I will mostly gain back next week, and will be expected to look at what I'm doing "wrong".

    But anyway, however much I mutter and complain about it, I am actually losing weight. As we all know, it doesn't seem to matter too much what you do to lose weight, as long as you actually do it. I do enjoy the classes - I've changed to a different group, and do find it motivating. I'm back at my maintenance weight, and have never been more than a few pounds below it in recent years, so the real test will be whether I can hit a new low! And also whether I can maintain it.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - it absolutely does seem the SW is working for you and i'm glad you found a different group that is more motivating; your results are showing and that's awesome!! and you're back at your maintenance weight - woo to the hoo!! i KNOW you can hit a new low and we'll be doing the happy dance with you in the not too distant future i know!

    and yes I actually thot of you when i sat and decided to sign up in advance - the payment thing. Also i dont want to chance it being full if i just do the drop in and because i know i can talk myself out of going so fingers crossed your method works for me lol! And yes I'm thinking the only way i'm going to actually get in some ST is to actually take a class since I don't seem to be motivated enough to do it at home!

    That said.. i watched a very interesting show on public tv channel yesterday.. first half on obesity and debunking the whole BMI thing and talking about how the "internal fat" should be more of a concern (the fat around our organs). It was about the science behind losing weight and was very interesting.. they showed an easy home test where you step on a string (or easier with 2 people) and draw it up your side to the top of your head... cut the string at that length, then fold it in half - and wrap it around your waist. The string ends should be able to touch around your tummy to be at a normal "BMI" if you will.. The good news too was that losing even 5% of your weight will make a difference in the internal fat because its the first fat you lose (the stuff around your organs).

    the 2nd half was on fitness and dealt with both cardio and ST.. they are researching new info vs old thots..about how to get the most benefit out of ST exercises.. and i wont go into the whole thing, but in the cardio one they looked atthe HIT method for people who hate to exercise.. they put a special HIT bike in an office and people had to go in and do 30 seconds on the bike at their absolute max.. and do warm up and cooldown .. but only 30 seconds at full out max.. for a total of 2 minutes a week.. yep you read that right. had to total 2 minutes of HIT per week. Well a few of the participants were gym rats and a few never exercised yada yada... and nobody believed the 2 min a week would make a diff.. but turns out.. at the end they all showed about an 18% increase in their cardio fitness... everyone was stunned lol.. but the researchers are trying to develope more efficient ways of getting the most benefit from any exercise. So that was an eye opener..

    Then they did a ST one with 6 women none of whom did any strength training and various ages.. and they had them use heavy weights on the left side only (arms and legs) and light weights on the right side only... and had to use each to fatigue point ....to see if there was any more benefit to lifting heavy vs light (as we know its always been assumed lifting heavy was way better). Well... in the end... after testing before and after.... both heavy and light sides had both improved at exactly the same rate.. BUT when asked if they would continue ST and with which weights, all the women said they would prefer to continue iwth the heavy weights.. because again, they fatigued quicker with the heavy weights - it took longer to get to fatigue with the lighter weights, so using the heavy ones would mean less time at the gym.. again looking at exercising more efficiently to get the most of out whatever it is your'e doing.. it went into a whole lot more of course, but the research they are doing (seemed to be based in Britain) was very very interesting.. specially for someone like me who is admittedly lazy :)

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Sorry i wanted to post that before i lost it lol. The only thing i forgot was.. the reason the HIT method works so well is that the extra glycogen(sp?) in our bodies is stored in our muscles.. and the leftover just floats around which is not good and can lead to T2 diabetes.. and somehow the quick intense 30 seconds of full out using the big muscles in your legs (which store more than the smaller ones) draws the glycogen out of them for the energy needed to do it.. (ya thats the non scientific explanation lol) anyway.... but a good reminder to me that i dont necessarily need to be a gym rat to improve my fitness even a little - but i do need to start doing something!!

    Yesterday i went into my profile on MFP; i was going to update it a little but I saw my last entry from January 1st of this year ... and realized i am right now at exactly the same weight i was on Jan 1st... i haven't lost an ounce. I gained a few pounds and yes i am back to where I was.. but omg.. 8 months since then and not an ounce lost... that really opened my eyes to how complacent ive really become about losing the extra weight... the good news is at least i'm back to where I started and can move ahead to getting down to my goal weight. i just need to really start putting the work into it. I've been giving myself too much latitude in thinking that playing pb is burning enuf cals so i can eat what i want.. forgetting that isn't how it works.. i think im def going to have to start logging again to see just how much i'm actually eating calorie wise; i suspect i've put my head in the sand on how much i'm really taking in. So it's all good - and today is a good day to start cause seeing how quickly time goes by whether i'm doing anything or not was a real eye opener!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thanks for posting all the detail of the TV programme, Snoozie. I have a feeling I've watched it. I love programmes like that! I definitely watched one with the string test. I always score fine on that one (it's basically a test of whether your waist measurement is less than half your height) because I have an hourglass type figure - but I do still have a lot of fat around my middle! I think the idea is that central body fat is an indicator of visceral fat.

    I did used to do HIIT ... it's a little bit controversial with heart disease and I do find it difficult to push. In fact, I've been told not to push too hard. And I'm sure I remember with the two/three minute thing, the actual high intensity bit is meant to be very high intensity, almost unbearably high. And another thing I remember, is that some people respond very well to it, and some not so much. Anyway, I did used to do it twice a week at a class, and at home, and stopped when I had a knee injury and didn't go back. There was a little bit of controversy here with it as a TV presenter suffered a stroke doing it and felt it was definitely the HIIT to blame. As usual, I just don't know - still feel I'm fumbling in the dark trying to find what works! I certainly didn't get superfit while I was doing it. It was kind of fun, though.

    It's funny, I was just hearing the same thing about weights - that lots of reps with lighter weights worked too. But interesting that people preferred the heavier ones. I do too, but it's partly because I think I'm more likely to injure myself if I do lots of reps. I hurt my back at the gym a couple of weeks ago, doing multiple fast deadlifts with a light weight. I also find the heavier weights more fun. I'm doing a circuits class tonight - it's classed as cardio, but I feel there is quite a lot of strength stuff.

    What you say about thinking the pb burns calories - that's a trap I can fall into too. I'm convinced that when I'm exercising I don't actually burn that much more calories than when I'm not - I know when I was tracking carefully, exercise didn't make a huge amount of difference. I don't know if that's because I have a slow heart rate or what - although I think it's also because it's easy to overestimate how much you're doing. For instance, my circuits class is half an hour, but some of that will be the leader explaining the exercises, some will be warm up and cool down, some will be me getting a drink of water, so in the end maybe 15 minutes will actually be intense exercise. Anyway, I think that overall, the amount of extra food I can eat is actually very little. Especially if the exercise is walking, because I think that really burns minimal calories for me because my city is so flat!

    Sorry, I'm rambling on! I do find this stuff really interesting!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail I completely agree with you about the controversy over the different types of exercise; its almost identical to the food fight - eat this, dont eat this, god forbid you eat this LOL.. and every day there's something new, but like you i find these type of shows interesting, if for nothing more than seeing the new research and ideas out there on everything.. but i won't be jumping into any of the above anytime soon lol..

    but on the same topic.. found a very interesting article yesterday with morning tips, do's and don'ts for morning exercise over 50... admit i will change a few of the things i've been doing like the morning stretches in bed LOLOL...

    here's the link in case you're bored sometime and wanna read :smile:


    and based on one of the thoughts in there, i'm gonna sit and sip my coffee instead of getting my butt out the door hahaha

    still on vacation this week; go back on Saturday for my last set of 7 shifts... popped into work early yesterday to check my email for a phone i had ordered that didnt come and my face is plastered all over posters every 10 feet... for the send off party they are having on my last day... its a very weird sensation to see yourself everywhere.. kinda like a wanted poster!! ha
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited August 2019
    Sorry I’ve been MIA... I spent the last week supervising a landscaping project at my parent’s house. It turned out great but I lost a whole week!

    I absolutely need to be doing strength training whether with light or heavy weight...just something! Interesting read on the whole exercise in the morning. I knew there would be a silver lining to not being a morning person eventually!!

    How surreal to see posters of yourself everywhere! I don’t know if I’d like that...unless it was a really great photo, of course!

    Vail congratulations on your weight loss! Being at maintenance must feel fantastic. I hope to be there one day. It sounds like you’ve found a group that works for you.

    We’re off for a very quick trip to Kansas City to see my mother in law. Her body is pretty healthy for a 92 year old but her mind is going. She’s in a memory care home that is very nice but it’s hard to see her like that.

    I’m still trying to find my motivation. I was doing so well in the first part of the year but summer has not been good for my weight loss goals. We’re going hiking the end of October and I need to lose a few to get back into my cool weather pants. I’ve got to snap out of it!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I hope you have nice time on your trip, Suzy. It's good that your mother in law is having good care.

    Thanks for the congratulations! This is only the maintenance weight I have been at on and off for the past few years, so nothing new, but it's good to get back to it and maybe we need to celebrate the small things!

    Thanks for the article, Snoozie! I had no idea about the risk to your spine of morning exercise. I will bear that in mind. I do seem to always be hurting myself with exercise so this is definitely something to avoid!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Good morning Hatters! I’m back from Kansas City and ready to give the next 19 weeks my best shot at ending the year on a positive note! There’s nothing like visiting a senior care center to open your eyes to how important it is to get in shape. So....gotta get off my tushy and get busy living my healthiest life. Muscles and strength truly are in the move it or lose it category.

    I’ve got ten weeks to lose enough of my gut to button my hiking pants. 😂 Our hiking vacation is in Arkansas at the end of October. I’m hoping we start getting some cooler weather soon so we can get back out to the mountains here in Georgia. I love hiking in the Fall!

    I hope you’re all doing great!

    (Just a reminder: 19 weeks until 2020!!!)

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    hi guys.. sorry been MIA i have been reading but i started back on sat on my last shift and its just flown by.. and today it suddenly hit me that it's real... thurs is my last day of work and at the moment it feels quite surreal (great.. but surreal) specially cause lots of peeps are stopping by to wish me well in retirement because with our different shifts i wont see them again so im finding im a wee bit emotional - go figure ha. I think its because i still love what i do and talking about the years there all these old memories come up most of us had forgotten about - so you start to realize just how many people and events have been a part of your life there.. but im still thrilled with retirement believe me - today was just the first "omg its real" moment ha..

    Suzy - glad you're home and have no doubt youll accomplish what you want before the trip.. as for the muscles and strength use or lose? would u believe my sister and i were just talking about the same thing... how if we KEEP moving we hurt less.. but when we stop and then suddenly do a class or a workout or whatever it hurts like hell.. so next time we're reluctant to do it casue its gonna hurt.... instead we have to change our mindset to MORE movement cause the more frequently we move, there wont be those owie movements as long as we are consistent in it.. so i'm with ya!! i gotta head for bed but thinking of all of you and know we can use those 19 weeks to our advantage!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie!!!!!! Enjoy your last day at work tomorrow!!! Wow!!! All those years of working hard, weird sleep schedules, dotting the i’s, crossing the t’s, meetings, overtime....the list goes on and on! I know you’ll rock this whole retirement thing!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Have a fantastic last day!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    By the way, great article on the timing and sequence of strength training and cardio:


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Happy Retirement, Snoozie! (I chose this one because of the theatre and walks, and I'm pretending the ball is a pickleball!) I hope you have a wonderful adventure!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    THANKS Suzy and Vail ! LOL at the pic Vail love it!!! specially the pickleball ! And i hope to do all those things and more!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Heading out for a hike today and the temperature is going to be a high of 75 (23c)!!! It’s supposed to be cloudy and cool! Perfect! Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Have a lovely hike, Suzy! I honestly prefer walking in cloudy rather than sunny weather. Enjoy!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    The hike was wonderful and challenging and strenuous! My calves are so sore today. It ended up being about 8.5 miles up and over Tony mountain and back again. There was a swinging suspension bridge over Toccoa river. It was very cool and the weather was cool, too.
