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  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    When are you leaving for Italy? It’s got to be close now. Sooooo exciting! Definitely get something comfy to wear. This is a huge vacation so don’t let a size of clothing deter you from having fun.

    Mom is doing okay. They’re both just getting old and slowing down.

    I tried a new recipe that I’ll share. It was really delish! Full of veggies and very tasty. My hubby even liked it! I used jarred sauce though.


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    we don't leave til the 28th Suzy... i wore my plane pants last night to a meeting at the LAC, defintiely comfortable but because they are a little big i had to keep yanking them up every time i stood up lol.. but i'll trade that for comfort on the plane! Glad to hear mom is doing ok; i know how hard it is to see our parents in a different light as time goes on.. hugs...

    thanks for hte reminder about skinnytaste.. browsed it this morning (as im not a fan of sausage or zucchini lol) and i'm going to do the sheet pan chicken and veg for dinner, and will pick up some swiss chard as i have one slice of bacon left and some onions and i forgot until i saw it how much i loved that... so thanks for the suggestion! off to pb this morning, they are holding a celebration rally on Sunday up near the LAC for Bianca Andrescu as she is from our city, it's about a 3km walk up there so i'll walk there and back to get my movement in. now gotta do some ankle stretches afore i head out.. and should prolly add whole body ones too ha
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    You’ve still got two weeks Snoozie! Make the best of them. You can do anything for two weeks, right? Something I’ve started doing is keeping a pitcher of water in the fridge. I fill it up with the nine cups that I want to drink each day. That way I keep track and know how much I’m not drinking. In the evening (which is the time that I struggle with snacking) I have to finish my water and I’m too full to snack (much).

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Okay... I tried another salmon entree tonight and it was delish!!! Hubby even liked it!


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    now THOSE i would love Suzy - i assume from reading the recipe, its raw salmon, not leftover cooked salmon right? (because of the bit you puree for "glue" lol) will def give this a try.. i planned to make the sheet pan chicken and veg tonite, but at the store they had whole chickens on big sale; $6 so i did jamie oliver's roast lemon chicken and it turned out great (plus super simple lol)... and now have leftover chicken for the next day or 2... cook once, eat twice yup works for me!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Yes, raw salmon...the hardest part of the recipe was removing the skin, so if you can find it already removed then I’d do that. I’ll have to look up the chicken recipe. I love making a whole chicken and using it for a couple more meals.

    We’re off for a hike today....not a mountain but there’s some decent elevation. I’m so ready for cooler temperatures. It’s so hot and humid and it’s the middle of September!!! Come on!!! Jeez.

    By the way, my daughter has officially announced that she’s expecting a little girl in the middle of March!!! We’re all very excited!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    omg Suzy - glad it's public now LOL... a beautiful little grand daughter how exciting!! Congratulations to your daughter and son in law - and to "Nanny" !!!! have fun on the hike.. btw did you make the sirrachi mayo to go with the salmon it as well? thanks for the tip on the skin..

    I made a chicken stock from the carcass last nite, and for lunch will be having chicken and tomato wrapped in lettuce leaves
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Thank you!!

    I did make the sriracha mayo but I had the ingredients already so it was no big deal. I’m not a huge fan of spicy hot stuff so I used half the amount of sriracha. They really were good!

    Lunch sounds yummy! We just got done hiking (6.5 miles, equivalent of 100 flights of stairs on my Fitbit). I had an almost 700 calorie lunch (sandwich and fruit plus a half brownie on the trail) so I’m hoping to have a reasonable dinner. I usually fall into the “I just hiked so I’m eating whatever I want” trap but I’m really going to try and not do that tonight.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    omg suzy... 100 flights!! i'd say no prob at all with that sandwich for lunch!!! well done you! I had my 2nd weight/fit class today and it literally kicked my *kitten* .. omg.. lots of new moves with the weights and more resistance band stuff.. it was a little icky realizing just how much i need this class lol... but the plus side is i have a baseline now of knowing where i am and will be able to (hopefully) measure a significant increase over time... i am definitely also going to have to do a lot more stretching at home in between tho!! But loved the class and i'm going to sign up for it again over the winter along with the stretch class i start in January :)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’m so proud of you for doing the strength class! You are inspiring me to get my tushy off the couch and get to the gym. I know that I’ll have that same terrible realization that I’m way more out of shape than I think I am once I get back to it. Okay! My goal is to go to the gym at least once this week and do the strength machines. Surely I can accomplish that one!!!

    Made the southwest chicken skillet tonight and it was pretty good! It makes four big servings so I have leftovers for lunches. I had avocado left from the salmon burgers so I put a bit of that on top. I’ve had pretty good luck with the recipes I’ve tried lately.


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Suzy .. honestly i had a moment during class where i thot omg.. how sad is this that you are struggling so much... BUT that only lasted a minute - im actually really glad i'm finally doing something!! and i'm really hoping by the end of December I'll start to see a difference..I'm a little sore in parts this morning; we did this one thing with the resistance bands called "bow and arrow".. literally hold it out in front of you with one arm, grasp the remainder and pull it back to your armpit with the other. Doesnt sound like much, right? but omg lol that's the one i feel this morning! Good on ya for setting your goal to hit the gym to do the ST machines.. i look forward to hearing about it!!

    i checked out that recipe and i am going to make it tonite; i read some of the comments below (which i always do for tips and tricks) and i am going to use the leftover chicken i have on hand instead, and add black beansand red onion instead of the zucchini as I'm not a fan of it (a recommend from someones comments) i havent eaten a lot of avacado but i think i will pick one up on the way home when i grab the beans and lime.. and try that..

    still waking up at 5am these days lol.. i know from others it will take a few months for my body to adjust to decades of shift work.. but on the plus side it may also help me make a quick adjustment to italy time since im used to be up at all hours of the day and night ! fingers crossed anyway... ha... heading to the lake for walkies this morning, then meeting a friend from work there for a quick coffee. then meeting another friend for lunch at a local pub; where i may indulge in some fish tacos... just to change it up from all the chicken lately otherwsie im gonna start squawking!! haaaaa...

    we are having a gorgeous week of warm, sunny weather to end summer so still get to play pb outdoors - which i love as living in an apartment, any excuse to get me outside is a good one, plus its free to play outdoors in the public courts - and ya know.. i'm retired now.. lol i have to watch my pennies so i'll go for the free stuff as long as possible!! I wonder if wearing earmuffs in the later months is considered bad form on the court.. giggle snort...
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Congratulations Snoozie on your retirement and I see you are venturing to Italy. Have fun.

    Suzy those hiking pictures are awesome

    I have been MIA but strongly pushing to stay within my calories. I have been so motivated since the episode of trying to fit into that gown for my son's wedding. It is slow but I am pleased with my weight loss.

    Also, just to share I have also been burden, my husband is from the Bahamas and he has all of his family who still lives there. He had siblings on Marsh Island, Abaco and Freeport, Grand Bahama whereas Hurricane Dorian flatten Abaco. They loss everything including one of his nephews loss his life from drowning trying to help others. His siblings in Freeport Grand Bahama was also affected but not as bad but bad enough.

    My husband and one of my sons are heading there next week 1st of many trips I'm sure to help. It use to be my place for vacation and fun. :(

    Thank guys for allowing me to vent as always.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Oh Milove, I’m so sorry! How tragic for your family. The devastation that I saw on the news is heartbreaking. I hope they travel safely and can recover as much as possible.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Milove... i was so saddened to read your post.. it was horrifying to watch the news reports on the devastation but to know your family was personally affected; I'm so very sorry.. sending hugs and prayers xo
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    What terrible news, Milove. I'm so sorry. Thinking of you and your family. x x
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’m just one pound away from my recorded weight on MFP!!! I so badly want to start showing a loss again! I just keep repeating to myself that I can do anything for five weeks (that’s when we go on our hiking trip) and “DON’T GIVE UP!” I’ve been seeing the scale steadily move down bit by bit. I almost broke down last night and picked up a bottle of wine on my way home. I had spent the entire day with my parents going to doctor appointments, touring a senior living place and listening to how no one ever does anything for them. Ugh.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    You can do it Suzy!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    We’re back into the 90’s this week. It’s so darn hot again! It’s almost October! WTH!!! We hiked on Sunday with a high of 86 and it wasn’t too bad but this week is supposed to end with temps in the high 90’s. I’m so ready for cooler temps and fall colors.

    I had a bit of a foodforall tonight. I don’t know what happened. I just had a meltdown and couldn’t stop grazing. I’m going to chalk it up to poor planning, self indulgence and a little bit of a pity party. I spent another difficult day doing things for my parents. It’s frustrating. I’ve got to stop sabotaging myself like this.

    Snoozie you must be getting excited for your trip!!! Yay!!!

    Milove, I hope your family is okay. I’ve been thinking of you.

    Vail, how’s it going lately?

    Gail, Carol and Susan, if you’re checking in I hope you’re all doing well!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, Suzy, Snoozie, Vail, Milove, Carol, Susan!!!

    I hope all is well with everyone. I have been working like a wild woman....lol It really makes me miss my former position here at work. But I am not surprised, I knew we had it made for those seven beautiful years....then they sent our work out and I am down in the dungeon working like a lonely postal worker sorting the mail....hahaha....I'm thinking " Men In Black" I need those extra arms!!

    Milove, so sorry to hear about your family's loss. words can't help , but I am sending much love your way.

    Snoozie…..I know you are excited about the trip.. I am so excited for you.

    Suzy, It has been HOTT!!! here also... I am looking forward to that brief bit of Fall weather we get. Sending HUGGS to you with all you are going through with the parents. My hubby is having to try and take care of his mom and her affairs. Looks like we will be adding her to the mix at our house soon, she is difficult, but she is his mom.

    Still holding at 202 lbs....so close!!! I can feel bones where I forgot I had any!! lol
    Please know that while I am ecstatic about me finally losing , I do not forget what a struggle it has always been for me, you and all women in general. just never give up! and don't beat yourself up for overdoing it!

    Well I made my night ,so off to home,

    Be good to yourselves ,you deserve it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Gail - lovely to hear from you - sorry work is so crazy and had a laugh at the MIB visual! Has you son and his wife moved into the new home yet? Just wondering as you mentioned your MIL might be moving in.....

    Awesome to hear you are doing so well with the weight loss!!! OMG well done you!! i think im finding all the weight you've lost!! and that's even BEFORE we leave for Italy.. i swear its from everyone posting pics of their own travels there and the food.. im gaining just looking at the pics ha!!

    yes getting excited.... we leave on saturday and i won't be logging in here; there is wifi at most of the airbnb's but i dont anticipate spending much time online - i'd rather be out and about and enjoying the moment - hopefully i'll get one or 2 nice pics to share on my return but i've decided even that reallly - im not gonna go camera crazy im going to try to just be in the moment and enjoy! altho you may find one of me stuffing my face holding a glass of wine at some point!!

    Suzy - as for the grazing .. omg i can relate.. i know its gonna take a while to find my new "retirement" routine.. but i am finding evenings are tuff.. once im back i'll have to look at some things to keep me occupied at night - i'm good during the day but find i graze all night long while im home... and having always been an emotional eater, i can relate to the grazing after such a difficult day with the folks.. hugs...

    i hope you both get the cooler temps you're looking for - i keep checking the forecast for the areas we are going to be travelling thru .. i have more "fall" clothes in line to pack but may have to switch up as the heat is still continuing in europe..... and today the forecast is for a lot of rain... here's hoping the weathermen are just as bad there at predicting next week as ours are here!! hahaha..