

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Wow, I'm really impressed by you fixing the washing machine! Those things are a mystery to me. But I do think there's a huge sense of satisfaction when you manage to do something like that. I also commend your restraint at the bazaar. So difficult. I always want to try a bit of everything.

    Oh, one thing that was good about these fancy new scales, and the reason I got them, is that they supposedly measure pulse wave velocity which as we all know (I'm kidding! I didn't have a clue until I looked into it! Apparently it kind of measures the stiffness of your arteries) is an indicator of heart/circulatory health. Anyway, according to these scales, if they are to be believed (and I'm not sure they are), my PWV is wonderful! Of course, I still have heart disease, but at least not that particular kind! Or perhaps the scales are faulty.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - thank god you said (kidding) on the pulse wave velocity - i thot i was gonna have to google it but thankfully you explained it later on - wow i didnt know arteries had levels of stiffness (is it better to have stiff ones or not stiff ones???) i only know about clogged ones so i'm curious... but either way its great to know your PWV is wonderful!! Do you plan on asking your cardio doc about the PWV thing? just curious again... inquiring minds wanna know and all that!!

    I had my 3 month doc visit this morning; had the blood tests done last week and was happy to hear my A1C is down from 7.2 last time to 7 this time- doesnt sound like much but 7 is the divider here in Canada... below that is normal blood sugar (or insulin resistant actually.. normal is 5.8 but under 7 considered only insulin resistant - over 7 diabetic.. so my goal for the next apt (4 months from now) to get that sucker down to at least 6.5 or less.. My bad cholesterol was great; my good cholesterol was very good and my iron was good yay.. the only quirk is my thyroid came back a little wonky - not enough to worry about at this point she will check it again in the 4 months - but funny she asked when she saw that if i had any unexplained weight loss (ya.... NOT) OR any sweating .. i said well omg... yes.... i had thought it was my hot flashes back without the flush; cause i've been breaking out into sweats for no reason, almost identical to my old hot flashes but without the full on "flush" added.... she said it could be hyperthyroid if anything, but the number wasnt high enough to do any further testing yet - but will recheck on next visit. So i was very pleased with the results - i confessed i was gonna use Italy as an excuse if i had needed it lol) so I am def going to focus on getting that A1C lower... i would LOVE to get off the diabetes meds one day - might be a slight hope but i'm going with it!! I also asked her for a req to get my neck xrayed; i've had so much neck pain and with the arm/shoulder thing happening on both sides im convinced its something to do with my neck, because its felt weird (in a bad way) for the past 6 months or so... i.e., i was putting mascara on one day and you know how you kinda tilt your head back while putting it on in the mirror... i heard this huge crack - scared me to be honest... and i just think there may be maybe a disc or something out of whack.. my doc said she doesnt think it will show anything more than normal wear and tear, but at least i'll know for sure. (and i'll be happy if that's all it is!) :)

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Wow, sounds like your Italy holiday did you a power of good, judging by your results! That's fantastic! Apart from the thyroid, but I suppose that's something they can keep an eye on and treat if necessary. Wish you could have swapped out the sweating for some unexplained weight loss, though -j/k! :)

    I hope the neck XRay goes OK. You have had your fair share of injuries, so I hope there's nothing serious going on - good that the doctor doesn't think so.

    I don't actually have a cardiologist. The way it works here is you see a cardiologist at the beginning and then it's managed by your GP (general practitioner). Which is fine, except that the GPs are in short supply at the moment! And I always feel I don't want to bother them! I get a blood test once a year, and a medication review, and that's about it. They don't even check the good and bad cholesterol, which seems odd to me, but there you go - I'm in the dark about my cholesterol proportions! It's great to hear that yours are so good though - I think it's time to organise an Italian trip -lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i'm in for another italy trip Vail lol!!

    oh ok gotcha on the medical system there... thats weird they don't check the whole kit and kaboodle in the blood tests tho.. i mean the vampires are taking your blood anyway, seems like they would check all the boxes off on the requisition! Do they do an ECG or anything like that on your heart disease once a year as well?

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    No, nothing like that, just pulse and BP, which I could check at home anyway. They do check cholesterol, but only total cholesterol, not HDL or LDL. They also check kidney function, as I have kidney disease. Actually, I don't think an ECG would be much use if I wasn't having an episode at the time! But yes, I always wonder why they don't check for everything while they're at it. Thyroid for instance - I have a strong family history of thyroid problems.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail That does seem weird if its only done once a year they don't do a full workup, especially if you have both heart and kidney disease... ( I wasn't sure what kind of heart disease you have and didn't wanna ask thats why i just wondered about an ECG.. ) but maybe whenever you're due for your next checkup you could ask your GP to do a full workup on everything with the blood work..? I will admit.... once on one of the requisitions my doc gave me (she always give me one for the next bloodwork at my apt) i ticked off a few more boxes on the requisition that she had printed .. used a black pen to try to match the printed copy and very carefully drew "x" in a few more boxes LOLOL... sneaky yes.. lol but at the time i didn't wanna ask to have the other tests run - now i'm much better at saying can we check this or how is this doing... but even if not wouldnt hurt to remidn your GP about the family history of thyroid probs next visit??

    Suzy.. I hope you're off on an adventure; i think i remember you saying you were going away but i'll have to go back and check the threads..

    Gail and.Milove - havent' seen you around for a bit, hope all is well in your worlds and you're just super busy...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hello Hatters! I just caught up with all the posts. We got back home last night. I am so glad to be home and have a normal routine for a few weeks. I haven’t weighed yet, was too chicken this morning. We had a fantastic time hiking and visiting family and even had some time by ourselves.

    Funny you mention the sweats thing and it being your thyroid, Snoozie. I’ve been having that problem lately. It’s not the flush like with menopause, I just get so hot and then it passes...especially at night. I’ll have to go back and look at my bloodwork and see what it said about my thyroid levels.

    Vail, that scale sounds very sophisticated! I’d never heard of PWV either. I do wonder how something you stand on can give a very accurate reading though. Mine does that for percent body fat but that number scares me so bad that I don’t look at it. Lol.

    Way to go on your bloodwork numbers Snoozie! That’s fantastic news! I think we should all get together and go to Italy!

    I’m being absolutely lazy today (recuperating from my vacation) but tomorrow I’m getting back on the wagon. I’m hoping the number on the scale won’t make me pass out tomorrow but whatever it is, I’m ready to get back to work.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Couple of photos:

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzyyyyyyyyyyyy so good to have you back and first off.. omg on the photos!!!! That first one of you is GREAT.. seriously great!! you look happy, healthy and fit!!!! (Please tell me you didn't run into no bear scat this time tho!) and that waterfall one is stunning! i love waterfalls, there are a few in towns relatively nearby that i keep meaning to try to hike to...

    im so glad you had such a fabulous time (and yes I'm in for a group trip to Italy LOL) and even if the scale has a moment tomorrow, don't sweat it (sorry for the pun there.. ) i bet you wouldn't trade the time you had for anything let alone a pound or two which would be gone in no time anyway!

    As for the thryoid.. ya it was weird she asked me about that.. cause i do get the "sweats" suddenly (but no whole body or body part flush with it). She also asked if i had any "palpitations" ... i said no i dont think so.... but now im wondering if maybe some moments i thought maybe i was just feeling a little anxious or something.. were actually those.. anyway i'm not gonna worry about it til the next blood tests, but not something i ever thot it might be.

    Absolutely take some time for recovery - remember rest and relaxation is also a part of self care along with everything else!! Thanks so much for sharing the pics !!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie! Funny you should mention bear scat. We found a rather large “deposit” in the middle of the trail that was very fresh while we were hiking the trails at Hot Springs National Park. It’s a park that’s in a town! No bear sightings though...thank goodness!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Beautiful pictures, Suzy! You look so young! I love the waterfull, absolutely stunning :) x

    I'm laughing at you filling in your blood request form, Snoozie! I have been tempted in the past, but never had the nerve!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    its daylight savings time here where we turn back the clock an hour... saw this somewhere on line and thought hell yes.... we totally need to do this too LOL

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    If only!!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    No kidding eh? By the way you came up today Suzy - I was doing a walk through a beautiful trail here called the 16 mile creek trail with a friend - never been there before but it’s gorgeous although lots of steep hills my quads are killing me anyway my friend mentioned she had a friend in Oregon when we were talking about something and I said hey I think I know someone in Oregon lol (I just said a friend from an online group) but then I added that my friend Suzy would have rocked this climb - but I had to stop a few times to catch my breath !!! Ha.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Good for you, Snoozie! Shaking things up with different terrain is great. Were you saying that I’m in Oregon or just used to hills...cuz I’m actually in Atlanta and I still huff and puff on hills so don’t feel bad! Lol! This daylight savings change is killing our walking routine. I need to get out during the day and walk by myself I guess. I’m just being lazy.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    ...and she always looks so pulled together.....no sweaty hair, sweaty clothes. I get sweaty just thinking about hiking some hills LOL The photo's are so beautiful...especially the one of you, Suzy! I love the waterfall picture the most...my absolute favorite thing to see. I have never seen many in person, though. I need to add that to my bucket list.

    One thing that has been on my bucket list for over almost 30 years has been scratched off though.
    ONDERLAND!! 195lbs! I have wanted to get there for soooooo long. I finally made it to my first weight goal ...only took me 8 years, I think...but think how long I have been putting it on. My babe was born in 1991. I gained 64 LBS....AND NEVER LOST IT !! I yo yo'd it around for many years.

    Many thanks to all of you girls . It has helped to have someone that knows what it's like.
    20 -30lbs. more to go.....but I can take it slow. Just try maintaining for a bit.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh wow, massive congratulations! That's absolutely amazing! To think that you are now lighter than you have been for almost 30 years! It does show the value of just sticking at it despite the ups and downs. I'm so pleased for you! You are setting a good example for me too. I have "only" had the excess weight for about 15 years or so. It feels like I'm stuck in an endless battle. Seeing you achieve something new after all this time is so inspiring!

    Love the idea of setting the scale back. If only! I could do with a boost at the moment. My fancy scales are great, absolutely fantastic, and it's so easy because I just have to get on them and it syncs with MFP, puts it on a chart, etc., but I feel that I'm missing something by not physically logging the weight every morning. Because I'm actually "cheating" and not even looking at the weight on the scale some mornings, whereas the whole point of weighing every morning is to keep me on track. I think I will have to have a routine of at least a weekly check-in where I look at the data and check where I'm going with it. I know that jumping on a scale every day won't magically control my weight - lol!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Congratulations Gail!!! Whoo Hoo!!!! That is fantastic news! I’m so excited for you!! Just take those last 20 - 30 one pound at a time. What a great accomplishment and feeling.

    Wouldn’t it be awesome if just getting on the scale made you lose a pound each time? Wow! Lol. I finally got back on mine and it wasn’t good news but I’ve been here before and I just have to work harder. I’m feeling a bit fed up with myself because my January momentum of “I want to see what happens if I don’t give up” fell by the wayside halfway through the year. I don’t think I’ve given up but I certainly have lapses in motivation. I’m going to consider being at a lower weight at the end of the year than when I started the year a victory. Now it’s just a matter of how big a victory.

    (Oh...and I sweat...believe me it gets pretty ugly sometimes but who wants to take a photo of that?!! Haha!)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    GAIL!! omg... what a monumental acomplishment!!! im so happy for you - that's a huge goal you attained for yourself and YOU did it... awesome.. truly awesome.. WELL DONE!!!!

    Suzy.. yes i admit i was thinking u were oregon lol.. then realized it was Patrice (former member of our group) who was from there.. BUT.. i did have it right on the hiking LOL..
    AND JSUT my 2 cents worth .. the fact that you will be at a lower weight at the end of this year than when you started? tells me you did exactly what you wanted - you didn't give up on yourself!!! and thats also awesome... we all have had moments and lapses along the way, but we're all still here and still working towards our goals, so yay to all of us!!

    Vail - i actually get what you mean about how the scale doing everything kinda makes you feel like you don't have to "do" anything as it will take care of things for you - that would be a bit weird of a feeling for sure!

    I am definitely struggling with the mindset of thinking that because i'm moving more i can eat more... i have recognized that i'm doing that but cant seem to break that thought pattern.. i have to figure out a way to work it out so i exclude all exercise of any kind from my calories taken in.. which i know quite well is easily done by logging but i admit im resisting that .. i honestly find it SUCH a pain in the *kitten*... i dont know why its not like i dont have the time these days to do it! Maybe its denial... i noticed when i did log the numbers were horrifying at how much i was actually eating, so maybe subconsciously i just dont wanna see that.... which allows me to continue eating thinking its ok cause im burning it off.. which im not... ok i just gave myself a shrink session lol.. thanks ladies for letting me vent! giggle snort
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie but I can’t help feeling that I definitely had moments of giving up. I guess I’m just human. I’m sorry you’re struggling right now. I do find that in order to get back on track, I absolutely have to log my food. It’s a reality check for me. I guess we need to think of moving more as a way to keep moving as we age instead of a weight loss tool. Maybe we just need to change our mindset about exercise. It’s about staying strong and limber not losing weight.

    We’re taking my parents for a drive through the mountains today to see the leaves and then to a family style restaurant that my dad has been wanting to go back to for years. It’s traditional southern food, so we’re talking fried chicken, ham, roast beef, creamed corn, collards, fried okra, biscuits, cornbread. Ugh!!!!! Lord help me. It was his 89th birthday this week so I guess I can hang tough and muddle through. I’ll just eat small portions.