

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Nine mile hike yesterday, climbed equivalent of 158 floors and gained two pounds this morning. I may have eaten two biscuits with my egg whites and turkey sausage afterwards but come on!!!!! So frustrating!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    omg suzy.. you must have just been so frustrated seeing that scale show up after the major hike yesterday.... honestly i bet if you give it a few days you'll see it drop just as quick; it may have just been water retention that snuck up by coincidence on the same day as the hike - hang in there girl it WILL catch up and show the loss! Good god 158 floors..... holy moly girl well done!!!!!!!!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie. I know it’s good for me regardless of whether I lose weight or not but it’s just frustrating. Hopefully I’ll see some results soon.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Doesn't heavy exercise sometimes make you retain a little water, or am I imagining that? 2lb does sound like fluctuation. Well done on the massive hike! I hope you see the loss you deserve soon.

    Yes, Snoozie, I do think there's a bit of stress eating, for the reasons you say. I feel unsettled with the house. When the work started it was very hot weather, so all my winter stuff is packed away - and of course now it's wet and windy and if I go out I'm cold with wet feet as I don't have the appropriate clothes and footwear! :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    aww Vail... fingers crossed the renos are soon done and you can start rummaging for weather appropriate weather! it was 25C in Italy so i had all summer clothes which i am now putting away after they are washed, and digging out the fall/winter stuff . im trying to sort stuff for the goodwill as i unpack it because i always put it away clean...and im trying to be brutal but i havent got the energy to be honest, this cold is still taking a toll holy cow im really hoping its mixed with a bit of jet lag altho i cannot beielve i've been home almsot a week already... and been a slug for all of it! no way am i up for pickleball as its moved to my chest a bit... and its cold and windy out here so im not gonna push it will wait til im fully on the mend... that said, its our Canadian Thanksgiving today; normally i'd go to a little diner down the street that always does a huge turkey dinner (with my pumpkin pieeeeeeee) but honestly i can't taste a thing still so i'm not gonna bother it would just be a waste of $ and food lol... so at least i don't have to worry about pigging out (at the moment anyway) however im sched to get together with 2 old friends for lunch wed so it could well be i'll be making up for lost time by then ha...
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    WELCOME BACK!! I haven't read all the posts yet, but that sunset!!! OMGoodness!!! The beauty of the colors ,the composition of it!! Outstanding!! worth the trip alone....except for the wine and goodies you ate. I am so glad you had the trip of your lifetime!!

    bye for now. getting back to worktime.

    OH!! (waving hands in the air)I think I found Waldo(you)! white shirt with blue strips??
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh, I am trying JUARDIANCE YEP !! It's the one that the lawyers come on TV with their commercials...."If you or a loved one has lost your genitals due to gangrene....." I'm only praying I don't lose mine. I may need them in the future.....you never know! LOl
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol Gail... hmm i dont think thats me (unless it looks like that in the pic.. i realized when i went back to look its awful small).. but im actually about 6 steps down from the lady in the orange shirt (and to the left of another lady beside me in an orange shirt.. lol) i am in a sleevless top with sunglasses on and a white jacket tied around my waist, and a rust colored crossbody bag kinda visible near it... i was just starting up but turned around so my sister could get a pic for me lol

    i dont think we get THAT commercial in Canada Gail LOLOLOL.. i'm pretty sure i'd remember one that starts with a loved one losing their genitals!!" omg.... toooooooooooo funny
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters.... well I reset my ticker to my current weight and logged my coffee in my diary. I love the fact that we are all still here and NONE of us have given up, despite all the ups and downs we've all gone through this year!

    I decided to reset everything today because there are 10 weeks left in the year, and I really want to work towards seeing some loss of the excess weight i carry. I'm not setting a specific number, but I logged my current so i will be able to see some new loss by the end of the year.
    notice i said new loss, because i've also decided that even tho this is regained weight i have to lose - it's still weight to lose and i'm not going to differentiate between old and new weight loss.. I just want to start losing the excess i carry as of today.. i considered waiting til after my lunch out tomorrow... but then realized for me that will always be an excuse.. i forgot for a minute that food events are always going to be a big part of our lives (dont ask me how i forgot that pretty basic idea.. yeesh lol) but.. there ya go.. i'm just going to try to go back to basics - logging, smaller portions, more veg yada yada.. those 10 weeks will pass whether i do anything or not (as the saying goes) so i'm not going to continue to not give up on me, and to focus on being consistent .. i have a bad habit of having a good day, then deciding i "earned" a treat - time to change my mindset in that regard as well!

    Have a good day Hatters !!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh, Gail!! You gave me a good laugh on that one! I hope the new meds help and that all your genitals are safe! Lol!

    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Snoozie! I hope you’re feeling better and that you can still indulge in a piece of pumpkin pie...it’s actually not that bad on calories. Resetting your ticker is sometimes very freeing; you don’t beat up on yourself for not reaching that logged weight and you can actually see losses as they happen. 10 weeks! We can accomplish a lot in 10 weeks! They’re going to be tough weeks with the holidays coming up but we can do it! I just want to end the year at a lower weight than I started it. So far, so good. I think we all do that “I had a good day, so I can have....”

    We all go on the roller coaster of doing great, being in control and feeling like we’re killing it and then...we have a social outing/vacation/interruption in our routine that just details us. It’s so difficult to get back that confident, in control feeling but we do it. If only we could figure out how to keep that confidence while in a routine killing situation.

    Hang in there Vail! Eventually you’ll get your house back, your hand will feel better and you’ll have your confidence restored!

    Still no loss showing from that hike last weekend. Ugh! No worries though..I’m healthier for doing it.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yes! I SEE YOU NOW!! You should have had your hands up in the air like Rocky! That's a lot of stairs.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    ha Gail.. i did once i got to the top!! giggle snort..

    Well 2 days of logging has been a bit of a shock.... i've logged everything and i honestly didnt think i was eating that much... and most were health(ier) choices.. but i'm closer to 2000 cals which i admit shocked the hell out of me as i was watching what i ate portion size wise too.. i know its only 2 days but def a bit of a wake up call. I did have to estimate a few things and went "up" on the estimate, but still.. so will be interesting after a week or so to see if it continues that high or levels out..
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    It definitely sneaks up on you. Just adding an ounce of nuts or cheese can totally blow my calorie goal.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Back from our weekend in the mountains. It was beautiful and a great weekend. We didn’t hike at all. What?!!!! I know!!!! We explored little towns, browsed antique stores, went to the Currahee Military Museum (have you seen Band of Brothers?) and a historic site that was a big stagecoach inn from the 1800’s. Lots of good food and wine but I tried to leave a little on my plate. This morning I was two pounds heavier but I think it was worth it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh wow hubby did really good!! So glad you had a great time !! And yes I saw band of brothers !!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving, Snoozie!

    Good luck with the Juardiance, Gail. I hope you escape the side effects ... I haven't heard of it and hadn't seen those adverts, but you really made me laugh!

    Your weekend sounds really lovely, Suzy! Nice to do something different for a change - and I bet you got lots of gentle exercise just walking round everything.

    Well done on the logging, Snoozie. I think it's so easy to eat just a bit extra - I know I could easily eat 2000 calories (which is WAY over my TDEE) without really thinking about it, and if it's healthy food I tend to think I can eat more of it. So an interesting exercise for you to do.

    I haven't logged in ages, as have been using other diet methods, except recently when everything has gone out the window! I have made lots of excuses with the work on my house and my injury. I weighed daily for YEARS and have stopped because I didn't have the privacy (there is no way I'm going to weigh with clothes on!), and it's almost as if I feel the teacher's left the room, so it's my chance to get up to mischief before she gets back! I'm now dreading a weigh-in, because I can feel my clothes are tighter. I have been thinking of buying new scales anyway, so might treat myself to a more expensive set with wi-fi and everything, then I'll HAVE to use them! I also may try logging for a couple of days, just to get an idea of how much I'm (over)eating - great idea, Snoozie! Then I'll have to have some sort of plan and get back to it.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - i so get the "if it's healthy i think i can eat more" mindset - that's me to a T! Are all the renos finished yet and is the hand fully recovered or still mending? You were under a lot of stress which for most of us relates to eating so dont be too hard on yourself!! I won't get a new set of scales here but like u i gotta be in my altogethers to jump on that thing lol... i make the doc take off a pound since i have to remain clothed there!

    I played pb a few times this week; i'm a little stiff as its been almost 6 weeks so i only played for a little bit this morning, but i went to a local conservancy near me this afternoon just for somehwere new to walk; its been eons since i was there and with the changing fall colors, it was lovely... and i stumbled across these little guys along the way!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Love the owls! Are they carved into the wood? Great idea of going somewhere new to walk. There a couple of nature reserves near me that I haven't visited yet, keep meaning to! It's great that you're back at pickleball.

    I did get fancy new scales in the end. What a palaver! They cost a fortune and it took hours, and I do mean hours, to set them up. I picked a set that measure pulse wave velocity as I wanted another measure of health. But now I have no excuses. The scale syncs with MFP too. And my results weren't as bad as I thought. I have gained but nothing dramatic.

    I also copied your idea of tracking calories - I'd forgotten just how difficult and frustrating that is, lol! And predictably, I've found I was overeating at around 1800 calories - not an obviously massive amount of food, but too much for a short, post-menopausal lady like me. I honestly don't know if I can face going back to tracking as it's SO time consuming (unless you tend to eat the same things all the time - which I thought I did, but I prepare things differently, and then there's all the weighing and measuring, and the fact that there are multiple entries for everything in mfp - it really puts you off cooking, lol!). But it has given me a baseline, and I might do a bit here and there.

    Yes, my hand is healing well, thanks, although still painful and I'm finding it difficult doing everyday tasks. The work on the house should be finished by the end of next week, hopefully! Although I do need some more work done!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i think they are carved Vail - they were actually pretty high up in the tree so i had to tilt the camera aand hold it over my head lol.. i didnt even notice them the first time i went by, it was only on my return they caught my eye :)

    omg on the scale set up LOL.. your a better woman than me i would have tossed the sucker out the window after 15 min of trying! I actually bought a glass cover for my new iphone and its stil in the box cause when i looked at the 6 pages of directions to put it on - i was like.. ya that's not gonna happen LOL... mind you, one of my greatest accomplishments was fixing my washing machine via youtube lol

    i havent continued the logging either Vail - those few days tho.. really opened my eyes and i think i will probably do it a few times a month just because as you said - it gives me a reality check on the amount of calories i'm eating vs what i think im eating!

    but not today.. this morning i went to a local church bazaar (always hunting for home made pickles and jams) and they had a tea room with pie.. all kinds of pies... sigh. so i had a piece of pumpkin pie cause i didnt get any at TG cause i was sick ... but i was ok with that deliberate choice... and altho i was tempted as they had take away cartons this year.. i did not bring home a slice of blueberry or peach pie.. i chose the pumpkin deliberately and enjoyed without guilt but couldnt justify the others LOL

    glad the hand is still healing ok, sorry its still painful and difficult tho.. i hope you plan a bit of a break once this work is done before the next round !!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member