Nutritarian New Year!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    Beautiful picture Carla - yum!

    Austin - how do you make your pinto beans? I finally started soaking beans over night for soups.

    Mihani - you are on a roll! Still waiting for new (used ) books from Amazon.

    I got up this morning, did a few things and then went out with my exercise buddy, Miss Cleo the schnauzer. I had on a lightweight fleece turtle neck and a puffer jacket. Forgot to check the temp. It was already 70* Went right back in and changed to short sleeve shirt. Being from Colorado I just assume temps are going to be cold in January. Beautiful sunny day got me into the spring cleaning mode. Came home and detailed our den. Everything was piled, sorted, cleaned and put a few things for Salvation Army and a women's shelter. Even cleaned the blinds and window track. One room at a time every day!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Donna, I just cleaned my laundry room (though not as thoroughly as you did your den!). It feels really good to have it cleaned up. I'm going to continue to do some cleaning and then some organizing around here.

    Dinner last night was the lemony quinoa soup and a salad. The soup was good, but Joe made it and he went easy on the dill because it isn't his favorite. I would do at least what the recipe calls for in dill and more fresh squeezed lemon at the end. the quinoa was good in there and the beans made it hearty. I didn't remember to snap a pic of the soup but I did get a shot of the salad. Still loving my salad scissors! Not only so much easier to eat the greens for me but also shrinks them down incredibly so i can fit more into our bowls.

    b- coffeex2, green smoothie
    l - greens, tomato in bowl topped with brown rice pilaf and leftover mushroom soup for sauce (we'll see how that is)
    d - creamed kale and veggie loaded sweet potato
    s - apple, orange


  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Donna - Here is a link to the very simple recipe I am using for pinto beans. I soak them overnight, rinse in the morning, put them in the slow cooker with some new water, and add the spices. I go a little more generous on the spices than the recipe suggests (big heaping spoonfuls, not level). You could do a lot to make these fancier, but since the guys at my house love them as is, I am keeping them simple!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    I bookmarked that recipe before when you mentioned it Austin, will be trying it. Love pintos.

    Carla, salad looks very pretty! How did the mushroom soup dressing go? I often put odd things on my salads, sometimes it's like wow and other times I regret it lol. I've been using my salad scissors a lot lately. It is amazing how much more lettuce you end up eating when it's all chopped up to less volume.

    Donna, you are really tackling some projects! I am impressed.

    Day 9 at 100% Woot!

    L - last of the casserole, a pear, small handful of walnuts
    D - sprouted grain pita loaded with chickpeas, veggies, spinach, and lemon tahini dressing, side salad, blueberries with chia seeds and almond milk (kinda like chia pudding with blueberries)
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Mihani congrats on 9 days!!! That's so awesome.
    The mushroom "dressing" turned out good. It ended up pretty much a regular savory bowl, heavy on the greens. For the amount of effort (next to nothing) I'd definitely have that again for lunch! I know what you mean though about tossing things into your salad just to see...most times it is good or at least tolerable but the odd time not so much lol

    The creamed kale and veggie loaded sweet potato we made for dinner was good and very filling. Joe was disappointed at first when we figured out it was creamed kale ON the yam and not beside, but we rallied and both liked it. There's a lot of kale in there so I'll keep it in mind for future meals.

    B - greens smoothie
    L - salad w/ heated leftovers and tangy sesame dressing
    D - cheesy pinto bean burrito

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    The creamed kale sounds tasty Carla. I'm going to try a creamed kale recipe from one of Dr. F's books soon. I love kale, but could use a change from the usual. You're on a roll too!

    Day 10 done!
    L - big ol' salad with spring mix, carrot, radish, grape tomatoes, balsamic roasted mushrooms, sunflower seeds, balsamic and nooch, a wasa cracker, pear
    D - pita sandwich same as yesterday, some grapes, small handful of walnuts

    This weekend I'll make a soup or two and prep more salad veggies. I am keeping things as simple as possible during the week, but I would like to take some time on the weekends to make some more interesting meals.

    My energy level is definitely up after 10 days. I feel a lot better already.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Happy Friday! How did it get to be so late in the week so quickly?

    Mihani, I am so glad you are feeling more energy! And you are right about he volume of greens one goes through. I go about three packages of three romaine hearts a week.

    I had a great day yesterday:
    B - spinach, flax seed, pomegranate powder, cashew milk, coffee
    L - big salad (baby carrots, cucumber, raw red onion, romaine, roma tomato, a bit of diced Kanzi apple), pumpkin dressing (Dr F recipe), steamed brussels sprouts, vinegar limeade
    S - green smoothie (cucumber, mixed sprouts, blueberries, turmeric, green tea)
    D - steamed spinach, Mexican pinto beans, raw red onion; dessert was baked Kanzi apple slices and blueberries with a dash of cinnamon

    The sprouts are an exciting addition. I picked up some seeds and have some sprouts going this week. The current batch is a mix. The next batch will be broccoli.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Austin, I like the fresh sprouts idea! Where do you get your seeds?

    Awesome about the increased energy and feeling better, Mihani! I was about to tell you that I'm not noticing any difference, but I just realized that I've been cleaning and organizing my house recently in my spare time, so I bet a lot of that has to do with feeling better and having more energy. The best part is that the better it looks around here the more I am inspired to continue.

    Last night we had the cheesy bean burritos. Another hit. Not many fresh greens in this one. I am okay with that as long as I keep up with my big salads at lunch and having green smoothies most days.

    b - coffee x2, blueberry walnut oatmeal
    l - salad w/ leftovers on top
    d - veggies with creamy avocado sauce over soba noodles

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi Austin, romaine is my favorite, and I'm terrified of the stuff lately LOL. I will get over it eventually. The apples and blueberries sound so good. Your whole day sounds ETL-perfect. I have a sprouting cup and seeds. I did it for a while but stopped. I should get them out and try it again. They are so yummy in salads, wraps, pitas.

    Carla, the energy kind of snuck up on me too. The first week I wasn't really feeling any different, but all of a sudden this week I realized that I was starting and finishing my days with energy and I wasn't dragging in the door after work. I am sleeping better, aches and pains gone, no blood sugar swings. Makes me wonder why I let myself slip back into bad habits so often. It takes me a while to learn my lesson. All your meals sound so good.

    L - big ol' salad same as yesterday, a wasa cracker, a few walnuts, forgot my fruit
    D - lentil soup, sprouted grain pita stuffed with spinach and tomato, grapes with chia seed pudding

    I wanted to do something different with the lentil soup so I tried this recipe (without the oil and salt of course): and it was pretty good. When I first tasted it I wasn't sure but the more I ate the more I liked it. I don't think it will go into permanent rotation as a favorite or anything, but I'm happy to eat it the next couple days.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hey @Carla_wfpb -- Wow, yes, having the energy to spontaneously clean and organize does sound like you are having more energy. That's so great! What do you put in your burritos to have them be cheesy and ETL? I am tinking nuts and nutritional yeast, perhaps?
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 130 Member
    Hi all! Just checking in to say hello. Hope the new year is treating you well!

    I've been experimenting with new recipes this month and trying new spices. I've discovered that curry and I are not friends. :wink: I've enjoyed curry dishes made at restaurants, but the soup I made was just yuck. I split it into thirds, froze two bowls (each with 4 servings) and kept a bowl in the fridge hoping the flavors would meld and I'd have a change of heart. Nope! I hate to waste it, so I'm gonna choke down the rest over the next couple months. I also discovered that I need to plan ahead with KALE. I enjoy it raw, but picked up some frozen for when I need to throw a quick meal together. All I can say is, "blegh"! Bitter! Reminded me of the weeds my mother would forage in the woods when I was a child (polk and lamb's quarter). The kale prompted the soup, by the way. I needed a recipe to put the rest of it in.

    I've had some recipe successes, too, and have stocked up on Engine 2 products and canned beans, etc. for quick meals. I recently made my first "no cheese" pizza using an Engine 2 crust. It was so, so good! An excellent, healthy crust.

    I've been eating a bit less salad and more roasted veggies lately. My tastes change in the winter - does this happen to any of you? I've also been enjoying a "winter" fruit salad that my niece shared with me: 1 apple, 3 clementines, 1pear, 3 kiwi, 2bananas, 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds, w/a dressing made of 1 T. honey, 3 T. lime juice, 1 T. poppy seeds, and 1 T. fresh mint, finely chopped. So good!

    I landed another job and will start as soon as the paperwork goes through this next week. I'm looking forward to this one! My biggest mistake last time was taking a job because of the money & benefits rather than choosing something I would enjoy.

    Austin (nice to meet you), I've been wanting to try growing sprouts - you've motivated me to give it a try. Love them on fresh salads!

    Carla, what did you use for "cheese" in your burritos?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Hey ya'll... was at the office most of the day so far. So busy forgot to eat my salad! I came home and stuffed some in a pita and had that with some of the leftover soup. Then poured some of the soup into what was left of my salad and ate that lol. It was a good dinner. Followed by some grapes and a handful of walnuts. Eating so late I doubt I'll be hungry later, but if so I'll have some oatmeal with chia seeds and blueberries.

    Hi Jacquie, nice to see you. Congrats on the new job. Sounds like Engine 2 is working better for you than ETL. It's very similar of course, but definitely more starches allowed with E2 which is nice.

    Snowing here and I brought work home for tomorrow so I don't have to go out the rest of the weekend if I don't feel like it. Now I'm planning to cuddle up with pup and read for a while. I just don't feel like doing much else and need some down time. Hopefully I'll get recharged and do some housework later this evening.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hi there, Carla! Great to connect. I joined this group around the time you were changing both diet and job. It sounds like things are going more smoothly for you, which is great!

    I am having a great ETL weekend day today:
    B - green smoothie (spinach, coffee, blueberries, cashew milk, flax meal, pomegranate powder)
    L - huge bowl of steamed spinach plus Mexican-spiced pinto beans and a dash of Valentina salsa
    S - apple slices and walnuts
    D - salad (romaine, fresh spinach, roma tomato, raw onion, Kanzi apple, a bit of avocado), dressing (dijon mustard and ACV), steamed red cabbage, cooked mushrooms with Italian herbs; compote of blueberries and cashew milk for dessert
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Sounds great Austin!

    I am working from home today and haven't managed to get started yet. I need to get it in gear here. I have a LOT that I'd like to get through. I ate some oatmeal with blueberries and almond milk last night so I am not going to eat until lunchtime. I'm trying to stick to Dr. F's suggestion to wait at least 13 hours between your last meal of the day and the first meal of the next day. It does seem to help regulate my hunger not to eat breakfast.

    Plan for today...
    L - southwestern tofu scramble, spinach salad topped with apple, walnuts, going to try a blueberry dressing recipe I found
    D - big ol' salad and the last of the lentil soup
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Jacquie, grats on the new job. I hope this one is the perfect fit. Don't give up on curry quite yet! If you made something using "curry" powder, that is actually a mix of spices so it might have had a spice in there you don't like or could have been too hot or mild or anything really. The burritos included a cheese sauce recipe, it is always a sauce, never anything truly gooey and cheesy unfortunately, but good flavor.

    Austin, nice ETL weekend! Every try apple slices with a bit of cashew butter on them? wowzers. so good!

    Mihani, I am going to get back into the habit of leaving at least 13 hours between dinner and breakfast as well. For me the key is no snacking in the evening.

    We completed our 3rd of 52 batch days on Sunday. Actually, I should say that Joe completed the 3rd batch, because he did it all on his own! He started before me and next thing I knew it was all done. What a treat.

    Yesterday's dinner was curry roasted cauliflower collard wraps. We had so much food to stuff into the leaves that I cheated and chopped the blanched collard greens up and put everything into a big whole wheat wrap. Tonight is a tofu & broccoli stir fry over brown rice.

    b - coffee
    l - smoothie or homemade pinto bean chili
    d - broccoli tofu stir fry
    s - Halo oranges

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Wow, Carla... way to go Joe! All your meals sound yummy as usual.

    Yesterday and today were same meals:
    L - big ol' salad, small handful of walnuts
    D - sandwich of sprouted grain bread with white bean spread and a pile of greens/veggies, chia pudding with blueberries

    I'm almost out of lettuce so I need to stop somewhere tomorrow and replenish my salad veggies. I was planning a big shopping trip this weekend but we may get a bunch of snow so I will have to try to get that done Thursday or Friday. I don't want to get snowed in without sufficient greens!

    My pants are feeling very loose which is nice. I haven't got on the scale yet. I don't want that to be my reward. I feel really good right now and that should be enough to keep me going for a while. This is day 15 at 100%. Woohoo!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,024 Member
    Carla that salad looks very yummy! How is the cleaning going? I clean almost everything with dawn dish soap. I dilute it in a spray bottle and it works great as a degreaser. I even spray the dogs feet and wipe them when it is muddy out with dawn.

    I have been on a bean kick lately. I even put fat free refried black beans, avocado and green onion on my toast for breakfast. FF refried black beans are my new comfort food.

    Austin thank you for the link and info on pinto beans. I really need to quit buying canned beans. I will experiment tomorrow.

    Mihani - I wish I could find a really good lentil soup recipe. I like spicy, with carrots, onions, peppers....have not really made one that matches a wonderful vegetarian place I went to when I lived back east. MY OSG cookbook came finally. I understand the scale. It is such a psychological thing. I know I am eating healthy, swimming and walking dogs plus biking here or there. Sweets are still my biggest problem and not eating enough fruit.

    I am making the jump and giving up fish. I just saw some horrible pictures and know the ocean is being depleted and polluted. Still will continue with eggs. I finally found a non dairy creamer I can live with....not ETL approved but it is a wonderful almond creamer that froths thickly in my morning cappuccino!!!! That was my last dairy item I was clinging too. I might have non fat yogurt here or there but not on a daily basis.

    Before we moved to Italy I use to play Mah Jongg in CA. I could not find a group so I put an ad out on our neighborhood web site looking for people to learn or play. I got 12 responses including an 80 y/o lady who loves to teach the game. I had 8 strangers over last week plus my 2 next door neighbors. The ages ranged from 30-80 and everyone is coming back this Thursday night to play again! Cutting up veggies and making hummus tomorrow. Oh, and I have a bag of garbanzo beans I can soak tonight!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Congrats on the loose pants, Mihani. That is so awesome! Happy for you and it motivates me too.

    Donna, your Mah Jongg group sounds like fun. You are so outgoing!

    It is hard finding a good creamer.
    The only WFPB option I like is cashew cream that I make at home.
    1/2 cup nuts soaked in water, then drained (soaking 6+ hours is best)
    1/2 cup fresh water
    pinch of salt

    blend, no need to strain after blending. easy to adjust to preferred thickness as well

    l - greens smoothie
    d - buffalo chickpea bowl

    Last night's meal was delish & so pretty!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Your mah jongg group sounds fun, Donna. I've never played it myself. I think I recall making this soup once a while back maybe it will hit the spot for you:

    That stir-fry is very pretty Carla. All the CFDG recipes sound so good. How is your spinning class going or is it finished?

    I follow a couple ETL groups on facebook and sometimes I'm just like whew... so glad we have such a friendly and open-minded group here even though it is small. There is so much bickering and "I'm ETLer than you are" going on. Most of it is positive, and although I very rarely interact with people in the groups I've picked up some good tips by having things pop up on my newsfeed. Sometimes though, reminds me of the main forums on MFP. I quit visiting those years ago.

    Austin, you still out there? How are you doing this week?

    I stopped at the organic market to load up on veggies and fruit that will get me through the weekend if I get snowed in here. They are saying anywhere from 4 to 8" of snow on Saturday, and I'm planning to bring work home for sure so I don't have to go anywhere if it's bad.

    L - frozen plantpure entree (was out of lettuce to make my usual salad)
    D - big ol' salad, mixed fruit bowl with chia seeds... great deal on blueberries and I also have grapes, pears, oranges, bananas and apples
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I don't follow any other ETL groups. I've made the mistake of posting something in the "wrong" group and regretting it. I'm in an uncensored "How Not to Die" group that is open to discussion and opinions. I don't usually pay attention to it, but every so often someone complains that it hurts their teeth to eat the greens and I make a post about Donna's salad scissors :)

    Does getting snowed in sound kind of appealing Mihani, or is it just messing with you getting your work done? We haven't had any snow here yet and I'm not sure we'll get any. Very mild winter.

    I'm taking a fiber dyeing class right now that I'm learning a ton from. I think it ends the first week of February. The 2nd class in the series will probably start shortly after and I think I might have to get together the money and go for it.

    How was the plantpure entree?

    B - coffee
    L - leftover buffalo chickpea bowl
    D - eggplant and chickpea paprikash
    S - vanilla turmeric latte

    Our buffalo chickpea bowl was really tasty but a little on the spicy side. From experience with this sauce before, I know I'll enjoy it even more today. The bright orange looks super fake but it's just hot sauce without additives.
