Nutritarian New Year!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,027 Member
    Carla - those pictures are bowls full of healthy and inspiring good food! Be sure and post pictures of your fiber dying. I love looking at it. I think being a military wife and moving often has pressured me into being more outgoing. I was very much an introvert when I was younger. In Italy if I hadn't made friends with the military spouses I would have missed so much fun. Tomorrow I am meeting 3 friends for lunch who were stationed in Italy and now in San Antonio.

    Mihani - I agree about this site and thank you all for never making me feel bad for not being totally vegan. I love the knowledge, recipes and encouragement I I have received from this site. I also quit visiting the main forums.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi there!

    Yes, I am still here. I have just been busy and so a little less chatty.

    I had a great ETL day yesterday:
    B - green smoothie: spinach, cashew milk, coffee, flax seed, pomegranate powder, plus about 1 t ground hazelnut coffee, which seemed exotic and delish to me
    L - huge salad (romaine, roma tomato, red bell peppers, chopped apple, red onion, walnuts), cooked mushrooms, dressing (dijon mustard, apple cider vinegar)
    S - walnuts, Kanzi apple slices
    D - bowl of beans and greens: steamed spinach, garbanzo beans, raw red onion, a little avocado; dessert some warmed blueberries and tart cherries with a splash of cashew milk

    Today's Plan:
    B - green smoothie: spinach, cashew milk, coffee, flax seed, pomegranate powder, plus about 1 t ground hazelnut coffee
    L - bowl of beans and greens: steamed spinach, garbanzo beans; steamed red cabbage with coconut vinegar; some warmed blueberries and tart cherries with a splash of cashew milk
    D will be a big salad, cooked mushrooms, plus some cauliflower spinach mash (partly because my son wants me to make more!)

    @Mihani - You make me glad for this friendly group. You are right. I love it. It's a No Judgement Zone. We have inspiration instead!

    I know for my diet, someone keeping score could doubtless suggest improvements, but I am doing something that works, not feeling deprived and seeing a lot of great health changes. I had developed rosacea, and that is massively better and still improving. And I have lost lots of weight.

    Oh, and before I forget, the list of fruits you have on hand sounds delicious!

    And, ooh! I am going to try the lentil soup recipe! As it happens, I have a batch of plain cooked lentils in the freezer that need to be thawed and dressed up!

    @Carla_wfpb - Thanks for sharing your gorgeous meal pics!
    Oh, and eggplant paprikash sounds exotic and delicious. I found this recipe, and may try it:

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Carla, all your meal pictures look so tasty and pretty! I need to take some time to make some more interesting dishes one of these days. I've been doing super basic. I am happy to work from home on Saturday, but I hope it is better on Sunday because I should be in the office one day at least. Right now we're getting snow and freezing rain so the drive to work tomorrow should be loads of fun.

    I'm glad you're here too, Donna! I wish I was as active as you are. I still haven't got into any sort of regular exercise routine.

    Austin, your meals sound great! I totally agree we all have to do what works for us. I've been working at this for a long time and still now and then go wildly off ETL, but overall I'm still down 65 pounds from where I was 10 years ago. I'm definitely healthier, and I think 2019 is going to be my year to finally lose the last 20 or 25.

    I had lunch late which was a really big salad with tomato, onion, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, 2 wasa crackers, an apple, and a few walnuts, and then ate a lara cashew bar later in the day. I'm still pretty full from that and I got home late so I will probably just have some fruit with chia seeds tonight.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!

    Quickie today

    B - pumpkin muffin, coffee
    L - paprikash over greens
    D - some sort of bowl, i don't have the recipe in front of me. tofu, veggies, brown rice & a sauce
    S - muffin
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited January 2019
    Happy Friday!

    The Eggplant Paprikash is simmering on the stove, and smells wonderful. I am glad I checked back here, as I was reminded of the idea of serving it with greens instead of rice/pasta!

    I am having a great ETL day:
    B - my usual green smoothie, and pushed it off until 10 a.m. for a slightly longer overnight fast
    L - big bowl of steamed spinach (Dr F's 1 lb), half cup of garbanzo beans, bowl of steamed asparagus tips (I am tidying up the freezer!)
    S - skipped it, still full from lunch
    D will be a small helping of eggplant paprikash and a large salad

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hi y'all... still getting conflicting weather reports here, but generally predicting small amount of ice topped with 7 or 8" of snow. Eek! I'm fine not going anywhere the next couple days and just hoping no power outage. If you don't see me this weekend you'll know why!

    L - big ol' salad, apple, wasa cracker, a few walnuts
    D - sprouted grain toast piled with white bean spread, spinach, arugula, onion and tomato, a banana and some grapes

    I finally got around to picking up some 21 seasoning salute from Trader Joe's. I'm hooked! I have been shaking a little on my salads the past couple days, and added some to my white bean spread.

    Carla and Austin, awesome ETL days there!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Hello all...I was wondering what the requirements are to join here. I am basically on a whole foods plant based diet...I do have a couple of hold outs...but this is what I am having today for my 12 hour work day. Would love to join you all. I was referred to your group from a South Beach group where I seem to no longer fit in. So the moderator suggested this group. Did South Beach years ago...but have moved to WFPB now.

    My day today:

    Green Smoothie (Super Greens kale, chard, spinach, frozen banana small, mixed frozen fruit, water)

    Freshly made juice (by me) Joe's Mean Green Joe Cross

    Carrot/Orange juice I made

    peanut butter and jelly on Gluten Free Bread

    Asian pear

    I have to eat at my desk...only receptionist and no one to cover my lunch breaks...fine with me, I don't get paid for lunch breaks. So I choose things that don't say...HEY, I AM HAVING MY LUNCH NOW PEOPLE. I work at a luxury car dealership.

    My best days of eating are when I am at home...Mon Evening through Thur Evening.

    I would love to be in a group that emphasizes whole foods...I just need to know what the rules are. Thanks.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hi Magic! Welcome to the group. We don't have any rules, everyone is welcome. Some of the folks here aren't vegan, some are WFPB but not strictly ETL compliant. I'm 100% vegan for the past 6 years after being vegetarian for many years, but I am not always 100% ETL. A couple of us started the 6 week plan on January 1st to start the new year off right so we're rocking that right now.

    I know what you mean about drawing attention to your lunch. Fortunately I have a private office and I just close my door while I crunch my way through my huge salad and crisp apple at work. :p

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    They have downgraded snowmageddon. No snow yet and now they are saying 2 to 6" later today. That's a pretty big variance, but it's still less than they were saying yesterday. Stupid weather forecasts. I think they are in cahoots with the bread and milk companies because the stores always get cleaned out when the forecast is snow. A friend of mine texted she was in line at the grocery and there were 20 people ahead of her last night. I stocked up my greens on Wednesday so I would avoid that.

    Still planning to work from home since I brought a lot home to do. I'll take a break later to eat lunch and do some prepping and cooking for the week.

    Plan for today:

    B - oats with almond milk, chia seeds, blueberries, a few walnuts
    L - big ol' salad (green and red leaf, steamed beets, carrot, pickled onions, cashew caesar dressing)
    D - cabbage and kale casserole, a pear and some grapes

    Decided I'd eat breakfast since it is Saturday and I had an early dinner last night. Seems like the first couple weeks I do the strict 6 week plan I am not very hungry, but around week 3 to 4 my appetite comes back.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2019
    Thanks so much...made it to work with a wet time to dry my hair this morning...I live in the desert snow I am not a frozen popsicle. I am going to really love seeing ALL your menus to get ideas...especially big salads for me at work, but I have dinner five nights a week at this is going to be G R E A T!

    On my weekends, I make fresh juices to freeze for my workweek...if I make them on Thursday, they are good for three days IN THE FRIDGE. But if I make them on Tuesday...I usually freeze them. Stepped up to a new juicer this last fall...had a, have a slow masticating juicer Kuvings.

    My smoothies, I make in the morning. I just got a new Bio Chef Vacuum vitamix died...warranty I think is no longer valid. Got in from QVC in 2010. So I decided to step up to the newest technology in blenders. So far so good.

    My gluten free bread is Canyon Bakehouse...excellent but they use eggs. I have not found a good GF bread as good as Canyon.

    Anyway, I am going to enjoy checking out your menus and meeting y'all. I am 70 years old...5'2 goal of 125. Currently 140.8 Began 1/7/19 at 144.4. Gotta love those tenth measurements. LOL I live with my precious Lulu in suburbs of Phoenix, AZ. (rescue 18 pound Schnauzer...15 months) I work full time Fri - Mon. LOVE 3 days off...almost 3 1/2.

    Hope everyone has a great day...stay warm. A good Neflix day if you are homebound because of the weather.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Oh my gosh, there is so much healthy goodness packed into the three pages of this New Year...very excited to be with you all.

    These pictures are amazing! Holy cow!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hi Magic! Welcome to the group! I have seen recipes for vegan GF bread, but have not seen any commercially.

    @Carla_wfpb - The Eggplant Paprikash I made (inspired by it being on your menu) was lovely! I'll be eating it again tonight!

    @Mihani - I love your plan for today! Did you pickle the onions? I have seen home recipes for that, calling for sugar, and had thought I'd try it myseld sometime, but no sugar.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Austin, the pickled onions were an idea from the Hello Nutritarian website. Just throw chopped red onion in a container and cover with white vinegar, that's it, and they are ready to go the next day and last all week. They are so good in my salads or in a sprouted grain pita with more veggies. I add whole black peppercorns to mine also. I want to try radishes and cabbage next.

    Magic, Carla has a real talent for taking pictures of meals that make me drool lol. I have a juicer, and often think I should dust it off and add some juices to my week. Your pup is very cute!

    I totally rearranged my day. Not in a practical way though! I just couldn't get motivated. I read for a while, chopped up some veggies, read some more, took a nap. Going to make my casserole and a batch of balsamic roasted mushrooms now. I'll need to work ALL day tomorrow to make up for today, but I feel refreshed taking a break from it. Last week was very busy and stressful with long days.

    So my meals ended up being no breakfast, a white bean spread and veggie sandwich for lunch and dinner will be as planned.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Welcome to the group, Magic!

    Ah Mihani, I love it so much when you take a little time for yourself. Have you found a new author you like?

    I'm glad you liked the Paprikash, Austin. Ours turned out good too and we had lots left over for easy lunches.

    Does anyone else have trouble finding brown rice vinegar lately? Our local store doesn't carry it, and the one we used to get it from stopped carrying it, so now we have to make a special trip to Whole Foods. I should order a case of it!

    I will have some fiber pictures to post over the next few days. I have some fleece drying and I learned a new technique today that I'll be trying out shortly.

    Grocery shopping today, batching tomorrow. This week's menu:

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2019
    Morning group...well, yesterday turned into a bit of a mess...and there was pizza involved...and let me tell you, I paid the price at night in bed. Osteo Arthritis (severe)...really the reason I have turned to this way of eating, but have learned so much since that time...lots more reasons to stay with this WOE. Thanks to Dr. F, Joe Cross...and Doctors Campbell and Edelstein.

    Saturdays, at work, lunch is catered...I rarely join in because there is nothing that works with my program. But I was a total whimp yesterday, and had two crappy pieces of pizza. The guilt was not there … but the pain was. THAT should be enough. But I continue to mess up.


    Green smoothie (Spinach, water, frozen mango and pineapple)
    Joe's Mean Green juice
    Carrot/Apple juice
    Plant based burger on GF bread
    Japanese grapefruit called I'm not sure...bought it at Trader Joes last night.
    Vegan Pho

    Today I work 10 - 6...easy day.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! Thanks for all the warm welcomes!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    I don't think I've ever had brown rice vinegar, Carla. Is it much different from regular white rice vinegar? Your recipes this week sound right up my alley. Love my lentils. Oh, and believe it or not I started reading The Hunger Games. I bought the first book at a half price book store years ago but never read it because I saw the first movie and the entire pretense is so awful, but I was out of new things to read so I picked it up and after finishing the book I decided I wanted to read the next two. The story is very disturbing no doubt, but I couldn't put it down at some point. I am almost through the last book so I'll finish it this morning while I do laundry and then get to work.

    Made a pot of steel cut oats this morning so I'll have some for late breakfast/early lunch with lots of blueberries and some almond milk and chia seeds. Dinner will be leftover casserole with a side salad and a fruit.

    Oh, and I ate the last lara bar last night so no more lara bars. The cashew cookie ones are technically ETL compliant, but they are still calorie bombs and I'd be better off without them. At some point I should make some mini date/nut balls myself and freeze them so they'd just be a little bite of a dessert type thing when I wanted it. There are about 150 million recipes out there for homemade lara bars.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    No vegan pho..,moving green smoothie to after work...feet up, puppy 🐶 in lap, smoothie in hand!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Sounds like a good day Magic. I've never had pho. There's a place right next to where I get my hair done and I keep thinking I should grab carry-out there but I always forget. I imagine theirs is probably much higher in salt than I could make at home though. Which reminds me, I read about a controversy over a restaurant named Pho King Great. LOL
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2019
    Mihani wrote: »
    Sounds like a good day Magic. I've never had pho. There's a place right next to where I get my hair done and I keep thinking I should grab carry-out there but I always forget. I imagine theirs is probably much higher in salt than I could make at home though. Which reminds me, I read about a controversy over a restaurant named Pho King Great. LOL

    LOL is right.

    Well, right now I am so happy. Two weeks ago I made a ton of juice to freeze...I make them in batches since I can't stand for that long...(knees don't like it)...but I kept at it over my weekend and ended up with a good surplus for my freezer.

    Problem was I did not label them and they were either carrot/orange OR carrot/apple. ALL LOOKED ALIKE! :s

    The sad part...the carrot/orange was awful...I think I did not get all the peel off before juicing. But man, I could not toss it...too much work and money...mostly too much work.

    THE HAPPY PART: Today's juice is CARROT/APPLE...oh my gosh, so good.

    Then I have a Mean Green...and I have my Don Lee Farms Plant Based Burger on GF bread.

    I have 6 1/2 hours to go at work...Sundays slow I popped in here to chat with you all.

    Enjoy your day...Now, I am back to thinking I will pick up some soup after put the bug back in my ear, Mihani! :)

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,027 Member

    Having a good weekend. Made black beans in the going to make black bean soup with 1/2....not so intimidated by dried beans! I guess when I worked, I did not cook and if I did, I didn't batch or make much that took time.

    Today was a splurge...made sweet potato waffles topped with banana and fireweed honey & pecans. Was able to have one waffle. They were good...I used Bruce's mix and added flax seeds, more cinnamon and egg whites instead of whole egg plus almond milk instead of water and oil. We have a tri day planned, walk dogs 2 miles, swim 1000m and then bike 5 miles. I wanted to fuel up to make it through. Black bean soup and salad for later.

    Welcome Majic! is that a little white schnauzer I see? I have a large miniature black schnauzer, Cleo aka the exercise pal aka Queen of the dogs aka the Fun Police (I also have male yorkie and male westie that Cleo rules with a strong growl).