2019: We Are Making a Difference!
Pam - I laughed out loud at that one!0
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We have several inches of snow on the ground and apparently are going to get some more. Fun day. NOT!0
We got a dusting but 50 miles away, several inches. January is almost half over! The days are gradually getting longer and we are one day closer to Spring. Just trying to think positively!0
I lost a half pound the past week
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Maryanne--Love it! Shoveling snow is exercise. I'll try to remember that.0
DH and I don't agree on snow shoveling. My vote would be to be do only what's necessary. This is Baltimore, after all. It won't still be here in a week. And I'd take all short cuts. There's an easy place to pile the snow you move and a difficult place to pile the snow you move? To me - no brainer! To DH - let's look for a way to make it even more difficult. LOL!0
My idea of snow shoveling if it isn't deep is to just let it go and let the sun take care of it if possible. Shoveling snow can result in a thin film that turns to ice whereas the snow provided some traction.
My beautiful black cat decided I needed to get up early so I've been up since 4:30am. I had a Pure Protein breakfast bar and coffee and then started tackling the kitchen which included climbing a ladder and changing the bulbs. I had forgotten how heavy that glass shade was.0 -
It’s cold but dry here today. I’m indulging in a cup of hot chocolate to try to warm myself up and doing laundry as my chore for the day. Our weather here is a bit schizophrenic this week. We will have temps in the 70’s on Thursday, followed by a dramatic drop and wind chills making it feel like temps in the single digits on Friday and Saturday. I think I’ll be staying in those two days, lol!
I do have plans on Wednesday to see the new movie about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. One of my friends has already seen it and gave it a strong recommendation.0 -
Pam--Those types of temperature extremes make it difficult. Staying inside is a good idea!0
My male beautiful black cat had his appetite stimulant this morning so today is his day to be bonkers. Of course Jack being bonkers is sort of another cat being just whiny. It could be a whole lot worse. I was just cleaning out some computer files and found a Jack note from December 2016 where I was talking about things to make his life comfortable for "whatever time he has left" and not wanting to torture him with eye drops for "his last few months". Sitting here in January 2019 and Jack is still going strong. Veterinary medicine isn't as advanced as human medicine but it's far and above where it was when we got our first cat in 1980.
Jack is one cat for whom health insurance has been no help because all of his condition are pre-existing.0 -
The new season of My 600-lb life has started. I watch it on my kindle table so purchased the whole season. They send me an email when a new episode is added. I'm still working on season 4 so it will be awhile.0
Maryanne--I emailed the vet earlier this morning to make pre-need arrangements. I just want things in place as I don't think I'll be emotionally able to do it. By pre-need, I am talking about pet cremation and urn. My other cat was a year younger than Midnight's current age when he died.
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Jean - it's never easy. All my pet urns come from Rays of Joy: http://www.raysofjoy.biz/pet-urns.html0
I've seen people at the vet try harnesses on their cats with much this reaction:
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Pam - too funny!0
TV schedule for figure skating championships in case anyone is interested: https://usfigureskatingfanzone.com/sports/2018/10/1/2018-19-television-schedule.aspx0
When I spent winters up north, I hated shoveling. We have a circular driveway. If the snow was only 3 or 4 inches, I used to drive in one end of the driveway and come out the other end. I do this as many times as necessary to pack the snow down. I did have to shovel a short walkway from the driveway to front door. We would have to shovel the aprons where the plow would push snow into the driveway. So like Maryanne, I’d look for the easy way to get rid of the snow. Plus, unless we had a blizzard, the snow would melt in a few days.0
Helene--I like your style of snow removal.
I worked today and will the rest of the week. I am hungry!! Watching the Weather Channel talk about the weekend storm.0 -
The neighbors would have thought me crazy if they had seen me driving in and out the driveway enough times to flatten down the snow. I have a large SUV so it could easily drive through a few inches accumulation. DH thought I was crazy doing that but what can I say, it worked. I saw the temperature back home was 33 today so they'd probably get some melting if they even got any snow. Many time, the Cape would get rain instead of snow. We're in the low 70s here. That's more my kind of weather.0
National Geographic is running a 6-part series called The Valley of the Boom, about the "early" internet. It's set in the mid 90's, which was the beginning of Netscape. I bought my first personal computer (in a greeting card store!) at the end of 1986 (one of two law school graduation presents I bought myself). DH wasn't interested in the early days. It wasn't until the following fall when I took an into computer class at a local college that I even had the nerve to unpack the thing. But unpack it I did and I really believe I was on the internet (using MS-DOS, of course, not windows) by around 1988. We had Compuserve and Prodigy by then so to me we had the internet. I guess we didn't have a browser.0
The hypocrisy intensifies:
One group that did not make this mistake: the Trump administration. When the real estate industry pointed out that the mortgage industry would come to a sudden halt unless the Internal Revenue Service could perform income verifications, not only were the clerks who perform the service suddenly deemed essential, they also were cleared to get paid. As well they should be.
From this excellent Washington Post opinion piece: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/01/15/should-federal-workers-walk-off-job/?utm_term=.3a84c94ba7940 -
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I was watching Ellen today. She had a clip from an old B&w tv show. I missed the beginning so I didn’t get the name of the show. It was set in an old western town. Somone named Trump wanted to build a wall. The people were asked if they believed what Trump was telling them about the need for the wall. Many said no. Ellen said it was a real show and Trump didn’t get to build the wall. Fiction stranger than truth? You could watch today’s show online to see it. It was probably within the first 10 minutes.
They also had a story on the local news tonight. The Federal Government approved funding to repair the Hoover Dam which holds back the waters of Lake Okeechobee from flooding surrounding towns. Trump has suggested taking some of dam money to pay for part of the wall. The most shocking part of the story was interviews with a few people who live there who said they would approve the money going to the wall if the president felt he needed it. Meanwhile, the story said several of those towns would be flooded by 5 feet of water if the dam breaches. I drive through those towns when I visit my sister. One of them floods already during heavy rain. I was stunned to hear those women saying build the wall.0 -
I was reading today about how diaper banks (like food banks - never knew these existed) are going to run out of diapers for people not getting paid.
And residents in Section 8 housing are already getting eviction notices because the landlords aren't getting the funds from the government.
People like my best friend will survive. Some of these people - not so much.
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