LiLee's Journey to overall happiness



  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Nothing this weekend except for some alcohol! And popcorn. Lots of popcorn.
    But I did actually keep it together for the most part.
    No kids today and it's heaven.
    Hope that doesn't sound bad lol
    But they've been going a bit stir crazy and my stress levels have been through the roof b/c of their whines and just.... it's nice having a break. Soooooooo nice having a quiet house right now.
    I really really needed this b/c I was becoming so snappy at everything.

    Anyway. I'm up a little this morning 185.4. Actually surprised it's not more from past experiences, but like I said, I have been good! lol Not tracking but for the most part, staying on track with my diet.

    No exercise today b/c I woke up feeling a little nauseated and now... I just want to relax and enjoy the quiet.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    You have a terrific Tuesday girl....quite house....maybe a nap......heaven on earth :)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    The quiet didn't last for long. Like 2 seconds after I posted, mil called to say that fil was bringing 2 out of 3 back.
    And THEN yesterday my youngest came down with a stomach bug and upchucked breakfast sausage and curdled milk. That smelled.... great.
    So yeah.... I guess I enjoyed the quiet while it lasted.

    I did exercise today. had planned on it yesterday, but having to clean up stank vomit really takes the wind out of your sails.
    But I did something today so yay :) Onward I go!

    Food/calories have been good so far too. No OMAD yet, but I'm not going to force it right now either. If it happens, it happens.
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    GOod work babe!!!! Any exercise is great!!! Keep up the good work babe, and sorry your alone time got cut short...
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    You are doing great.....sorry about your abbreviated quiet time.......
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Exercise done for today. Same as yesterday :)

    Also weighed before hopping in the shower and 183.6. So any bloat from this weekend is gone again thankfully. Now if I could just poop (haven't gone in 2 days) and get a loss, that'd be great! rofl Actually contemplating drinking some coffee to see if it will get things moving, but don't want to waste my calories on heavy cream LOL.

    Diet has been same old same old.
    Had chicken wings for dinner and some SF pudding made with heavy cream and almond milk. Calories were probably in the 1500 range after. A little over, but that's ok.
    Dinner tonight is going to be a giant salad with steak.
    SO frickin annoyed at meat prices. If they continue like this, beef might have to be a "for special occasions" treat. I understand why they're high b/c of COVID, but I've read articles saying that the prices aren't going to come back down. Like.. WTF??? Might be time to go look for local sources.
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Interesting that you've seen such a raise in prices!!! We have had limited stock but I haven't noticed any price difference here???
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Yeah, beef prices here have gone up about 1-4 dollars depending on the cut. Like sirloins used to be maybe 9$ not on sale? Now it's up to 12-13$... that's the prices ribeyes used to cost. No idea what the heck those prices look like now.

    Ok... I have a mushroom intolerance or something, which really sucks b/c I love them. Sometimes it's just some gas, other times... everything is coming out the other end RIGHT NOW lol. After lunch (brussel sprouts sauted with mushrooms and melted cheese over everything) Well..yeah.... no more problem with no poops!
    AND... was down to 182.6 after LOL
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    LiLee2018 wrote: »
    Yeah, beef prices here have gone up about 1-4 dollars depending on the cut. Like sirloins used to be maybe 9$ not on sale? Now it's up to 12-13$... that's the prices ribeyes used to cost. No idea what the heck those prices look like now.

    Ok... I have a mushroom intolerance or something, which really sucks b/c I love them. Sometimes it's just some gas, other times... everything is coming out the other end RIGHT NOW lol. After lunch (brussel sprouts sauted with mushrooms and melted cheese over everything) Well..yeah.... no more problem with no poops!
    AND... was down to 182.6 after LOL

    NICEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I love a good poop loss :D
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I'm joining you in the low carb eating, not keto but just lower carb in general. I know how well it did for me before, plus I have lots of venison to eat up. I love mushrooms too, and now you know what to eat if you need a good poop loss :D
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    YAY! I enjoy low carb eating for the most part, but dang do I miss some carbs sometimes lol. Fried chicken... I REALLY want fried chicken and biscuits! rofl

    Anywho... Saturday we went blueberry picking! YAY! We look forward to it every year and the local farm just opened. We picked 2 gallons of blueberries and proceeded to eat an entire gallon the same day. Just imagine a gallon of milk, but with blueberries in it instead. That's a lot of dang blueberries.
    We totally gorged ourselves and OMG it was worth it. SO GOOD.
    We're going to have to go back to get more bc we're almost done with the 2nd gallon too.

    Sure, eating as much as we didn't isn't exactly keto, but pfffffft. I'm not saying no to freshly picked blueberries.

    We also swung by the local Korean grocery and I got myself some fresh radish and regular kimchi and ate a lot of those too. So good. SO GOOD!

    My weight is up to about 187 this morning which honestly isn't surprising. While what I ate wasn't exactly bad, it was A LOT lol
    Plus AF should be arriving soon so that might be a reason why it's up too.

    I kinda miss carnivore though. I've been so low energy lately and I miss not feeling this way like when I was arnivore. Maybe I need more iron or something. I dunno. I do have some liver I can fix for lunch.. which actually sounds kind of good.

    Anyway. Had a pretty decent weekend. OH and I got my exercise in for today. Didn't do it during the weekend like I had wanted, but oh well. Baby steps
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    You are getting back on track!!! Way to have a plan and it seems to be working :) keep it up!!!
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    YESSSSSSSSSSSSS give it some time, you were SUPER low carb for a long time so maybe it's just adjustment period :)
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    edited June 2020
    I eat fried chicken but I save it for the weekend along with pizza, chips, icecream etc. etc. etc. :p Hey blueberries was a better carb than fried chicken would have been, I don't like blueberries but I sure do love to pick them ;) Enjoy the rest of your day <3
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    AF is here and I'm feeling ok today.
    Yesterday sucked though. Had 2 kids crawl in to my bed and.. I was basically up since 1:30. Lord.. Yesterday was miserable.
    But thankfully sleep was much better last night and I felt just so much better today. SO much better.
    No exercise, but I did do some today. Yay! :)
    My weight was at 185something this morning. I'm hoping that's just AF weight.
    I'm getting frustrated with my lack of weight loss and how just stubborn my body is being. I think it might be stress related too. I have been noticing that I've been snapping easily. I need to do something for it. I have no idea what though.

    OH! And I bought


    off amazon to see if it would help w/ my funkiness when I sweat. It's hot here now and I'm exercising and well.. one of the reasons why I hate sweating/exercising is b/c I STINK when I do. Like not a sweaty smell, but just gross.
    Anyway... I found this stuff and yall.... IT WORKS. It doesn't really solve the sweating issue which is fine, but it has solved my sweaty BO problem. I even tried it under my pits. Took a shower last night and sprayed it under both arms.
    Got up, did my exercise and a couple minutes after, I took my finger and rubbed each pit and sniffed. I know that's gross, but I was curious to see if there was any kind of smell at all.. and nothing. Absolutely no smell at all.
    Heck, I didn't even take a shower until a couple hours later (had to do some chores and feed kids and just be lazy) and still no smell by the time I did finally get my lazy gross butt in to the shower.
    You could probably make this stuff since it's just 2 ingredients, but still..... this was worth buying.

    Just wanted to bring this up in case anyone else has a similar problem with just some part of your body with a little too much BO lol. This stuff might help.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Alrighty, no exercising today. I could do stuff, but 2nd day of period. Nope... NOPE. I don't wanna do anything!
    Diet has been good though. I haven't been tracking for the last few days but I definitely haven't been over eating.
    Yesterday I had small amount of garlic and herb goat cheese, parmesan crisps and turkey lunch meat for lunch.
    Dinner was chicken in a Japanese curry sauce. Chicken breast, bell pepper, onion, jalapeno, white mushrooms. I ate, maybe half a breast or a little more and ate lots of the veggies and all of the mushrooms.
    Then I had some SF butterscotch pudding w/ sliced almonds.

    So yeah, I think I did ok :)

    Lunch today is going to be... probably fried cabbage and dinner is going to be steak with... something. Not sure what.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I will have to go check out that spray for BO, I could use some especially when we get 90° weather. You're food selections are great so I'm sure no weight loss is from AF. <3
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    You are doing well, my dear! Keep up the good work! I am amaze how you guys can do low carb as I am a carbo person and without carbs, I just go bonkers :lol: AF always make me put on weight but once she leaves, I will always see my true weight once again :wink: I love anything Asian..but for me, I just have to have my rice or noodles :lol:
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    OMG I wish I could have rice or noodles. Some with the delicious kimchi I have. YUM.
    But alas my body loves carbs too much and it instantly goes to weight gain when I eat too much of it too often.

    I haven't exercised yet. Just... I don't want to while AF is still heavy. It's gross and I refuse. It's an excuse but it's a good one IMO.
    I also fixed some keto friendly bread yesterday. It uses vital wheat gluten which helps make it more bready (chewy). It's still not bread bread, but it's close.

    We went blueberry picking again this morning. Bought 3 gallons instead of just the 2. It should last us... half the week instead of just 2 days like last time :P lol
    Nah it should last us a while. We're not gobbling them down quite like we were.

    And yeah, things are good. Getting a headache but I'm good
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    I just have to, you know...if I don't, I will start grazing and before you know it, it will turn to a binge. So, I rather have a little of carbs so that I will be happy and satisfied :) I don't exercise during AF either..just not comfy with it. I am sure you will see some weight loss after your AF. Keep up the good work! <3