LiLee's Journey to overall happiness



  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I'm frustrated yall.
    While I'm sure I'm not helping it with some of my food choices, it still feels like SOMETHING more should be happening with my weight.
    While I am eating more blueberries, I'm not overeating other things. Just... frustrating. Really frustrating.
    I still think 30lbs in 6 months is a good realistic goal for myself, but at this point, it feels like it's not going to happen and I don't know what else to do.
    I thought I was ready to start including OMAD again, but I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at right now with just IFing.
    And my diet is ok most of the time too.
    I've committed myself to 2 months no cheating. That started at the beginning of this month. I don't count the blueberries as cheating, but I do need to chill out eating them lol.
    No carby or sugary junk, but keto friendly alcohol is OK.... b/c momma needs some stress relief every once in a while ;) lol
    I do need more stress relief though and I wish I could find something to help with it. Something FREE lol. I know there's CBD out there, but damn that stuff is expensive.
    I really think stress is hindering my weight loss though and I don't know what to do to help.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Yes stress will hinder weight loss unfortunately :( I would suggest that you count calories for a bit just to see how many you're getting in a day. Try deep breathing for your stress. I hope it gets better for you <3
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Stress and weight loss do not go together....speaking from personal experience of course......

    Take care and do you boo ----it will come off....
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I took some shots yesterday b/c.... just stress man. I don't want to have to rely on alcohol to destress though. Woo boy, that's a slippery slope. I love some weekend drinks to unwind every once in a while, but I can't be drinking when stressed all the time.

    My kids are the reason for my stress and just..... I need a break. I NEED a break.
    I love my kids with all of my heart, but I need peace and quiet for just a couple of days right now. I need ME time to just unwind and not have to be responsible for anything except myself.
    Husband isn't helping right now either although it's not entirely his fault b/c I could make it clearer what I need from him.

    It's not even that my kids are horrible either lol. They're just loud normal kids. It's just a constant build up of not having any time to just relax. Stress just building up and building up and I'm not able to relieve it. Oh sure, I have like... an hour before bed that I get b/c they're in bed, but it's just not enough at this point.

    I haven't found a good one yet, but going to try to find some yoga vids to help. Nothing with yoga stretches b/c it's not gonna help me relax if I can't do the dang poses lol. Definitely going to try deep breathing. Exercise in general doesn't help me though. At least right now. It's just another source of anxiety for me.
    Sure I feel great after I'm done, but all I think about when I do it is if I'm doing enough.

    I hope I can figure something out.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hey girl take is super stressful I am sure with littles in the house......I would suggest breathing excerices, or yoga or anything to destress. Can you get out of the house to take a walk around the neighborhood or something?

    Hoping things get better for you!!!! Hugs!!! <3
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I would have to bring my kids along which would be constant stress since I'm sure most of the walk would be telling them to get out of the road and not walk in people's yards lol.
    I've been doing a lot of deep breathing the last couple of days and thankfully it seems to be working. When I can feel the stress building up and just random moments when I remember to do it. It's helped a lot.

    So yeah, glad to report that the last couple of days since posting have gone a lot better. Hopefully it continues.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Glad to hear that you are feeling better <3 I know about stress....due to stress, my thyroid got worse :( Take care <3
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I wonder if the stress is making my thyroid act up as well bc I've definitely been more tired. My levels have been steady since getting on the right dose of medication for it, but... Who knows.
    I dunno but I'm glad the deep breathing has helped with my stress.
    Super big hugs your way.
    Big hugs for everyone bc you're all awesome.

    Kids are with grandparents this weekend.... Or at least for tonight and I'm already buzzed and just enjoying the quiet. Sooooooo enjoying the quiet and the 3 shots of tequila right now lol.

    I didn't exercise today. Had a nagging headache that just did not want to go away. And I felt super bloated for some odd reason.
    While I still didn't like the struggle of exercising, I think I'm kinda sorta starting to look forward to it bc I know it's good for me. It's still a battle to actually do it but not as difficult to get up and do as it was before.

    In possibly good news... I think I may have convinced hubby to get a cat for the kids' birthdays.
    In-laws have barncats/feral cats and one of them just had kittens like a week ago.
    We saw them today after dropping off the kids and one of them was a calico.
    We used to have one when we were still dating and we joked around about what we would name it. Like we would name it Jinx junior or JJ after the cat we had and I think that may have pushed DH over to the side of getting another kitty.
    I really hope so. While I Don't look forward to litter box cleaning or possibly peeing in spots it shouldn't, I do really miss having a cat and our kids miss having a cat too. Plus it could be a birthday present for them since the kittens should be ready to leave by their birthday.
    So.. we'll see I guess.

    Anywho. I hope you all have an awesome weekend!
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    So this weekend was... well it involved a lot of alcohol while the kids were away. Sweet sweet silence. Sooooooo nice lol.
    I didn't cheat with anything bad either although I was tempted by popcorn.
    BUT I did eat a lot of fruit yesterday. Watermelon and pineapple and I'm pretty sure that along with some mushrooms I also had is the reason my stomach is just gurgling and doing flips inside of me today.
    I was also up like 7lbs this morning, but I've since had lots of bathroom trips that I'm sure took off at least a few pounds of that lol.

    Had a bit of a late start but did also exercise too.
    Right now, I'm debating if I want to eat or if I want to try to tough it out to OMAD today. I think.... I think I'm mentally ready to at least attempt to OMAD again sometimes.
    It probably won't be clean OMAD at first (might be a protein shake for lunch today), but I think it will be a good start for me.
    It's definitely still going to be a struggle though. Even right now... I'm not physically hungry (getting shaky though so definitely going to have something)... but mentally, my brain is screaming at me to go eat something. It just does not like the idea of NOT eating. I dunno, some sort of primitive instinct maybe that's wanting me to go eat just in case?
    But yeah..... one closer step to OMADing I think. Not going to happen every day and probably won't be clean OMADing yet, but... baby steps.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    That is okay to do baby steps until you are ready to jump in.....glad you got some peace as well......that had to be amazing.........

  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    You can do this👍❤️ Take one step at a time👌😘 Stay strong❤️
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    I have one word - CORTISOL

    That pesky stress hormone will make you moody, tired, and HALT your weightloss - it's pure stress bebe - try to take a little stay-cation maybe? Make hubs watch the kids and go stay at a hotel for the night? Ced and I do that now and again just to get outta the rut :)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Yeah I really think stress is causing my complete weight standstill. I'm deep breathing A LOT and it has helped. Unfortunately, we don't have the $$ for a staycation, but hopefully inlaws will be willing to take the kids every once in a while to give us (ME) a break.
    Just... BLEH! Stress. About to vent!

    Seriously thinking about homeschooling next school year.
    NOT happy with what I'm hearing is the plan for the next school year.
    While I do take the whole coronavirus thing seriously, what they're proposing for school is just ridiculous. Expecting kids and teachers to wear masks all day long? Expecting already overcrowded schools to social distance? Wanting hallways to be one way (which would be impossible for my child's school and how it's set up). Wanting school buses to run at 50% capacity. Or wanting like half the kids to come one day and the other half to come the next etc etc. Just... it's all so stupid.
    Just... absolutely NONE OF THAT is going to be possible. People coming up with this crap have obviously not been in to ANY public school for a very long time if ever.
    I want my kids to go to school and make friends and get that experience, but... maybe just keeping them home and teaching as best as I can would be better. Plus we'd get to sleep in and they could learn at their own pace. I dunno. I'll have to look in to it more.

    And my weight. I'm just..... frustrated. I don't cheat cheat, but having some extra fruit? YEP, gain 5+lbs that takes forever to come back off!!
    Doing everything right? No change in the scale or measurements or anything.
    It's really difficult to be patient sometimes.

  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi girl.....hope you get some away time for your kiddos for sure....

    Yeah, in Nashville the plans for school are insane. It is dependent on what "stage" we are in. Right now we are in stage 3 but cases are still rising, supposedly. By August when school starts, not sure what the plan will be. They have options like alternate days some in school and some at home, All in school (doubt that will happen), or all remote. It is a sh** show for sure in terms of the plans they are trying to come up with My yongest is 13 and he isn't a fan of the mask thing, but it will be required. No idea how buses can operate and social distance nor how classrooms can be created to fit everyone in. It is just insane!!!!

    Sorry for venting on your page :)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    No no please vent. I think it's interesting to hear what other areas are throwing out for ideas (seems to be about the same here).
    I just haven't seen any doable options out there. I mean, every other day school... might as well just keep it remote learning as far as I'm concerned.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    So... dentist pretty much confirmed that I'm clenching my jaw at night. Surprised she didn't offer up any advice about it other than "less stress" rofl. Yeah... if only it was that easy.
    But came home and ordered myself a cheap mouth guard and will be getting that next week.
    Hopefully it helps though. I've been waking up with a headache the last few days and it would explain the dull ache in my jaw too.
    I feel less stressed since deep breathing but I guess it's manifesting in other ways still.

    Things are ok here though.
    I found a really popular fitness youtuber named Chloe Ting. She has some free workout programs that I'm going to start next Thursday.
    There are a TON of videos from women of all shapes and sizes that have tried out her stuff and have gotten really good results too. Now... I dunno if I will, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

    Diet is still good and yep. Nothing much going on for now.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Hugs to you❤️ I know how you feel... People are already talking about the 2nd wave as we had 30 new cases per day for the past few days🙄 School holidays just started, not sure what will happen when term 3 starts🤔 I have heard of Chloe Ting and heard about how successful the workouts are. Not sure if its the same for you...but when I eat too much fruits for my OMAD, I tend to put on weight and it shows when I weigh myself. When I just eat an apple, my weight goes down. I tested it several times and the results are always the same. So now, I just eat 1 fruit and stop. Hope this helps.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    jadepearl wrote: »
    Hugs to you❤️ I know how you feel... People are already talking about the 2nd wave as we had 30 new cases per day for the past few days🙄 School holidays just started, not sure what will happen when term 3 starts🤔 I have heard of Chloe Ting and heard about how successful the workouts are. Not sure if its the same for you...but when I eat too much fruits for my OMAD, I tend to put on weight and it shows when I weigh myself. When I just eat an apple, my weight goes down. I tested it several times and the results are always the same. So now, I just eat 1 fruit and stop. Hope this helps.

    Yeah, that seems to be the case for me too with fruit. A little bit probably won't do much, but eating more than a serving is going to cause problems for me.

    I would suggest looking up some videos on people trying out Chloe Ting workouts. They're really inspiring and watching more of them has made me want to start it on Monday.
    I have anxiety issues so wanted to start after my daughter's dentist appointment on Wed, but I like starting stuff at the beginning of the week. Plus I'm feeling really motivated to get it started.
    Plan on taking my measurements, taking before pics and yep... going from there and trying my best. It's going to suck b/c I'm so out of shape and from what I've gathered, her videos are difficult, but I'm also looking forward to it too.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Okedoke so...
    First day of doing CHloe Ting workouts and yall... the struggle bus has crashed in to the house.
    Holy moly.
    I couldn't even do like half of the exercises b/c my body just physically can't. Like I can't put a ton of pressure on my wrists and what are a lot of the exercises? PLANKS. Sure, there are the elbow ones, but the "easier" planks are the ones where you get up on your wrists. Nooooooo

    I tried though. I really did. I may not have done a lot of it but I'm gonna keep at it.
    I figured I'd try to stick with one of her 2 week challenges just to get used to doing something and then after the 2 weeks, go from there. Either do another 2 week or do one of her month long ones.
    I'm sticking with it though. I can do this for 2 weeks /nodnod
    Hopefully I'll gain the strength I'm seriously lacking.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited June 2020
    Day 2 of workout videos and... my buttcheeks are gonna be SO sore tomorrow.
    Today's videos were Full body, core/planks, ab/butt
    I'm going to have to skip the majority of planks. Even with my wrist wraps, I can do about 2 poorly done plank exercises. My wrists just aren't strong enough to hold me up with the number of plank exercises she does. I'll still do what I can, but physically I just can't do everything. So I think when the core/plank videos pop up again, I'm just going to sub a different video in. Like the full body video has I think 3? or so different plank moves in it already, so I'll just do that one and if the core/plank video is recommended for the day, I'll substitute a different video in its place.
    So I'll still be doing SOME plank stuff depending on how my wrists feel and hopefully that will be enough to build up some strength to eventually do more.
    I'm pretty sure there are alternatives, like easier versions though so I'll look those up and just... give them a shot I guess. See how it goes.

    I could do all of the ab/butt moves though. Thankfully the stuff was difficult but not too difficult that I couldn't do any of it. A lot of it is deceptively easy looking and start off feeling easy enough, that is until your butt starts aching. Then you know you're gonna be in a world of hurt the next day. I can already feel it.

    Anywho. Doing good here. I still struggle a little bit getting in the exercise b/c it's difficult and I struggle, but I'm happy that I'm trying it out.

    Oh.. and yall.... Freeze Dried Strawberries are frickin DELICIOUS!! They have the texture of cereal marshmallows. That weird airy crunch, but it's yummy and with a stronger strawberry flavor! I would eat an entire bag of them if it wasn't like 20+ carbs per bag. Which I guess isn't really bad if you're not low carb lol. They're so good though.