This June I Will...

MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,117 Member
edited June 2019 in Social Groups

Summertime...and the livin' is easy....

Well maybe not easy, but perhaps a bit easier? Schedules get a little more relaxed over the summer, which is great except that it can be really easy to let our healthy habits slip. Let's not let that happen!

@MadisonMolly2017's question is the essence of our monthly challenges: "What will you be doing for June?" What healthy habit would you like to start or continue to work on this month?

If you are joining us for the first time, welcome! Let us know what your goal is and how we can help. And if you're joining us midway through the month, you don't have to wait for July to get started. Start now and you'll be well on your way toward your goal when July rolls around. If you're looking for ideas, our list of previous challenges can help.

If it's useful, frame your goal along these lines:

1. My goal for this month (This June I will...")
2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal
3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit
4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible)
5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit?
6. What help do you need from us?
7. What does success look like to you at the end of June?

Let's get moving and make June a spectacular month!



  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited June 2019
    My I Will needs to be sleep.
    Not sure what my approach should be, but I know several of you have made great progress in this area.

    What do you recommend as a first step?
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    My I Will needs to be sleep.
    Not sure what my approach should be, but I know several of you have made great progress in this area.

    What do you recommend as a first step?

    I would recommend two things actually.

    1. Make the trigger or cue a simple relaxing pre-bedtime activity. A hot bath, yoga stretches, meditation. Over time, add a few more relaxing things and build a pre-bedtime routine, but for now, keep it simple.

    2. Pick a bedtime that is realistic for you and stick with that time within say a 15 minute window. You may have to adjust the time to see what works best for you. Sleep is a cycle that plays into our circadian rhythms. Having a consistent bedtime has helped me enormously.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I'm choosing a "back to basics" action for June. Just as @PackerFanInGB has done, I will be tracking my food this month and using a digital scale to ensure it's as accurate as can be.

    1. This June I will: record every meal in my MFP food diary
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: put foods on digital guesstimating!
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: hunger
    4. How often will you do your new habit: 3 meals a day, 6 out of 7 days
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit?: An evening "Done!" shout-out to myself.
    6. What help do you need from us? Just encouragement
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of June? A better sense of my daily caloric needs. And losing a couple pounds would be great too!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    June 1 - today was good. 5 points earned. 43 minutes of exercise. I’m trying to decide if I’m hungry enough to want a snack tonight. I’m going to wait a little while and then decide. No more mindless eating. Also will go to bed by 11 instead of staying up until almost midnight.
    I’m looking forward to hearing what other group members have planned for their June goals.

    I don’t know if this would be useful to you, @nebslp, but years ago I remember reading about the apple test to discern real hunger from something else. If an apple sounds appealing, than it’s likely real hunger. If thoughts of an apple trigger, “No, that’s not what I want”, than it’s likely not real hunger.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited June 2019
    I’m going to record my daily progress in logging my food diary. I see several of you tracking daily and I think it’s a great idea!

    6/1 ✅
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @themedalist I think the apple test is a good one. I’ll remember that next time. Thank you!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I remember hearing of the "apple test" years ago! That is a blast from my past that I had totally forgotten all about. Knowing what I have learned over these years on MFP I think that it is a good one to use though 👍. When I want a late snack I never go for the apple 🍎 or another super healthy option 🍌. For me It is usually not actually unhealthy, but it isn't something basic like an apple. For myself personally, I know that it is definitely more of a "I want" habit than a true hunger need.

    @themedalist, your recommendation of "2. Pick a bedtime that is realistic for you and stick with that time within say a 15 minute window. You may have to adjust the time to see what works best for you. Sleep is a cycle that plays into our circadian rhythms. Having a consistent bedtime has helped me enormously. " might be just the thing that might help me in my "sleep I Will" if I can figure out how to do this.

    I have never figured out a trigger or cue that works for me. But after reading your post, I began thinking about, again, that I also definitely don't have a clear end to my evening as my husband often comes home quite late if the job keep the guys out there, especially with our longer days, and then factoring in his own travel time.

    I have followed FlyLady's method for many, many years, and having the sink empty (no dishwasher so I wash all by hand, which I actually don't mind at all as I haven't had a dishwasher for much of my life) and the clean kitchen / sink is ingrained into me because it really helps me start my next day off quietly and calmly. I do allow the dishes to stay in the drainer side of the sink. They are easy to put away the next morning just like they would be if I had a dishwasher. They are clean so not an issue. It's just having a kitchen and sink full of dishes and the pots/ pans to wash. And soaking them over night is even a more gross thing to wake up to 😱.

    Even when he is in "earlier" I still want to clean up the kitchen and then I want to chill out, especially after he goes to sleep and the TV is off and the house is quiet again for me. I thrive on quiet and solitude. I also can get lost in a book (reading or coloring), or a fun NetFlix binge/ or movie, or down the silent computer rabbit hole 🤦‍♀️. Or even tidying or decluttering something (this last example is actually true 😄).


  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    This June I Will... again tackle the issue of getting more sleep.

    Earlier this evening I got to thinking about adding in an extra mini I Will by making sure that I'm including either a salad or an extra serving of veggies, or having a smoothie, or perhaps start juicing again, more often in June. (mindfully adding in at least only one extra of the above choices, depending on the day 🥗🥦🍌🥕. )

    I need to figure things out for both of these, and how to track. I was also thinking about perhaps tracking here, and more often, as I've been watching some of you all doing. I have liked seeing them.. Probably a much better level of accountability for me than those little checks in my exercise calendar.


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Food diary logging:

    6/1 ✅
    6/2 ✅
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 2: success! I monitored my hunger all day and made observations about the time, what I was doing, hunger level, and how I was feeling emotionally, and I made voice memos every time I thought about eating whether I ate or not. Also got a full body and cardio workout while wrestling with my overgrown lilac bush. Also weeded and walked a short, but steep hill tonight. Good night😴💤
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have been on MFP for nearly a year. I have accomplished my weight loss goals and am working out maintenance. Now it is time for me to focus on another aspect of my life: I need to go on a financial diet!

    After losing 5 sizes, I found it necessary to buy a complete new wardrobe (from undies to winter coats). Unfortunately, for the first time EVER I found that shopping was FUN! This has led to some really undisciplined (and unnecessary) spending. During this same period, I had some unexpected expenses that were not optional. The result is that my ‘reserves’ have been significant impacted. I have some goals for next year that will require funds, so now is the time to stop spending and start saving. As someone on a fixed (although adequate) income, this is not optional if I really want to accomplish my goals. Enough background!

    1. My goal for this June: Become an intentional spender.

    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal:
    • Create a monthly budget
    • Track each expenditure
    • If I make an unplanned expenditure (there will be a line item in the budget for “unplanned” expenditures) I
    will ask myself four questions:
    o Do I really need this?
    o Why do I need this?
    o What will happen if I make this expenditure
    o What will happen if I do NOT make this expenditure

    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: I log my food an exercise every day on MFP and will log expenditures at the same time.

    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible): Every day

    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit?: I do not have anything really planned. In almost any way, I just accomplishing this will be its own reward. I’ll think about other options. Any suggestions (other than ‘buy’ something :[)) would be welcome!

    6. What help do you need from us? A place to be accountable!

    7. What does success look like to you at the end of June?: I will become aware of where my money is being spent and begin to see any patterns in ‘unplanned’ spending.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @jan110144 Congratulations on reaching your weight goals. That’s quite an accomplishment! I’m glad you joined the group and I like that our goals of noticing and analyzing our behavior patterns to make positive changes in our lives is so similar, but in different areas. Sometimes just an immediate pat on your own back, or a “yes, I did it!” can be a reward in itself. Some people use a chart with stickers to watch how they’re progressing each day. This month I’m giving myself a point each time I mindfully make an eating decision and use a voice memo to record it. Points will be converted to $$$ to spend at the end of the month (probably not what you had in mind😂!) You’ll figure out what works for you. Best wishes!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    June 2019

    1. My goal for this month (This June I will..."): Journal every bite on MFP--The Good, Bad & Ugly
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: I will pre-log my packed lunches and add my dinner & evening snack during my computer time in the evening. I will weigh or measure what I eat.
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: The only social media site I use lately is MFP, so I think sitting down at the end of my day with my husband and having computer time will be cue enough.
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible): Every Day.
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? Clicking Complete on my Diary. Call me silly, but I get satisfaction from doing it! :smile:
    6. What help do you need from us? Just be yourselves! You're all awesome!
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of June? I will be able to look back and see what my "bad" times of day are, and where my weaknesses lie. I should be down a couple of pounds and be more aware of how much water I'm drinking also.

    Happy June everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @jan110144 What a fantastic goal! I hadn't thought of using this for financials, but that is an ingenious plan! That just might have to be one of my future goals...if I ever lose enough weight to need new smaller clothes! :smile: I especially like your step-by-step questions for the small actions you are taking. Very insightful.

    Congratulations on losing your weight and working on maintaining! Woo Hoo!

    @texasgardnr Good luck with your tiny extra goal of getting in more produce! I have a Nutribullet, a juicer, etc., and haven't used either in such a long time. Great reminder. :smile:
  • noel11235
    noel11235 Posts: 4 Member
    1. My goal for this month (This June I will..."): stay under calorie budget 4/7 days per week
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: prelogging food as I am able to and avoid eating candy (only eat as a treat)
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: preplan breakfast and opt for healthier lunch, prepare easy to grab vegetables/fruits
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible): 4 days per week
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit?: listen to audio book and special treat on weekend
    6. What help do you need from us?: recipe ideas or replacements for some cravings
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of June?: being able to more easily stay under calorie goal
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 3: success with a lower case s! I have a total of 21 voice memos since June 1 so I’ve been very aware of my thoughts of food. I’ve learned that transition times are hard for me. When I finish one thing and gather my things to work upstairs or outside, my mind wanders to food. The action of recording my feelings has helped me be aware of the temptations and to make better choices.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Day 3: success with a lower case s! I have a total of 21 voice memos since June 1 so I’ve been very aware of my thoughts of food. I’ve learned that transition times are hard for me. When I finish one thing and gather my things to work upstairs or outside, my mind wanders to food. The action of recording my feelings has helped me be aware of the temptations and to make better choices.

    Great idea!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,117 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I am new to this group. I have been on MFP for nearly a year. I have accomplished my weight loss goals and am working out maintenance. Now it is time for me to focus on another aspect of my life: I need to go on a financial diet!

    After losing 5 sizes, I found it necessary to buy a complete new wardrobe (from undies to winter coats). Unfortunately, for the first time EVER I found that shopping was FUN! This has led to some really undisciplined (and unnecessary) spending. During this same period, I had some unexpected expenses that were not optional. The result is that my ‘reserves’ have been significant impacted. I have some goals for next year that will require funds, so now is the time to stop spending and start saving. As someone on a fixed (although adequate) income, this is not optional if I really want to accomplish my goals. Enough background!

    1. My goal for this June: Become an intentional spender.

    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal:
    • Create a monthly budget
    • Track each expenditure
    • If I make an unplanned expenditure (there will be a line item in the budget for “unplanned” expenditures) I
    will ask myself four questions:
    o Do I really need this?
    o Why do I need this?
    o What will happen if I make this expenditure
    o What will happen if I do NOT make this expenditure

    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: I log my food an exercise every day on MFP and will log expenditures at the same time.

    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible): Every day

    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit?: I do not have anything really planned. In almost any way, I just accomplishing this will be its own reward. I’ll think about other options. Any suggestions (other than ‘buy’ something :[)) would be welcome!

    6. What help do you need from us? A place to be accountable!

    7. What does success look like to you at the end of June?: I will become aware of where my money is being spent and begin to see any patterns in ‘unplanned’ spending.

    Hi Jan! Good to see you here :)
    You mentioned you have some goals for next year that will need funds...perhaps you can print photos or draw them & each day as you do your I Will, add a star or smiley face etc on them...

    Hopefully this idea will jog a variation that meets your needs.

    Welcome aboard❣️