This June I Will...



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I am going to track my June sleep I Will as well as my nutritional mini I Will here for greater accountability.

    To track my getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however success will be for between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency.) I will use 🕙, and when adding in some extra nutrition such as: a salad 🥗, or extra vegetables 🥦, or a smoothie 🍌, or juicing that day 🥕.

    June 1: 🕙 🥗
    June 2: 🕙 🥦
    June 3: 🕙 🥗
    June 4: 🕙 🥗

    🦋 :flowerforyou:

    Great choice of icons, @texasgardnr! And I love your mini veggie goal!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Reflections so far:
    June 1: Going to sleep earlier will be the bulk of solving this problem.
    June 5: Simple Habit “Gentle Rest” audio worked well...slipped phone under my pillow on charger & used it Watch time I woke
    June 6: Posting to apps last night & finding I couldn’t log on to MFP didn’t help. I’m considering setting a time when all logging must be done by, say 10pm.

    I’m going to take baby steps:

    For the next week, I will record
    1A) first time I yawned
    It’s 12:36 AM & I have not yawned.
    June 5: yawned at 12:15AM as I was crawling into bed!

    1B) time of last food & if heavy or light
    9:30 pm - medium, no caffeine
    June 5 7:45 pm- large, chocolate

    1C) What I did between 9pm & lights out
    Chatted with a friend, made late light-ish snack dinner, chatted with another friend as I did some drawing, rode exercise bike, looked at my art groups, sent text to my PT for some information, updated MFP Challenges, became worried that I am unable to burn the calories I used to.
    June 5 - chatted, cleaned some, some TV, ready to go to sleep at 11 & had forgotten 4 leg stretches...fed cat, apps, apps, apps...

    1D) what time I turned off the light
    12:49 (gave up on MFP) fell right to sleep!

    1E) what time Hubby went to sleep
    About 11:30

    2A) If cat kept me from falling asleep NO, although she did wake me up 5 mins after I fell asleep June 5 NO
    2B) what time(s) cat woke me up through the night and in the morning (Possibly the 3AM one but not sure)
    June 5: she didn’t!!

    3) Times I woke up to use restroom 1-2
    June 5: didn’t

    4) what time Hubby woke up 8:10
    June 5 8:30

    5) What time put on sleep mask in - if I do
    June 5 didn’t

    6A) what time I woke up in AM 8:06 a bit earlier but I kept eyes closed & relaxed
    June 5 7 AM felt refreshed

    6B) how I feel - relieved & more rested
    I forgot how well these audio sleep inducing work for me. Things that felt like they would be too much to do today now seem totally easy. Sleep is wonderful & im glad I am finally willing to shift my habits (I’ve been reluctant because I love my night owl ways)
    June 5: needed more sleep but felt awake, hit me 1hr later

    Biggest ah-ha: birds are noisy (and cute)
    June 5: put mask on in morning even if I feel refreshed

    Tonight’s latest lights out: 12:30am

    This post is just full of insights, @MadisonMolly2017. It sounds like your audio tapes are a great wind down and trigger for falling asleep. I think in a short while just hearing the tapes will make you drift off.

    Totally agree—sleep is wonderful! I think our group is full of people who want to get the most out of their lives. Which is why building healthy habit is our bedrock... because good habits make every other aspect of our lives better and easier to manage. I fought sleep too as just a necessary thing that kept me from my late night activities. All things that I really enjoyed. There is a lovely peacefulness and tranquility that comes late at night when others are sleeping. For years I convinced myself that I could function just fine on less sleep. And I can function, but not nearly as well as when I get an hour more of sleep each day. I’m happier, more productive, I have less joint pain, my memory recall is so much better, and it’s been easier to manage my weight. So yes, there are trade-offs, but for me that extra 60 minutes of sleep each day is well worth it. And I now believe a core reason we have so many problems with road rage, social media nastiness, difficult coworkers and neighbors, and a general lack of empathy and concern for each other is because too many people are chronically sleep deprived.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    So far so good. Booked some volunteering days so I can spend some time out of the house and in the company of other adults. Also planning a beach day soon weather permitting. I have been logging religiously this month to be accountable.

    Awesome, @prgirl39mfp! Great idea to volunteer as a way to help out and connect with other adults!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Oops! Posted today on declutterfest. But I did get a nice hilly walk in tonight. I love hills!

    I have to ask...did you have to work up to walking uphill easily? Or were they never really difficult for you?

    I find that I really struggle even with small uphill stretches and avoid them most of the time because of it. Your posts are so inspiring that I'm wondering if I should just suck it up and go for it, even if it's really slow going in the beginning, in the hopes that it will get easier with time.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    This June's I will: Tracking my progress of getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however true success will be lights out between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency) each night. I will use 🕙 for lights out before 11 P.M.

    For a secondary mini 'I will' I am also tracking when adding in some additional healthy nutrition that I've become lax about over time such as: salads 🥗, and more vegetables 🥦, or that I have completely forgotten about such as making a smoothie 🍌, or juicing 🥕 .

    June 1: 🕙 🥗
    June 2: 🕙 🥦
    June 3: 🕙 🥗
    June 4: 🕙 🥗
    June 5: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 6: 🕙 🥗 🍌

    🍎 :flowerforyou:

    I love watching you track this. Your mini goal with your cute icons by each date make me want to do it with you! LOL! You are doing great!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 Your posts are so insightful! I've found myself reading them and comparing them with what happens around her at night. You're doing awesome and I have no doubt you will find many insights as to how you can get a better night's sleep.

    @prgirl39mfp What a great idea to get out and about and to get some socializing in. Volunteering can be so rewarding in and of itself, that it seems to me that this is a win-win for you! Beach day sounds heavenly to me. I hope you get to do that soon.

    @themedalist As always, thank you for keeping us going! You are so insightful and inspiring! I really love everyone in this group.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    Oops! Posted today on declutterfest. But I did get a nice hilly walk in tonight. I love hills!

    I have to ask...did you have to work up to walking uphill easily? Or were they never really difficult for you?

    I find that I really struggle even with small uphill stretches and avoid them most of the time because of it. Your posts are so inspiring that I'm wondering if I should just suck it up and go for it, even if it's really slow going in the beginning, in the hopes that it will get easier with time.

    I know you asked @nebslp, but I hope it’s ok if I chime in...

    I walked and walked for months before beginning gentle hills, then medium, then steeper, but mostly walked on flat 10-11K daily. As I shifted to steeper hills, I was slower, but gradually got faster & when they were easy, would then tackle next difficulty.

    Hope this helps. My Dr. said 10K a day: fas, slow, all at once or multiple shorter walks, flat, uphill, downhill.
    Daily. 10K. The rest comes about naturally.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Reflections so far:
    June 1: Going to sleep earlier will be the bulk of solving this problem.
    June 5: Simple Habit “Gentle Rest” audio worked well...slipped phone under my pillow on charger & used it Watch time I woke
    June 6: Posting to apps last night & finding I couldn’t log on to MFP didn’t help. I’m considering setting a time when all logging must be done by, say 10pm.
    June 6 Goal bedtime 12:30, began at 12:25. Actual bedtime 12:40. Learned it takes me 15 mins to get ready.
    June 7 kept lights low from 8:30 on.

    I’m going to take baby steps:

    For the next week, I will record
    1A) first time I yawned
    It’s 12:36 AM & I have not yawned.
    June 5: yawned at 12:15AM as I was crawling into bed!
    June 7: 11:45

    1B) time of last food & if heavy or light
    9:30 pm - medium, no caffeine
    June 5 7:45 pm- large, chocolate
    June 7 9pm Light dinner: Apple, decaf coffee w/nonfat milk, almonds

    1C) What I did between 9pm & lights out
    Chatted with a friend, made late light-ish snack dinner, chatted with another friend as I did some drawing, rode exercise bike, looked at my art groups, sent text to my PT for some information, updated MFP Challenges, became worried that I am unable to burn the calories I used to.
    June 5 - chatted, cleaned some, some TV, ready to go to sleep at 11 & had forgotten 4 leg stretches...fed cat, apps, apps, apps...
    June 7: chatted, updated apps, Internet search’s for art & Pinterest saves, watched tv, 45 mins leg stretches/activation& core
    Kept lights low, room cool
    Had healing treatment earlier in evening- makes me realize I need to actively do something with stress reduction each day- perhaps my July I Will

    1D) what time I turned off the light
    June 4 12:48
    June 5 12:49 (gave up on MFP) fell right to sleep!
    June 6: 12:40
    June 7 12:01❣️❣️❣️

    1E) what time Hubby went to sleep
    About 11:30
    10:00 rough night

    2A) If cat kept me from falling asleep NO, although she did wake me up 5 mins after I fell asleep June 5 NO
    June 6 Yes
    June 7 No

    2B) what time(s) cat woke me up through the night and in the morning (Possibly the 3AM one but not sure)
    June 5: she didn’t!!
    June 6 no
    June 7: 6:30-7:30 but I napped on & off throughout- we don’t know why she was so

    3) Times I woke up to use restroom 1-2
    June 5: didn’t
    June 6 once?
    June 7: didn’t - drank water earlier in evening...

    4) what time Hubby woke up 8:10
    June 5 8:30
    June 6: 8:00
    June 7 7:30-8 (cat)

    5) What time put on sleep mask in - if I do
    June 5 didn’t
    June 6 ?
    June 7: didn’t, can’t find it LOL

    6A) what time I woke up in AM 8:06 a bit earlier but I kept eyes closed & relaxed
    June 5 7 AM felt refreshed
    June 6 too little sleep, tired 7?
    June 7 7:30 feeling Good, yawning but I was awake lol

    6B) how I feel - relieved & more rested
    I forgot how well these audio sleep inducing work for me. Things that felt like they would be too much to do today now seem totally easy. Sleep is wonderful & im glad I am finally willing to shift my habits (I’ve been reluctant because I love my night owl ways)
    June 5: needed more sleep but felt awake, hit me 1hr later

    Biggest ah-ha: birds are noisy (and cute)
    June 5: put mask on in morning even if I feel refreshed

    June 7 Thrilled to fall asleep earlier & sleep 7.5 hrs. This is definitely working❣️

    Tonight’s latest lights out: 12:00
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,002 Member
    Wow you are all so awesome! I’m a bit late to he party, but I’ve been busy at my June goal which is revisiting my December goal.

    1. My goal for this month (This June I will sew more)
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal - spend at least 5 minutes doing something sewing related.
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit - if I haven’t sewn when I sit down to watch TV, I’ll work on my hand sewing project.
    4. How often will you do your new habit (daily is best if possible) 5 days per week - daily is the goal, but I don't want to make this too difficult
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit? I’ll show my progress to my husband, daughters or sister.
    6. What help do you need from us? Encouragement like you do
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of June. At least 3 complete sewn items as well as a hand-hemmed handkerchief.

    1. Colonial petticoat (skirt), jacket (caraco), handkerchief. For a ball 6/29
    2. Daughter’s Birthday: T-shirt, and maybe another sewn gift. Birthday 6/20
    3. Regency Spencer (jacket) For Costume college July 28

    So far

    6/1 🧵 cut out bum pad
    6/2 🧵finished bum pad
    6/3 - no sewing- long workday and headache 😢
    6/4 - 🧵 traced jacket pattern
    6/5 - 🧵sister marked my petticoat hem
    6/6 - 🧵pattern tracing for daughter’s birthday gift
    6/7 - 🧵hand sewing
    6/8 - 🧵 cut out jacket underlining/fitting muslin

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I’m having so much fun reading everyone’s posts! So many emotions...sometimes I laugh, sometimes I’m amazed, but usually I’m inspired to do keep going and try new things, too. I have to thank you, @PackerFaninGB, for getting me out the door tonight and walking even though it was getting late. I prefer hills over flat gravel roads because I can feel my calves, quads, and back of my leg muscles working. I walk hills slower than roads but get a better aerobic workout and my feet and knees don’t hurt when I’m done. Besides, I get really bored walking on a straight road. I need a distraction! I have to stop one time halfway up the hill and gasp for air and let my heart rate slow down for a few minutes before going on. I’m glad no one is with me or they’d probably call 911! When I started this current hill (I have 2) I had to stop and slow my heart rate down at least twice before reaching the top. It’s a gradual improvement and it’s good to start slow.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @77tes. I love your goal! It makes me want to sew clothes again. I did shorten a skirt today and will be tightening up buttons this week😜 but that doesn’t count. I started a quilt for a granddaughter so that will take a long time. I wish I could find someone who would go dancing with me wearing fancy clothes! Sounds so fun!! Good luck with your projects.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @MadisonMolly2017 that darn cat!!! So funny😂🤣 Ask him where he hid your sleep mask😆
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Congrats to you awesome loggers! @themedalist @prgirl39mfp @texasgardnr and all you know who you are!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I’m pretty disappointed in my failure to follow through. I’m not going to have much $$$ at the end of the month if I don’t kick it in gear! Tomorrow!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    I’m having so much fun reading everyone’s posts! So many emotions...sometimes I laugh, sometimes I’m amazed, but usually I’m inspired to do keep going and try new things, too. I have to thank you, @PackerFaninGB, for getting me out the door tonight and walking even though it was getting late. I prefer hills over flat gravel roads because I can feel my calves, quads, and back of my leg muscles working. I walk hills slower than roads but get a better aerobic workout and my feet and knees don’t hurt when I’m done. Besides, I get really bored walking on a straight road. I need a distraction! I have to stop one time halfway up the hill and gasp for air and let my heart rate slow down for a few minutes before going on. I’m glad no one is with me or they’d probably call 911! When I started this current hill (I have 2) I had to stop and slow my heart rate down at least twice before reaching the top. It’s a gradual improvement and it’s good to start slow.

    This is great, @nebslp! I am really proud of you to taking on these hills and this challenge. So you are finding it’s getting easier, even if the improvement is gradual?
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited June 2019
    nebslp wrote: »
    I’m pretty disappointed in my failure to follow through. I’m not going to have much $$$ at the end of the month if I don’t kick it in gear! Tomorrow!

    Shake it off, @nebslp, there’s plenty of month left and we know that you can do it!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited June 2019
    @PackerFanInGB’s question about doing hills and whether it becomes easier with practice is a theme I’ve been mulling over for some time now. We all have things we can’t do. But I know there are many things that I’ve told myself that I can’t do, that I actually CAN do, just maybe not as well as someone who doesn’t have cerebral palsy. If I’m honest with myself, it was easier to label some things as a “can’t do” than put forth the time, energy, and frustration to learn to do something that was previously difficult or impossible for me to do. It gets harder before it gets easier. I had to “slog through the fog” so to speak.

    But for me, overcoming my self perceived limitations has brought me indescribable joy and it’s boosted my self confidence. “If I can do THAT, what else can I do?”.
    This week, for the first time in my life, my left impacted hand cut the fingernails of my right unaffected hand. Didn’t do a great job, but it cut them! I know it’s a small thing, but if you’ve never been able to do this and you now can it’s a BIG thing! The guitar playing has made my left fingers strong and agile enough to be up for the task!

    I realize doing hills may not be on @packerFanInGB’s bucket list, but our self perceived limitations can hold us back and keep us from doing the things we want to do that will bring us greater joy. I am done telling myself there are things I can’t do.

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    I’m pretty disappointed in my failure to follow through. I’m not going to have much $$$ at the end of the month if I don’t kick it in gear! Tomorrow!

    Shake it off, @nebslp, there’s plenty of month left and we know that you can do it!

    Exactly!! You can do it @nebslp