This June I Will...



  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @77tes, πŸ‘† simply gorgeous colors, sewing, and.... everything!!!

    @prgirl39mfp, Thank you for you nice comment 🌺.

    I am so happy to read that on the days when you are not feeling good that you are calling/reaching out to a friend!

    I have the same issues with not wanting to sit too long when I use my desktop for logging and posting. I only have the app on my iPad but have difficulties with posting. I have a timer on the computer desk and I'm doing much better obeying it to actually get up every 15 minutes to do something else so that I don't sit so long.


    This June's I will: Tracking my progress of getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however true success will be lights out between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency) each night. I will use πŸ•™ for lights out by 11 P.M!
    By midnight πŸ›Œ, after midnight ❌.

    For a secondary mini 'I will' I am also tracking when adding in some additional healthy nutrition that I've become lax about over time such as: salads πŸ₯—, and more vegetables πŸ₯¦, or that I have completely forgotten about such as making a smoothie 🍌, or juicing πŸ₯• .

    June 1: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—

    June 2: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦
    June 3: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—
    June 4: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—
    June 5: πŸ•™ πŸ₯— 🍌
    June 6: πŸ•™ πŸ₯— 🍌
    June 7: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦
    June 8: ❌ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦

    June 9: πŸ›Œ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦
    June 10: πŸ›Œ πŸ₯¦ 🍌
    June 11: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦ 🍌
    June 12: ❌ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦
    June 13: .... πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦πŸŒ

    I best go to sleep now, so I get a cute icon for tonight's sleep πŸ˜²πŸ˜… when I post tomorrow.

    Hugs y'all πŸ’–,

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @77tes Oh, I can totally relate and am so sorry for your troubles! I hope you had extra fabric🀞. I can’t count the number of times I’ve checked and double checked my sewing and in the end I had to hunt down the seam ripper🀨. You’ll get this done! Good luck. BTW, the pattern matching is pretty good!!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,981 Member
    @nebslp , fortunately I have oodles of this fabric. My second attempt did not match as well, but at least one side wasn’t inside out. 🀣

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @77tes Love the fabric! That will be really pretty!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    June Challenge: Log every single bite--the good, the bad & the ugly

    6/1: πŸ™‚
    6/2: πŸ™‚
    6/3: πŸ™‚
    6/4: πŸ™‚
    6/5: πŸ™‚
    6/6: πŸ™‚
    6/7: πŸ™‚
    6/8: πŸ™‚
    6/9: πŸ™‚
    6/10: πŸ™‚
    6/11: :naughty:
    6/12: :naughty:
    6/13: :naughty:
    6/14: πŸ™‚ so far, so good!

    Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were crazy busy days at work. I got more activity than usual which was great, but I didn't make the time to log my food. Bad Tracie! 😞
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @77tes The matching looks fine! Beautiful fabric choice as well.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    #77tes like the fabric and the matching looks right on! My mother was an excellent seamstress. Alas, that talent was not passed on.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    June Challenge: Log every single bite--the good, the bad & the ugly

    6/1: πŸ™‚
    6/2: πŸ™‚
    6/3: πŸ™‚
    6/4: πŸ™‚
    6/5: πŸ™‚
    6/6: πŸ™‚
    6/7: πŸ™‚
    6/8: πŸ™‚
    6/9: πŸ™‚
    6/10: πŸ™‚
    6/11: :naughty:
    6/12: :naughty:
    6/13: :naughty:
    6/14: πŸ™‚ so far, so good!

    Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were crazy busy days at work. I got more activity than usual which was great, but I didn't make the time to log my food. Bad Tracie! 😞

    Your post reminds me of how some parents comment on their kids’ test papers... the kid got 11/14 answers right but the parents only notice the 3 that were missed😏. Love what you said, β€œI got more activity than usual which was great”! And congrats on meeting your goal 4/5 of the timeπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @PackerFanInGB, Dear Good Tracie, I so agree with @nebslp about how you did great, and also about how we (be it a parent or ourselves or anyone else) often only notice the missed ones! We all must remember, it is the progress and never the perfection 🌸🌺 , as we endeavor to make new healthy habits.

    πŸ’– texasgardnr 🐦

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @texasgardnr Wow!! 😲 Look at yesterdayπŸ‘
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @nebslp, Thank you!

    This June's I will: Tracking my progress of getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however true success will be lights out between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency) each night. I will use πŸ•™ for lights out by 11 P.M!
    By midnight πŸ›Œ, after midnight ❌.

    For a secondary mini 'I will' I am also tracking when adding in some additional healthy nutrition that I've become lax about over time such as: salads πŸ₯—, and more vegetables πŸ₯¦, or that I have completely forgotten about such as making a smoothie 🍌, or juicing πŸ₯• .

    June 1: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—

    June 2: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦
    June 3: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—
    June 4: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—
    June 5: πŸ•™ πŸ₯— 🍌
    June 6: πŸ•™ πŸ₯— 🍌
    June 7: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦
    June 8: ❌ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦

    June 9: πŸ›Œ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦
    June 10: πŸ›Œ πŸ₯¦ 🍌
    June 11: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦ 🍌
    June 12: ❌ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦
    June 13: πŸ•™ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦πŸŒ
    June 14: πŸ•™ 🍌 🍌

    I was really craving bananas, so yay for smoothies 😁✨.


  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Denise, I’m so sorry to hear about your dad’s stroke and resulting struggles right now. It’s wonderful that he retains his cognitive abilities and good to know he will do whatever it takes to recover from the stroke. I know how special he is, and I will pray for the best recovery possible.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @themedalist Thoughts and prayers for your dad. Sounds like he got the immediate intervention needed. Best wishes to him for a speedy recovery.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited June 2019
    @themedalist, oh, my Denise. I will definitely be praying for your dad and family, as well as his medical team. The fact that your dad's cognitive abilities are intact, and that he is already experiencing some improvement in his speech capabilities is so hopeful and amazing. Hugs πŸ’–.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    This June's I will: Tracking my progress of getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however true success will be lights out between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency) each night. I will use πŸ•™ for lights out by 11 P.M!
    By midnight πŸ›Œ, after midnight ❌.

    For a secondary mini 'I will' I am also tracking when adding in some additional healthy nutrition that I've become lax about over time such as: salads πŸ₯—, and more vegetables πŸ₯¦, or that I have completely forgotten about such as making a smoothie 🍌, or juicing πŸ₯• .

    June 1: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—

    June 2: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦
    June 3: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—
    June 4: πŸ•™ πŸ₯—
    June 5: πŸ•™ πŸ₯— 🍌
    June 6: πŸ•™ πŸ₯— 🍌
    June 7: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦
    June 8: ❌ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦

    June 9: πŸ›Œ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦
    June 10: πŸ›Œ πŸ₯¦ 🍌
    June 11: πŸ•™ πŸ₯¦ 🍌
    June 12: ❌ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦
    June 13: πŸ•™ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦πŸŒ
    June 14: πŸ•™ 🍌 🍌
    June 15: ❌ πŸ₯— πŸ₯¦

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,981 Member
    @themedalist , I’m so sorry to hear of your dad’s stroke. I’m glad that he survived the surgery and still has his cognitive function! If he is as determined as his daughter, he will be the physical therapist’s pet in no time. I’ll be praying for Doug and for your whole family.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,981 Member
    June Projects:
    1. Colonial petticoat (skirt), jacket (caraco), handkerchief. For a ball 6/29
    2. Daughter’s Birthday: T-shirt, and maybe another sewn gift. Birthday 6/20
    3. Regency Spencer (jacket) For Costume college July 28

    So far

    6/1 🧡 cut out bum pad
    6/2 🧡finished bum pad
    6/3 - no sewing- long workday and headache 😒
    6/4 - 🧡 traced jacket pattern
    6/5 - 🧡sister marked my petticoat hem
    6/6 - 🧡pattern tracing for daughter’s birthday gift
    6/7 - 🧡hand sewing
    6/8 - 🧡 cut out jacket underlining/fitting muslin
    6/9 - 🧡 fitted muslin
    6/10 - 🧡 hand sewing
    6/11 - 🧡 cut out fashion fabric - made a big mistake
    6/12 - 🧡prepared and cut more fabric and made a couple purse-sized tissue holders
    6/13 - 🧡worked on fitting sleeves
    6/14 - 🧡 no actual sewing, just spent lots of time researching how the heck 18th Century sleeves work. Those things are sleevils!
    6/15 - 🧡Eureka! Figured out how to set the sleeves
    6/15 - 🧡underlined sleeves and hope to do some hand sewing before bedtime.

    I’m afraid the birthday gifts won’t happen in time for my daughter’s birthday. The lining fabric is taking forever to arrive. It won’t get here until the day before her birthday.😫