This June I Will...



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @themedalist Being able to cut the nails on your right hand certainly IS a big thing! I'm so tickled to hear that something you love (guitar) helped you to gain strength for things you hadn't really thought of! That's a win-win!

    You guys have convinced me that the hill is in my near future...even if I have to stop and let my heart slow down and catch my breath.. Someday I'll come on here and say "guess what I did today?!" :smile:

    Have a wonderful Sunday my friends! Love to you all. :heart:
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @PackerFanInGB If you want to do hills, it will certainly happen in your future. It's a form of HIIT for me. I take my time and enjoy nature and take pictures on the way downhill. Once I reach the bottom and have explored a bit, I turn around and walk back up vigorously until my heart rate is very high and I'm gasping for air. The length of time for this to happen depends on my speed and the amount of incline. My hills get quite steep about halfway up before the incline reduces a little. Then I rest 30 seconds or so and continue up until I have to stop and rest again or until I reach the top. It's not a long walk but it's pretty intense for me. Starting small means you started which is an accomplishment in itself.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,981 Member
    edited June 2019
    @nebslp , I like hilly walks, too. The campus where I work is very hilly, and I really enjoy when I can fit in a good walk along the handicapped ramps which wind through the trees and bushes.

    @jan110144 , budgeting is a terrific goal, and it sounds like you are doing well.

    @themedalist , your milestone achievement warms my heart. You are my hero!
  • pennysob
    pennysob Posts: 59 Member
    This June I will:
    1. work on upper body strength training
    2. The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish this goal: use light weights and some exercises without weights!
    3. The trigger or cue to remember to do my habit: part of my morning habit!
    4. How often will you do your new habit: once a day, 3 or 4 out of 7 days
    5. What reward will you immediately give yourself for doing your habit?: sleeveless tops!
    6. What help do you need from us? Just encouragement!
    7. What does success look like to you at the end of June? Feel stronger!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @jan110144 WTG with sticking to your list ... twice👏🏻👏🏻!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @pennysob Upper body strength is important in many everyday activities, so improving it is a great goal! My mother’s saying was, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
    I’ve been lifting my empty carry on bag over my head 10 times every morning for the past three weeks in preparation for an upcoming trip. Muscles respond quickly to exercise and this week I’m going to start adding weight to it so putting it in the overhead compartment will be a breeze.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,117 Member
    June 8 horrendous night - barely any sleep... my only thought is sudden, extreme heat

    June 9 - even hotter - passed out at 10, repeatedly as hubby watched tv, woke up for about 15 mins then back to sleep, waking 7:30AM, resting in bed until 8. Still sleepy from yesterday’s lack of sleep, but happy I sleep better & linger last night.

    Will be even hotter today. Hopefully my body will have adjusted.

    Weight up 2.4lbs in last 24 hrs, so I guess I’ve been drinking enough water. Some of it salty meal too, most likely.

    Found this article about changing habits of “extreme night owls” 2:30AM until 10AM. article:

    I’m not an extreme night owl, but the article gave me some ideas. Partially copied here.

    Their instructions were to:
    Wake up 2-3 hours earlier than usual and get plenty of outdoor light in the morning.
    I do this. I wake 7-8, if I’m lucky. 6-7 if I’m not.

    Eat breakfast as soon as possible
    I used to eat bf at 9, but have shifted that to 9:45-10:15. Will bring it back to first thing after I wake up!

    Exercise only in the morning
    I generally exercise late afternoon (and lately even later) - will move to early, finished by 3 at the latest.

    Have lunch at the same time every day and eat nothing after 19:00
    I’ll have to track when I eat lunch. I do eat after 7. I had read to eat before 8. Hubby often not home by 7- will think sbout this. I did eat earlier in winter months.

    Banish caffeine after 15:00
    Yes, I’ve used a 4pm cutoff. Will expand that to decaf drinks too as I’m susceptible

    Have no naps after 16:00
    I don’t nap

    Go to bed 2-3 hours earlier than usual and limit light in the evenings
    I have low lights (now) from 10 pm on.
    I’ve been making bed time earlier & earlier

    Maintain the same sleep and wake times every day
    Easier said than done, but I’m working on it.

    After three weeks, people had successfully shifted their body clocks two hours earlier in the day, the analysis by the University of Birmingham, University of Surrey and Monash University showed.
    The results, in the journal Sleep Medicine, showed people still got the same hours of shut-eye.
    But they reported lower levels of sleepiness, stress and depression, while tests showed their reaction times also improved.
    "Establishing simple routines could help night owls adjust their body clocks and improve their overall physical and mental health," said Prof Debra Skene from the University of Surrey.
    "Insufficient levels of sleep and circadian [body clock] misalignment can disrupt many bodily processes, putting us at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes."

    So, new plan:
    Wake up: 7-8
    Breakfast eaten by 9:00
    (Art, mental work)
    12:30 small snack
    Exercise 1:00-3:00 (gym-summer)
    Lunch (main meal) eaten by 3:30

    Dinner (snack size) eaten by 7:30

    Lights low by 10, latest
    No iPhone or tv after 10:30
    Lights out - 11-12, no later than midnight
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,981 Member
    @pennysob , improving your upper body strength is a great goal. You might appreciate the HASFit workouts. I love The site.

    @MadisonMolly2017 , I sympathize about the heat. It just started getting hot here, and sleeping becomes such a challenge. Then, after not sleeping, it’s hard to get up early to exercise in the early morning’s relative cool.

    I’m quite proud of how I worked around obstacles yesterday with my goal. I needed some help with fitting my muslin for my jacket, but I knew I’d only see my sister who can give me the help that help at church. The problem is that the jacket needs to be fitted over period undergarments. So my bright idea was to wear my shift and corset under my church clothes, so we could go off in a corner wher could just slip the jacket on, and my sister could mark the needed adjustments. Worked great. I may be wearing my corset from now on. It is more comfortable than my regular underthings, and my blouse definitely looked better. Only thing is that it makes me sit up straight, and I’m quite likely to slouch. 🙄
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @77tes a corset is more comfortable than current undies? Now THAT is surprising to me!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    @77tes a corset is more comfortable than current undies? Now THAT is surprising to me!

    Me too! And kudos for figuring out how to get your sister’s assistance. In addition to being a creative seamstress, you are also a creative problem solver!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,981 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    @77tes a corset is more comfortable than current undies? Now THAT is surprising to me!

    Yes, that whole corsets made women faint thing is totally a myth.
  • pennysob
    pennysob Posts: 59 Member
    @nebslp, That is a good idea! I'm planning a trip to Colorado in August. I've checked in my bag in the past, but I would love a do a carry on. I always take too much stuff. I'm determine to cut back. I never use quarter of what I take. Lifting the bag ahead will help my upper body and save time and money!

    @77tes, Thanks ..It's something worth looking into!

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Another key success ... monthly trip to Tractor Supply for horse food. I rarely get to checkout without a number of "extras" (from extra items for the horse to inexpensive barn clothes, there are always many temptations) . This time checked out UNDER budget!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @77tes You are definitely a problem-solver by wearing your corset to church! Didn’t Scarlet O’Hara wear a corset so she could have a 17” waist?😳 I think some women went to the extremes in those days😏

    @jan110144 I’m jealous of your horse riding, too. But horses scare me to death so it probably wouldn’t be much fun for me. It sounds wonderful though.

    My bag now weighs 10 lbs and I am ready to add more weight. I can walk around awhile with it over my head. I’m too stubborn (or proud) to ask for help so I have to stay strong!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited June 2019
    I finally have the opportunity to read all of your comments and post again. Thank you all for the inspiration, thoughts and ideas, as well as sharing your hearts. I sure did enjoy reading them 💖!! I had some busy, but fun days, so I didn't get around to posting.

    My observations: I can definitely say I sure did notice the difference Sunday morning after allowing myself an after midnight on Saturday the 8th. Yes, having the house wonderfully quiet the night before was pleasant, however, having Sunday morning sluggishness wasn't worth it after a week of lights out by 11 P.M and feeling increasingly better in the mornings. Also the next two nights were by midnight, but not between 10 and 11P.M., which I felt the best at... so far.


    This June's I will: Tracking my progress of getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however true success will be lights out between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency) each night. I will use 🕙 for lights out by 11 P.M!
    By midnight 🛌, after midnight ❌.

    For a secondary mini 'I will' I am also tracking when adding in some additional healthy nutrition that I've become lax about over time such as: salads 🥗, and more vegetables 🥦, or that I have completely forgotten about such as making a smoothie 🍌, or juicing 🥕 .

    June 1: 🕙 🥗

    June 2: 🕙 🥦
    June 3: 🕙 🥗
    June 4: 🕙 🥗
    June 5: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 6: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 7: 🕙 🥦
    June 8: ❌ 🥗 🥦

    June 9: 🛌 🥗 🥦
    June 10: 🛌 🥦 🍌
    June 11: 🥦 🍌

    💝 :flowerforyou:
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @texasgardnr I like your icon system. It’s fun and effective!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @nebslp, thank you! It has been fun doing it this way, and way more encouraging than little check marks or penciled smiles in my workout calendar 🦋.


    This June's I will: Tracking my progress of getting to sleep earlier (before midnight, however true success will be lights out between 10:30-11:00 PM for better consistency) each night. I will use 🕙 for lights out by 11 P.M!
    By midnight 🛌, after midnight ❌.

    For a secondary mini 'I will' I am also tracking when adding in some additional healthy nutrition that I've become lax about over time such as: salads 🥗, and more vegetables 🥦, or that I have completely forgotten about such as making a smoothie 🍌, or juicing 🥕 .

    June 1: 🕙 🥗

    June 2: 🕙 🥦
    June 3: 🕙 🥗
    June 4: 🕙 🥗
    June 5: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 6: 🕙 🥗 🍌
    June 7: 🕙 🥦
    June 8: ❌ 🥗 🥦

    June 9: 🛌 🥗 🥦
    June 10: 🛌 🥦 🍌
    June 11: 🕙 🥦 🍌
    June 12: .... 🥗 🥦

    🐦 🎈 :flowerforyou:
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @nebslp hills. I love them. I live in FL and we are all Flat here. I've been to Colorado and Tennessee hiking and I just love how tough it can be. Love the thrill and pains but one you finish it feels amazing. Can't wait to do it again.

    @texasgardnr this idea to use icons looks so much fun. You are doing well. Keep it up.

    @MadisonMolly2017 so sorry you are still struggling. The article is on point and I know because I have implemented those techniques and it does work. I am going thru menopause and sleeping was zero, not to mention the hot mess of hot flashes. One thing I also did was sleep with little or no clothes on, not drinking anything after 7 pm and keeping the room temp as cool as possible. Good luck! Hope it gets better.

    @pennysob that sounds like a great plan. I should be doing the same. Thanks for the inspiration.

    June 13 and so far I am doing pretty good with my habits. I am still volunteering and keeping busy around the house. Tonight I am going out with friends to reconnect. On days where I am not feeling good I am calling/reaching out to a friend and it helps me refocus and stay on track. Last year I suffered so much on my own, alone. It was terrible.

    I am logging everyday except for the days MFP app decides not to work. I can only log successfully on my lap top but I have to sit down and I try to avoid sitting down. The only reason I keep using MFP is for the friendships and connections with great people I have made over the years. Seems to me that every time the app updates it gets worst and worst.