TEAM: Run Track Minds (July)



  • LuluLovinLife
    LuluLovinLife Posts: 42 Member
    Daily Post: Monday July 8
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes under
    H2O intake: 9 glasses
    Exercise: 20 min rapid pace walk (while
    I talked to my friend on the phone)

    Goals or Day: So my partner said we should go on a food detox and limit intake to just liquids today. He writes me late afternoon and says he won’t be having supper as he had a late lunch. I said “what?! What happened to the detox?!” He folded and then we got home from trailer renos tonight and he went and bought munchies. SO needless to say he’s not my motivational coach I need these days BUT even though I ate a wee bit today (yoga cookie, celery, apple, coffee) I did eat minimally for a kick start to food detoxing... and I’m not hungry.

    My goal for this week is no alcohol until Friday eve when I start my vaca. Oh and to be more active 😁
  • LuluLovinLife
    LuluLovinLife Posts: 42 Member
    @johicks well done today! Exercise in the morning!!! Who would have thought that was an option?! Lol I cram it in at end of day- great willpower and great idea! Sets your day off right for sure.
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post: Monday July 8
    Track: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: strength training- leg day amd walked the dog.

    Felt good to get a workout in. Feeling it tonight in my bootay, so that's a good thing. Dropped my youngest off to camp for the week, so just me and my 16 y.o. for the week. Setting my alarm for 5 a.m. for another workout before babysitting my friend's kiddos.
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    @johicks great job nailing your goal again. today. Nice work.
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Monday July 8
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no

    Back on track! Way to go @johicks for your awesome accomplishments!!
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 204
    Today's Weight: 206
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No
    Goal/Day: I have been off track since last Tuesday. I've tracked everything but haven't done any type of exercising. I was planning on going to bootcamp after work today but I was so tired so me and my little one took a short nap and I didn't wake up in time to go. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan to get back on track but it was great spending 5 days with my family in Texas.
  • klilev
    klilev Posts: 87 Member
    Daily post

    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 1 mile run and lifted upper body
    Day: It felt good to get back on track today. I'm looking forward to a solid week of working out, eating well, and drinking from my new water bottle (5 fills a day!)
  • Kate_X4
    Kate_X4 Posts: 25 Member
    Monday daily post
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 5 mile walk withy kiddos!
    Struggling to get in enough water, really working on drinking a lot!!
    Made awesome food choices today even when hubs took kids for fast food treats.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited July 2019
    @LuluLovinLife~ You did it! A good Monday of choices and being present. Good for you for sticking with your plan despite your partner’s lack of support. I totally know how it feels. It makes it that much harder, but also rewarding! Good job today! As far as alcohol, I for sure made a choice a long time ago to eat my calories. It was especially easy when some of my favorite adult beverages were 200-500 calories. Every now and again, I’ll have a bloody mary or a 65 calorie beer. Anyhoooo…. Being active (while taking on the phone- 2fer!) and mindful…. You’ll see the results and feel them too. You’re doing great. And thanks for the support! Today, I’m posting first; then it will be an upper body workout with weights before 8 am. :) We got this!!
    @jupdyke~ Thanks for the “Atta girl!” I am looking forward to my upper body workout this morning! And right back atcha!! Hope your a.m. workout is just as great as your awesome Monday! Back in the gym after vacation… that’s the way… uh-huh uh-huh!! :)
    @skullsandskeletons~ Monday-Monday! Yeah yeah! You are also are back at it! :) Thanks. It seemed to take a while, but here I am. We can do it!! We got this!
    @Jactop~ drats. What can we do to help? Remember, you’re not doing this alone. Let’s get back to our good basic habits and shed those lbs! I know you want to. And I know you know what you have to do. So let’s do it… together!
    @ajaia2001~ Welcome back. I’m so glad you go to visit family. You did really good in making sure that you tracked, even while on vacation. Your Tuesday will have you back to your normal routine... Kicking it at boot camp (& the stairs?) Look forward to your posts.
    @klilev~ Awesome Monday!! Sounds like a great week is in store for you! Great attitude! All the elements of our team mind… RUN. TRACK. MIND. Yeah, you!
    @Kate_X4~ Great Monday! You’re doing it. Put a water bottle or cup in a spot at home or work where you pass often. Mine is by the coffee pot. Take a sip every time you pass it. I find that when I get up from my desk or couch I make myself go by it to take another drink and then again before I sit back down. Before I know it.. 16oz gone. I also have water with me no matter what I am drinking, then I am sure to at least drink 1 water to 3 sips of coffee. I drink water with meals to help fill me up and then green tea (which I dilute and count as water) between meals. You’ll find a way to make it into a habit.

    Find motivational mugs to drink from to encourage and inspire you to do what you know you need to do to be successful on your journey. My morning mug is a Christmas mug…. “Believe!”

    “Believe in yourself!”

    If pretending is too weird, hard, or odd; then KNOW that I believe in you. I’m in your corner. When you doubt yourself hear or imagine these words: “I can do it! I believe that I can do it. I believe.” Start and end your day with those words and say them to yourself… face to face in the mirror. That 3-second conversation with yourself will be powerful!

    Where are some of our other usual daily posters? We miss you, care about you, and want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. We're in this together... we need you and you need us. That's what this teamwork is all about. How was your Monday? Hope to hear from you:

    Week #2 Sunday weigh-in ... - Hope to hear from you. We want to encourage and support you. :)
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Awe, thanks @johicks. Funny, after reading that, but before the 'we miss you' bit, I was regretting not posting last night, as I miss you little notes! I didn't write, because there's just nothing particularly interesting. Anyway, here goes:
    Daily mini report Monday
    Run: no, rest day.
    Track: yes, over but only just.
    Mind: still going strong.
    See? Boring....
  • wander216
    wander216 Posts: 90 Member
    I am here too🙂.
    Exersize no
    Track yes, wasnt good
    A stress full day yesterday, dealing with work.
    So much red tape to get through. Still have to do more stuff for it today.
    But so far my head is in the game and hopefully I’ll be busy enough to stay that way today.
    Thanks for calling my name out.
    I needed that
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @Perla4686 ~ Glad you posted. To me... BORING is a good thing. It means that you had a drama-free, fairly easy, on track day! AND... I think it's motivating for those that don't post to see the consistency of those reporting daily, and then see the weekly weigh-ins show the success. PLUS... it's important to be accountable. It's a great habit so that on the days you don't "feel" like it, you will come to post your bad day too. Then hopefully nip whatever it is in the bud and stop it from snowballing. I NEED to learn this and do better at it.

    @wander216~ :) I'm glad I did tag you so you would post. I hope today goes better for you. Stress is hard for me to control and not stress-eat. Just remember water helps fill your belly and distracts. Hope you get a chance to get up and walk away from the stress work to take a few deep breaths. Glad you posted!

  • Terry111330
    Terry111330 Posts: 596 Member
    Monday I was at a birthday party and although I did have a piece of cake I was pretty good overall. Didn't log, but really don't think I overdid it. I didn't exercise, but did have a ton of running around to do before the birthday party, so got lots of steps in. No late snacking last night. Hope to be back on track for logging and exercise today.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @Terry111330 - Good job on being in control at the birthday party. Being mindful is a key and awesome on no LNS!! :)
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: a bit over
    Day: The weather was crazy here in DC to start the week back from holiday. Flash flooding, torrential downpours, the works. I was soaked by the time I got to the office and the walk from the metro is only 5 minutes AND i had an umbrella! Happy Monday! lol Other than that a normal day. Baked twice over the holiday weekend, so ended up having one of the gingerbread cupcakes I made which put me a bit over my normal calorie goal and way over my 1200 calorie goal I set for myself. I've decided to abandon that plan and just stick with my normal calorie goal and try to stick to that on the days Mom and sister are here this week.

    Luckily BF brought the rest of the baked goods to his office to share the love and the calories and won't be tempted by the treats the rest of the week.

    @johicks Good idea! On Friday we are all going to a concert and our tickets are for standing room, so we will be standing for a couple of hours and dancing along so that will be some good, light, fun exercise to start off the weekend. I'll have to see if they want to do anything lightly active on Saturday! Maybe some sightseeing depending on how hot it is.
  • Kate_X4
    Kate_X4 Posts: 25 Member
    Love all the support from this group!! Thanks for keeping me motivated, smiling and working on a healthier happier self!!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Daily mini report (Tuesday)
    Run: went to a mixed class aerobics/strength 30 minutes
    Track: yes, under
    Mind: still good, but finding it difficult to deal with daily weight fluctuations (but still craving that weigh-in every morning, must stop doing that!)
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