TEAM: Run Track Minds (July)



  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Sunday 07/07)
    Track: 🤩
    Calories: 🤩
    Exercise 20+mins: 12 mins. 😯
    8+ Water: 💧💧+💧💧+💧💧+💧💧= 8 💧💧+💧💧💧13
    Healthy Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations: 🤩
    • Plan / pre-log food: 🤩
    • NO post-dinner snack: 🤩
      Maybe not the best food choices today, but it is what it is and I managed to stay on track, eat in moderation, and within my calorie limit. So back on track!! Posting a little early to stay accountable through the night. Hubby just made a 2nd trip to store for his drinks AND brought home pizza. I just ate my popcorn. So I am going to stay on track by going through my good nightly routine steps. This will get me back to good habits…. As promised to myself.
  • LuluLovinLife
    LuluLovinLife Posts: 42 Member
    Username: LuluLovinLife
    Week: July Week 2
    Weigh in Day: Sunday
    PW = 135
    CW= 139 (NOT a typo! 😢)

    Snap!! Ugh!! That’s right! It’s been a FOODFEST for me!!! I also bummed my knee and my arm and been a total food mess. I missed last week for the very first time ever in a challenge.... so I’m showing up now sheepishly.

    Sssoooooo.... this wk! I WILL change my eating and accountability habits. Time to become a conscious eater and make an effort. I really want to hit that 130 lb mark this summer!!!! Arrgghhhh!!!

    Have an awesome week everybody! 💗
  • Toyota100
    Toyota100 Posts: 182 Member
    Username: Toyota1oo
    Week: Sunday, July Week2 7/7
    PW: 220.2
    CW: 220.0

    One thing I did well: -
    I started physical therapy for bursitis in my hip. After one session of learning stretching techniques my hips feels better. Also, I didn't eat out as much last week. I went to grocery store and I stayed committed to eating at home more.

    One thing to improve: - Continue to try to stop binge eating. Also, to post more in MFP to stay connected with my support family.

  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    Nice losses! Keep it up!

    I went 'shopping' in my wardrobe today (total loss so far 23 lb) and found a few items I'd completely forgotten I owned and they fit!

    Thank you for the support!
    Congrats to YOU as well!!! I’m looking forward to when I can find something to fit again lol. Hopefully soon!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily post: Sunday July 7
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: over, but with healthy choices, so I'm good with that. And also under counting my exercise calories.
    Exercise: Took my dog for a walk. Tomorrow back to the gym.

    It was a good day today. Spent the day at home. I made healthy eating choices. My friend came over with her kiddos. I'm not excited to see my weight in the morning since I didn't give a darn over vacation, but it'll all become a reality on the scale. I'm guessing an 8 to 10 lb gain. Yikers. Hope you all had a great Sunday.
  • Kate_X4
    Kate_X4 Posts: 25 Member
    Daily post Sunday July 7
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: yes
    Working on getting more water into this body, but super excited that we went on a almost 5 mile walk today!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
  • Rozbee1
    Rozbee1 Posts: 335 Member
    Username: Rozbee1
    Weigh in week: 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 180 lb
    Todays Weight: 179.8 lb
  • klilev
    klilev Posts: 87 Member
    Week 2
    Username: klilev
    Weight in day: Monday
    SW: 196.6
    PW: 185.0
    CW: 186.2
    Need to work on: drinking more water and tracking everything
  • JammyPea
    JammyPea Posts: 60 Member
    Username: JammyPea
    Week: Monday July Week 2
    PW: 177.0
    CW: 175.5

    One thing I did well: I planned my exercise and stuck to it
    One thing to improve: Struggling to eat smaller portions
  • Terry111330
    Terry111330 Posts: 598 Member
    Weigh in days Monday - July Week 2
    PW 161
    CW 159.2
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    🙋🏽 GOOOOD Morning my RTM friends …. 🌅 😎 Get up. Wake up. Shake up. Let’s have a great day!!
    @Perla4686 ~ Right on 🏃 😝 - you did it! You should not only be pleased with yourself, but proud of yourself. Good daily report… moving, tracking (& under!), and having a great attitude!! Awesome!

    “Don’t wait until you reach your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take.”

    @johicks ~ Keep your promises to yourself. YOU are who and why you are doing this. It’s YOUR journey. 👊
    @LuluLovinLife~ You don’t have to be sheepish. We’re in this together!! Ugh! I feel your pain, literally… I too gained BIG in week #1 and my knees don’t like exercise. But I am learning when to push and not. It took me a few days to pick myself up and dust myself off. I did it. I’m back! And you can too. We joined this challenge for a reason. So let’s do it!! Hope the trailer is coming along and that you will be able to check-in more often for the support and encouragement. :)
    @Toyota100~ Yeah!! A loss! And good week, too. Good job on eating at home and committing to YOUR HEALTH! When want to binge…. Grab gum, a cup of tea, and your phone or device and tell us about your day instead. 🤗
    @jupdyke~ Yeah to healthy eating choices!! 👊 And as far as weigh-in goes, you made that conscious choice to ENJOY YOUR VACATION. And with your workout routine, whatever it is…. You will knock it out in no time!! You are a great inspiration on how to make this a lifestyle. I’m glad you are on our team and are sharing your journey with us.
    @Kate_X4~ Awesome Sunday and near 5 mile walk!! Whoa!! 🥤 Cheers to a good Monday… drink up.💧💧+💧💧+💧💧+💧💧=8.
    @Rozbee~ Yeah… a loss!! That’s 2 weeks in a row… awesome! Keep it going! :)
    @Klilev~ Okay… let’s shake this off. We both had a great June and started July with gains. So now it’s time to kick it up and just DO-IT!! :) Yes, we can! Let’s get back to our good habits and get that determination back!
    @JammyPea~ Wooohooooo! You’re losing! Great job. I love that you planned your exercise. So good!! Ahhhh portions. Keep working at it. You can do it!
    @Terry111330~ Awwwwwwesome!! You’re doing great. Keep it going!
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Sunday)

    Track: Yes, it wasnt pretty....
    Calories: Over
    Day/Week: Truly had a holiday weekend of eating and not tracking as diligently as usual. Its ok though I needed the break.

    For the next three days, I plan to eat at 1,200 cals because my mom and sister are coming for the weekend starting Thursday night and I know this weekend will be hard to stay on track so I want to be smart and conservative with calories at the beginning of the week to have more room at the end of the weekend for indulgences. Hopefully the days will balance each other out and I won't see a significant gain from this past weekend and the upcoming weekend. After that, I think I'll be ready to hit the ground running full steam ahead to lose the last 27 pounds! Almost half way there!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @jwall309 ~ You're doing g great with a great attitude and mindset. AWESOME. Will your mom & sister partake in any exercise with you? Walking museums, perhaps?
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Username: skullsandskeletons
    July Week 2 weigh in; normally on Sunday but this time on Monday
    PW: 230
    CW: 230

    One thing I did well: I stood up for myself when a family member started getting judgmental with me.
    One thing to improve: get back on track!

    It's a miracle I didn't gain weight this week after all of the indulgences. I am going to get back on track today!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Username: jupdyke
    Week: Monday July Week 2
    PW: 152.4
    CW: 157.8

    Ouch...up 5.4, but it'll come off within a couple of weeks. I'm determined.

    One thing I did well: I enjoyed my vacation.

    One thing to improve: Getting back in track with diet and exercise after enjoying a week of vacation.

    Thanks @johicks for the kind words. I am so glad that I found this group! You all are very inspiring to me. I hope to buy a laptop soon so that I can be better about responding to others.
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    Daily post for Sunday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Not really

    Yesterday was back to a healthy oriented family meal, so that was good. We had a rain out of our pool time, but my youngest is still fighting a fever,and we had a cousin with an ear infection, so at least we didn’t have to hurt their feelings.
    Today’s daily is already looking less positive, as I hit a drive thru by request of my bigger kids after taking the baby to the pediatrician. Let’s just say there is a Krystal steamer box that’s embarrassingly lighter than it started, and I did my part in making it that way. However, since the 37 year old child is eating up our bandwidth downloading a computer game, I am going to suggest a “Just Dance” party so the kids don’t complain about another day without streaming cartoons, and I can burn a few cals while dancing with their video game.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Monday 07/08)
    Track: 🤩
    Calories: 🤩
    Exercise 20+mins: 60 mins 👣
    8+ Water: 💧💧 +💧💧+💧💧+💧💧= 8 💧💧 =10 💧💧💧=13
    Healthy Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations: 💯
    • Plan / pre-log food: 💯
    • NO post-dinner snack: 🛑
    I kept my promise to myself to get back into good habits! Sunday night. 🗹 I felt so good that when I woke up the first thing I did was turn on my DVR to some recorded PBS Classic Stretching- full body workouts. Yes!! 30 minutes later. I started my day much more like I like to feel and be: happy and accomplished. I need to remember that when I start my day with exercise…. I feel so much better! Not just physical, but mentally. I can start the day saying… I DID IT! :) And now to also end the day a 2nd night in a row saying…. I DID IT!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @skullsandskeletons ~ awesome weigh-in after a holiday. And Good. For. You. Way to stick up for yourself. You will get back on track this week, I know it! You’re doing great!
    @jupdyke~ it is what it is, and off it will come! This too shall pass.
    @JamieD328~ GREAT idea on the Just Dance game. I bet you had a blast! Hope the lil ones feel better soon.
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    Daily post Monday:
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: Not much dancing, but I did some jumping jacks, a few push ups and did laps through the house.
    Water: probably about 80 oz, so way better than my norm.
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