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  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited December 2023
    But matching cast and nails! That part is almost awesome!!! :wink:

    Out of about... eight or so scales I've tried in the past few years two were the ones I liked better and they both had faults

    This one is made, I believe, under several brands (or at least very similar looking models have been spotted around):

    Both that one and the Oxo I suspect have different versions with maximum weight and sensitivity (0.5/1/5g) that changes. My suspicion is that it is the exact same product with a different setting / conversion factor in terms of how the electrical impulses get translated to weight.

    Both have problems but both do several things very well.

    The most important one I think is that they are platforms. The scale part is resting in the body and it measures by pressing down. So the mechanism/feet is not exposed on the counter having to be kept perfectly level and clean like a bathroom scale would.

    Also the buttons are separate from the platform and don't depend on capacitance to function. This means you can use with wet fingers or even once something spills on the scale and that something spilling has less of a chance of turning off the scale on you.

    The pronto annoyed me because the first two grams were always hit and miss. So I would classify it as 2g sensitivity. Oil spray is 9Cal per gram any way you look at it :wink:

    Out of the two Oxo (white and black) the older, white, 2 batteries not 4, was the best one at quickly figuring out 1 and 2 grams. The black one needs some help at the 1g level sometimes but not as bad as the pronto.

    The separate level for buttons/display I've found good and the pull out display simply awesome relative to not being able to pull it out to better see.

    I still have to resort to a glass or tin/can to "elevate" a larger item so that I can see the numbers more easily... works faster than placing a plate "off-axis".

    My first inclination would be to get another Oxo. it's just that they are crazy expensive and the black one didn't enthuse me with the "I never turn off" feature. I should have maybe sent it back when I first got it, I guess!

    The 3-5kg of course is of benefit. The 2.5kg of the oxo is quite limiting. Of course the option exists to get the "next size up one".

    I am still thinking whether and which to get to replace the white one that died.... currently just using the black with rechargeable batteries and a renewed vigor to slam the off button whenever I walk by!

    I admit that between not feeling the urge to measure as precisely as I used to and knowing that I can live without the pull out display by using the "elevation" trick I am more tempted to go away from the oxo and with one that has closer to 5 or 6kg capacity. it helps that I still have the oxo (black) which is ok for 1g or so and does top up at 2.5kg

    So if I buy another one writing this has made the decision for me (that I would get something that can accommodate a higher total weight).

    (OXO scales look for the ones that mention pull out display)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited December 2023
    zk14, I'm pretty sure, is what I had. My "quick" sort says that I would choose between zk12, 27, and 28 not necessarily in that order! :) or possibly the higher weight capacity pull out Oxo

    I think I would "love" the ZK 27. But the bit about 5g is a give-away that it sucks for small amount of weights. So I would probably end up with the zk 27 (variable precision) even though I don't particularly like the look as much.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    Glad to see that Yooly is sleeping!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,199 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Glad to see that Yooly is sleeping!

    Well I slept better. But I can’t say it was painkiller related. Mostly just tired. 😴
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Thank you, PAV. In a wildly impetuous move - I ordered another scale yesterday (this is a measure of my wild moves as of late :) )

    It has not yet arrived though.

    Hmmm....Perhaps I should send that baby right back! And order based on your extraordinary reviews????
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Glad you slept, Yooly. Hopefully more today, tonight, tomorrow - until you catch up.

    Healing well is more important than cookies - no matter how impressive cookie making with a fractured wrist sounds.
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Hi all! I'm a big time lurker in this group. (Sorry) But something Yooly said brought me out of my lurkiness. You freeze your cookie dough???? Does that work well??? That could be a game changer for me. It wears me out every year, but I hate to make cookies too far in advance, for freshness's sake. I'm 60 years old, and it never occurred to me to freeze the dough! I could make the dough this weekend and not deal with it until closer to Christmas. Wow.... old dog, new tricks!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Hello, Slashni! Come out to play more often !!! I too am 60. We can be old dogs learning new tricks together :)
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,199 Member
    edited December 2023
    I believe I’m the oldest dog…. And a former lurker too. Do come join in Slashni because you never know what you may learn along the way.

    YES cookie dough freezes well. Just like pie dough. The dough with higher fat content freezes very well - peanut butter blossoms, shortbread, butter, spritz, chocolate chip…. I wouldn’t freeze cake-like, wetter batter cookies or something with fruit mix ins.

    I usually start in late November and make dough up. Divide the dough in manageable batches. Wrap each tightly in plastic wrap and then into ziplock bags. At least 24 hours before baking put the dough in the refrigerator to defrost. Next day, bring the dough out of the fridge and let it warm up a bit on the counter. And you’re good to go.

    I think sometimes a rest in the freezer improves flavor. I made up three big batches of dough today for the big bake off next week. Didn’t even schmutz up my pretty red wrist cast too much.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited December 2023
    You gals play with dough :wink:

    I screwed up in my verbiage above Laurie when talking about the zk27!

    Zk24 (garden and kitchen) is one I like and in the running for a basic scale (and don't ask why but for some reason I keep looking at the teal one).

    Zk27 battery free, offset screen good noises except for the "weighs from 5g" means straight out the window it goes and now the Zk26 (the electronic version) is also suspect. Because was the 5g the electric vs kinetic thing or something else inherent to the model???).

    Zk28, shape not make me happy much... but... variable graduation (shouldn't it be gradation?) technology! Now that has me interested. And 6kg max weight too. And can adjust power off to 5 minutes.....

    And I can't seem to find it FOR sale anywhere :disappointed: Oh wait. I can... for a bit more than double the us price PLUS shipping I could get it from wayfair (CAD 38.99 vs homedepot usa 12.95)

    (the zk14 is like CAD $20 on amazon but the 28 is not "finding", thanks amazon search)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited December 2023
    And no, I am not looking for "420" for the sake of baby kittens! Just for mainlining chocolate chips and canola oil spray, m'ok?

    NAILED the sucker @ CAD $19.95 and here by Wednesday on Prime!

    Obviously it will require "elevation" for larger objects as it looks to be fairly flat.

    The basic 14 model is available at the same price and has some degree of built in elevation. That's the one that I thought was ok but had some trouble with the first couple of grams (is it one gram or two gram or no gram)

    And I still think it is gradAtion not gradUation! :naughty:
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    Make it THIS Sunday for guaranteed delivery date--with the order placed @ 19:58 on Friday. Can't complain too much about that 🙊 🤔
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Can't wait till you get your new scale!!!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited December 2023
    But will I use it right away??? (Seasonal eating out on both Saturday and Sunday). Goofing off pics coming up soon 🤣

    Amazon says that lettucie or Letucia or (thinking names which could prevent defenestration if unhappy) has shipped and is expected today
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Lol ... is that what really happens with the scales that you are not impressed with? They learn to fly???
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,764 Member
    Busy day today. Chores: vaccuming, folding the laundry I did yesterday, washing two loads of bedding and wrestling the sheets back onto our leesa mattress solo. Meal prepping for the week. I made a beef/mushroom/green bean stew and a stuffed pepper skillet with lean ground beef and cauliflower in place of rice. Watching a hockey game now.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,764 Member
    Busy day today. Chores: vaccuming, folding the laundry I did yesterday, washing two loads of bedding and wrestling the sheets back onto our leesa mattress solo. Meal prepping for the week. I made a beef/mushroom/green bean stew and a stuffed pepper skillet with lean ground beef and cauliflower in place of rice. Watching a hockey game now.

    Oh and I wrapped Christmas presents for all our kids. Still waiting on 2 to show up.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited December 2023
    The package arrived but it is probably bad news for Lettucia!
    Assuming Amazon keeps to their Jan 31 return promise I don't think she will be staying.

    Don't get me wrong. For $22.34 inclusive of all taxes she really a far from terrible solution.

    But I am fairly scale snooty and I do have rechargeable batteries and a fully (and well) functioning scale whose only current issue seems to be faster than expected battery drain. Which is annoying. But not impossible to deal with.

    So here is an (unfair) quick comparison and review. Why unfair? Because on Dec 20, 21 when I bought the black OXO 5lb scale my final price was 46.62. Today she sells for $71.84 with taxes. While Lettucia arrived at the house on a Sunday for $22.34. So less than 1/3 the price!

    OXO: capacity 5lbs precision 1g

    Lettucia (ozeri z28 "graduation" = gradation technology with 0.1g precision below 420g, 1g above, and 13.22lb capacity

    Oxo is larger though still small and compact.
    Oxo is more solid. Possibly TWICE as solid :wink: 430.5g vs 215g

    Usability: Oxo has the pull out display. In the pictures, possibly due to focus, it looks terrible BUT, the OXO LIT LED display is WAY WAY WAY better. Note: direct sunlight not tested. So way easier to use and see the measurements on the OXO

    Measurement: Lettucia DID search a little bit. And did "drift"/change her mind within a 1g range. Even though she stabilized after taring... I've only taken a couple of measurements and she has drifted/searched every time. By comparison OXO drifts incredibly infrequently. Note: everything was at room temp and I wasn't measuring hot or cold items.

    Lettucia does go to higher weight 13.3lbs vs 5lbs. That's a BIG difference. She was not faster than the OXO but she was not appreciably slower other than when she started drifting.

    I am seriously contemplating:
    a) just sending her back and NOT getting anything or
    b) getting the 11lb OXO to see if power off issue is fixed and acquire the 2.5 to 5kg upgrade.
    I do believe that the 11lb is less "sensitive" than the 5lbs and, at "just" $89.59 at my door, it is just OVER FOUR TIMES Lettucia's price!

    So yes, while I am not impressed with the smaller physical size and lighter, more toy-like, feel. The relative cost differences are immense. And the extra precision is of marginal/no benefit for weight-loss, whereas speed of measurement response may well be!

    Sorry, the picture sequence is not in order. What happened in order was:

    First I looked at the weight and relative size of the zk28. 215g. The chili peppers acted as a wall to make the back of the scales line up.

    Then I looked at a tin of coffee with the OXO at the bottom and the ZK28 on top. Tin of coffee weights 161g (160.6g), so everyone is in agreement.

    To see the non pull out display I used a handy can of soup as a riser. The pictures don't capture the weight of the can but show the measurement drift between 430.2g, 430.9g and 431.2g where the ZK28 is drifting a bit while measuring the weight of the OXO scale.

    Then the tin is measured a second time (with the can of soup and the OXO on top) at 160.6 by the ZK28 (and again at 161g by the OXO). But then the ZK28 drifts to 160.7 in terms of what it is displaying.

    In the pictures the backlit display shows marginal or negative improvement. IN real life it isn't even a close comparison. While the unlit LED is readable the backlit LED is EASILY readable.

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Thank you for sharing all this with us. I almost feel scared now to buy a scale :) I will be so much more laissez fare!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Nic - you are a wonder! How are you feeling? (dumb question :) )