Today's Goals - What are yours?

tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
edited July 2019 in Social Groups
I lost half of my intended weight loss and kept it off for a year, throughout that time what kept me focused was setting non-scale goals for fitness, wellbeing and nutrition. I've since regained because I didn't really tackle my binge eating behaviours, so I am trying again.

The scale doesn't always show the effort put in so I don't like to set time restrictions on my weight, but the non-scale goals contribute to the process and keep me on track.

Today (Weds 31st July) my goals are to:
  • Stick with the food I have planned for the day.
  • Do yoga before bed.
  • Eat at least one meal mindfully (at the table, chewing slowly, no distractions, enjoying flavours & textures).
  • Do 20 minutes of strength training after work.
  • Get out on the water for a row this evening and drink water at the pub (It's row to the pub night).

I'll let you know how I got on tomorrow :smile:


  • TwinThompson
    TwinThompson Posts: 80 Member
    Hmm, I’m not very good at short term goals, I tend to stick to long term ones. Though saying that, I do aim to drink at least 1L of plain water a day, I’m currently 500ml down
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    I have started setting myself mini exercise goals - currently 4 days per week I'm aiming to burn an extra 500cals according to my fatbot (fitbit...)
    Today is a goal day and my husband and I are supposed to go swimming but he didn't seem too keen this morning so as a contingency I walked to work and achieved just over half of my target.
  • amkita
    amkita Posts: 183 Member
    I'd like to do a longer ride home today. the direct route is 3.7 miles, my preferred route (standard home trip) is 6.2 miles, but I'm thinking an extra 15-20 minutes would be lovely. I think it'll be another 5 miles.

    alternatively, some arm exercises with my new weights would be great. maybe both!
  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I will sound like a broken record but my first goal today and everyday is always to be happy. I think reminding myself that it is my goal to be happy it helps me to make that happen and makes the time spent inside a calorie deficit seem to pass faster.

    My second goal is to get out and test this ankle. It has been feeling tender for a few days and I have been trying to keep it from becoming a "thing" so I have been taking it easy. I need to get my steps going back in a positive direction and I am tired of @jjlewey, aka the StepMeister, making me feel like a slouch!

    11 days in a row bossman!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    Today (Weds 31st July) my goals are to:
    • Stick with the food I have planned for the day.
    • Do yoga before bed.
    • Eat at least one meal mindfully (at the table, chewing slowly, no distractions, enjoying flavours & textures).
    • Do 20 minutes of strength training after work.
    • Get out on the water for a row this evening and drink water at the pub (It's row to the pub night).

    I'll let you know how I got on tomorrow :smile:

    Managed all but the water at the pub, had a pint of dry cider, which is pretty low calorie and was quite refreshing, way below my calorie goal so it didn't do any damage.

    Today's goals (Thursday 1st August)
    • Stick with the food I have planned for the day.
    • Do yoga before bed.
    • Eat at least one meal mindfully (at the table, chewing slowly, no distractions, enjoying flavours & textures).
    • Get an early night (aiming to be in bed for 10pm)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    1) Be happy

    2) Hit my steps since my ankle felt okay yesterday

    3) Be mindful of my sodium intake because tomorrow is number's day. This is generally not that important but I often get a low 2 weeks in a row and since I have temporarily increased my deficit clean numbers will help guide my progress. So no restaurant food and nothing easy from the freezer today.

    4) I should also get in bed early tonight. I will aim for 10:30p

    5) Decide if I am having my higher calorie day on Saturday again this week instead of Sunday and choose food.

    6) Try to end the day with 150 extra calories in the bank.
  • davemacdonald31
    davemacdonald31 Posts: 196 Member
    I've never really set daily goals. I do think it's a great idea. Instead of looking at the bigger picture, just focus on one day at a time. I think that's what I'm going to do from now on!
  • motis3678
    motis3678 Posts: 61 Member
    My daily goal is to walk for 30 minutes on break at work because I will not be able to be active after work at all today. Also to keep well in line food-wise at some gatherings this evening.

    I have 2 plans tentatively scheduled with different groups of people tonight, so my second goal (for before noon today) is to decide what I'm going to and do the responsible thing by letting the other people know. Sad that that's a goal for me - but the person I was 3 years ago wouldn't have thought twice about just not showing up somewhere I said I'd be! Progress, not perfection for this gal!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    motis3678 wrote: »
    My daily goal is to walk for 30 minutes on break at work because I will not be able to be active after work at all today. Also to keep well in line food-wise at some gatherings this evening.

    I have 2 plans tentatively scheduled with different groups of people tonight, so my second goal (for before noon today) is to decide what I'm going to and do the responsible thing by letting the other people know. Sad that that's a goal for me - but the person I was 3 years ago wouldn't have thought twice about just not showing up somewhere I said I'd be! Progress, not perfection for this gal!

    I don't think it is sad. You can't change who you were you can only change who you are.
  • amkita
    amkita Posts: 183 Member
    today's goals include taking a lunchtime walk and sticking to one drink at the going-away-bar-party I'll be attending this afternoon. I've gotten pretty good at nursing a beer, then saying no thanks after that.
  • motis3678
    motis3678 Posts: 61 Member

    NovusDies wrote: »
    motis3678 wrote: »
    My daily goal is to walk for 30 minutes on break at work because I will not be able to be active after work at all today. Also to keep well in line food-wise at some gatherings this evening.

    I have 2 plans tentatively scheduled with different groups of people tonight, so my second goal (for before noon today) is to decide what I'm going to and do the responsible thing by letting the other people know. Sad that that's a goal for me - but the person I was 3 years ago wouldn't have thought twice about just not showing up somewhere I said I'd be! Progress, not perfection for this gal!

    I don't think it is sad. You can't change who you were you can only change who you are.

    Thanks Novus! You're right. And update to my previous post - I did the deciding and the contacting! So now I can just enjoy my day!
  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    My goal today, 15k steps, stay below 2500 calories, keep smiling :)
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    I go through spurts where I am content to lose slowly and spurts where I want to be aggressive (healthy) and stick better to my goals to achieve a marginally increased projection.

    What that means is: I go to Costa Rica in 3 months. I know I won't drop significant weight (I aim for 1lb/week), but I want to make sustained, consistent progress. So starting now, I'm going to use these 3 months to be more strict. Less "indulgent". Especially since after Costa Rica, it's Holiday Central. I can do anything for 3 months, and then I will indulge (reasonably) in holiday treats after.

    So my daily august goal is to a) get my lunch walk in, b) get my afternoon swimming in, and c) eat more carefully to my calorie target (forgoing some of the 'extras' for now!).
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    jjlewey wrote: »
    My goal today, 15k steps, stay below 2500 calories, keep smiling :)

    I hate you so much!

    I mean good going!!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    1) Be happy - Decent day

    2) Hit my steps since my ankle felt okay yesterday - 8405 so not quite.

    3) Be mindful of my sodium intake because tomorrow is number's day. This is generally not that important but I often get a low 2 weeks in a row and since I have temporarily increased my deficit clean numbers will help guide my progress. So no restaurant food and nothing easy from the freezer today. - Done

    4) I should also get in bed early tonight. I will aim for 10:30p - Going as soon as I finish this post so Done

    5) Decide if I am having my higher calorie day on Saturday again this week instead of Sunday and choose food. - Sunday, Fried Pork chops and mashed potatoes and gravy

    6) Try to end the day with 150 extra calories in the bank. - 165

  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    jjlewey wrote: »
    My goal today, 15k steps12.9k :(, stay below 2500 calories2300 B), keep smiling >:):)

  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    Not a bad day
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member

    Today's goals (Thursday 1st August)
    • Stick with the food I have planned for the day.
    • Do yoga before bed.
    • Eat at least one meal mindfully (at the table, chewing slowly, no distractions, enjoying flavours & textures).
    • Get an early night (aiming to be in bed for 10pm)

    Yesterday didn't go exactly to plan but not what I would call a failure.
    1. Food plan went a little out of the window as I ended up meeting a friend for a long overdue catch up, so it was later that I got to grocery shopping so wasn't home until around 7:45, which was a bit late to be cooking what I had planned and still get a reasonably early night so instead of the Ginger & Chilli Cod I was going to have I made some Aubergine Mayo with some Roasted aubergine I already had in the fridge and had that on toast with some boiled eggs that my other half forgot to take to work yesterday.
    2. I didn't do my yoga but did do a few stretches (also on account of getting home late).
    3. Didn't eat at the table in the end for dinner, but I did have lunch at my desk without other distractions as the office was empty and I locked my computer so it was more mindful than usual.
    4. Got to sleep about 11:30 but that's an improvement on the midnight/1am I have been going to bed the rest of the week, since I got back from weekend away I haven't really adjusted.

    So my goals for today - Friday 2nd August are:
    • Accurately log food & stick with planned meals/snacks.
    • Full Body Strength Routine after work.
    • Go for a walk at lunchtime if the weather permits.
    • Try again for an earlier night.
    • Prep food for tomorrow (I am coaching a youth group tomorrow with my rowing club)
  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    I like this thread B). My goals for today;
    Over 12k steps again, keep the streak.
    Under 2500 calories.
    Under 3000mg of salt, been retaining alot of water.
    Mow the lawn.
    As Novus says Be Happy :p
  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    edited August 2019
    Goal for today is to keep eating reasonably and not too late in the day. I'm mostly recovered from a recent 4 lb increase and I want to get back down to my current low.

  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    jjlewey wrote: »
    en retaining alot of water.

    Good news is you're trying to lose fat not water ;)

    I wouldn't worry about the sodium too much, it's often incorrectly entered in the database anyway Salt and Sodium is not the same thing (Table Salt is only 40% Sodium).

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    1) Be happy
    2) Hack @jjlewey's fitbit and steal some of his steps
    3) Get my fat macro up higher today
    4) Do a preliminary shop for surgery/recovery supplies
    5) Try to beat yesterday's steps
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    jjlewey wrote: »
    I like this thread B). My goals for today;
    Over 12k steps again, keep the streak.
    Under 2500 calories.
    Under 3000mg of salt, been retaining alot of water.
    Mow the lawn.
    As Novus says Be Happy :p

    How much do you think you are retaining? If it is 5 pounds or less that can be par for the course. If it is 7 pounds or greater and it persists you may need to see a doctor.
  • amkita
    amkita Posts: 183 Member
    yesterday's goals worked out! 8.8 miles on the homeward trip, and I stuck to one beer (a pint of Guinness is 210 cals).

    same goals for today, really. another bar visit is planned this afternoon--Friday, woohoo!--so I'll duck out of work a little early to get a few extra miles in.
  • jjlewey
    jjlewey Posts: 248 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    jjlewey wrote: »
    I like this thread B). My goals for today;
    Over 12k steps again, keep the streak.
    Under 2500 calories.
    Under 3000mg of salt, been retaining alot of water.
    Mow the lawn.
    As Novus says Be Happy :p

    How much do you think you are retaining? If it is 5 pounds or less that can be par for the course. If it is 7 pounds or greater and it persists you may need to see a doctor.

    I dont know how to quantify it. My one leg will swell is how I know. Especially my cankle area. It has been exponentially better since tracking and dropping the little weight I have. I see my cardiologist in 2 weeks I will discuss with him. Thanks for the concern though.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    jjlewey wrote: »
    NovusDies wrote: »
    jjlewey wrote: »
    I like this thread B). My goals for today;
    Over 12k steps again, keep the streak.
    Under 2500 calories.
    Under 3000mg of salt, been retaining alot of water.
    Mow the lawn.
    As Novus says Be Happy :p

    How much do you think you are retaining? If it is 5 pounds or less that can be par for the course. If it is 7 pounds or greater and it persists you may need to see a doctor.

    I dont know how to quantify it. My one leg will swell is how I know. Especially my cankle area. It has been exponentially better since tracking and dropping the little weight I have. I see my cardiologist in 2 weeks I will discuss with him. Thanks for the concern though.

    Used to be my left leg. Only if it got really bad would it show up in the right. Edema in my extremities seems to have been gone for 100 pounds or so. The last time I jumped up 20 pounds of water it felt like it was all in my abdomen.

    Hopefully if your situation is like mine your doctor will consider doing the same thing mine did which was place me on a mild diuretic to keep you more level. Be really careful though if you get put on one in that first week you will need gatorade or similar if you start "losing" a lot of water in a few days. It really kicked my rear and I was prepared for it.
  • maiomaio71
    maiomaio71 Posts: 231 Member
    My goal today is to hit my protein macro. I never manage to hit it and I want to see if eating more protein will make me feel any different. Goal number two is to get out and walk despite the wild wind and rain we are having. That will be a major breakthrough if I actually get out when the weather is not good. Then goal number three is to do the yoga routine I've started and see if I can finally manage some of the balancing poses. I'm definitely getting better and my balance is improving.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,118 Member
    So my goals for today - Friday 2nd August are:
    • Accurately log food & stick with planned meals/snacks.
    • Full Body Strength Routine after work.
    • Go for a walk at lunchtime if the weather permits.
    • Try again for an earlier night.
    • Prep food for tomorrow (I am coaching a youth group tomorrow with my rowing club)

    Not a bad day:

    Accurately logged meals, although did have some unplanned snacks
    Did the strength training and yoga.
    In bed for 11:30pm, didn't bother with food prep as sandwich provided so I'll make a light breakfast in the morning.

    Tomorrow's goals

    > cycle to/from city
    > 8000 steps
    > Yoga before bed
    > fill in gratitude diary/journal
    > drink plenty of water whilst out on river