TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (October)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge - September Week #4 (Sun the 22nd to Sat the 28th)

    Winner's Circle - 6 or 7 days:
    @annabananamc (7) - 12th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @energyseeker (7) - 4th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @heaz10 (7) - 9th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @sandkp (7) - 2nd week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @cmhubbard92 (6) - 34th week IN A ROW in the Winner's Circle!!

    Notable Effort - 4 or 5 days:
    @ethelsmommy (5) - dropped out of the Winner's Circle but still puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @ForLangston (4) - puts in another Notable Effort!!

    @abowersgirl (3)
    @pkg1998 (3)
    @erikNJ (2)
    @MelsLeanDream (2)
    @Nicoletime4me (2)
    @murdog3t (1)

    We had 13 participate this week, down from 15 the week before and our number of Winners dropped from 7 to 5. Congratulations to @annabananamc, @energyseeker, @heaz10, @sandkp and @cmhubbard92 for continuing your Winning ways this week!! Of note, Ann, Kim, Heather and Shawnee were accountable for ALL SEVEN DAYS!! Well done!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Grand Finale Results for September

    Team The Big Butt Theory had a really great September!! We tied for the highest team percentage of weight lost at 1.28%!! However, the tie was broken by the number of pounds lost, so our 65.7 pounds lost, albeit a great total, gave us second place officially as Team Gutbusters lost 76.8 pounds. Still, a FANTASTIC team effort!!! Congratulations!!

    Individually, our very own @energyseeker came in as the third overall Biggest Loser for the month, losing 5.12%!! Congratulations, Kim, on an outstanding September!!

    The TOP NINE Big Butts for the month, all losing over 2% of their body weight were:

    @energyseeker - 5.12%
    @MelsLeanDream - 4.32%

    @cossmoss15 - 3.76%
    @stubbornloser - 3.53%
    @heaz10 - 3.17%
    @Caronell - 3.03%

    @Coral333 - 2.66%
    @murdog3t - 2.33%
    @Audgiebug - 2.02%

    Well done to these nine, and to any Big Butt who contributed to our team's second place finish for September!!

  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Good afternoon, team The Big Butt Theory.

    Regrettably, I have come to the decision that I need to leave The Biggest Loser Challenge and take a sabbatical from MFP. I have only pretended to take care of myself for quite some time and I can no longer keep up the facade. The team will be left in Pam's (@pkg1998) very capable hands. She will continue to enter all your weights and remind those who are missing weigh-ins. Christine (@cmhubbard92) will continue to do the water and step challenges and Shawnee (@sandkp) will continue to do the food and fitness challenges. Assuming the team decides to continue with the Mini Challenge, someone will need to compile and post those results. To get the team caught up and then leave it up to date, I will be posting the Mini Challenge and weekly results until the end of the month.


    @HASWLRS I am sad to see you go, but I do understand. I hope we will see you back here in the future.

    If you are planning on keeping up with the Mini Challenge until the end of the month, I can start compiling and posting the results starting the first week of the November challenge - If the team would like to continue it.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited October 2019
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    9/15/19 weigh in

    Previous: 203.8
    Current: 198.3
    Loss: 5.5lb
    I am hoping this stays off this week, as I may *actually* reach my birthday goal for Friday!

    @cmhubbard92, so happy for you, Christine!! Cheers to Onederland and all your hard work to get there!!

    @HASWLRS thank you so much! I am sad to see that you are leaving us, but I wish you the best, and am glad that you have the chance to take care of yourself! Hope to see you back, soon!

    Edit: @pkg1998 if you need help with putting weights in, I could help back you up! Just let me know if you would like/need help!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge - October Week #1 (Sun the 29th to Sat the 5th)

    Winner's Circle - 6 or 7 days:
    @Calli1616 (7) - first time trying the Mini Challenge and lands in the Winner's Circle!!
    @cmhubbard92 (7) - 35th week IN A ROW in the Winner's Circle!!
    @heaz10 (7) - 10th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @energyseeker (6) - 5th week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!
    @petrocoetsee (6) - first time trying the Mini Challenge and lands in the Winner's Circle!!
    @sandkp (6) - 3rd week in a row in the Winner's Circle!!

    Notable Effort - 4 or 5 days:
    @ForLangston (5) - puts in another Notable Effort!!
    @murdog3t (5) - only attempted last week; this week puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @brandi_84 (4) - didn't even attempt last week; this week puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @californiajuls (4) - first time trying the Mini Challenge and puts in a Notable Effort!!
    @erikNJ (4) - only attempted last week; this week puts in a Notable Effort!!

    @mirendybryant (3)
    @swauters (3)
    @Nicoletime4me (2)
    @abowersgirl (1)
    @annabananamc (1)
    @LMK02020 (1)
    @ourbestlife (1)

    We had 18 participate this week, up from 13 the week before, and our Winners went up from five to six!! This week, two newcomers to team TBBT, @Calli1616 and @petrocoetsee, joined @cmhubbard92, @heaz10, @energyseeker and @sandkp at the top! Congratulations to these six for an outstanding start to October!! Of note, Calli, Christine and Heather were accountable for ALL SEVEN DAYS!! Well done!!
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    LMK02020 wrote: »
    Monday 10/14 challenge:
    Tracked: yes
    Under: I don’t think so, I ate all meals out and they didn’t have the calories listed on the menus, plus I started the day with a tour of Fowler’s chocolate factory, the delicious chocolate samples were my breakfast ugh 😑
    Exercise: only yoga unfortunately, and sitting on the couch watching Hallmark movies while exercising abs triceps legs lol ( does that count 🙂)
    Water: 7 glasses

    @LMK02020 Sounds like a wonderful day, but certainly not something we can do all the time - lol
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Good afternoon, team The Big Butt Theory.

    Regrettably, I have come to the decision that I need to leave The Biggest Loser Challenge and take a sabbatical from MFP. I have only pretended to take care of myself for quite some time and I can no longer keep up the facade. The team will be left in Pam's (@pkg1998) very capable hands. She will continue to enter all your weights and remind those who are missing weigh-ins. Christine (@cmhubbard92) will continue to do the water and step challenges and Shawnee (@sandkp) will continue to do the food and fitness challenges. Assuming the team decides to continue with the Mini Challenge, someone will need to compile and post those results. To get the team caught up and then leave it up to date, I will be posting the Mini Challenge and weekly results until the end of the month.



    Lisa - I know everyone will agree that this team will not be the same without you. I will do my best to fill your shoes, but I know it won’t be easy. Your support and motivation was critical to keeping this group going. We have some strong members that are making the group grow each month, but your leadership was key to keeping us going. You will be missed severely and, when you’re ready, we’ll welcome you back with open arms.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Good afternoon, team The Big Butt Theory.

    Regrettably, I have come to the decision that I need to leave The Biggest Loser Challenge and take a sabbatical from MFP. I have only pretended to take care of myself for quite some time and I can no longer keep up the facade. The team will be left in Pam's (@pkg1998) very capable hands. She will continue to enter all your weights and remind those who are missing weigh-ins. Christine (@cmhubbard92) will continue to do the water and step challenges and Shawnee (@sandkp) will continue to do the food and fitness challenges. Assuming the team decides to continue with the Mini Challenge, someone will need to compile and post those results. To get the team caught up and then leave it up to date, I will be posting the Mini Challenge and weekly results until the end of the month.


    @HASWLRS I am sad to see you go, but I do understand. I hope we will see you back here in the future.

    If you are planning on keeping up with the Mini Challenge until the end of the month, I can start compiling and posting the results starting the first week of the November challenge - If the team would like to continue it.

    @brandi_84, that would be wonderful, Brandi.....thank you for stepping up and volunteering!! Many hands make light work. The last week of the month, once Ashley has the new thread for the next month up and running, you'll need to post a description of the Mini Challenge for the new team members. You can copy and paste mine, all of it or any part of it, if you would like. That's what I did each month...I created a post that I was happy with and then copy and pasted from then on.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Results for October Week #1

    Well, team The Big Butt Theory did not have a great start to October. We came fifth (out of five teams)....I guess there's no where to go from here but up!! Individually, the TOP SEVEN Big Butts all lost over half a percent of their body weight. They were:

    @californiajuls - 3.02%
    @Calli1616 - 1.27%
    @energyseeker - 0.79%
    @Audgiebug - 0.76%
    @mirendybryant - 0.70%
    @brandi_84 - 0.60%
    @heaz10 - 0.58%

    Well done!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Results for October Week #2

    Well, we didn't do much better in week #2!! We came fourth, but only 0.02% out of a tie for fifth!! Individually, our very own @murdog3t came second overall with a loss of 2.89%!! Congratulations, Tami!! The TOP EIGHT Big Butts all losing over half a percentage of their body weight were:

    @murdog3t - 2.89%

    @lozenger1984 - 1.88%
    @energyseeker - 1.46%
    @stubbornloser - 1.06%
    @sandkp - 0.97%
    @LMK02020 - 0.96%
    @brandi_84 - 0.60%

    Well done!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Good afternoon, team The Big Butt Theory.

    Regrettably, I have come to the decision that I need to leave The Biggest Loser Challenge and take a sabbatical from MFP. I have only pretended to take care of myself for quite some time and I can no longer keep up the facade. The team will be left in Pam's (@pkg1998) very capable hands. She will continue to enter all your weights and remind those who are missing weigh-ins. Christine (@cmhubbard92) will continue to do the water and step challenges and Shawnee (@sandkp) will continue to do the food and fitness challenges. Assuming the team decides to continue with the Mini Challenge, someone will need to compile and post those results. To get the team caught up and then leave it up to date, I will be posting the Mini Challenge and weekly results until the end of the month.



    Lisa - I know everyone will agree that this team will not be the same without you. I will do my best to fill your shoes, but I know it won’t be easy. Your support and motivation was critical to keeping this group going. We have some strong members that are making the group grow each month, but your leadership was key to keeping us going. You will be missed severely and, when you’re ready, we’ll welcome you back with open arms.

    @pkg1998, thank you very much, Pam, for your kind words. It is definitely with a heavy heart that I am saying goodbye, for now. Like I said to Tami, maybe making a clean break at the end of the month will be the clean slate that I need to start whatever I need to start, without any unfinished or unsuccessful threads hanging on. The team has definitely stepped up and filled the void when I started to retreat, so I have no doubt that that will continue and expand once everyone still here is committed to moving forward and those of us that have other things going on, have gotten out of the way, so to speak. With Christine, Shawnee and Brandi offering to help with various aspects of the Challenge, hopefully it will be manageable for you. That being said, an official co-captain, one that can enter weights if you are away or just otherwise occupied, would be beneficial. Any takers??
  • petrocoetsee
    petrocoetsee Posts: 829 Member
    10/15 Tuesday
    Mini challenge
    Under... Yes
    Exercise: Yes. Training with PT at gym

    Other challenges:

    Water: oz.68
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    MINI CHALLENGE (10/13 - 10/19)

    Sunday - No, No, No
    Monday - Yes,Yes, Yes
    Tuesday - Yes, No, Yes
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Good afternoon, team The Big Butt Theory.

    Regrettably, I have come to the decision that I need to leave The Biggest Loser Challenge and take a sabbatical from MFP. I have only pretended to take care of myself for quite some time and I can no longer keep up the facade. The team will be left in Pam's (@pkg1998) very capable hands. She will continue to enter all your weights and remind those who are missing weigh-ins. Christine (@cmhubbard92) will continue to do the water and step challenges and Shawnee (@sandkp) will continue to do the food and fitness challenges. Assuming the team decides to continue with the Mini Challenge, someone will need to compile and post those results. To get the team caught up and then leave it up to date, I will be posting the Mini Challenge and weekly results until the end of the month.


    @HASWLRS I am sad to see you go, but I do understand. I hope we will see you back here in the future.

    If you are planning on keeping up with the Mini Challenge until the end of the month, I can start compiling and posting the results starting the first week of the November challenge - If the team would like to continue it.

    @brandi_84. Thank you so much for volunteering to manage the Mini Challenge. Based upon the number of participants we normally have, I’m sure most of the team will want to keep it going. I know for me that on the weeks that I actually participate fully I tend to see the best results.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    9/15/19 weigh in

    Previous: 203.8
    Current: 198.3
    Loss: 5.5lb
    I am hoping this stays off this week, as I may *actually* reach my birthday goal for Friday!

    @cmhubbard92, so happy for you, Christine!! Cheers to Onederland and all your hard work to get there!!

    @HASWLRS thank you so much! I am sad to see that you are leaving us, but I wish you the best, and am glad that you have the chance to take care of yourself! Hope to see you back, soon!

    Edit: @pkg1998 if you need help with putting weights in, I could help back you up! Just let me know if you would like/need help!

    @cmhubbard92 Christine - Congratulations you are now officially co-captain (like Lisa said it’s really just entering weights for me if I’m out of pocket, which I try not to be very often). I’ll let Ashley know so that she can give you rights to edit the spreadsheet. Honestly with your activity on the boards and your support for this team with the steps/water challenge I think you were unofficially a co-captain already - at least I felt like you were.
  • petrocoetsee
    petrocoetsee Posts: 829 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    9/15/19 weigh in

    @cmhubbard92 Christine - Congratulations you are now officially co-captain (like Lisa said it’s really just entering weights for me if I’m out of pocket, which I try not to be very often). I’ll let Ashley know so that she can give you rights to edit the spreadsheet. Honestly with your activity on the boards and your support for this team with the steps/water challenge I think you were unofficially a co-captain already - at least I felt like you were.

    I actually thought she was
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    9/15/19 weigh in

    Previous: 203.8
    Current: 198.3
    Loss: 5.5lb
    I am hoping this stays off this week, as I may *actually* reach my birthday goal for Friday!

    @cmhubbard92, so happy for you, Christine!! Cheers to Onederland and all your hard work to get there!!

    @HASWLRS thank you so much! I am sad to see that you are leaving us, but I wish you the best, and am glad that you have the chance to take care of yourself! Hope to see you back, soon!

    Edit: @pkg1998 if you need help with putting weights in, I could help back you up! Just let me know if you would like/need help!

    @cmhubbard92 Christine - Congratulations you are now officially co-captain (like Lisa said it’s really just entering weights for me if I’m out of pocket, which I try not to be very often). I’ll let Ashley know so that she can give you rights to edit the spreadsheet. Honestly with your activity on the boards and your support for this team with the steps/water challenge I think you were unofficially a co-captain already - at least I felt like you were.

    @pkg1998, @cmhubbard92, that was my thought, too....that Christine was already an unofficial co-captain because she was definitely an official cheerleader!! Team TBBT is in great hands!!
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    Mini Challenge
    yes/yes/no (just too busy on the computer)
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    @HASWLRS - I'm glad you are taking some time for YOU. I understand how the givers of the world, like you are, can get out of balance so easily, because of your generous heart. I look forward to being teammates again in the future, even if you are not leading the charge, but participating for YOU!

    I'm having serious 'f**k it' attitude this week. I need to adjust that before it slips into a bag of candy corn gone and sitting on my *kitten* all day for a week. Today I will work on some outdoor gardening and a walk to try to shake it.

    How do you guys deal with the times when it just all seems to be a pain in the patootey for a tiny tiny loss?
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    OK, I seriously did not type 'sitting on my kitten'!!! Interesting curse filter they have here - lol!
This discussion has been closed.