TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (October)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    Tracked: yes
    Under : yes
    Exercise: yes

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Today I am planning on staying pretty low on calories. Tomorrow is my birthday and I know my boyfriend is planning on taking me out to dinner, so I'm saving calories for something good! We do have a vet appointment for the puppy tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully that is a quick visit and not too expensive!

    @cmhubbard92 Love, love, love, that you’re pre-planning for tomorrow so that you can truly enjoy yourself. Only happens once a year - we can’t be expected to not enjoy it.

    Hopefully the vet appointment is just a routine check-up and all goes well for the little one.

    @pkg1998 thank you 😊 I've been making sure to stay under all week because I know tomorrow is going to be an over day. Don't want to lose my streak on the mini-challenge, lol. I do have to work tomorrow, which kind of sucks, but am thinking the vet visit will go well, the little one just needs his booster and his monthly meds filled. He should be in the clear from having to go back for quite a while, now!

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: no

    I'm hoping to be back on schedule tomorrow. It has been a long week, and I am ready to refocus and get back to interacting with all of you after taking a little break.

    @cmhubbard92, Just an far as your streak in the Mini Challenge goes, it will be in jeopardy if you go over on your birthday (see Sunday's post above). I guess you'll have to decide how badly you want to continue your streak or how badly you want to celebrate your birthday in style. In the grand scheme of things, the Mini Challenge doesn't really matter....what matters is the number on the scale and yours has gotten progressively smaller and smaller!!
  • stubbornloser
    stubbornloser Posts: 83 Member
    Weekly weigh-in:
    Username: stubbornloser
    Weigh in week: 3 - Oct 17, 2019
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Week’s Weight: 205.2
    Today’s Weight: 204.4

    *long post alert*
    Thank you to everyone who contributes to our group here. Reading about your successes and challenges really help me to feel a connection to you all and give me the encouragement to stay the course on my weight loss journey. I don’t contribute/post much and want to change that.

    This month has been a stressful one for me. And it’s now clearer than ever that I’m conditioned to eat in response to stress. I’ve been working hard to change that by doing something else when I get the urge to eat, when clearly I’m not hungry (like 30 mins after a proper meal). I usually want to stress eat baked goods. So lately if my stress eating urge creeps up, and it’s been more than 3 hours since a meal, I allow myself a snack of fruit, crackers, and a bit of cheese. Or I just go for it and have the calorie laden sweet my mind wants. My weight loss this month has slowed, so i know I’m eating too much to see larger losses. My mind struggles with this - I go from “a loss is a loss” to “be kind to yourself. You’re doing great” to “this isn’t working. You’re not trying hard enough”. I’ve come a long way without logging food, but I think I need to start logging again. In the past perfectionism took over my food diary, and it was not good for my wellbeing. Today will be the start of logging food again. I will practice a healthy mindset in respect to logging food - gotta figure out what that means to me!
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,037 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    Tracked: yes
    Under : yes
    Exercise: yes

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Today I am planning on staying pretty low on calories. Tomorrow is my birthday and I know my boyfriend is planning on taking me out to dinner, so I'm saving calories for something good! We do have a vet appointment for the puppy tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully that is a quick visit and not too expensive!

    @cmhubbard92 Love, love, love, that you’re pre-planning for tomorrow so that you can truly enjoy yourself. Only happens once a year - we can’t be expected to not enjoy it.

    Hopefully the vet appointment is just a routine check-up and all goes well for the little one.

    @pkg1998 thank you 😊 I've been making sure to stay under all week because I know tomorrow is going to be an over day. Don't want to lose my streak on the mini-challenge, lol. I do have to work tomorrow, which kind of sucks, but am thinking the vet visit will go well, the little one just needs his booster and his monthly meds filled. He should be in the clear from having to go back for quite a while, now!

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: no

    I'm hoping to be back on schedule tomorrow. It has been a long week, and I am ready to refocus and get back to interacting with all of you after taking a little break.

    @cmhubbard92, Just an far as your streak in the Mini Challenge goes, it will be in jeopardy if you go over on your birthday (see Sunday's post above). I guess you'll have to decide how badly you want to continue your streak or how badly you want to celebrate your birthday in style. In the grand scheme of things, the Mini Challenge doesn't really matter....what matters is the number on the scale and yours has gotten progressively smaller and smaller!!

    @HASWLRS That's a good thing to keep in mind. Usually when i say I'll be over, im referring to my base calories without exercise added(which I earn 700-1200 calories per day, and I try not to eat them back regularly) so more than likely I will be "under" my total MFP calorie goal for the day, but over the personal goal I set for myself if you know what I mean.

    More than likely, I probably won't even be over my normal calorie goal because I will probably just get a grilled salad at dinner like I always do when we go out, and just save room for a glass of wine... I hate being so hard on myself!
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    October 17
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Previous- 181.5
    Current- 180
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    The previous post is incorrect

    October 17
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Previous- 180.5
    Current- 180
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Good afternoon, team The Big Butt Theory.

    Regrettably, I have come to the decision that I need to leave The Biggest Loser Challenge and take a sabbatical from MFP. I have only pretended to take care of myself for quite some time and I can no longer keep up the facade. The team will be left in Pam's (@pkg1998) very capable hands. She will continue to enter all your weights and remind those who are missing weigh-ins. Christine (@cmhubbard92) will continue to do the water and step challenges and Shawnee (@sandkp) will continue to do the food and fitness challenges. Assuming the team decides to continue with the Mini Challenge, someone will need to compile and post those results. To get the team caught up and then leave it up to date, I will be posting the Mini Challenge and weekly results until the end of the month.


    @HASWLRS Lisa - I really am sorry to read this. You have been a shining light here and will definitely be missed. Having said that - you need to take care of YOU first and foremost. I totally get the "facade" issue and the fake it to you make it or look your best until you actually get there type of attitude can definitely play on you and your own growth. I will definitely miss seeing your posts.

    Just so you know - I came here looking for you to take part in this challenge and group and you brought me in and made me feel welcome so thank you!

    The last two weeks have been super rough for me - I was making progress and doing well (on the right track - mentally & physically even if it wasn't showing on the gosh awful scale!) then I got sick and off track.... my brain set all kinds of roadblocks for myself and I let myself down. I got down because I couldn't get to go see my mom - felt I let her down, couldn't keep up with the kids - felt I let them down. I knew I wasn't keeping up with mini challenge and the food/exercise challenge - and felt I let TBBT down. I actually came here a couple days ago (right after you posted) and was coming to tell the group I was quiting. I read your post and your other posts where you felt good to leave to take care of you because the group was in good hands.... and you will be back when you are ready. That made me decide to stay. Was going to post an update to the team and then got sick again so never got to it. I will post after this to try to get my stuff back on track... but again thank you for believing in me and stating it... it made me want to stay and wait for your return.

    Good luck to you and look forward to your return and the time then that we can catch up!
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Okay team - if you read my other post to Lisa - you will know I haven't been well or in the right frame of mind. While I am still not feeling great - my mind said today you are restarting... slow and steady until you get going again.

    Having said that and knowing we are halfway through this week - the exercise/food challenge will be posted for next week on Sunday but we can just continue with the two from last week or add your own video exercise link from challenge week 1 to the spreadsheet. We have about 4 listed right now. In reading through the posts, even though I was kind of out of it for two weeks, I didn't see many recipes or many strength sheets so figure it can't hurt to continue those for the rest of this week.

    I have read some stress into a lot of our posts so thinking that may play into our food/exercise challenges for next week.

    I am going to take the rest of this week to start to get back on track and ready to hit next week hard and strong.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Last week strength post -

  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    My walk video from this morning:
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    @cmhubbard92 - I wanted to let you know that I edited the spreadsheet to show the food challenge update and the two choices for the exercise challenge for the rest of this week.

    Let me know if you would rather me send you the info or tag you in the post here so that you can update that part of the spreadsheet.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    sandkp wrote: »
    Okay team - if you read my other post to Lisa - you will know I haven't been well or in the right frame of mind. While I am still not feeling great - my mind said today you are restarting... slow and steady until you get going again.

    Having said that and knowing we are halfway through this week - the exercise/food challenge will be posted for next week on Sunday but we can just continue with the two from last week or add your own video exercise link from challenge week 1 to the spreadsheet. We have about 4 listed right now. In reading through the posts, even though I was kind of out of it for two weeks, I didn't see many recipes or many strength sheets so figure it can't hurt to continue those for the rest of this week.

    I have read some stress into a lot of our posts so thinking that may play into our food/exercise challenges for next week.

    I am going to take the rest of this week to start to get back on track and ready to hit next week hard and strong.

    @sandkp I hope you get to feeling 100% soon. I got really busy taking care of a sick teen last week and didn't get a chance to participate in last week's food and exercise challenge. I was going to ask you if you were doing one this or week or if I just missed it. I realized you hadn't been on much in the last few days, so I figured something was going on. I'll try to put up a new recipe and exercise sheet before the week is out.
    Take care of yourself!
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,037 Member
    sandkp wrote: »
    @cmhubbard92 - I wanted to let you know that I edited the spreadsheet to show the food challenge update and the two choices for the exercise challenge for the rest of this week.

    Let me know if you would rather me send you the info or tag you in the post here so that you can update that part of the spreadsheet.

    @sandkp that's totally up to you! It completely slipped my mind to post it in the spreadsheet last week. It was a rough one for me as well. I hope you are starting to feel better, and make a speedy recovery!
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    3x yea

    Sunday no
    Monday yes
    Tuesday yes
    Wednesday no
    Thursday yes
  • petrocoetsee
    petrocoetsee Posts: 829 Member
    10/17 Thursday
    Mini challenge
    Under... Yes (barely but I made it)
    Exercise: Yes. 60 min training with personal trainer at gym

    Other challenges:

    Water: oz.76
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    It's so hard being back at work and cold and miserable, to add to my sadness I have had a growth removed from my arm and stiches to can't do much until they come out :(

    Woah is me at the minute lol

    Guess I can control my intake though

    PW 183.50
    CW 179.00
    4.5lbs down
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,037 Member
    It's so hard being back at work and cold and miserable, to add to my sadness I have had a growth removed from my arm and stiches to can't do much until they come out :(

    Woah is me at the minute lol

    Guess I can control my intake though

    PW 183.50
    CW 179.00
    4.5lbs down

    @Tracie_Lord hope you are ok and heal quickly!!!

    That is a wonderful loss!
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,037 Member
    Weekly weigh-in:
    Username: stubbornloser
    Weigh in week: 3 - Oct 17, 2019
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Week’s Weight: 205.2
    Today’s Weight: 204.4

    *long post alert*
    Thank you to everyone who contributes to our group here. Reading about your successes and challenges really help me to feel a connection to you all and give me the encouragement to stay the course on my weight loss journey. I don’t contribute/post much and want to change that.

    This month has been a stressful one for me. And it’s now clearer than ever that I’m conditioned to eat in response to stress. I’ve been working hard to change that by doing something else when I get the urge to eat, when clearly I’m not hungry (like 30 mins after a proper meal). I usually want to stress eat baked goods. So lately if my stress eating urge creeps up, and it’s been more than 3 hours since a meal, I allow myself a snack of fruit, crackers, and a bit of cheese. Or I just go for it and have the calorie laden sweet my mind wants. My weight loss this month has slowed, so i know I’m eating too much to see larger losses. My mind struggles with this - I go from “a loss is a loss” to “be kind to yourself. You’re doing great” to “this isn’t working. You’re not trying hard enough”. I’ve come a long way without logging food, but I think I need to start logging again. In the past perfectionism took over my food diary, and it was not good for my wellbeing. Today will be the start of logging food again. I will practice a healthy mindset in respect to logging food - gotta figure out what that means to me!

    @stubbornloser I think we all experience that at some point, but logging has definitely made me more accountable and focused on my loss while there are other things we may not be able to control. Bravo on being down this week, despite the stress eating! It seems as though October has been a stressful month for many of us on TBBT!
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    And so, instead of quitting, here is my weigh-in, NOT getting an A this week:

    Username: annabananamc
    Starting weight: 165.6
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Week's weight: 165.0
    Today's Weight: 165.8
    Weekly gain/loss: + 0.8
    Monthly gain/loss: + 0.2

    @annabananamc It’s certainly hard to continue when you’re not seeing the results, but if you quit you definitely won’t see them! Proud of you for posting and sticking with it.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Weekly weigh-in:
    Username: stubbornloser
    Weigh in week: 3 - Oct 17, 2019
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Week’s Weight: 205.2
    Today’s Weight: 204.4

    *long post alert*
    Thank you to everyone who contributes to our group here. Reading about your successes and challenges really help me to feel a connection to you all and give me the encouragement to stay the course on my weight loss journey. I don’t contribute/post much and want to change that.

    This month has been a stressful one for me. And it’s now clearer than ever that I’m conditioned to eat in response to stress. I’ve been working hard to change that by doing something else when I get the urge to eat, when clearly I’m not hungry (like 30 mins after a proper meal). I usually want to stress eat baked goods. So lately if my stress eating urge creeps up, and it’s been more than 3 hours since a meal, I allow myself a snack of fruit, crackers, and a bit of cheese. Or I just go for it and have the calorie laden sweet my mind wants. My weight loss this month has slowed, so i know I’m eating too much to see larger losses. My mind struggles with this - I go from “a loss is a loss” to “be kind to yourself. You’re doing great” to “this isn’t working. You’re not trying hard enough”. I’ve come a long way without logging food, but I think I need to start logging again. In the past perfectionism took over my food diary, and it was not good for my wellbeing. Today will be the start of logging food again. I will practice a healthy mindset in respect to logging food - gotta figure out what that means to me!

    @stubbornloser Your weight loss may not be as great as you would like, but it’s still a very healthy loss. When stress is involved it’s hard to make the right choices, but also consider that if you don’t satisfy it with the high calorie food when it hits you might overdue it later. Sometimes it’s what we need. The key is “sometimes” we just can’t do it all the time. I’m learning that as we go on this journey. Logging is a very important part of my weight loss effort, but it can be easy to let it consume you too much. Take it slow and keep it healthy. Sounds like your mind is in the right place to start.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    The previous post is incorrect

    October 17
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Previous- 180.5
    Current- 180

    @Nicoletime4me Still a reasonable loss for the week. Congratulations!
This discussion has been closed.