Leslie Sansone October 2019 Walk Challenge



  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Hi Walker Friends! Late to the party again, but I'm here and I've been walking and strength training. I LOVE that so many of you are strength training this month, too. Somehow I think it makes it a bit easier to know we are all suffering sweating through these workouts together! :laugh: October is a great month to put in extra work before we all get caught up in the holiday madness!

    LOL about the "suffering".
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    October goal: 3 strength workouts a week.

    10/1....3 miles of 5 Boosted Miles
    10/2....60 minutes of light weights with lot's of reps, 41minutes of Burn to the Beat
    10/3....rest day
    10/4....25 minutes of Yoga Strength and Yoga for Weight Loss, 21 minutes of 3 Fast and Fun Miles

    Have a great weekend, all you WALKERS!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @Deeder522, good walk choice! I've also used up valuable walking time searching for a good walk on YouTube πŸ˜‚πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸ‘€.

    @AnnofB, Yoga Strength and Yoga for Weight Loss sounds like a super strong kind of workout! Good for you πŸ‘Œ .
    We've been sweating it out in the high 90's for weeks also, thankfully only a few 100s this summer (unlike other summers). Today is supposed to get "only" up to 91-- cold front 🀣?? Our difficulty is the lack of rain. the other week we finally had a huge thunderstorm so the garden is blooming again. Especially the sage bushes that burst into bloom whenever we have lightening. Real rain or thunderstorm sure does something for the garden that my watering just can't compete with.

    Both weather apps say next weekend the high will be in the 70s??? Is it possible? And starting next week a mix of all over the place in the 80s & maybe very low 90s, perhaps. Hopeful also!!

    @knjstolt, πŸ‘† maybe it will cool off for you also by next week/weekend?? There is always hope 😎.

    @VeggieGirlforLife, yay for you walking and strength training also! I can hardly consider any variety yet, so I'm just going to automate it for now. But I will be πŸ‘€watching what you and everyone else does.


  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    My revised goal for October is to make a plan to include strength circuits and also DVD or outdoors walking during the week. Looking back at my exercise journal for this year I've been actually doing something either purposely more active or exercise walks for 6 days a week with 1 rest day. Which has been my ultimate goal. So to change things up this month I'm focusing on forcing myself to include specific, planned rotating strength workouts. Also any extra things such as garden/ yard work or longer errand days with more walking involved will be on top of my routine DVD/ outdoors walking. I'm hoping to up my activity level this month πŸ˜….

    October 1: 1.5 hours yard & garden
    October 2: 3 miles: 3 Fast & Fun Miles, 1 mini walk, 1 Walk Blaster
    October 3: 20 min Fast Walk, Lower Body Circuit, 2 Walk Blasters
    October 4: 20 min Fast Walk, Upper Body Circuit, 3 Walk Blasters

  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited October 2019
    Oct Goal: 108.5 miles with W, F & Su alternating upper and lower body strength from Tone Every Zone.

    10/1-WAH-Heart Healthy Walk-3 miles=3 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 3.8 miles=6.8 miles total
    10/2- Just Walk-4 Miles Power Workout-2 miles=8.8
    -Tone every Zone-Upper Body Circuit .7 miles=9.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=10.7 miles total
    10/3-Vivofit tracked 5.2 miles=15.9 miles total
    10/4-WAH-1 Mile In Home Walk-16.9 miles total
    -Tone every Zone-Lower Body Circuit .7 miles=17.6 miles total

    Have I mentioned I hate strength training? :explode: I know this gets better but right now, it is annoying the devil out of me and I have only done it twice!!! :embarassed: Meh, at least the weather is not in the 90s!!! We are heading to 41F (5C) tonight and there are frost warnings out for the northern and western part of the state. :laugh: Finally, fall has arrived!

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    I am going to shoot for 75 miles this month with walking at work and doing a workout at work. Will post my miles each day along with the other work stuff. HAPPY WALKING EVERYONE.

    10/1 1 mile Workout #222 taking care of fire ants in the morning & picking peppers from garden, over-locking
    spaces and cutting a lock, walking around Lowes and pushing heavy lumber cart across the store.... 1
    hr total
    10/2 2.4 miles Workout #203 Walking &cleaning property & spaces. Total 3.4 miles
    10/3 2 miles Workout #204 Walking & cleaning property & spaces and sweeping climate control hallways 1.5 hrs
    Total 5.44 miles
    10/4 Day of rest for me at work.
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    @AnnofB been in the 90's here too. suppose to have a cold front coming in Sunday night to cool us off to the 70's. I am looking forward to the cooler weather.
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Oct 1: 7 miles ~ 4 Mile Super Challenge + 3 Fast Miles + 18 min HASfit legs
    Oct 2: 6 miles ~ 4 Mile Punch Up Your Walk + 2 Miles Woman's Walk + 2 Circuits (upper & lower) Tone Every Zone
    Oct 3: 6 miles ~ 3 Miles iWalk Strong + 3 Fast Miles + 18 min HASfit legs
    Oct 4: 6 Miles ~ 4 Mile Super Challenge + All 3 Circuits Tone Every Zone (2 miles)

    25 of 180 miles
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member

    @AnnofB, Yoga Strength and Yoga for Weight Loss sounds like a super strong kind of workout! Good for you πŸ‘Œ .
    We've been sweating it out in the high 90's for weeks also, thankfully only a few 100s this summer (unlike other summers). Today is supposed to get "only" up to 91-- cold front 🀣?? Our difficulty is the lack of rain. the other week we finally had a huge thunderstorm so the garden is blooming again. Especially the sage bushes that burst into bloom whenever we have lightening. Real rain or thunderstorm sure does something for the garden that my watering just can't compete with.

    Both weather apps say next weekend the high will be in the 70s??? Is it possible? And starting next week a mix of all over the place in the 80s & maybe very low 90s, perhaps. Hopeful also!!

    Yoga Strength is new one for me and I like it. I agree about rain vs. watering... we sure could use some too.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited October 2019
    Have I mentioned I hate strength training? :explode: I know this gets better but right now, it is annoying the devil out of me and I have only done it twice!!! :embarassed: Meh, at least the weather is not in the 90s!!! We are heading to 41F (5C) tonight and there are frost warnings out for the northern and western part of the state. :laugh: Finally, fall has arrived!

    Hee-hee. I think I might recall you mentioning that about strength training. ;)

    "Frost warnings", wow, I can only dream of that. It's 93 degrees right now, but... and that's big but, it's supposed to turn a bit cooler, temps in the 80's. We probably won't have much in the way of fall color this year. The trees have been losing dead leaves for several weeks now. :'(
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    October goal: 3 strength workouts a week.

    10/1....46 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    10/2....60 minutes of light weights with lot's of reps, 41minutes of Burn to the Beat
    10/3....rest day
    10/4....25 minutes of Yoga Strength and Yoga for Weight Loss, 21 minutes of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    10/5....36 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @zichab, I'm right there with you! I've only done it twice also and I'm thinking "Oh, my, and I've committed to a month of THIS 😡??" Next week will be a full week of this plan 😣 (the note to this face says a "persevering face" Is that what I will look like then? πŸ˜…πŸ’ͺ. I want Autumn also! we are still in the mid 90s but there is possibilities of a mix of 80s and 90s next week.

    @knjstolt, good for you to have a day of rest! Well deserved πŸ‘.

    @VeggieGirlforLife, The 4 Mile Super Challenge is one of my longtime favorites! But I could never do the whole
    Tone Every Zone DVD in the same day. You are super fit πŸ’ͺ !

    @AnnofB, Our trees around here have been loosing dead leaves also. Last week I actually raked the yard as part of some yard cleanup.
    My revised goal for October is to make a plan to include strength circuits and also DVD or outdoors walking during the week. Looking back at my exercise journal for this year I've been actually doing something either purposely more active or exercise walks for 6 days a week with 1 rest day. Which has been my ultimate goal. So to change things up this month I'm focusing on forcing myself to include specific, planned rotating strength workouts. Also any extra things such as garden/ yard work or longer errand days with more walking involved will be on top of my routine DVD/ outdoors walking. I'm hoping to up my activity level this month πŸ˜….

    October 1: 1.5 hours yard & garden
    October 2: 3 miles: 3 Fast & Fun Miles, 1 mini walk, 1 Walk Blaster
    October 3: 20 min Fast Walk, Lower Body Circuit, 2 Walk Blasters
    October 4: 20 min Fast Walk, Upper Body Circuit, 3 Walk Blasters
    October 5: 3 Miracle Miles with band work, 2 Walk Blasters

    October 6: Rest Day!

  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    edited October 2019
    I am going to shoot for 75 miles this month with walking at work and doing a workout at work. Will post my miles each day along with the other work stuff. HAPPY WALKING EVERYONE.

    10/1 1 mile Workout #222 taking care of fire ants in the morning & picking peppers from garden, over-locking
    spaces and cutting a lock, walking around Lowes and pushing heavy lumber cart across the store.... 1
    hr total
    10/2 2.4 miles Workout #203 Walking &cleaning property & spaces. Total 3.4 miles
    10/3 2 miles Workout #204 Walking & cleaning property & spaces and sweeping climate control hallways 1.5 hrs
    Total 5.44 miles
    10/4 Day of rest for me at work.
    10/5 2.33 miles Workout #105 Walking & cleaning property and checking air filters in climate control halls 1:15 KCAL 865 8.7 miles/75
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Oct Goal: 108.5 miles with W, F & Su alternating upper and lower body strength from Tone Every Zone.

    10/1-WAH-Heart Healthy Walk-3 miles=3 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 3.8 miles=6.8 miles total
    10/2- Just Walk-4 Miles Power Workout-2 miles=8.8
    -Tone every Zone-Upper Body Circuit .7 miles=9.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=10.7 miles total
    10/3-Vivofit tracked 5.2 miles=15.9 miles total
    10/4-WAH-1 Mile In Home Walk-16.9 miles total
    -Tone every Zone-Lower Body Circuit .7 miles=17.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.7 miles=20.3 miles total
    10/5-WAH-5 mile Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=25.3 miles total
    @zichab, Next week will be a full week of this plan 😣 (the note to this face says a "persevering face" Is that what I will look like then? πŸ˜…πŸ’ͺ.
    I really did not need reminding of this little fact ya know??? :laugh: I am already planning to mow the lawn and clean the house to get mileage in before I need to do a Tone Every Zone Circuit tomorrow! Sunday is the upper body and I do not mind that one so much except for getting down and up from the floor, especially since I did the lower body yesterday and my inner thighs are not working very well!!! 60+ year olds are simply supposed to remain standing at all times when working out! πŸšΆβ€
    AnnofB wrote: Β»
    @zichab "Frost warnings", wow, I can only dream of that.
    It was pretty cold last night, It got down to 40 and the power went out at 12:15 AM and was not back until 9:45 AM so it was chilly in the house by the time the heat came back on. We are doing the 65 days and 45 nights now so fall is definitely here. The leaves are all still green on our sugar maples and the oaks are just losing dead leaves like you've observed. My DH says that the Adirondacks are ablaze with color though so further north seems to be better for leaf color. I think our maples are just going to change and fall. That is what they did last year in early November. I am not crazy about what climate change is doing to our trees :grumble:

    I really like this 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk but because it takes an hour, I have kind of moved it out of rotation. I think I will move it back in for Saturdays until I am ready for 5 Mega MIles. It is the one where she boosts at the end of each mile and features Nicole who lost 106 pounds with Leslie. It older but a good one.

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    @texasgardnr I have grown to love the 4 Mile Super Challenge because of the music. It's so upbeat and keeps me moving quickly. I've been doing my big walk first thing in the morning before work and keeping that schedule even when I'm off. Then I do my strength training in the evenings. Spreading the exercise out in my day helps me stay motivated and feels more manageable. Some nights though, I am so worn out from work that I have to immediately change into workout gear and get started because I know if I sit down, it's over! :yawn: :wink:

    @zichab I am wicked jealous of frost warnings! :laugh: I can't wait to have cooler days and nights. I sleep so much better when it's cold.
    I also like the 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk. I have used that one so much in the past that I could quote every single thing Leslie says the whole way through! :smile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    October goal: 3 strength workouts a week.

    10/1....46 minutes of 5 Boosted Miles
    10/2....60 minutes of light weights with lot's of reps, 41minutes of Burn to the Beat
    10/3....rest day
    10/4....25 minutes of Yoga Strength and Yoga for Weight Loss, 21 minutes of 3 Fast and Fun Miles
    10/5....36 minutes of 5 Miracle Miles
    10/6....45 minutes ICE Chiseled Upper Body (I threw in some ab and leg stuff too) and 2 Miracle Miles

    Keep WALKING!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited October 2019
    Oct Goal: 108.5 miles with W, F & Su alternating upper and lower body strength from Tone Every Zone.

    10/1-WAH-Heart Healthy Walk-3 miles=3 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 3.8 miles=6.8 miles total
    10/2- Just Walk-4 Miles Power Workout-2 miles=8.8
    -Tone every Zone-Upper Body Circuit .7 miles=9.5 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=10.7 miles total
    10/3-Vivofit tracked 5.2 miles=15.9 miles total
    10/4-WAH-1 Mile In Home Walk-16.9 miles total
    -Tone every Zone-Lower Body Circuit .7 miles=17.6 miles total
    -Vivofit tracked-2.7 miles=20.3 miles total
    10/5-WAH-5 mile Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=25.3 miles total
    Vivofit tracked .6 miles=25.9 miles total
    10/6-WAH 1 Mile Express Walk=26.9 miles total
    -Tone every Zone-Upper Body Circuit .7 miles=27.6 miles total

    I mowed the lawn today because my DH is still in NY and I did it in flannel shirt!!! I sure hope the cool weather is here to stay. The thermometer say it is 64 degrees, but with the breeze, it feels cooler than that. It also smells so good outside. Fall comes with such nice smells doesn't it? I think I'll open up my house tomorrow and just let fall breeze through! :blush:

    Walk Strong Everyone- :bigsmile:
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    I am going to shoot for 75 miles this month with walking at work and doing a workout at work. Will post my miles each day along with the other work stuff. HAPPY WALKING EVERYONE.

    10/1 1 mile Workout #222 taking care of fire ants in the morning & picking peppers from garden, over-locking
    spaces and cutting a lock, walking around Lowes and pushing heavy lumber cart across the store.... 1
    hr total
    10/2 2.4 miles Workout #203 Walking &cleaning property & spaces. Total 3.4 miles
    10/3 2 miles Workout #204 Walking & cleaning property & spaces and sweeping climate control hallways 1.5 hrs
    Total 5.44 miles
    10/4 Day of rest for me at work.
    10/5 2.33 miles Workout #105 Walking & cleaning property and checking air filters in climate control halls 1:15 KCAL 865 8.7 miles/75
    10/6 REST DAY just visiting with friends all day. Weigh in today and lost 1 lb. 1st time in 30 yrs I have been under 190
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    @VeggieGirlforLife just curious what is the 4 mile super challenge?
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Oct 1: 7 miles ~ 4 Mile Super Challenge + 3 Fast Miles + 18 min HASfit legs
    Oct 2: 6 miles ~ 4 Mile Punch Up Your Walk + 2 Miles Woman's Walk + 2 Circuits (upper & lower) Tone Every Zone
    Oct 3: 6 miles ~ 3 Miles iWalk Strong + 3 Fast Miles + 18 min HASfit legs
    Oct 4: 6 Miles ~ 4 Mile Super Challenge + All 3 Circuits Tone Every Zone (2 miles)
    Oct 5: 6 Miles ~ 5 Really Big Miles + 1 Mile Express + 35 min HASfit butt & thighs (ouch!)
    Oct 6: 5 Mile Advanced Walk + 30 min HASfit arms (another ouch!)

    36 of 180 miles