

  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    Saturday Weigh In
    SW: 173.0
    PW: 165.9
    CW: 166

    Just been hungry and going over just a little bit everyday.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Saturday weigh in
    PW: 228.6
    CW: 227.8
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Friday weigh in
    Previous weight 170 lbs
    Current weight 170 lbs
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Can I play Devil's advocate? ("Yes" I hear you cry)

    Weight loss and Muscle gain; they are an oxymoron. You can have one and then the other. If what you know what you are doing is right for you then keep doing it!

    Running speed; so you can't keep up with someone, neither can I, neither can anyone except Usain Bolt. If you overstretch you risk injury so listen to your body. If what you know what you are doing is right for you then keep doing it!

    We don't always want weight loss more than something else. Sometimes we need a treat to ensure that the times we are focused and losing weight don't become painful in the mind. Especially true during winter so take the hits of food or putting your feet up when you need to and come back the stronger for it. If you know what you are doing is right for you then keep doing it!

    Those with NSVs congratulations! You know what you are doing is right for you so keep doing it!

    Then is no singular answer as everybody is different. Of course if you know, and you will know, what you are doing isn't right for you and you keep doing it...

    Thank you for understanding. Currently I am holding on to both Lifting and weight loss. And less frequently but will keep running. May be I am being greedy but treading cautiously and yes, I realised later that I must not compare myself to my friends. We have different types of bodies and different fitness goals.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    mustb60 wrote: »
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Good morning guys!!!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday! It was 17F when I left home this snow :(
    Mother nature is playing a mean trick on the deep south today!

    Today, I brought my crock pot to the office and I have chicken chili started for dinner tonight. I like to do this because I can give it an occasional stir and also like to torture my co-workers just a bit. >:)>:)>:)
    The office already smells delicious!

    Anyone have something wonderful to share with the group? A struggle you would like to discuss? NSV you would like to share?

    TBH I am struggling and feeling conflicted between weight loss and muscle retention/building. I love lifting as it make me feel strong and invincible but it always stalls the scale in my case. I bought a smart scale (for comparative study as I know it's not accurate method for fat measurement) and according to it my fat percentage is almost same in this month so far but muscle mass has gone up 2 lbs.

    However I am feeling frustrated as I can't see any specific changes in my body shape. I lost half inches in all stomach, waist and derriere in last 15 days and my friend told me she lost 5 lbs in the same period. So I am tempted to dash to cardio and low calories diet but lifting can't allow that low calories. I am trying to incorporate running slowly as I don't want to hurt myself. Sorry for the rant.

    This is not a rant -- you are expressing things that I guarantee you others are thinking as well!

    Thank you for sharing
    Thank you for understanding! ❤️
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2019
    Luciicul wrote: »
    mustb60 wrote: »
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Good morning guys!!!
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday! It was 17F when I left home this snow :(
    Mother nature is playing a mean trick on the deep south today!

    Today, I brought my crock pot to the office and I have chicken chili started for dinner tonight. I like to do this because I can give it an occasional stir and also like to torture my co-workers just a bit. >:)>:)>:)
    The office already smells delicious!

    Anyone have something wonderful to share with the group? A struggle you would like to discuss? NSV you would like to share?

    TBH I am struggling and feeling conflicted between weight loss and muscle retention/building. I love lifting as it make me feel strong and invincible but it always stalls the scale in my case. I bought a smart scale (for comparative study as I know it's not accurate method for fat measurement) and according to it my fat percentage is almost same in this month so far but muscle mass has gone up 2 lbs.

    However I am feeling frustrated as I can't see any specific changes in my body shape. I lost half inches in all stomach, waist and derriere in last 15 days and my friend told me she lost 5 lbs in the same period. So I am tempted to dash to cardio and low calories diet but lifting can't allow that low calories. I am trying to incorporate running slowly as I don't want to hurt myself. Sorry for the rant.

    I totally understand the conflict. Over the many ups and downs of weight loss and regain over the past decades, I definitely saw that if my goal is weightloss, to focus on diet, and that exercise (while healthy and good for us) can sometimes make it harder to lose the weight. And even when you know that “weight” isn’t everything (and that is amazing you’ve gained 2lb muscle!) it doesn’t mean you feel it.

    Only you can work out what is right for you. If you enjoy the weightlifting and it makes you feel good, that sounds like it is a good fit for you to do sustainably even if it will take longer to “lose weight”. Because we need not only to lose weight but to also be able to keep it off for the rest of our lives, so if you have found something you enjoy you will find it easier to stick with.

    FYI I have a body composition scale and last time I lost a bunch of weight and got super fit and strong it was telling me I had something like 21% fat but when I got a dexa scan (most accurate) I only had 18% fat. If I’d lost anymore weight or fat it would have been unhealthy. The home scales can misread some of your muscle as fat. So while it’s fine to use as a rough guideline, know that it is not necessarily going to show your real fat loss.

    While it is not great to compare yourself to others (as we have different variables), if you are going to compare at least make it apples for apples. Ask your friend how many inches she lost (what does 5lb translate to in inches?) and there’s a good chance you lost as many or more inches than she did even if she lost “weight”. Half an inch in two weeks sounds awesome to me!

    For me, this time round I spent the majority of my energy getting my eating habits as close to perfect as I could without worrying so much about exercise. This helped me lose weight fast. Then I started setting exercise goals, starting with walking, adding in jogging and yoga. I did try some weights but to be honest I don’t enjoy them and found it hard to stick with. In particular, I was trying to find things I could create as a regular “habit” so it would stick long term, not just while trying to lose weight. Yoga uses body weight, so I am still getting some strength training in my week, it’s just not as intense as dedicated weightlifting. This approach seems to be working for me.

    At the end of the day, what will work best is what you can stick with. Your friend has an approach that is working for her, and to be honest your approach sounds like it is working pretty well for you (half inch loss in 2 weeks!), so perhaps keep doing what you’re doing but consider how you can improve on it a little?

    I’d recommend taking a look at intermittent fasting. It’s not for everyone, but I’m a convert. An extra benefit is that it increases human growth hormone, which helps you build muscles, which sounds like it would fit with your strength training approach.

    I’m also for low-carb wholefoods. I don’t believe all calories are created equal, so perhaps moving away from processed foods to wholefoods or away from starchy carbs and sugars to lower carb options might result in improvements without you having to cut calories.

    Or some other tweak that fits with your lifestyle and health beliefs!

    Good luck 😀

    Fat percentage difference in Dexa and smart scale is very eye-opening! Thanks for sharing it. Most successful combination regarding weight loss for me one year back was, Running>strict calories control>Strong lift. Then I tore my thigh muscle due to slipping on stairs. And than had to take a break from exercise. After recovering never been as regular with running or lifting. I am thinking of doing IF again.
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Cw: 178.6
    Up 2lb (I think?)
    Actually ok with that I'm afraid!

    If I can stay under 180 through this mad time at work and emotionally draining time cos, memories, I'll be ready to actually see the bottom half of 170s as I keep threatening soonish!For now, its about getting through... which for me will always, foreseeable future at least, include eating and drinking more than my goal would like. If I dint get my head back in gear soon will join cherry squad so as not to piss on the team's achievements!

    Away from super early thurs am til late late Monday next week so will Donna early weigh in if that's okay?

    Saturday evening vibes to you all!!!
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,544 Member
    Good morning All,

    Hopefully another beautiful day for it wherever you are! I am looking to update lasts week's steps and the follow would complete the week;
    @boehle 14th, 15th & 16th
    @lindamtuck2018 16th
    @machchic 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th & 16th
    @kilobykilo 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th & 16th
    @LaurieWrobo 15th & 16th
    @ngk2000 15th & 16th

    and anyone else that would like to join in, it doesn't have to be many steps, every step is a success!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    11/16 9,118

  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Steps from a rainy, miserable Portugal:

    10th 15544
    11th 16559
    12th 12150
    13th 10393
    14th 10214
    15th 10359
    16th 10087

    Since weds I've been frantically treading water to keep afloat at work so my steps went down but managed, by the skin of my teeth, to hit 10k a day!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Sharing... skip if you want

    My childhood best friend mom passed away yesterday. It was a peaceful passing. I was there with the family.

    I am an only child and this is the closest I have to a sibling. In the early 80s - my mom had health issues and I would often wake up at her house. She was definitely a second mom.

    I’m finding myself listening to Blind Faith “Can’t find my way home” over and over again... guess I feel a little lost right now.

    I have held back tears with the family but boy letting them roll right now.

    Thanks for being a semi anonymous sounding board. I respect your opinion/support so much.

    Peace out for a day or so

    Oh Beka, so sorry to read this. How heartbreaking for you. Let those tears roll, grief needs to happen before healing can.

    You'll cherish those childhood memories, the special time you spent with this lady yesteday and all the moments in between forever. Share them often with tears or a smile to keep them strong xxx

    Take care, be kind to yourself. Hugs to you, your friend and family x
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,319 Member
    Good morning All,

    Hopefully another beautiful day for it wherever you are! I am looking to update lasts week's steps and the follow would complete the week;
    @boehle 14th, 15th & 16th
    @lindamtuck2018 16th
    @machchic 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th & 16th
    @kilobykilo 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th & 16th
    @LaurieWrobo 15th & 16th
    @ngk2000 15th & 16th

    and anyone else that would like to join in, it doesn't have to be many steps, every step is a success!

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    @Beka3695 so sorry for your loss.
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    @Beka3695 I am so sorry for your lose and your friend.
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    11/15 21,143
    11/16 21,181
This discussion has been closed.