
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    edited November 2019
    Daily Goals 11/20
    1. 30 Min Exercise ✅
    2. Step Goal (10K) ✅
    3. No Eating Out ✅
    4. Under Sodium Limit ✅
    5. 1 Hr. Knitting ✅

    Daily Step Goal (10,000)
    11/20 - 10,066
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 856 Member
    Weigh in November 21

    Today: 194
    Last week: I think it was 196.?

    A good week, anyway!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 856 Member
    Steps to catch up on:

    Monday Nov 18: 10,495
    Tues nov 19: 13,841
    Wed nov 20: 13,096
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    Daily Goals for 11/18 Monday

    ✅1. Step Goal (11K) -- 12, 388👣
    ✅2. Exercise 90 mins- - 94 mins. 🏃‍♀️
    ✅3. Logging ALL food -- Completed
    ✅4. Sleep at least 7 hours daily-- 7 hours💤
    ✅5. Water 102 oz💦

    @Navydaddjtc, @Fitness327wk
    I noticed on the spreadsheet that my steps for the 18th were missing. This is a repost. Thank you for everything you do!😊

    You're correct. Steps posted! :smile:
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    Nov 19
    ✅1. 7,500 STEPS or more daily. 10,326
    ❌only 3.5 2. Eat fewer calories than my daily goal with at least 5 servings of fruit/veg daily
    ✅3. Create (not imagine or read about), but actually create art each day.
    ✅ 4. Use UltraVolt on muscles 5 mins daily & arm/back stretches another 5 mins daily.
    ✅5. Immediately catch self if thinking negative body thought & say something very Positive about my body & something about how grateful I am to be thin & healthy.
    Had to do this several times. It helped each time!

    WTG! Steps posted
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    Daily Goals 11/20
    1. 30 Min Exercise ✅
    2. Step Goal (10K) ✅
    3. No Eating Out ✅
    4. Under Sodium Limit ✅
    5. 1 Hr. Knitting ✅

    Daily Step Goal (10,000)
    11/20 - 10,066

    Great job hitting all goals!!!! Steps posted.
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    @Magnolia82 Yes - last WI was 196. Great weigh in this week! WI & Steps posted :smile:
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    @magnolia82 Looks like you're still missing steps from Sunday Nov 17?
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    Wednesday, 11/20

    👣STEPS: 16,060
    @slimn2016... outstanding Nancy... have been posted
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    My daily goals 11/20
    1. Calories < 1500 ✅ 1493
    2. 10,000 steps ❌ 7502 missed my walk!
    3. 30 min exercise ✅ 30 yoga - YouTube - David Procyshyn “Hips hamstrings & lower back”
    4. Log all food ✅
    Needed this yoga session! Why don’t I do this more often??!!🧘‍♀️💜🧘🏻‍♂️
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    @Navydaddjtc Separating out yesterday's steps... 11/20 - 7502 STEPS
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    shbarbor wrote: »
    My daily goals 11/20
    1. Calories < 1500 ✅ 1493
    2. 10,000 steps ❌ 7502 missed my walk!
    3. 30 min exercise ✅ 30 yoga - YouTube - David Procyshyn “Hips hamstrings & lower back”
    4. Log all food ✅
    Needed this yoga session! Why don’t I do this more often??!!🧘‍♀️💜🧘🏻‍♂️

    @shbarbor Great job on those goals!
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    Week 3
    Thursday weigh
    PW: 275.6
    CW: 271.6

  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    Stay under my calorie goal (currently 1740) ✔1616

    Get 5,000 steps a day✔ 8746

    No eating out ✔

    Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. ✔ 20 minute walk, 35 minutes on the exercise bike

    No caffeine after 1pm (my dr's suggestion for sleep issues) ✔

  • Gadgetgirl259
    Gadgetgirl259 Posts: 323 Member
    Daily Goals for 11/20 Wednesday

    ✅1. Step Goal (11K) -- 18,003👣
    ✅2. Exercise 90 mins- - 101 mins. 🏃‍♀️
    ✅3. Logging ALL food -- Completed
    ✅4. Sleep at least 7 hours daily-- 8.75 hours💤
    ✅5. Water 96 oz💦
  • Gadgetgirl259
    Gadgetgirl259 Posts: 323 Member

    Week 3 (Thursday)

    PW: 166.0
    CW: 166.0
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    Week 3
    Thursday weigh
    PW: 275.6
    CW: 271.6

    Fantastic weigh-in and goals!!! Posted WI and steps.
  • holmesp603
    holmesp603 Posts: 350 Member
    Good Thankful Thursday! Could not get in here yesterday but I did meet all my goals for Wednesday
    Exercise ✔
    Water ✔
    Logged under ✔
    Bible/journal ✔
    Late nite snacking ✔

    and excited about that working on today's goals!
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