

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wednesday Check-in:
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 25 minutes on the treadmill, 25 minute cardio BOD video, and three hours of housework

    I have the week off and am spending it getting my house in perfect condition for a big Christmas party I'm having next Friday for my staff and their spouses. I'm making one of those charcuterie boards and have been planning that out as well as other appetizers and games we will play. I'm still trying to decide if I am going shopping on Black Friday. I for sure won't get up early to do it but I might go out in the late morning and start shopping for my hubby, who is impossible to buy for! :)
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    steps nov 27 -5838

    Gym went in and did a core workout. I'm.pretty sore from my session with trainer yesterday. Sore all over lol

    Water ok today.

    Cals on track but really struggling with wanting sweets. Just out of the blue. I have a lindt chocolate bar and so I'm just having a couple squares

    Thanksgiving goal- I'm Canadian so it's not TG for us. But I wish everyone all the best over your holiday!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Saturday Check-in:
    Calories: a little over, net carbs 20 grams
    Water: over
    Exercise: BOD weight training video and 15-minute treadmill walk

    Steps 11/22-7836

    Well, I have been stressing out about the holidays and how to handle it all. :s I have 7 eating events already scheduled and some of them are in no way on my Keto plan and they can't be altered to fit my plan. Most of these events are traditions that I love and only come at this time of the year. So, I did some thinking and I decided that it really doesn't have to be an all or nothing choice. I'm going to do the best I can at these events while at the same time enjoy my family, friends, and yes the food! I'm not going to strive to do perfect Keto but instead, just try to stick to low-carb eating as much as I can. I will continue my workouts and intermittent fasting. If I end the year without a big gain then I will consider it a success and be grateful. :)

    What about you all? Are the holidays stressing you out? Do you have a plan? I would love to hear from you. :)

    Hi Teresa - I heard something on a podcast once about making Good, Better and Best choices. It sounds like it might help you with all of your thanksgiving events. It might be the choice between a keto (Best) or low carb (Better) food. It might even be a choice between one spoonful of some sinful versus a whole plate of dessert. It’s about looking at what’s in front of you and making the Good, Better or Best best choice you can in the moment. Good luck!!
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving F2F Team!! Posting day 5 for tmo! πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ’“πŸ’ƒπŸ’“πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒ

    It is my team at Fitness Warriors!

    @Navydaddjtc (Cap/Mod) -Captain! You are an awesome leader and I feel so blessed to be part of this group! Wing man!
    @shbarbor - Sue, you have really stepped up and helped the entire team! You are fantastic!
    @ConfidentRaven - You my friend and an inspiration! Thank you so much for being an awesome team motivator! You have also stepped up and helped the team. I am thankful to you both!
    @holmesp603 - I just adore πŸ₯° you lady!!! You have been through so much and you keep stomping away!! You inspire me!
    @SLIMN2016 -Nancy you put in so much and I admire you! You have been such a fabulous friend to me and I am forever thankful!
    @RubyRed427- You have been a friend and thankful for our chats!
    @runarml -you remind me daily I better make my step goal!
    @kdv12 - Romans 12:2 πŸ’œπŸ™βœοΈπŸ™πŸ’œ
    @megnolia82 - Love your tea input!
    @NikMar - keep stepping lady!
    @Jcgator2016 - Absolute rock star 🌟 addition! Ty for the team support! Prior tennis 🎾 player thinking of pickleball!
    @Shortgirlrunning - Awesome add this month! You are fabulous!
    @GADGETGIRL259 - I am so happy you came back to the trio! We are so happy you are here!

    I feel so blessed in my life to have such a supportive team!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    And of course my hubby!

    Head over team to our F2F and share! πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ’“πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒ

  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    Hey, there,
    I was noodling about today, thinking about the holidays and reminded of this discussion question from @TeresaW1020 :
    What about you all? Are the holidays stressing you out? Do you have a plan? I would love to hear from you! :smile:

    What strategies are you guys using this week?

    Strategies I am using and seeing friends use:
    - Drink water and skip the alcohol. Easy way to avoid excess calories, and most people will not bug you about a "no thanks" to alcohol.
    - Working to get in exercise every day. I am even going to see if my in-laws are up for a walk after the big meal at our house.
    - On a related note -- looking to create ways to have non-food things be part of the fun.
    - Having an on-plan meal option for myself at our house.
    - Eat before I go to events, as an insurance policy.
    - Not talking to anybody about what they should eat. Not talking about what I eat as healthy, healthiest, etc., even if invited to agree with someone.
    - When people who are insistent in asking about what I am eating (or not eating), trying Dr. Doug Lisle’s β€œseem strategy.” "There is a simple answer that helps to defuse the most persistent people. If someone starts questioning you about your diet, simply smile and say, 'It seems to be working for me.' ”
    - Compliment the host. Compliment them on taking the time and effort to have the event happen, providing the space, having things look lovely, etc. Even if I don't eat the food (or all of them), there is plenty to be thankful for!

    Here's a nice little list of more ideas.

    What are you doing or planning to do?


    Wishing you an awesome Thanksgiving!! Ty friend for all of your support this year! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ¦ƒπŸ‘πŸ‘
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Wednesday Check-in:
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 25 minutes on the treadmill, weights and snow shoveling
    Steps 10686
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,666 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving friends!

    Wednesday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- elliptical 30 minutes weights 30 minutes
    Water- over

    5 for 90
    1. Gym 3xs a week- went today
    2. Exercise 30 minutes- done
    3. Decluttering- no
    4. Social media- too much today
    5. Trigger foods- oops! I made maple walnuts and ate a few, they're the sweetest thing I've had aside of roasted butternut squash in 2 months! Tomorrow I get pumpkin cheesecake! Not sure if I'll go back to complete abstinence after tomorrow or an occasional sweet but definitely won't bring anything in the house.
  • Wishusdonna
    Wishusdonna Posts: 241 Member
    To all my American friends - have a fantastic Thansgiving!

    Turkey and pumpkin are great foods, so enjoy!

    What else are you having? Any local favourites?

    One thing you guys have passed back over the pond to us is the Black Friday sale - so I took advantage of an offer to join WW, but I won't start it until after our office Christmas party tomorrow. Also, it looks a bit complicated and I can't get the app to work. I just want to see if rethinking my food choices helps with these final few pounds. Oh and I'm eating a flapjack right now...

    Calories - strayed into the red zone :(
    Hydration - 11/14 :(
    Exercise 10475 steps :)
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member

    Username: Renaegry
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Wed
    Previous Weight: 155
    Current Weight: 159.6

    Back from holidays. Time to get back on track and make some progress.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I am so thankful to be a part of this awesome team! If you are celebrating Thanksgiving or not, I wish you all a very happy day. Be good to yourselves! <3

  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    11/26. 3671
    11/27 4145
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    Username: leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW (10/29): 201.0
    Check in weight (11/6): 201.0
    Check in weight (11/13): 202.0
    Check in weight (11/21): 197.6
    Check in weight (11/27): 198.8

    Steps 11/27- 5733
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,666 Member
    @Wishusdonna The only non traditional thing we're having is suberage, it's an Armenian dish of philo dough brushed with butter and filled with cheese and parsley. I'm going to try to only have one serving, can't imagine the calories! Congratulations on joining WW! I'm in a skinnytaste group and many people are on WW, I know they have three programs you can choose from. Did you find the right one for you? She has points included in her recipes. I do like my food more spicy though and don't think the newest program is included in counts. The blog Kayln's Kitchen used to have weight watcher points too.

    @renaegry You got this!

    @leonadixon you've done great this month!

    @AustinRuadhain I love your strategies! It's hard not to talk about health as it's a big part of my life now but know it can be a drag to others. We usually go for walks after dinner too but my brother broke his foot, I hope my SIL is still up for it! Thank you for all your support this year!

    Thank you everyone for your support, you all are so inspiring!

  • nbbaby
    nbbaby Posts: 202 Member
    edited November 2019
    Hi everyone

    Just want to thank you all for not kicking me out, someday I'll be better & be able to move.
    Dr said I should be in hospital. I have a extreme lung infection.

    He's not sure why yet. I'm on heavy meds, my heart hurts now but I have to hang on for 10 days. hopefully after 5 or 6 days I'll start to feel better today is day 3. I've be sick for 2 months now.

    So there has been no weight loss because apparently I dont need to breathe to eat.
    I'm laying in a bed pretty much day and night, so there is weight gain, so I'm gonna work on that.
    It will be nice to breathe without pain.
    So thank you all for being patient & hanging in there with me. 😘

    That being said if you'd rather I leave please let me know ok. I will totally understand.
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    Week 4
    PW 157.6
    CW 157.8

    @broncobuddee I sent you a message about moving to the bench again if that is ok. Staying in maintenance mode until I have the time and health to concentrate on weight loss again.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 680 Member
    Weigh in week: 4 (28Nov2019)
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 197.7
    Current Weight 199.4 ugh
    Steps: 11/25 12,070 - 11/26, 14,095 - 11/27 6,278

    5 for 90
    Make time for yourself: mostly able to get out and walk, even if it's by myself...I do it for me
    Exercise 30 minutes a day: on track!
    Hydrate: on target
    Give up a trigger food / behavior: uhhhh - night eating, where the eff did you come from???
    Thankful for: having this place at the coast that I can visit and have been able to spend all week here!

    Remember the good, be the good, encourage others on their journey - am really in need of stating mindful to remember the good and not get bogged down in life's ills and woes....everyone has them.

    Man - not going to linger on it but I have a very cranky knee right now and it is harshin' my buzz. Old injury that flared from time to time over the last 10ish years but had been silent for a long while and I attributed it to the weight loss. Not sure what the what and the why but have cut back some on walking but trying to not just - not walk. I'll have it looked at if I can't get it to calm down but it's wreaking havoc just when I was so in the groove with the walking.

    I'm stressing work these days, I think, struggling with feelings of utter inadequacy. A for-real, physical anxiety that has lingered waaay longer that I'd want (as if I ever want it). I don't know if that is why I have been munching at night (classic head in fridge or at the cabinet, trying to be quiet, quick-hurry before the sane Maria can talk me out of it) but that is a habit I gave up years ago and now, out of the blue, it's creeping in for several nights in a row. Working on being realistic and not beating myself up over it and also knowing it has to stop.

    Huge TDay NSVs for me, really am happy how this holiday went. I planned all week - entering recipes into MFP and logging today's food even from several days ago. Got two walks, everything ready when I had planned it - food was delish and I had a very reasonable plate. I ate until I was very satisfied and decided to not eat what was still on my plate at that point. It's really important to me to learn this skill because my current method is to eat by the numbers (and if I put it in front of me, I feel I need to eat it) but I need to learn my body cues and have a different approach so that I can stay in it for the long haul and into maintenance. Yeah, I did eat some later again - had some turkey to satisfy the urge to have a few bites and called it good. Baby steps, Maria - pick your battles.
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Week 4
    PW 157.6
    CW 157.8

    @broncobuddee I sent you a message about moving to the bench again if that is ok. Staying in maintenance mode until I have the time and health to concentrate on weight loss again.

    @sunshineplace Sorry I didn't see the message - but you are all set. Hope to see you back in the challenge section soon!
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    nbbaby wrote: Β»
    Hi everyone

    Just want to thank you all for not kicking me out, someday I'll be better & be able to move.
    Dr said I should be in hospital. I have a extreme lung infection.

    He's not sure why yet. I'm on heavy meds, my heart hurts now but I have to hang on for 10 days. hopefully after 5 or 6 days I'll start to feel better today is day 3. I've be sick for 2 months now.

    So there has been no weight loss because apparently I dont need to breathe to eat.
    I'm laying in a bed pretty much day and night, so there is weight gain, so I'm gonna work on that.
    It will be nice to breathe without pain.
    So thank you all for being patient & hanging in there with me. 😘

    That being said if you'd rather I leave please let me know ok. I will totally understand.

    @nbbaby - This is not the time to entertain thoughts of leaving - and no one wants you to leave. :) You need people to rally around you!
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Day six friends! Starting tmo!f4faqs14tjeg.jpeg
    For me is to finish my inspirational book that I know will help push me through December to the New Year!

    Come on over and join us at the weekly team challenge and share! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’“πŸ™πŸ™ It has been so inspiring from all groups to hear about your successes. Go team at Fat 2 Fib!

  • nbbaby
    nbbaby Posts: 202 Member
    nbbaby wrote: Β»
    Hi everyone

    Just want to thank you all for not kicking me out, someday I'll be better & be able to move.
    Dr said I should be in hospital. I have a extreme lung infection.

    He's not sure why yet. I'm on heavy meds, my heart hurts now but I have to hang on for 10 days. hopefully after 5 or 6 days I'll start to feel better today is day 3. I've be sick for 2 months now.

    So there has been no weight loss because apparently I dont need to breathe to eat.
    I'm laying in a bed pretty much day and night, so there is weight gain, so I'm gonna work on that.
    It will be nice to breathe without pain.
    So thank you all for being patient & hanging in there with me. 😘

    That being said if you'd rather I leave please let me know ok. I will totally understand.

    @nbbaby - This is not the time to entertain thoughts of leaving - and no one wants you to leave. :) You need people to rally around you!

    Thank you so very much, I so appreciate your support. ❀
This discussion has been closed.