Naughty November: Weigh in and accountability thread



  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Height: 5’4”
    Goal: 120

    Nov 01: 126.0
    Nov 08: 126.4
    Nov 15: 126.6
    Nov 22: 126.6
    Nov 29: 127.2
    Nov Goal: 123.0

    LOL! Well, November did not go as planned, did it? I saw 125 on the scale a few times this week so I feel good about that because that’s a really good weight for me. My clothes fit well and I feel good. I can be happy here without guilt. But I will keep working towards a lower weight just because I’d like to try to get to my best shape.

    I have a couple of things to discuss from this week. I’m really disappointed in myself for not running all week. I promise myself that I will get back on track. I have been doing more at the gym though. It feels good to be making progress on strength!

    I threw caution to the wind yesterday on Thanksgiving and didn’t log anything! But then I couldn’t stand not knowing the damage and went back and logged it all this morning. I actually came in under maintenance! Wow. It feels so good that my habits have changed so much that I can go a Thanksgiving without logging and end up in the black!
  • CocoLoris
    CocoLoris Posts: 115 Member
    @Cora0477 - Good job on going back to log your cals. It must not have been easy but what a great surprise that you were under maintenance cals. That is a good sign for the future holidays.
  • mfield4
    mfield4 Posts: 20 Member
    5'8" 40y/o
    SW 162
    Nov GW 159
    Overall GW 150
    Nov 1 162.0
    Nov 2 161.4
    Nov 4 163.8 weekends kill me :(
    Nov 5 162.2
    Nov 7 160.2 - off for the next 4 days. Hoping I can keep eating (and drinking!) mindfully. I'd like the downward trend to continue
    Nov 10 161.0- days off are tough to stay under calories. Especially with the drinking!
    Nov 12 159.4 - I made it through the weekend without gaining! Anyone else IF? I've been doing it about 6 months and have noticed that it helps with my eating, even more than counting calories. If I track all my food all the time, I tend to start obsessing and with IF I just eat 2 healthy meals and don't worry about it.
    Nov 13 - 159.8
    Nov 14 - 158.8 - made my goal! But can I keep it at less than 159 through the end of the month??
    Nov 15 - 159.0 - My goal is to keep it at this through the next 15 days including 2 weekends!
    Nov 16 - 158.0
    Nov 17 - 159.8 - the weekend has struck again! I swear I'd be a size 4 by now if I could just keep it in check over the weekend :neutral:
    Nov 27 - 156.8 - Yay!
    Nov 30 - 157.4

    End of the month and I surpassed my goal! My only goal for December is to stay under 160 until 2020. Continuing my workouts and eating right 80% of the time, but I LOVE Christmas and all the yummy stuff this time of year brings and I'm going to indulge. I'm just going to try to indulge mindfully 😇
  • bees0knees
    bees0knees Posts: 28 Member
    . . . Then, that weekend, my chronically ill kitty crashed - we believe her kidneys just shut down - and even though it's a blessing in disguise (best case scenario hers would have been a life of managing her pain) it still was heartbreaking. . .

    I’m sorry to hear about your sick kitty. I lost one of my babies (cat) to kidney disease. They break your heart when the go.

    Here’s to a wonderful December.

  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    169 cm / 5’5”, 37 y 
    HW: 76.1 kg / 167.8 lbs (26/Aug/19) 
    SW Sep: 74.1 kg / 163.4 lbs 
    SW Oct: 73.6 kg / 162.3 lbs 
    SW Nov: 72.8 kg / 160.5 lbs 
    GW Nov: 70.0 kg / 154.3 lbs
    Overall GW: 57.5 kg / 124.5 lbs 

    01-nov: 72.8 kg
    02-nov: 72.0 kg
    03-nov: 72.3 kg
    04-nov: 73.1 kg
    05-nov: 72.8 kg
    06-nov: 73.3 kg
    07-nov: 73.4 kg
    08-nov: 73.8 kg
    09-nov: 73.1 kg
    10-nov: 73.4 kg
    11-nov: 72.6 kg
    12-nov: 72.6 kg
    13-nov: 72.0 kg
    14-nov: 71.5 kg
    15-nov: 72.2 kg
    16-nov: 72.0 kg
    17-nov: 72.8 kg
    18-nov: 71.9 kg
    19-nov: 71.8 kg
    20-nov: 71.9 kg
    21-nov: 71.2 kg
    22-nov: 72.6 kg
    23-nov: 72.4 kg
    24-nov: 72.4 kg
    25-nov: 73.0 kg
    26-nov: 72.7 kg
    27-nov: 71.6 kg
    28-nov: 72.4 kg
    29-nov: 73.3 kg
    30-nov: 72.3 kg

    November done, lessons in "fluctuations"taken". On the scale, emotionally, domestically and professionally. Whether it be with cravings or water retention to relationship struggles or issues popping up at work. I am surprised that overall I didn't gain weight. I feel pretty proud of that! I am far from where I want to be, but after measuring in some spots over the last two months, I found that I dropped some inches here and there and that keeps progressing even if the scale is having a hickup again. For December I am thinking now to switch to average weight as well to get a better picture.

    The general tendency is downwards, which is good. Well at least for the scales :) The relationship is getting back upwards fortunately. So after a rollercoaster month all is set for an enjoyable last set of weeks before the new year.

    Thanks to all you also for what you are doing here. It helps to share a boat with other people when the winds get rough. Whether I know your real-life you or not. See you in the next thread.
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    It's not been a great holiday around here. Was pet sitting for a friend week before this one, which meant a LOT of driving, so couldn't make the gym - which was fine, I was a bit overdue for a break. Then, that weekend, my chronically ill kitty crashed - we believe her kidneys just shut down - and even though it's a blessing in disguise (best case scenario hers would have been a life of managing her pain) it still was heartbreaking. She was a total sweetheart, and had consumed a large part of my time just taking care of her. So, my other (very healthy) cat and I just spent the holiday being home (had to take a day off work because I was in no shape to even log in remotely). I'm better now that I took the time to grieve, but obviously they always leave paw prints.

    My heart goes out to you. This is a big loss, even if it comes with relieve for her pain to be over.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Thanks for starting the thread @rianneonamission !
    SW 78
    Nov SW 70.3
    Goal: maintain between 69 and 70

    1. Keep on logging every day
    2. Restart push-up challenge
    3. 10.000 steps a day + 2 long walks & 2 dives a week

    I’ve been way over my cals these last days so I’m surprised that I get away with 70.3 this morning. So, time to reign in again to get under the 70. Maintaining is not easy!

    Ok, last week was a bit special: a few days feeling off and that was a good excuse to turn into a couch potato; then a trip for work that took me almost a full 20 hours: a few days of personal time off and then some sugary foods that literary got shoved into our house (2 cookie sales for charities). Needless to say that it wasn't a good week foodwise.
    However, I kept on logging and was actually surprised that I was relatively on goal. Even when I eat whatever I want, I rarely go over 2.000/day.
    That being said, I still need to get back on track and the good news is that hubby seems to have found his mojo; so for him today is day 1 of eating better and moving more. I sincerely hope he'll hang on this time, as this will also help me.

    As for my goals:

    1. I keep on logging every day - yay me!
    2. I did the test, but then I failed miserably again
    3. 2 long walks and 2 dives; 80.700 steps thanks to the beautiful fall hikes

    Current weight: 70.7

    Monday morning update: I did well with food this past week, as hubby is finally joining in ! Pfew ! :smile: However, we could only fit in 2 medium walks and only 1 dive as we were also putting wallpaper in the bedrooms, which is a strenuous exercise in itself!

    Goals update:
    1. I keep on logging, this comes really naturally to me now.
    2. Ahhhh, the pushup challenge. I have put reminders in my agenda to commit myself again !
    3. 2 medium walks and 1 dive: 61.000 steps

    Current weight: 70.3kg - which apparently is my maintenance weight as I keep returning to it. I'll be happy if I can keep this for a year or so. We'll see how it goes.

    Weekly check-in: still doing great foodwise although we had a weekend with friends, eating out three days in a row! We’ve compensated this splurge with two all day hikes !

    1. The logging is a no-brainer
    2. Push-ups are still not happening 🥴
    3. 2 hikes, 2 walks and one dive: 91.000 steps

    Current weight: 69.9. I saw 69.1 for a couple of days and l’m not feeling comfortable with, so I’m happy to have gained some back.

    Last weekly check-in: doing terrible foodwise. I've been stuffing my body mindlessly for a few days with almost no exercise. It's good to be accountable here, or I would probably be on my way back to 80 in no time. Yesterday was the last day of munchies, today I'm back to it !

    1. The logging took me a little more effort last week
    2. Push-ups are back again - yay for that !
    3. 0 walks and one dive and a lot of Netflix: 37.000 steps

    Current weight: 71.6. Which means I've gained 2 kilo's in +- 1 week. Definitely not good, and I need to get a grip in December !
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    @Antiopelle 2kg in 1 week is probably not real and most likely at least partly waterweight! Join me in getting a grip in december! =)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Thanks @l4a_p . I know it's probably - partly - a glitch or water or hormones, but still. I feel like it's deserved for all the eating I've been doing.
    Good to get a reality check though :wink:

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @CocoLoris and @Cora0477 : you guys seem to be in a good spot currently; keep it up :smiley:
    @HoneyBadger155: that is heartbreaking, I hope you'll find some comfort in the fact that it is the better outcome eventually even if it is *kitten* big time for you now. Big hugs !
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 137.8
    GW: 133.8

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Nov 1: 137.8
    Nov 4: 138.6
    Nov 6: 139.2 - Been "sneaking" food and shoving my face alone in dark corners because I'm convinced that if no one else sees it then it doesn't matter and I can get away with it........ I need a food babysitter at all times. Also, did you know that Oreo thins have a latte flavored creme kind? Me and the half empty container know now too LOL! Hope you all are doing better than I am!
    Nov 7: 138.4 - Focused yesterday on moving more and not snacking and stuck to it!
    Nov 8: 138.4
    Nov 11: 138.2
    Nov 12: 138.8 - If I would just snack like a "normal" human being that would be great, but I go big and stay home LOL - Did great all day and then ate way too much dinner, ate way too much chips and salsa, also had some ice cream and an ice cream sandwich. Delicious, yes.... but I definitely didn't need all of it. Going to focus solely on limiting snacking today.
    Nov 13: 137.6 - Actually completed the day under my calorie goal yesterday. I logged all of my food and didn't snack at all. I reached my normal snacking time last night and wasn't really hungry so I skipped it and went to bed early with the hubby. Feeling good this morning and even happier seeing the dip in the scales.
    Nov 15: 136 - Finally doing what I need to do and seeing the scale move is sure motivational. Just over the last 3 days I have taken control of my 'all or nothing snacking' problem. I am learning moderation and only eating what my calories will allow. 3 days down and the rest of my life to go!!!
    Nov 18: 137.6 - Fun weekend with family Back to killing it this week!
    Nov 19: 137
    Nov 20: 137.6 - 3 steps forward and 8 steps back ... attitude yesterday was more of a "it can't hurt that bad if I eat this...and this...and this...." Refocusing and trying harder today
    Nov 21: 136.6 - I feel like a yo-yo lol
    Nov 22: 136
    Nov 30: 137 - Finished on a high note thanks to Thanksgiving and hormonal issues lol

    *crossing my fingers for December*