

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,448 Member
    Wednesday 1/1/20 check in
    Food: not logged but on target
    Water: way over 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes walk, PT and stretching
    Even with being away and eating out every meal, I have been doing well. I have been making the healthiest choices and not over eating. We are leaving today so I have a little cleaning to do and I want to get out for my walk too. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    @phoebe112476 I hope that you like that yoga studio that is 2 blocks away! That would be perfect! Good luck with the budget, never fun but a necessary thing to do!
    @tryingagain5 Those trainers seem to know. I always would have quit a bit before my trainer had me stop different exercises. He always seemed to know how far to push without overdoing it.
    @GingerPwr I think that it is a good thing that you and your husband are going to work on yourselves and rebuild. No matter what the outcome ends up being, I bet you will feel better about the decision at that time. I am sure that it will be an intense year for you but maybe you will learn a lot about you that you didn't know before. What is that saying that Pooh Bear gets credit for...something like-You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think . I think that is what you are going to find out this year. Hugs to you my friend. I know this is going to be a difficult time. I agree, focus on what you do have control over.
    @Cafelelia I am glad that you had a nice new year with your guests. I am sure your MIL appreciated it and hopefully enjoyed it a little too. Enjoy your quieter than usual time. You certainly deserve it. You don't get to unwind very often with your busy family. :)
    @lennoncpa I love that! Thanks for sharing!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 5
    PW: 167.6
    CW: 167.4
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in: Wednesday
    Very pleased with today's weigh in as I consumed a lot of sodium yesterday and thought it would be much worse. Began New Year's with a fried egg sandwich, mimosas and sitting on my butt watching the Rose Parade. And I wasn't even hungover!!! LOL Not the best start to the year. But it was planned and its over and done with. After having "the conversation" in my head last night I still helped myself to a second piece of cornbread even though I wasn't hungry. Not a good day food wise. Water was good; lost track somewhere over 70 oz. Despite yesterday's bad weather I took the dogs for a short walk about our property. Steps for the day ended up at 8,043.

    So for today I made my 24 hour plan. Its snowing so I'm going to do one of JessicaSmithTV's strength training videos this morning. Haven't done one in a while but its my intention to re-establish a strength training schedule during the winter months. Food for the day is written down and I hope to get the dogs out for a short walk if it stops snowing.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Most of us have all set goals or are setting them. Here is a post on how to reach goals and a few worksheets you could use. Starting next week, as mentioned in previous posts, next week the moderators are introducing a habit tracker spreadsheet per team. Unlike our weekly weight tracking, the habit tracker will be voluntary, and each member is able to access that spreadsheet daily to track his or her habits. More on that in the January thread when it is up in a day or two.


  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Wednesday 01/01 check in:
    Food: logged and under
    Water: Not great - about 24oz
    Exercise: 45min cycle ride, 4k steps

    Did a trip to the allotment. Have not been there for over a month, so had a fair bit of purple sprouting brocolli, cauliflower and cabbage to pick. Also harvested the last of the beetroot. Part of my goals this year is to be more organised with the allotments and dedicate time each week to it (and not just in spring and summer!). There is such a feeling of pride and satisfaction when harvesting (especially in the middle of winter) and when feeding the family with plates full of veg that you have grown yourself.

    Had my partner's sisters and niece over for lunch which was lovely. Had to guesstimate the calories as they had dished up my plate whilst I was still putting the food on the table - didn't feel I could take it all off the plate and weigh it back on! (Should have dished my own up in the kitchen before taking it to the table!).

    Did another cycle ride once our visitors had left - but shorter one this time asdidn't have much time available and it did not have a monster hill in it! Trying to decide whether to go out now for a ride, but is a bit drizzly outside....
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Happy New Year! Hope you all had a nice holiday & are ready to start 2020 on a positive note! I am ready to get back to goal this year! I am ready!!

    @lennoncpa I love all those tips! They are all true! I am really try to follow them more this year!

    I did not get a chance to read all your posts, but I will try to catch up.

    Have a wonderful day! :smiley:

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,067 Member
    Week 4
    Pw 190
    Cw 190.4
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,067 Member
    I'll take the small gain. I actually thought it was going to be worse because I have been eating all the leftover snacks from Christmas. I did just throw them all in the trash. I ate healthy today and there is a bonus zumba class at the gym tonight that I plan on going to even though I'm exhausted after going back to work today after a 2 week vacation.
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    @ljdanny I absolutely love zumba - I think it would be the only exercise that could possibly persuade me to venture out when exhausted! The class I go to doesn't start back up till next Wednesday and I can't wait.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thursday 1/2 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 10 minute warmup on the treadmill, 30 minute session with my trainer

    I've been doing better with getting in my fruits, veggies and water the last couple of days. Now I just need to continue doing that all (or at least most of the time)

    I slept really well for about 3 hours today and then woke up. I had a really hard time getting back to sleep. I think I was awake for over an hour before I fell asleep again. It's a good thing I don't have to volunteer with the kids tonight because I need a nap before work. We have this week off yet, it starts back up next Thursday.

    The gym was really busy today. A lot of regulars but I saw some new faces too. My trainer worked me hard today. My heart rate monitor showed I burned 272 calories in the 40 minutes that I worked out. The treadmill warm up wasn't very intense on purpose but the training session was. Next week I start training with him 3 days a week again and I know he's going to push me hard.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,089 Member
    Your JANUARY chat page has just gone up!

    This is always a bit crazy at the end of our challenge month. We open the new one, where you can go and post an introduction, or whatever you want to say at the beginning of the new month. But keep doing your week 5 weigh-ins here, and discussions don't really have to move to the new one until Sunday. We just like to be prepared B)

    You can find it in the list (sometimes you have to click on "all discussions" to find it) or just go to
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,448 Member
    Just a quick check in-we are back from the shore. It was so nice to get a way for a little bit. The girls actually kept the house clean AND Shannon had all the Christmas lights on for me. I know, I do have to take them down soon but I love them so much. Today, I was able to actually walk on the beach. I was really tired after. I only walked for 30 minutes but I went at a good pace. I am disappointed that I am getting tired out so quickly but I really haven't been walking since before the summer. I am going to have to start walking more now that I am feeling better. I don't get out of breath, my legs just get so tired. I don't remember when I took advil last for my hip or knee so I am doing much better. I guess I just have to build my endurance up again. I can't believe it isn't even 8:30 and I am ready to go to bed Lol! I will check in again tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.

    @nstephenson01 Nice loss especially if you had a lot of sodium yesterday-I bet you are even lower. I have to remember to check out those Jessica videos. I need to have more of a routine with strength training. I have just been doing random exercises and don't really have a routine. Sounds like you have a good plan for the day. Guess with the snow the barn project is on hold a bit.
    @Cafelelia I love those goal trackers above. Where did you get them from? I would like to print them out.
    @Freeglerock How cool that you have an allotment and you still are harvesting things from it! Is it close to your house? You are doing great on your bike. I need to get mine fixed, it is in the garage. You are really making me want to get out and ride!
    @kirsten11872 Happy New Year! Let's make 2020 our year!
    @ljdanny That isn't really bad at all. I am glad that you got the treats out of the house. They are just too tempting for me to have around. I believe I already saw you got to your zumba class. That is awesome especially after the first day back to work.
    @ljdanny and @Freeglerock I am too uncoordinated for zumba Lol! So many people love it and I am always in the back of the class doing the wrong thing :D
    @tryingagain5 I actually have been doing well the past few days with veggies and water too. Maybe after having a week of indulging more than usual, we actually wanted them more. Sounds like you had a really good workout today. I know it is hard while you are going through it but isn't it satisfying when you are done? Have a good night a work. :)
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited January 2020
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,979 Member
    Yesterday I had fruit and yogurt for breakfast and a pre packaged salad for lunch. It wasn't enough and I snacked too much when I got home from work.

    Supper was a large Waldorf salad, which was delicious, but then I ended up grabbing chips later, so yesterday had its ups and downs.

    I found an app that does 30 day training for different target areas. Did my first set of exercises yesterday.

    Today I had a poached egg on half a bagel with cream cheese and strawberries. Hoping a little protein keeps me more satisfied through the morning.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Can someone please remind me of the IF app you all were using? @kirsten11872 I think you were using one that I liked
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Also can someone please send me the generic link for someone interested in F2F?
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Week 5
    PW: 163.1
    CW: 162.9
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    edited January 2020
    Quick check in as I need to leave early for my yoga class because the roads are an icy mess.
    Food: Great all day until evening
    Water: Really good but lost track while MFP was down
    Exercise: JessicaSmithTV 30 minute total body strength training, 30 minute dog walk, shoveled snow; 10,210 steps

    I put together my 24 hour plan and did great all day until the evening. Hubby made ham & potato soup. It simmered along all day in the crock pot and smelled great. I went back for not seconds but THIRDS!!! I'm not sure why I'm overeating at night lately and need to examine the reason... Ugh. Hubby is a great cook but he's messy and he doesn't clean up. I cleaned the dishes, drank a glass of water, set my IF app (for the first time in a really long time) and went to bed. It was just soup, I told myself LOL. I'm pretty sore today, but in a good way, from the strength training. I took my measurements yesterday morning and they're slightly up. I think its because I'm less toned from not doing any strength exercises for quite some time. So far today my 24 hour plan is created... now to see if I can control my eating tonight.

    Will catch up with all you lovelies later. Happy Friday!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,089 Member
    UPDATE! F2F's own Habit Tracker

    Everyone on any team is welcome to use our habit tracking spreadsheet. The tracking starts on Sunday, but please go in and set up your name and list of habits before then if you can. Here is how it works:
    1. open https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hGjC7OQrH9Cb8U5gmkeax8VXYm2wsTiSYg43Dg0s_LE/edit?usp=sharing
    2. go to the bottom, and choose your team from the tabs
    3. put your MFP use name in the column on the left (highlight "name" and type in yours to replace it)
    4. add up to five habits you want to track daily
    5. check the box when you do it!
    It is completely up to you to update your own tracking. Do it every time you finish, daily, weekly - however you want. Just be sure it is complete at the end of every Saturday so we can include this in the weekly winners circle!

    Any problems? Message me @jugar or ask here and your Captain can find out!
This discussion has been closed.