2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Checking in....so far, so good here. Places are opening up with social distancing restrictions. My mom, who you all know has a multitude of health issues, went to get her hair done yesterday. My sister took her. I think it was a frivolous and dangerous decision but they didn’t ask me, so... I just know that I’m not in any hurry to go anywhere that isn’t absolutely required. Our hiking/walking trails haven’t opened yet. As soon as they do I know my husband is going to want to go. My foot is really hurting and I have no idea what to do to get it back to normal. I’m probably just going to try icing it three or four times a day and stay off of it as much as possible. Hopefully it will be better by the time we can go hiking again.

    I’ve thought about trying the Mediterranean diet as well. I know I can’t get my husband to eat fish but I usually have to cook two meals anyway (when I’m eating healthier). I’ve been eating what he eats lately to save time on cooking and I haven’t been this heavy in years. I’ve got to stop the madness!!!! I’m avoiding the grocery store but I’m almost completely out of fresh produce...and even frozen veggies. I’ll probably go next week so that gives me some time to come up with a menu plan and try to get back on track.

    Hang in there everyone!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    omg on your mom's hair Suzy.. i have to admit that would freak me out too.. but that said we are still in full blown stoppage here.. well i lie... the nurseries and hardware stores are opening tomorrow with strict social distancing required and they hired a bunch of inspectors to go around checking ...but they will be the first opening in 2 months... i think next week stores that front onto a sidewalk will be allowed to open for curbside pickup only.. not inside. Rumour here is things like hair salons won't be open til the end of July .. i'm kinda lucky that way as my hair is so straight it has just gotten long and i just put it in a ponytail.. i had to trim my bangs but other than seeing the many varied colors of my real hair coming thru... lol... its kinda funny really cause the back has gone so dark.. and the front of course is showing some of the "pale" color (alias for grey!) so by the time i can get to the salon i may actually know what my "real" hair color looks like at this stage of the game! I plan to continue to self isolate myself as well for a while... i find the grocery store the most anxious for me because people just dont SD there... so i feel for ya....

    You mentioned earlier you know what's wrong with your foot Suzy.. but you didn't say what that was... is there a chance you could call a doc to get it seen to? /im not sure how things work there with that kind of thing during the pandemic.. but will cross my fingers it gets better soon cause having a sore foot impacts our movement so much... please keep us up on how you are doing!! If you do know what's causing it maybe you can find some treatment tips online at a reputable physio site or something?

    I think i managed to download the app for the fitness class this afternoon... we'll see. I will dress in my sweats and sneakers just in case it's like zoom and everyone can see you.. and i'll make sure there's nothing embarrassing in the background either LOLOL... most embarrassing tho is gonna be if i can't keep up after 8 weeks of inactivity!! i guess at that point i may have to "inadvertently" close the app by mistake... ahem...... ha

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    PS.. i only have a vague idea of what the mediterranean diet is.. i gather it incorporates several different mediterranean cultures but im gonna have to do some research on it.. i found a FB page thats MD for beginners lol... i joined it for future reference but i will have to learn more about it to start trying to incorporate it as i go... if i've learned one thing over the years its not to try to go whole hog at one time... even tho i'm starting to look a bit like a hog myself these days!! ha
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    I’ve always said that as long as there’s even one box of Clairol hair color left on earth, that I will not go grey. I never envisioned a pandemic shutting down the world as we know it. Luckily I have curly hair so you can’t quite see my grey roots as clearly as if I had straight hair....but it’s getting close. Haha! I’m not worried about it though.

    Snoozie....you do not look like a hog. We’re all struggling. We’ll get back on track. We’re not super heroes though. Hang in there and good luck with the fitness class. You’re braver than I am.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Mediterranean sounds so nice - makes me think of wine and cheese and olives and fresh fruit and veg ... I think it's meant to be more like you describe, with some fish. Can you get some decent oily fish for your omega 3s? You have reminded me I need to eat more. I haven't been able to get decent fish delivered, sadly.

    I didn't realise you had carotid artery disease as well as the thyroid problems. I suppose it's a good thing you noticed the lump and at least have more information to go on now. I hope it all goes well on Monday. As if you need anything else to add to the stress!

    Anyway, just a quick check in from me ... it's a public holiday today and I managed to see my son. We made our walks coincide and talked from a safe distance with our masks on. I am really lucky that he is living walking distance from my house and we can do this! It completely made my day!

    I hope you are all OK. :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi all. Just doing a weekly “wellness” check on all - hope everyone is doing okay
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Doing well here! Things are opening up but I’m still keeping my distance. However, I have to take my dad to the doctor tomorrow. My sister decided that she wanted to change their primary doctor.....in the middle of a pandemic! She took mom today and couldn’t take dad, so...tag, I’m it.

    I’m still helping with my granddaughter and loving every minute!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    omg suz.... she's BEAUTIFUL!! ya i bet you're loving every minute of it LOLO

    IM SO glad you are able to be with her; i have friends here who still can't hug their grandkids as we're all still at stay at home self isolation mode... 9 weeks in... it's crazy they are opening some golf courses tomorrow here "with social distancing" and yet one still can't still their family outside their own original bubble... we have over 3000 cases still in my little part of the city.... so i think we have our priorities screwed up just a bit at the moment!! Like you, i won't be heading anywhere for a very long time yet...

    my cousin on the other hand who lives down east has a much different situation there as its far more rural and with no new cases at all in the past 3 weeks in the province (like your state) they have now added one other house to their bubbles so she got to hug her grandkids a few weeks ago.. i thot she was gonna float away with happiness lol

    thanks for checking in and glad to hear all is well... ummm good luck with the doc.. yss strange time to decide to switch LOL

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh, that frog - yes, that is me! Except I'm not making eye contact with the mirror. I keep coming here and saying I'll get on top of it and then I don't. However, I am not obese! My BMI is 29.9, so I am still officially in the overweight category! Yet again, I have been baking, and things are different with the little air fryer oven I have now, so it took a lot of trial and error, which of course meant batches and batches of baking. Did I through away the trial batches that weren't perfect? Did I heck. So I need to stop it. It's not even something I normally do - just something about this situation.

    Lovely picture of your granddaughter, Suzy! Isn't she gorgeous? She looks like she's chuckling away there. I'm so happy for you that you are getting time with her. Good luck with taking your dad to the doctor. Hopefully they have arrangements in place to keep safe now.

    I am still being ultra-careful. I have to share homeworking equipment at work which I am quite upset about, as I think we should all have our own equipment and not be passing it back and forth, risking infection. I think if that one thing was sorted, I would feel a lot more relaxed. Restrictions are slightly easing up here, which also makes me nervous. I suppose I have to be even more careful now! It is still a little bit difficult going for walks - 95% of people are being careful too, but there's always some that don't. I recognise that the two metre rule is arbitrary, but it helps my peace of mind if people stick to it!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    What a beautiful smile she has...such a precious baby!
    Just a quick pop in after getting off work. all is well here..

    I will take time to read up on the posts this weekend hopefully.
    Bye G
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Glad to hear all is well with you. You sound busy! It's good that you are checking in.

    Milove, how are you? Have things eased up at all?

    Hope things are well with all of you. Suzy, feel free to share updates - I love hearing about friends' grandchildren!

    How is your Mediterranean diet going, Snooozie?

    I have been trying to get to grips with my diet and exercise, as I am concerned about how much I've put on and how unfit I am. I am nervous about going out, so not even getting as much walking as I used to, and obviously no dance classes, gym, etc. I have now put my step back in the middle of the living room floor where I have to trip over it or walk round to remind me that I have to exercise! And there it will stay! As I don't have visitors just now anyway. I am doing the odd steps as I'm passing by, and also had a go an old Reebok video from 1992 (on youtube). It started off so easy, but became impossible and I didn't want to have to put the step down a notch - ah well, something to work up to.

    Diet-wise, well I have been better, but I tried tracking today, and what I thought was a really good day of mainly eating fruit and veg (yes, a potato is a vegetable!) took me right up to my maintenance calories, and I still want to eat more. It is so easily done.

    Being on my own in this situation feels strange. I had a zoom meeting booked with friends today, and they cancelled because they were too busy, which is fine but I need this! Luckily I had another zoom meeting. But I'm starting to feel more isolated now that people are going further back to "normality" and leaving me behind - and at the same time, I feel it's not safe to try to catch up.

    But strangely enough, feeling kind of motivated today for a change.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail i swear i could have written your post myself!! well about the being on your own thing and feeling more isolated now..

    Everyone else in my world lives with at least one other human, or they live in a province that is far ahead of us and enabling "one extra hub" addition to their own so they get to see people... i have not seen in person and talked to another human in almost 2 months.. as in a friend or family - i have chatted with my concierge from 20 feet away but that doesnt count... and i went through a bad period where going out even for a walk was far more anxiety ridden for me than staying in.. in fact it got to the point where i thot ok you gotta get your head together before this becomes a real problem for you.. so i forced myself out and made myself focus on things like the birds and the flowers in the gardens and just enjoying the sunshine... at first when i woudl see someone coming towards me i woudl start to get anxious but realized i could easily avoid them by simply walking up someones driveway til they passed, or stepping onto the road... and that really helped with the anxiety of being out... so i get my walk every day and that's nice.. but the other 23 hrs of the day i am alone with just me... and its starting to wear on me for sure. i do have a weekly wine therapy with 2 of my friends where we video chat but sometimes i feel like i just listen cause i have nothing to add.. they have families and cottages and gardens but i'm not doing anything except sitting at home... so the isolation is exacerbated realizing i dont have much to contribute to the convo... and as you said things are slowly going back to a bit of normal here for most people, but i live in a "hot spot".. our province of Ontario (like a state in the US) is still getting over 300 new cases a day and my particular city is particularly high so even tho some storefront stores are opening and a few parks might be opening tomorrow, my world will not change because of this..... i need to continue to isolate until the cases start coming WAY down..

    I got invited to a really good friend's backyard last week... i know she and her husband have been self isolating but they have a daughter who goes out to work living with them... but i know they have been good because she wont even let her sister come to the house because in her opnion the sister has been out and about far too much... lol anyway she said she would put the lawn chairs out 20 ft apart and we could sit and visit.. i had to think long and hard because the thot of it made me anxiousi but i said ok... and when i got there was perfect.. we were nowhere near each other it was a lovely day weather wise and we sat and chatted in person for over an hour.... the freaky thing is i got totally emotional after i arrived.... i simply didn't realize the emotional impact it would have seeing one of my friends face to face and talking... how much i had missed that interaction ... so i totaly get where you are coming from... maybe if you are on messenger on FB we could do a video chat (that's the only way i know how to do it but im not sure that would work with someone overseas) but im willing to give it a try.. i could ask my BIL how he does chats with his son who is here...

    As for the mediterraneon WOE.. i'm actually doing pretty well... i'm doing baby steps so far because im not throwing out any of the food i already have in but i joined a great FB group for beginners and they have helped with easy tips to "med up" a normal meal by swapping out some stuff here and there.. so basically so far i've added a lot more meat and am eating less meat (it's now a side instead of the main) and i'm roasting a lot of veg lol.. ( it still amazes me how an entire pan of veggies put in to roast turns into a tiny little bit when its done!! ) I still have a long way to go - i'm going to attempt adding some grains next week which are totally unfamiliar to me but so far so good... still struggling with sweets of course and the ever tehre potato chips lol... but... im making progress. NOT in the exercise/moving department tho.. i absolutely have to figure out a way to do more physically as im starting to feel more aches and pains from sitting around so much and i know if i move more i will hurt less.. but i havent figured that part out yet....

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hi everyone! Still here, still healthy...thank you lord! I really feel for those of you who are isolated and alone. I (jokingly) complain about how my husband needs to go back into the office but I know how lucky I am. His office is now saying that they may never go back to an office environment, just work from home...forever. Luckily he can do his job from home and actually be more productive. I would find it difficult to be totally by myself. It must be so difficult. Hang in there ladies! I’m available for messenger chats, FaceTime, zoom..just let me know.

    My foot is still pretty painful. I’m doing some stretching twice a day and it feels better directly afterwards but quickly hurts again. I’m hoping the stretching will help eventually. I went out for a walk yesterday since all the trails have opened up. We picked a good time because hardly anyone was out. My husband went hiking without me today...to one of our favorite trails in the mountains. It’s a bit depressing that I can’t go. I seriously think the main problem with my foot is that I’ve gained so much weight. I’ve been cutting back a bit but need to find the motivation to do better. I’m finding that I’m just tired of food...thinking about it, making it, eating it. Ugh.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    oh suzy.. im so sorry to hear your foot is still so painful! is there any chance you could see a doc about it or is everything there still on hold re the pandemic? does heat and/or ice help at all along with the stretching? i feel so bad for you because i know when your foot is sore it makes any movement at all difficult especially beacuse you love your hiking so much :( fingers crossed you get some relief soon...

    haha on hubby needs to go back to work.. i have friends who are both working from home and have adult kids living back with them who were in uni.. i have to do periodic checks and demand "proof of life" during a video chat on the hubby just in case she goes over the edge lol.. there's a LOT of wine consumption going on to keep many peeps sane!! Some business here have said wont even think of returning to office til February 2021 will work from home til then... love that you offered chats to us too .. thank you!! so sweet..

    omg on the tired of food... honest to god i totally agree.. tired of thinking about it, buying it, making it and yes even eating it.. which is why sadly so many potato chips and crap make their way into my mouth.. its so much easier than cooking!! but i have cut down on those.. as in i'm not eating a bag every day now... one of my docs called me friday after my blood tests to say the thyroid levels have come down a good bit so i can stagger my meds now; instead of 2 a day alternate 1 a day then 2 then 1 etc... i said to her that ifigured since the weight loss had STOPPED, it was either the meds were working... or it was due to pandemic eating .... at least she laughed and said prolly a bit of both but making back off a bit on the pandemic eating..sigh... and i swear to god.. at the time she called me at3pm?? i was eating potato chips !!! yes i was.. and when i saw her name on the phone i was like oh *kitten*.. caught in the act lol.. thankfully wasnt a video call tho!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaa

    i had a nice salad for lunch made up with a lot of leftover roast veggies and some lettuce and cucumber with a touch of ranch dressing... and dinner was just a grilled cheese and ham sandwich lol.. couldnt stand the thought of chopping or peeling anything more right now.. and i was a slug today didnt even go for a walk .. my goal was to putter but honestly .. even that didnt happen :(

    glad to hear we are all ok and well - hope to hear from Milove soon but I know as she is front line that may not be possible but fingers crossed all is well ...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    Hahaha! I opened up a can of soup for us for dinner. Neither of us was really hungry or interested in a big dinner.

    I could probably get a doctor appointment but I’m trying the stretching first. My first approach was icing and metatarsal pads in my shoes. That didn’t do anything though. I really, really need to take off about 40 pounds, okay 60 but I’d be ecstatic with 40!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    well i got on the scales this morning and decided to update my ticker.. sigh. Without any pb or classes for at least another few months if not next year, i'm going to have to start working on my weight with my food intake.. i know WHY i'm up - and im not gonna guilt over it; this pandemic is not something anyone has ever experienced before and everyone has turned to whatever gets them thru it food, alcohol, whatever.. and obviously being an emotional eater food/crap was my choice. But since it doesnt seem like we will be free of this threat for a while, i think its time i tried to get back to healthier eating.

    While i have done better moving to med by adding more veg and less meat during the day, portion wise is still out of control and the evenings ... well they are just a round of junk food every nite.. bordom, anxiety, and whatever other emotional roller coaster i'm on takes over. I ALMOST went out last night to buy potato chips.. yes i did... so I had a margarita instead to ensure i wouldnt drive to get the chips... how insane is THAT logic?? lol and because i haven't been drinking much at all lately because i really only drink when i get togehter with my friends ..and that aint happening.. and i don't even have a glass of wine anymore with dinner (and thats only because food is my go to, not alcohol) so that margarita hit me really hard lol..
    but i figured was time for me to record my weight and i will refer to it as my "pandemic weight gain" not a regain! so PWG is what i am going to work on getting rid of now ... i can't wait for this pandemic to be "over" to start.. sigh..

    hang in there everyone... we WILL get through this and there will be better times ahead!! hugs all around
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Ps had a quick little note from miliove she is ok 👍 (just in case she doesn’t get a chance to post wanted to let you know 😊
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,353 Member
    I’m so glad Milove is doing well! Thanks for letting us know.

    I’m doing pretty well during the day but evenings are hard for me as well. For example, I made enchiladas tonight. I make them with ground chicken, bell pepper, onion, zuchini and fat free cheese with corn tortillas. So, not too bad with calories but I only needed half of what I ate. I only put half on my plate but then went back and got the rest. Why can’t I control myself? It’s so disheartening.

    I have picked up a really bad habit of having a gin & tonic on the back porch in the evening before dinner. It’s diet tonic, does that count? Lol. I’m sure this new habit has something to do with my bad judgement on eating as well. Duh. I did go grocery shopping yesterday and bought some good veggies and snacks and did NOT buy ice cream and cookies.

    If everything starts getting better, we’re planning a trip at the end of July (driving) to our great nephew’s Bar Mitzvah. We would go through Mississippi to see my nephew and family, through San Antonio to see my brother and his family (meet my new great niece), the to Fort Worth for the Bat Mitzvah. Big trip! I don’t want to be this heavy if I get to see everyone. So I’ve got about eight weeks to lose a few pounds.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy i did a lovely "med" dinner.. even cooked something new (farro - its a grain and i'd never heard of it but this week trying to incorporate grains) anyway it was really good and had a nice balsamic chicken alongside.. all nice and compliant ... after whih i proceeded to eat 1/2 a bag of potato chips (yup i bought them this morning when i was buying the nice healthy veggies) sigh.... and now i just ate an orange... why at 9:45 pm ?? i'm not the least bit hungry... or wasnt before it.. but... i wanted something to eat.. yes its fine its a fruit.. but after a filling dinner and a 1/2 bag of chips did i need an orange? i did not... sigh...

    If i had a back porch i can guarantee i'd be having something (not a gin and tonic i got sick on gin as a teenager lol) but something out there every day!

    oh wow.. i will keep my fingers crossed you can do your trip!! Wowsa.. here thats such a far off possibility its almost unfathomable.. but we are still in the "main" stage of the pandemic because people will just not stay home and will not respect social distancing rules.. so the numbers keep going up.. so frustrating... however i would be absolutely thrilled if you get to do that trip and see your family i will cross every body part i can for you!

    and honestly.. while i get you want to lose a wee bit before you go.. just remember.. the bestest thing ever is that you coudl get to see your family... these past two months that has been a dream for many and they are gonna love being able to hug you in person without even thinking about anyone's size or shape, believe me!

    i have been getting my walking in every day but a 45 min walk aint gonna cut it.. i tried to do an online fitness class today an the perky little twit running it was grating on my nerves and i just wasnt feeling it... i knew with all the knee lifts and kicks my hips were gonna hurt so i bailed about 15 min in lol... it was supposed to be a low impact cardio but i'll wait for the less.. everything one they are offering online on friday.. little more suited to my abilities at the moment! or lack thereof ha