2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Still kickin' here...some people have said they had the stuff at work, so there is a lot of "wait and see" if you got too close to them. I have one that works at night with me. I don't usual get too close, and we wear masks, but occasionally I pull mine off to breathe a bit...so who knows. and I almost always scratch my nose before thinking about washing my hands...….UGH!!

    Suzy, Sorry the foot is still giving you trouble. That is one of the most aggravating areas to hurt or be sore....you can't do much without using it. Wish it was a better time, I would ask you to give me a shout out when you came through Mississippi to stop for a pee break. lol You might could have scheduled one near Forest if you travel Interstate 20.

    Snoozie, Suzy, Val I totally agree with the eating. I am so tired of cooking or trying to come up with stuff. I have fallen into a can of this and a can of that with some of those and "SUPPER's READY!!" But my boredom hasn't kept me from gaining. I saw 200 on the scales one day last week, so I freaked and tried to get back in the game. If I go over that ledge it could be detrimental. got it down to 196 ….looks better to me.

    I live my life as an introvert, so life isn't too much different for me, but at least I have hubby. There is also the MNL!! She is available to anyone who is lonely and needs someone else....I can have her there in 15 minutes or less with an extra pair of drawers!! jus' sayin.....

    We should all try that zoom meeting, chat stuff sometime. but I have to reposition the computer first , so It won't look too messy behind the camera. lol

    Take care my virtual friends...…
    Stay well !!
    Keep your distance. ( I am going to have that put on a T-shirt back)

    Shout out to Milove, Susan!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - i had to laugh at your repositioning of the computer!!! I have one spot for my video chats i know is "safe" cause i'm on my phone and its a smaller screen view :) but when i did the online fitness class... i just moved everythign from end of the living room to the other behind the computer LOLOL... so there was nothing in front of the camera! Then i stood behind the computer to look and realized you could see the bathroom from the corner so i had to go and shut the bathrooom door too... haaaaaaaa

    I remember years ago having some g/friends over for a girls night out and i ran out of places to hide crap so i shoved a bunch of stuff under the bathroom vanity cause its big.. one of my friends had broght me a bottle of wine and knew i would make her take it home so she decided to hide it... guess where? yup.. of ALL the places around here she chose under the bathroom vanity and told me it was there on the way out.. i almost died of embarassment lol!

    omg on the work.. i know it's hard but please don't take your mask off at all unless you're 6 feet away from whoever you work with, and especially if you have to touch the same stuff as them! People have become very lax here which is why we still have thousands of cases with more and more every day 3 months into this thing so please protect yourself!!

    AWESOME on getting back to 196 girl.. holy cow!! you are my hero!! I have at least six pounds to lose to get back to "acceptable" pre pandemic weight, not my goal weight thats a lot further away!! seriously impressed well done you!

    im still doing ok on the med diet transition... only about 50% of the way there in reality but have def cut down on the meat and upped the veg.. yesterday i made a lunch pizza with a lebanese pita (larger than a regular one not sure its med compliant but its what i had) put some olive oil on it then a bunch of diced veg like onion and peppers and mushrooms and tomato slices topped with a little parmesan and a wee bit of mozerella (about 1/8 of what i would normally put on one!) and some fresh basil and put it right on the oven rack.. it was really good nice and crispy and thin - next time i would leave off the basil til it comes out as it got incinerated when i kicked on the broiler for a minute to finish it off lol) but the group on fb i joined has lots of suggestions for changing a reg meal into more med so that's helped a lot.. dinner tonite will be some fettucine with a bunch of veg (same ones as the pizza plus a few peas) and i'll sautee the veg first in olive oil to be med compliant and then add a splash of white wine and some of the starchy water to make a bit of a "sauce" with some added parmesan.. wont be like the creamy alfredo i used to love but i bet it will taste fine. I'm using a new bread called "Dave's Killer Bread" which is a seeded loaf (like Ezekials i think if you know that kind) anyway its actaully really good and exellent toasted i discovered.. so im upping my grains and seeds too. I'm not sure i'll ever get around to trying the greek yogourt i bought before it expires.... but.... i also have kale in my freezer oh i shoudl put some of that in the pasta... and i never would have believed that lol.. (i have only tried it once in the farro i made and frankly i put about 6 small pieces int he whole dish so couldnt taste it anyway LOLOL..

    Because the special snowflakes who think the health rules dont apply to them are the ones controlling this outbreak here right now by their choices and spreading it, im still confined to quarters as such but i do get otu for my walk at the lake early in the morning again which has helped lifted my spirits... and i'm slowly starting to tackle a few of the chores i could have done during all this.. i say starting to because i start to say clear out the laundry room shelve and get 2 emptied.. then get bored and leave it LOLOLOL.. OH WELL

    stay safe and well my friends!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    59 years old today. I’ve been dieting since I was about 14. I’ve never been at a weight where I was comfortable with my body. It’s very very sad. I have 365 days (one whole year) to lose 60 pounds when I haven’t been able to do that in the last 45 years. I’ve got to have a plan if I’m going to accomplish this goal. I’ve looked at the Mediterranean Diet and I know I won’t be able to do that...my husband will not eat fish and I really don’t want to cook two separate meals every night. So....5 pounds a month on average? I’m going to do the best I can.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Wishing you a very happy birthday my friend!!! I hope you got to perhaps see your granddaughter as a present and have a lovely celebration dinner !
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - my journey started at 16 so i'm not far behind you in having spent decades trying to lose weight because I wasn't comfortable or happy with my weight. Well actually thats not true i didnt try for years because my extra weight was my "security blanket" .. but that's another story..

    So you want to lose 60 lbs in a year from your post... i see you've broken it down into 5 lbs a month to get there.. so that tells me you've already decided you're going to do it!! There's no question finding the right plan for each of us is the biggest step we have to take.. and lord knows we've all done every 'diet" known to man over our lifetimes! (keep in mind for me, the med diet idea isn't for weight loss - its to lower my cholesterol) so i havent figured out how to transition to more of it (i fully admit i will never be fully med diet compliant btw) but to do more plant based AND lose weight .. so the "plan" is indeed the most important step IMO....

    Has there been a particular method that has worked well for you in the past.. counting cals, portion control, food pairings whatever... ? Maybe if so you could re visit that plan and see how it goes? I know for me tracking made a difference, but i admit the thought of doing a food diary again fills me with dread... but i may have to do it to actually lose weight..

    So im just thinking maybe if you give some thought to what method or combo of methods has worked for you before, you could go with that plan and see if it is still the right idea for you? God knows things change as we get older (I'll be 59 next month btw so i can relate).. but once you decide on the planl you want to try, you will feel more in control and more confident you CAN lose the weight you want to.. and more pumped about the fact you are going to be doing something great for yourself!! And remember we'll be here cheering you on all the way!!! Hugs
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    The one thing that has ever really helped me was to log my food here on MFP and to walk six days a week. I guess I have my plan. Now to gather my self determination and start. Tomorrow is the day! I had a really nice birthday. Spent the day with my daughter and granddaughter and fusion tacos for dinner. Tomorrow is day one of my journey to goal weight and improved health!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday, Suzy! I hope you had a lovely day! It's great that you have a plan for losing!

    My weight history is strange. I don't think I ever went over about 120 lb (apart from when I was pregnant) until I got close to age 40. Then it really crept up quickly and before I knew it, I'd gained about 100lb. I just found some old photographs after, of just before I started gaining. I'm so annoyed that I let that happen. I lost 60lb in peri-menopause. I kept it off for a few years and but have just put on about a stone and borderline obese. Now post-menopausal and I'm convinced that makes a difference and makes things harder. Everything's harder! Cravings are worse, exercise hurts more, etc.

    I am sitting here at the moment, having just cooked and eaten a delicious meal (Thai green curry), and all I can think about is that I want to eat something else. It's just nagging and nagging away in my mind, whatever I try to do to distract myself. I'm not hungry, I just really, really want to eat and can't stop thinking about it. I am like that every night now.

    Exercise wise, I haven't been great, but have been doing a lot more online exercise videos than I was. I get so anxious when I go out, so I'm preferring to exercise indoors. I have been doing step and zumba - such hard work! I am so unfit! And frustratingly, don't ever seem to get fitter!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - i swear the thinking about eating is part of the pandemic isolation because i'm the same.. i can have an awesome healthy filling dinner and before my fork is barely on the empty plate i'm already thinking what will my snack be ... i KNOW part of it for me is just boredom and stress because i'm like you - i still rarely go out except for walks and the required groceries and/or meds because case #'s are still so high in my area.. i've done a few online too one of which i found way too hard... and even walking outside im horrified at how i'm out of breathe and wanna quit after just a couple of blocks... im not so anxious on my walks now because i have room to move away from people .. (which happens a lot as nobody here seems to be doing the 6 ft thing anymore) and i totally agree about post menopausal its harder.. i think they have even proven that somewhere... our hormones are all messed up too and that doesnt help ... but i definitely want to lose these extra pounds too and since I don't see my exercise increasing at all in the near future, its gonna have to be for weight. I'm eating a lot more veggies and less meat BUT im still eating a lot of crap.. and just eating a lot period.. i cna't remember the last time i actually felt hunger... :(

    I may have to suck it up and start tracking again... sigh.... but i've given myself this weekend to figure it out and see what I'm going to do.. (you inspired me Suzy!)

    Hang in there Vail... this pandemic has thrown us all off mentally, physically and emotionally so i think we need to cut outselves a little slack (while at the same time recognizing we have to get a handle on it maybe now) but i think it's also the whole unknown fear thing kicking in too.. are we gonna get thru this just to hit a second wave.. is this what life is gonna be like for the next months/years?? every time i start to think about that i have to shut it down cause i just get anxious.... and tell myself nope things WILL get back to normal and i wanna be able to get rid of this weight for when it does.. sending hugs
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh!!! The THINKING about eating is all consuming!!! I agree! Why oh why am I obsessing on it?

    Day one (Thursday) went great! I ate well, I logged everything, we went for a walk (I mistakenly thought my foot was good enough for hiking and wanted to try a short walk...nope), I got to bed early! Great day! Day two started out great. Went to the gym at 6:00 am (husband is now going for swimming laps so I have some motivation to go), ate well and logged until dinner time. Then BAM! I blew it. I made the mistake of going to my parent’s house to spend some time with them. I left there so fed up and frustrated that I went home and drank a gin & tonic and ordered pizza. They drive me up the wall. My mom is so hard to be around and my dad is so unhappy with his life and it’s just hard to deal with. Ugh. Anyway. Today was not good either...birthday celebration...but I’m confident that I’ll get back on it tomorrow. I’m still feeling motivated and positive that I can do this. Even if I don’t reach my goal weight by this time next year, I WILL be closer.

    I’m really hoping that this virus will slow down so that y’all can get out and get back to regularly scheduled programming soon. We’re able to get back out there, within reason. The gym (YMCA) had about five people total in the workout area and we were all really really far from each other (masks, checking temperatures, sanitizing machines before/after use, reserving swimming lanes). That’s a good reason to go at 6:00 am! I wouldn’t feel comfortable going if there were many people there.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.. first of all.. well done YOU on making the decision to make changles... the fact you needed "comfort" food with the pizza and drink after a difficult visit with your parents.. dos NOT mean you "blew" it at all... and we all know there are going to be birthdays and weddings and what not coming our way and that we will be making those times our "exception to the rule" meals.. some months there may be a couple and others none at all, but i don't think we should feel guilty or think we "blew it" just because we stepped off the path we are set on (so to speak) We just have to hop back on where we were and as you said, keep feeling positive and know that one snack, one meal, one small change at a time will get us there..

    It seems so weird to me to even think of a gym being open! But i'm so glad you are able to get back safely and feel comfortable .. and YES.. that's one reason i walk at the lake so early.. nobody around LOLOL...

    I think you've done great because youve taken the hardest step of all (for most of us).. committing to making the change back to healthier choices and moving the parts.. so kudos to you!!!!

    My sister and i set a challenge with each other - we would both walk for 30 min a day for 7 days ... outside of dog walking for her as he is a 16yr old shitzu who doesnt move very fast).. today was day 7 and i did it all except for today.. i was stupid enuf to wear sandals instead of my sneakers and it was cooler than i thought outside.. so i prolly only did 25.. but at least it held me accountable cause theer was a day or 2 i didn't wanna go but i did lol So we were supposed to move it up to 45 min this week but she wants to keep it at 30.. which is fine.. i'll do more if i can at my end but as long as i do the 30 i'm good... it aint much but its a start and now i have to work on the eating part .. i'm almost good to go so figure tomorrow will start me off good.. altho i have a pretty decent dinner planned tonite - and i don't have too much crap left in the house so i may be ok lol

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited June 2020
    Thank you for the encouraging words Snoozie. I just got back from the Y and am proud of myself for A) getting up at 5:00 am B ) actually going and C) working up a good sweat! Once again I was one of maybe five people in the whole open machine area. There were a few big muscle guys at the free weights but it’s not anywhere near where I was. I only have about 45 minutes because I don’t want my husband to be waiting on me but that’s 45 minutes I haven’t been doing consistently in years!

    I love that you and your sister are challenging each other! What a wonderful way to keep in touch and encourage each other! I think you can count your 25! You got out there and did it...who cares about five minutes?! Good for you!!

    “The eating part” is the real challenge, isn’t it? Trying to find something healthy that my husband will eat is so frustrating and time consuming but I really don’t want to be cooking two meals every night. I swear I’d be happy to just have a bowl of soup or a small salad. I’m tired of shopping, cooking and eating.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    The down side of going to the gym early (other than waking up at 5:00 am!) is that I’m hungry all day long. Eating cereal at 5:30 then working out just means I want to eat again by 9:30.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy I had a blueberry muffin at 7 then did groceries and decided to trade in my lake walk for a walk in the trails at a local Conservancy -by the time I got home at 11:30 I was starving and had a huge turkey lettuce and tomato sandwich on seeded bread!! Normally I would only eat half but nope ate the whole thing!!
    It was a lovely change of scenery I must say except a lot of the hills were really steep and gave me a whole new respect for you and your hiking Susie! I really hope your foot is better soon so you can get back to it. I met this little guy on the way down one of the trails and I swear he actually smiled at me

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hmm will try and post him again didn’t work
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hmm sorryv7ggx7lg1mo9.jpeg
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    He’s definitely smiling at you!

    What a coincidence. I just made lemon blueberry muffins. 😂 I have a blueberry bush in my front garden and it is just raining blueberries!!! I’m going to give most of the muffins away but I know I’ll eat a couple. I’m also going to make scones. I’m a glutton for punishment.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Blueberries are full of antioxidants remember ! And there is nothing wrong with a muffin or a scone (Except I absolutely loves blueberry scones and I’m jealous)! I actually managed to get most of my muffins into the freezer this time but I don’t see anything wrong with having one for breakfast or a snack my problem is keeping it to just one! But as long as I do I have no guilt about it 😃
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    It's so great to read your posts here - have been reading along, but haven't had much to say! I feel I'm saying the same old things over and over as nothing is happening in my life! Both of you seem to have a good handle on your exercise and eating - I suppose that's the thing - even if the weight doesn't fall off, it's better than just letting things slide.

    I understand about the stress pizza, Suzy! And I think we all know that the occasional bit of excess doesn't do much harm, it's the pattern of eating and the habits. It's if it's every day or every other day, or even I think maybe once a week if it's a really big blowout, then that can be enough to knock off the deficit. But if it's every two weeks or more then it's difficult to eat enough calories in an evening to wipe out a 2 week deficit! I suppose what I'm saying is that I would feel pleased with myself if I just had the occasional stress pizza - I wish I would do that instead of overeating a little bit almost every day which is what I seem to be doing now! I think you are doing great!

    You have the added challenge that you are not just cooking for yourself, that's one thing that I do find easier is that sometimes I fancy just a light meal and I can do that without having to cook the full thing for somebody else (and then eat it myself!). The only trouble for me is that if I have it in my head that I've had a small, light meal, then I think that gives me permission to have something else later!

    Exercise - the gyms are still not open yet here, and I don't know if I even want to go back, the way things are. I'm really impressed with you committing to that early morning workout, Suzy! I am carrying on with my home videos and trying to commit to doing them - they are boring but I'm sure they are doing me good. Not long ago, I decluttered most of my home exercise stuff including my exercise bike and my weights, which I could do with now! But I did keep my Reebok Step and that has been getting lots of use!

    Love the smiling squirrel! Well done on the walk - where I live is so flat. I used to love going up hills, but now it's a real challenge! Good idea to have the challenge with your sister.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi ,popping in. I had to take a self quarantine, cause someone had it ,that I work with. Nothing on my end. just a week off. Back at now, so busy week. Will try to add to the conversations later on in the weekend.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh! That’s scary! I’m so glad that you’re okay. I hope it was an enjoyable week off though? Stay safe!

    Vail, you give me too much credit. I haven’t gotten my eating under control...yet. Getting up so early and working out just seems to make me hungrier early in the day. Interestingly, I’m not as hungry for dinner though. So my baby step is going to be cutting my dinner portion in half and see how that goes...along with more veg, less sugar/carbs. The only reason that I’m actually going to the gym every morning is because my husband is going. I’d feel guilty sleeping in while he went. If he wasn’t going then I wouldn’t go. Whatever works, I guess. 😂 I’ve been saying that I needed a workout partner to motivate me into going to the gym...be careful what you wish for! 5:00 am comes awful early every morning. I haven’t lost any weight but I do feel like I’m making positive changes...so I count that as progress.

    Oh, by the way...I made an appointment with a podiatrist for Monday. I’m tired of waiting on this darn foot to feel better.