2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I thought I had posted but now can't see it!

    Thank you for your thoughts about my son, Gail. He is fine, and has managed to avoiding catching it so far! We have been wearing masks, but they're only mandatory on public transport here, so hardly anyone wears them in shops, work, etc. So funny about your hubby and veggies! It reminds me of feeding children and having to disguise the vegetables in things like bolognese sauce!

    Happy Birthday, Snoozie! I'm sorry I missed it. But glad you had such a good day! I didn't realise you were back at pickleball - how wonderful!

    It's lovely that you are babysitting, Suzy, and letting your daughter and son-in-law celebrate. That will be so nice for them, and nice for you and your granddaughter too! I'm so glad that you have them close, especially during the pandemic.

    It's great to hear from you, Milove! I have thought about you a lot and all that you have been doing. Hoping things are starting to settle down for good, even if not back to normal, and hoping you can get time and energy to look after yourself after caring for others.

    Loving reading about what you have all been eating. I haven't been making much now, but I bought a little induction hob to add to my kitchen gadgets and I love it! I can now cook normally using actual pans and make things like boiled eggs, omelettes, steamed veg, etc. So I've actually been cooking some boring stuff like that.

    I did get a huge celeriac recently and used that for soup. And I cut some up and roasted it instead of potatoes/fries. But it really was huge and now I think I never want to see celeriac again.

    The other new thing, I've been eating is tinned sardines. I used to eat them lots when I was young and poor as oily fish is meant to be nutritious, but had gone off them. Well, I'm on them again, partly because I've found brands which are nicer. I've mostly been making them into a sort of pate with lemon and fresh parsley.

    I also cooked a new kind of dried beans in the pressure cooker. I can't remember what they were called: turtle beans? I thought I would cook up a small batch in the pressure cooker and then use them in bean burgers, salads, soups, chillis, pasta, etc. all sorts of plans. Well they came out really well. And then I left them to cool down and forgot about them so had to chuck the whole lot! I will try again, though. I'm not normally a bean fan but these had a lovely savory taste.

    I'm maintaining rather than losing at the moment. I do well with the eating for a while and then for some reason I just give up! Sometimes within a day! What is wrong with me!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I do the exact same thing Vail. I get really motivated and then something happens...it could be as small as a headache or even boredom and then I’m eating the most awful things. Lol. I don’t know what an induction hob is but I’m envisioning a single electric burner type thing? I also have no idea what celeriac is and have never heard of turtle beans. :D I’m not a fan of beans either but can eat them to be polite if I have to. However, that’s a big no on the sardines!! My dad loves them. I just can’t do it. I’m sure they’re full of good omega fats though.

    I went for a walk this morning to see how my foot would hold up. It was two and a half miles with some hills and my foot hurts a bit but not as bad as it did before. I’ll ice it and skip a day. Hopefully it will just keep getting better. It’s so darn hot and humid that hiking sounds like torture right now anyway.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm glad your foot is a little better - I suppose you will have to be careful not to overdo it.

    Yes, the induction hob is like an electric burner, but it's absolutely amazing - I don't understand how it works but it has something to do with magnets and only works with pans which attract magnets. It's completely magical! The actual hob doesn't heat up, but the pan does - and very, very quickly. Then when it turns off, it instantly cools down. It looks like a black glass slab with electronic controls.

    Celeriac is a big ugly, gnarly white root vegetable with a mild celery taste - you can use it like potatoes for roasts, mash, fries, etc. (and can eat it raw) but it's lower calorie. It's lovely, but, not in vast quantities for a single person, apparently.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - the only reason i know what an induction burner is - when i was selling all the stuff from my brother in laws place, he had a complete set of new pots with only the fry pan used.. and soemone who wanted to buy it asked if they would work on induction burners lol.. i was like HUH? i have no idea..so i gave her the brand name and she looked it up and said yup and bought them ha.... that's how i learned about the magnet thing so it sounds like a perfect addition for you! I actually have to buy one smaller pot.. i realized the other day i only have big ones and i dont need them unless i'm making a stew or chili or something that needs a lot of water... so i need to get at least one smaller one person one..

    i did laugh at the celeriac.. i havent ever bought it on purpose but i've had it before.. and i know its big lol... thats the bane of our existence when cooking for one. I like that the market near me will cut a cabbage in half if i ask.. they had romaine lettuce on for .98 cents here last week.. so for some stupid reason i bought 2.. i guess because they were such a good price... now i have gargantuan amounts of romaine to work thru and of course this is the week i dont feel like salads hahaha.. but i will eat it... i'm trying hard still not to waste stuff, and i'm still only shopping once every 10 days or so .. that is one sidebar of this pandemic i may keep.. not running to the shop every other day but planning a bit better and shopping less..

    and ya.. no on the sardines lol... my dad used to eat them right out of the can.. eww. they are super good for you tho so kudos to you!! I'm glad your son is well (and you) and fingers crossed by the end of this year we will all be able to move forward with better control if not eradication of the virus...

    Suzy = glad you found you were able to do as much as you did with the walking!! and that it didn't destroy you pain wise... i hear ya on the heat we've had a record breaking heat wave here all week; survived the mornings but by noon i was holed up inside with the AC blasting.. just to hot to do anything.

    I hope you enjoyed your evening with your grand daughter all to yourself lol.. and the kids enjoyed their night out!

    Gail - i did have to laugh at your noodles and sauce.. even tho i felt bad for you!! We're still only in stage 1 here or i guess 1.5 so nothing like gyms or community centres are allowed to be open yet... i missed my online fitness class this week due to birthday celebration lol.. but i'm definitely going to have to kick up the exercise at home.. even if its just using the hand weights during commericals ... more importantly tho i need to get control over my mouth.. all the crap is gone now and as long as i resist the temptation to replace it.. this week i am really going to try to resume "normal" eating.. which means the whole evening feed fest between 7-10pm is off the table (ha literally and figuratively).. i REFUSE to move my ticker UP any more this year - it's half over already and time to poop or get off the pot so to speak.. i do NOT want to end the year at this current weight so time to get hard at work...

    i am struggling a bit with the med diet; i'm really not a picky eater at all but its a lot of the same foods all the time; greek yogurt, olives, feta veg etc.. i admit im not a fan of greek yogurt so i've been avoiding that and while i'm ok with the other stuff.. its a hell of a lot of work (i suspect suz when you were doing hte whole 30 it was the same idea.. all whole foods no processed... a LOT of prep work and planning neither of which are my strong points.. but i have defintiely cut down on my red meat consumption.. and of course in the summer its always easier to add fresh fruit and veg.. but the boredom of the same kinda thing every day is getting to me as im not that creative.. people make stuffed peppers and all these lovely things.. but when i look at the recipe i think you gotta be kidding me.. im not spending that much time doing that lol... but i'll keep trying at least to keep up with more veg and less meat...

    Milove.. i haven't heard much about your area virus wise (i think you are in new orleans but not 100% sure) but i am very much hoping you are NOT in one of the hot spots that is seeing the jump again in cases... hugs and take care of yourself please!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I never cooked any of the yummy stuff you were all cooking, but I finally finished off the spaghetti stuff. I hate to be wasteful, so I usually eat stuff multiple days. It is so hard for me to cook just enough for two or three....I have always cooked for an army, my mom tells me that. I guess always being a big eater, I wanted to make sure everyone had enough...

    I got a huge compliment from one of our temp nurses this morning at work.(she is a small delicate ,young lady) she said she and the lady sitting with her had been saying how it looked like I must go to the gym a lot as I was walking up!! I was tickled! I said thanks!! I'll take any compliment I can get at my age!, Told her I don't go very often, just changed my way of eating due to Diabetes.....as I was carrying two LARGE bags of chips in to snack on during the week! : )

    Suzy, I am glad your foot is better! It can be one of the most painful issues you can have, cause you can't go anywhere with needing to use one of 'em. lol
    I have something wrong with my heel, the bottom, kinda' like it is bruised. I am trying to work through it, but as you know it is tough to do that.
    You're Loving those baby snuggles, I know. Does hubby get to go with you?
    My IZZY is not a snuggler, at least not with me. She is a Pop's baby. One year 7 months. So fearless. They went to a park that had the larger slides ( not gigantic ones) that you walk up a few flights of stairs and slide down...She went by herself down the slide!! No FEAR! she doesn't have much butt ,so she had to scoot herself to get going a couple times....it was so cute! She is still so tiny...19 lbs.

    Vail, I had looked at getting the induction burner. Maybe later on down the road. I think my next gadget will be a Foodie grill/air fryer. maybe.
    I tried the Hello Fresh food delivery. My first box never came, they credited me one, it came Friday. I am not sure I like it. If it was just for one person, it is ok, but not enough protein for 2 peeps. And it wasn't frozen, just cold. The icy-type bag it was packed in was still frozen. So I am on the fence about it.

    Snoozie, that is me! My food fest is from 11:00 pm to 12:30 am I eat like I am a big lumberjack heading out to work, not a 60 year old woman about to go to bed! Hmmmm….I wonder if that is why I don't sleep . I will try to remember that next time. Last night I found the peanut nutter buddy bars....DMN LITTLE DEBBIE!!

    It's pouring rain, so I guess it's perfect time for me to try and get back home. Have a lovely week y'all.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - how fabulous to get that compliment at work!!! woo hoo girl..... !!!!

    ouch on the heel.. fingers crossed yours feels better soon.... i've had a few issues here and there with a foot and it really does make you realize just how important those two little guys are in ensuring you have any mobility!!

    Suzy.. i had your "brinner" tonite lol.. must have stuck in my head.. actually i'm trying to use up stuff so i dont have to go tothe grocery store til Tues.. one of the only "things" about the pandemic that i am goin to try to keep doing is not shopping every other day .. plan better shop better... but i had a pepper that was on its last legs and some onions and a bit of cheese, so i sauteed those and added a handful of the frozen kale and topped it off with the cheese and a slice of the seeded whole grain bread toasted.. it was very good i must say.. and i actaully only ate 2/3 of the omellete and saved the rest for breakfast as its pickleball day and we play at 8am.. normally i only have an orange to start off my day and wait an hour or so before actual brekkie but on pb days i need a bit more food before playing.. especially since we're playing singles only .. in my head at least i move more than when i have a partner lol..

    my sister and i are 3 weeks into our walking challenge with each other. it actually started trying to get my cousin out walking at all.. so this week we decided to change ours to kilometres instead of time.. we are up to 40min minimum a day... but i suggested maybe this week we could with distance instad of time mix it up a bit.. so i set the bar a little low so make sure she was good with it... but i did add the map my walk app to my phone today so i can get an accurate measurement of what i do.. i know kinda how far most of my walks are but this way i'll have proof lolol.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Darn it.. guess I'll just have to (hiccup) keep trying !!!! :)
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    love this! keep on trying, girl!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    :D When in doubt, have another margarita and either the answer will come to you or you won’t care anymore!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    HahaSusie I’m so saving that line to use!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m finally seeing the scale move a little bit in the right direction. I’ve been really diligent on logging, making good decisions and sticking with healthier foods. I’m hungry ALL the time though. I’m hoping that will slowly go away once my stomach realizes that it’s not getting more food. I’ve really been enjoying a slice of avocado toast topped with an egg before going to the gym every morning. I have a favorite ice cream and I save enough calories to have a very small serving at night. When I get the urge to snack I ask myself if I’m willing to give up my ice cream after dinner. Lol. So far the answer has been NO!

    It’s supposed to be hot as blue blazes the next four days. Makes me glad that I can’t go hiking! Lol. I had to stop taking the anti inflammatory pills because I had a constant headache. I wonder if they were messing with my blood pressure. I’m sticking with ibuprofen and not pushing it. Hopefully my foot will be pain free in the next few weeks. Time will tell and I’m not the most patient person.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suz.. so happy to hear things are moving in the right direction!!! /i am also trying to eat better too and less crap, but im still struggling with portion control.. i need to get back to doing the basics that worked for me.. having 1/2 a sandwich at lunch with an orange.. and if im hungry at 2 or 3pm again, i'll eat the other half (my sandiwch has tomato, lettuce, and turkey most days) and using a smaller dinner plate.. last night i way overdid it.. even tho the overdose was on veg and salad i went back for seconds of both.. grrrrr

    i also try to make sure i am comfy with my intake to allow my after dinner treat.. right now i have oatmeal chocolcate chip cookies from a bakery... so i allow myself one in the evening ... but i have done better this week for sure so hopefully that trend will conintue...

    fingers crossed on your foot.. just dont push it too much you dont want to end up back at square one!! but i know you mentioned before you've tried walking and found where the pain hits and scale back so thats a smart cookie you are!

    Most of our province (like your states) has moved to stage 3 this week where indoor restaurant seating and gyms are re opened... except the city i'm in and a few of the other big urban places; we're being held back at stage 2 due to the # of new cases still happening and i'm fine with that.... i dont think we should re open til we are at 0 but it wont matter either way to me because i wont be going to any of the places like that even when we do re open here..

    i think the school year is gonna be a nightmare coming up tho.. right now they are looking at several different plans for limited classroom sizes, or online/in school combos etc.. but either way i think it's gonna be tough on parents trying to figure out how they are going to work if they dont allow 5 days a week in school.. just glad i dont have to deal with that! righto.. had a great pickleball session this morning.. playing with just one person all the time who is better than me has upped my game level too .. and it's more exercise too playing singles so it's been a really nice bright spot in my life from the past few months... im a happy camper :)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    It's so good that you are able to do pickleball! Well done on the portion control, and you too, Suzy - fantastic that you are seeing it on the scale! You seem to have it under control. I hope your foot recovers with the rest. It's a shame the medication didn't suit - no point in replacing a footache with a headache!

    Talking of medication, I now have an anti-histamine that works with my other medications, so hopefully can enjoy being outdoors a bit more. I'm so sleepy on it though, despite it being a non-drowsy one!

    Foodwise, it has still been mixed, I do OK, then mess it up, constantly. And I'm getting so childish about it now - I'll quietly wolf down some cheese or chocolate as quickly as I can before anyone sees, but I'm only trying to hide it from myself! At least I am eating mainly healthy food. Mainly! I had a craving for onion bhaji, so got some gram flour to make those and realised that the gram flour is quite healthy as it's basically just chickpeas, isn't it? So will look for some more recipes that I can use it in.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - im not doing well with portion control lol.. its a struggle for me right now!!

    Im so glad you found an antihistamine that works with your meds... but honestly i think ALL antihistamines make us sleepy... i dont care that it says non drowsy it lies!! I know they've come a long way with them but i swear they have NOT addressed the sleep it induces in everyone! I guess its a trade off.. maybe if you incorporate a nap with it you'll still be able to enjoy some more outdoors

    and yes i'm thankfull on the PB... and both of us are perfectly good with sticking with singles only.. so many people broke the rules right from the start and played doubles as soon as the courts were open... and its still not allowed unless each "team" is from the same household.. i.e.. husband and wife against another husband and wife.. but people here blatantly ignore that.. they do give us funny looks playing singles still because normal play is usually doubles.. but we dont care.. its all about MY comfort level with things now..

    I had to laugh at your wolfing down some cheese or chocolate before "anyone" sees.. even if it's only you!! The reason i had to laugh was i was talking to my cousin on the phone today.. she is struggling with losing weight because her arthritis in her knees is so bad she can't move much either.. anyway i had a nice long chat to pump her up because her stupid doctor told her she was obese and that she should weight 117 lbs... ??????? She is 5'7 and my build.. 117 is asinine and i told her so lol.. she currently weighs 195 lbs so she is feeling the weight and the guilt trip her doc laid on her.. anyway the point being i was talking to her and hopefully offering her some sensible ways to start out (baby steps) BUT.. in telling her some of my own story, i told her that when i first started my own journey and used MFP, i kept my diary hidden from everyone because i was too embarrassed to have anyone see that i was eating a bag of potato chips some days ... and said its kinda like when you try to stuff something in your face before anyone sees you LOL.. so its funny you talk about it today..
    but i didn't offer her any advice or tell her what to do.. just let her talk and shared some stuff i did, but included the caveat thats what worked for ME.. not that i was saying do that.. and let her know i'm a firm bleiever everyone has to find their own way that works for them.. i kept it very positive and i think she felt better about starting out afterwards.. :smile: oh and her doc?? said she (the doc) eats 800 calories a day max.. can you imagine someone who says that, then tells you you have to lose weight - what effect that would have on you?? ya..... nuff said there..

    i'm starving now tho so i'm going to toss the leftover steak from last night into a big salad for dinner tonite...

    oh and Vail i have never heard of "gram" flour... so im glad you specificed its made from chickpeas lol.. from what i have heard in the Med Diet group i'm in thats one of the best choices for a flour thing you can make.. so good on ya!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    It’s good to know that I’m not the Lone Ranger on the whole eat it before someone sees me thing. It really is an irrational thing to do. They’re gonna see it on my hips or waist later. Lol.

    I made the bruschetta chicken with our homegrown tomatoes tonight. I didn’t have mozzarella so I used feta and it was delish! Loved it!

    I’m so excited that I get to stay up past sunset and sleep in tomorrow!!! Whoo hoo! I’m getting wild down here! Haha haha!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    haha i did love that brushetta chicken too!!! im so glad you liked it... i had some leftovers of the brushetta mix so i tossed it into a salad the next day.. figuredit had the same stuff in it a my salad technically hahah... but that's a keeper one for me for sure....

    living on the edge staying up past sunset girl....ha.. but i get the thrill of a sleep in day!!! i might even add in staying in my jammies with my coffee to celebrate when you do get up!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    117 lb at 5' 7"? That's underweight, not healthy. I suspect the doctor just looked at a chart or miscalculated and thought they were looking at the top of the healthy range, not the top of the underweight range. It should have been 157, maybe.

    My diary has always been hidden on MFP, for various reasons!

    The 800 calorie has been a thing for a while. I think there was some evidence for very low calorie diets being effective, but I suspect as time goes on they will turn out to be not the magical answer any more than the other things we try. It has been popularised here by Dr Michael Mosley who seems to jump on the latest bits of research and turn them into diet books! (And makes a thing out of being a doctor, but as far as I can see, he qualified then never worked as a doctor). He's done the Mediterranean diet too, intermittent fasting, HIIT, etc. I do read his stuff and some of it is quite good, but I take it with a pinch of salt as I know he'll change to the next thing that comes along.

    Gram flour is amazing! It's my new craze! I'll be honest, I've used it on and off since the 80s, but I only just found out that it's basically chickpea flour! I have been using it to make vegetable patties, SO easy, I've tried grated carrot, onion, and left over roast veg, aubergine, mushroom, etc., literally just mixed with the gram flour and spices (it does needs spices and seasoning) and that's all. Then can fry, bake or grill them. It seems to bind well, and is used as an egg substitute in vegan cooking. So tasty, and I can make small ones and eat as a snack food with a dip and it feels like a treat, when it's literally just vegetables, chick peas and spices. It would also work as veggie burgers. I'm going to look up other recipes but hooked on that one for now!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Vail the doc is just a nut.. she's like 5'11 and maybe weighs 100 lbs (i've met her) and has completely unrealistic and IMO dangerous ideas on weight loss for a 63 yr old woman (my cousin). And nope it wasnt a mistake - like many other doctors the reality of weight loss is not in their wheelhouse.. but of course she went off on my cuz and between being called "obese" and told she should be 117 lbs and to throw out everything unhealthy in the house.. my cuz spiralled downwards pretty fast.. so my chat with her was to get her back to a positive place .. and mini goals instead of the thot of having to get to 117 lbs.. which i told her imo is ridiculous and insane. But after an hour chat with positive reinforcement and some realisitc goal suggestions of 5 lbs i'm hoping she's in a better place mentally and emotionally.. it pretty much destroyed her after that visit... like the rest of us she knows she HAS to lose weight.. but weight shaming and body shaming from your doc (she made a lot of neg comments to her as well) .. to me thats irresponsible and non productive..

    so with the gram flour do you make like a pattie mixed with the veg and dip those? or little balls to dip?? just curious... i may look into it here as i rarely use flour unless i'm baking, but it would certainly seem to meet the plant based idea of the med diet so would be good for a snack and or lunch......
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m going to check that out, Vail. I love the idea of veggie patties. When I was doing Whole 30 I made potato latkes with almond flour and they were quite good. I wonder how it would do in an air fryer. I have my mom’s to try out so maybe I’ll give it a go.

    117 is a ridiculous weight for someone who is 5’7. When I was in my early twenties I went to a weight loss clinic type thing. They had me on something like 500 calories a day. I (obviously) lost weight but couldn’t sustain that. I ended up getting really sick and putting back on the weight plus some. I can’t believe a doctor would advise so few calories.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters!!

    Well today was the end of this week's walking challenge with my sister.. and she blew it out of the water lol. so proud of her!! She went from walking the dog 2x a day to walking 18 kilometres this week.. and she lost 4 pounds too.. she is over the moon and now forgives me for setting what she thought was a high challenge hahaha.. But i was sneaky.. she was counting steps with her pedometer so i just said ok how about you try to do x number of steps a day.. very doable as it didn't seem that high really... and said on days you feel good and want to go a bit more.. go for it.. days you dont just do the min and it's all good..

    well .. after a few days of adding a bit she just kept going ha... so on thurs i said well.. the # of steps i set for you sista?? that WOULD have meant you walked 12 km for the week.. and you're already OVER that and it's only thurs... she was like 12 km ???? hahaha.. i knew she would balk at the start if i said let's aim for 10 or 12 km just because it would have sounded like so much.. but just keeping it to steps that weren't too high to freak her out.. tricked her hahahaa.. so proud of her!! Plus she hit wonderland this morning too.. so she's over the moon and im not sure which one of us is happiest for her :)

    I installed the map my walk app on my phone, just so i could mix up my walks a bit and get an idea of how far i walked.. even tho i already know an hour of walking gives me 4 km, i wanted to plot a few different places to see if they would work out to be long enuf.. one trail i thought would be good went 50 feet then ended hahaha..

    anyway.. my last weigh in was July 6th.. so 2 weeks and that's when i upped my ticker to my actual weight.. blech... but today i was down 2lbs .. so a pound a week since then.. i'll take it.. i'm NOT changing my ticker as yet.. i think instead i will do an actual logged weigh in on the first of every month here on MFP.. i'll still hit the scale every week but think i'll only do official weigh in monthly on here.. so maybe seeing a 3-4 lb loss every month will be a little more motivating for me.. .(positive thinking there that there WILL be a 3-4 lb loss.. haaaaaaa you know what they say.. thoughts become words, words become actions.. so i think i can i think i can

    last night i had a pig fest of anything i could get my hands on.. not necessarily bad food but just kept stuffing my face after dinner ending with a few handfuls of chocolate chips right out of the bag as that's all i had .. it happens... just gotta remember its a one off.. my 20% as such.... so no guilt no crazy just carry on..

    hope everyone is well and taking care of themselves as best we can!