2020 - We can be our BEST SELF every day!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Congrats to your sister! I love that you’re just as happy as she is. Great job on motivating her. I know that she will return the favor when you need it. That’s how this whole thing works, isn’t it? Congratulations on being down two pounds!! I think I’m going to update my weight every Friday. I know I need more than monthly. I’ll continue to weigh every morning though. I get into downward spirals when I stop weighing.

    I already know that today is going to be an over the top food day. Moments of weakness. Oh well. One bad day will NOT end up being a catastrophe.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Oh i'll be hopping on the scales every other day for sure lol.. i just DONT want to have to move my ticker UP again EVER.. so in my head i'm thinking if i only officially weigh in once a month by logging it. that will cover any days where it might go up a bit lolol... but i may need to see that thing move too so i'll play it by ear :)

    I didn't actually motivate her as such other than i think we were both ready after months of being slugs during the pandemic to move on.. so the idea for the challenge was just good timing :) and as we all know, its easier when you have someone else around to cheer you on (whether like here online in a group) or via text or whatever.. but i truly am so thrilled for her plus she has her own mini challenge started with my cousin now too .. so my sister is "passing it on" as well..

    We all know there ARE going to always be over the top days Suz.. whether its a birthday/holiday dinner or a "it's too hot to cook order a pizza" day.. they will always be there and the absolute BEST thing to remember is exactly what you said.. it will NOT end up being a catastrophe at all.. we just have to recognize it's not what we want for ourselves all the time anymore.. and that's its perfectly ok to splurge occasionally without any guilt required at all!

    I'm still planning on getting to the 80/20 rule daily .. 80% healthy choices and the 20% allowance if needed for any other choices.. If I'm honest I'm still prob more at the 65/35 mode but I'm getting closer every day :)

    I had leftover chicken on seeded whole grain bread with some roasted peppers for lunch today (and a bluberry muffin for breakfast) and dinner is going to be a home made pizza on the lebanese pita with the leftover roasted veggies and some cheese.. and the mushrooms i forgot to roast along with the peppers and onions etc lol...

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm just checking in. I have not been good with eating. I was doing quite well, then for the past two days it all went out the window. I need to change what I'm doing and will possibly go back to logging again. I hate it because it doesn't really work with the things I cook, but maybe even doing estimates is better than nothing.

    The reason I'm not keen to count calories is that I cook from scratch every day with lots of ingredients, and that I feel it can make me a bit obsessive, and that I've been successful with other, easier methods, that the MFP database is a nightmare to navigate, and that it upsets my eating pattern as I tend to "save" calories for the evening. However, nothing is successful for me at the moment, so maybe it's time to try logging again and at least be honest with myself about what I'm eating? And maybe if I think I have to weigh everything before I eat it (with the extra washing up, etc. that that entails) it will give me pause for thought?

    This is the fattest I've ever been since losing the initial weight a few months ago, so I know I really need to crack down now, or I will either keep gaining, or will settle into this new higher weight.

    I had already accidentally booked a virtual cheese tasting for later this week. The meeting may be virtual but the cheese isn't (they send you the cheese in advance), but I can fit that in if I cut a piece off each cheese sample and have the tasting as my main meal, with some salad/fruit.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited July 2020
    Vail, I’m definitely the heaviest that I’ve been since I initially lost weight with MFP. I haphazardly logged and weighed for probably five years and my weight just crept up and up and up. I knew what I was doing but just kept doing it. I hate weighing my food and logging but that’s how I lost the weight before so that’s what I’ve gone back to doing. I don’t know if you do this but I create recipes on MFP for things I make somewhat regularly. I carefully weigh and measure everything the first time I make it and create the entry. After that first time I just use the recipe that I created and don’t weigh or measure everything when I cook it again because I know about how much to use. It may not be totally accurate but it’s darn close.

    I’m logging everything and it really is helping. I’m eating more calories than I ate years ago when I lost the weight but only about 200 or so a day more. My incessant hunger is getting better. I guess my body is getting used to not eating so much. Thank goodness! I really need to cut out my nightly half cup of ice cream but come on!!!! Surely I can have something small like that without gaining weight! Lol. I’ve cut out my gin & tonics, isn’t that enough?! Hahaha!

    We’re going up to the north Georgia mountains for Thursday and Friday. Planning to social distance by doing some hiking (fingers crossed that my foot holds up) and going to our favorite winery that has outdoor tables. I think my husband has cabin fever and just wants to get out of the house. I really need to watch my eating though. I don’t want to gain back the few pounds I’ve fought so hard to lose.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hiya.. im still half asleep cause i slept like crap and was up at 430; and it's a rainy day here so im already making all kinds of excuses for myself - cant go for a walk, my pb game was cancelled this morning and im tired and whiney... and it's only 9am LOLOL.. and all i can think of is i want potato chips! Going to be a LONG day lol!! But i did sign up for an online yoga stretch class at 1030.. i suppose i'll have to get dressed before it and im not a yoga person but hpefully will be more stretches than actual upward dogs... cause this dawg can't get upward or downard...

    I have decided to completely blame the pandemic for my weight gain... albeit my hands shoved the food into my mouth but it was emotional/stress/coping mindless eating and the reason i'm doing that is because shifting some of the "cause" off of it just being me helps mentally... it might not be right or rational but it has helped me put on the brakes.. i was doing the self blame for all the weight gain and as a result. the circle started of just eating more to console myself for the gain.. blame... eat.. repeat as necessary.. so by saying ok pandemic you have no more control over me, it has helped me to say enough time to take it back.. like i said maybe not rational but whatever works right...

    right now im just working on eating less too Suzy... going back to some of the things that worked before.. eating only 1/2 sandwich for lunch and waiting to see if i need the other half mid afternoon.. and allowing myself to get hungry again (but NOT starving because that's when i go off the rails). i haven't bought any flour on purpose to keep me from baking and im trying to keep things ready to eat in the fridge for when the hungries do hit.. baby steps but they worked before. I did try logging again.. but i just dont have it in me right now.. i may have to re evaluate that option on sunday weigh in but i'll see then.

    Vail i think when you find whatever way is the least intrusive and most effective for you NOW (i say NOW because these are unprecedented times for all of us.. none of us have ever lived thru this kind of crisis let alone tried to lose weight during something that uprooted our routines and life and scared the crap out of all of us at the same time.. so it may be this time around one of your previous success ways will work again, or you'll find a new way be experimenting (i.e., the weighing of stuff) that will work for you getting to where you want to be...

    we all know its going to take work on our parts to do this... but we all know we CAN do it too.. its just frustrating as hell to have to do it AGAIN for sure... and while i think it's important we do have our own plans and our strategies that have to be put in place to start looking after ourselves again, i also think its important we remember to be kind to ourselves while we find our way.. not as an excuse but as a recognition that this year has been one of the toughest times of our lives and its ok that some things happened.. that we struggled with our finances, or we gained some weight, or we had to deal with anxiety levels thru the roof, and fear and worry about our friends and loved ones.. it was HARD but we have come through it and we will continue to keep on "keeping on" .. so i think we also need to be kind and forgive ourselves for whatever aspects of our lives were affected while we DID struggle to get through it and then decide for each of us when we're ready to move on and start working towards what we want for ourselves again.

    Just my opinion.. hugs all around
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    crud i forgot to say have a fab time thurs/fri and fingers crossed your ankle is great... dont be afraid to rest it a bit if you have to tho here and there.. hope you have a great time
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    well.. yesterday was a FUN day..... i went for my 5km walk.. and just a block from home i realized i had dropped my small pocket wallet somewhere along the way.. it had EVERYTHING in it... all my ID and vehicle info yada yada.... i NEVER take it with me but i had decided after my walk i would treat myself to a coffee at a local drive thru place... well omg..

    i had to walk back the entire route step by step looking for it.. and i was already exhausted but panic struck so back i went... didn't find it.. came home.. went back AGAIN but only made it a few blocks .... i had already walked over 12 kilometres by then so came home and waited a bit then started to gather the info to report it all lost so i could replace it.. when some lovely lady returned it to the concierge in my building!! She had found it on the sidewalk on her way to the bus stop and wasn't able to drop it off til she returned.. everything was there, even my emergency stash of $20 LOLOL.. which i didnt care about at all of course.. but the nightmare of trying to replace it all was stressing me out big time! Needless to say I was overjoyed.. sadly she didn't leave a name or telephone number with the concierge; i would have liked to offer her a reward and my thanks.... but it certainly restored my faith in humanity and a good reminder in these times that most people are indeed just like us LOL... so today is hopefully a chance for me to pay it forward in some random act of kindness to say thank you that way...

    and i wont be going walkies today .. nope nope nope LOL

    Have a good day hatters!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh! How scary for you! I was pickpocketed in Amsterdam years ago and it’s a horrible feeling to lose all that and have to then cancel it. I’m so glad some honest person found it. Yes, it does restore your faith in the goodness that people are capable of showing. Whew!!! What a relief. You’ve earned a day off after all that walking and worry!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i have a WHOLE new respect for you and your hiking after that much of a walk yesterday Suzy!!! and mine was even on FLAT ground let alone up mountains lol
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I hope you have a lovely time in the mountains, Suzy! And that your foot holds up - careful not to overdo it! Can you maybe do shorter routes just while you're recovering? I hope it goes well - and out in the open air is nice and safe these days!

    So nice about your wallet, Snoozie! I have had similar happen to me in the past, and it does make you feel good that people are kind! What a relief - I know that awful of feeling of looking and looking and going back over what you did to lose it and wishing you could go back in time, lol!

    I like your point about avoiding self-blame, because it works better, and I might try that too. Except I've looked at my chart and over the past year, I have just been gradually gaining. It hasn't been just the pandemic. But still, there's no point in feeling bad about it. I just need to get on and try to sort it out.

    I have calorie counted for a whole two days now. It's driving me nuts, but I'm definitely eating less. Having to log my food is my punishment for having eaten it, lol! Anyway, thanks for the reminder of the recipe function - I have used it before, but only for things that I am going to make more than once, or if I cook a batch of something. I tried it tonight just for a one-off meal, and for some reason it was easier to make a recipe and add ingredients, than to add the ingredients directly into the diary. I seemed to get a better selection coming up when I typed things in, or maybe I just imagined it. So thank you for the reminder!

    Potato chips - don't remind me. There is a brand that I was craving and I ordered them for delivery. They only come in great big boxes. I don't even know where I'm going to put them all! And they are going to be in the house calling my name until I finish them. However, with the calorie counting, I think I can fit them in. They were about 115 calories a packet, I think - not ideal but if Iimit myself to 10 packets and a small glass of wine, I should be within my calorie range! Just kidding ... but I think I fit in 1 packet, and it will be a treat without going completely overboard. Like Suzy's icecream!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Y’all aren’t going to believe this. We were floating the river in inner tubes today (something they do here) and I strained my Achilles or something. It’s the same leg as my injured foot, of course. It hurts too much to even walk much. I’m so angry with myself. Looks like I’m not hiking tomorrow. I feel so bad for my husband, feel like I let him down. I’m tired of being an invalid and feeling so old.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy.!! omg noooooooo... i am so sorry you must have been crushed!!! i dont know anything about hte achilles except i think its a tendon.. so please get it looked at as soon as you can... that so sucks!!!! you did NOT let your husband down at all... you had no control over this whatsoever ... and i can only imagine how disheartened you are after such a long recovery with the foot to have this happen..... i will keep my fingers and every other part i can crossed that its something that can be treated quickly.... i feel so bad for you!!!! huge hugs
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Snoozie. This morning it hurts a bit more. My daughter goes back to work on Monday and I’m watching the baby every day for awhile. Perhaps until the end of August. I really don’t have time to go to a doctor. Bad timing all around. If it’s not showing any improvement in a week then I’ll try to get a late afternoon appointment somewhere. This sucks so bad. I was just getting into a daily workout routine, ready to try hiking again and starting as granny nanny. I’m trying not to let it get me depressed because that’s when I usually chuck it all in and go off the rails.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Even if you have to take the baby or let hubby take care of her for an hour try to get a doc apt sooner than later.. especially if its worse this morning and if it is the achilles... you need to get it looked at.. i realize timing is hard but its important you get it seen too asap ... hugs
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh, Suzy, how frustrating for you! After getting your routine going and about to be out hiking again! You'd think your Achilles could have picked a better time to be injured. Like after your trip. I'm really feeling for you! Please don't feel bad about letting your hubby down - it's something that could have happened to either of you, and even being extra careful doesn't avoid these things. I hurt my back the other day just doing normal things. I suppose the only thing timing wise is that it's at the same time your foot was still recovering. Maybe the rest (if looking after a little one full-time is a rest!) will help both to heal more quickly. Hopefully you won't be out of action too long.

    Is there any chance of a telephone/video appointment? I hardly ever contact my doctor, but usually I have to wait weeks for an appointment: I got a telephone appointment for the next day! It's not the same, but they can do a lot over the phone. It would be good to just confirm what it is, and what you can and can't do.

    You could use online videos to find exercise you can do? I subscribe to a physiotherapy channel on youtube called "Bob & Brad". I can't vouch for how good it is because I know nothing about physio, but they have loads of stuff there about finding out what your problem is and exercises you can do to help. Just search for achilles on their channel. In fact I just did that, and would you believe they just put out this video last week! https://youtu.be/d372W0wLhCA . They have loads of others mentioning achilles too. It's not the same as getting proper medical advice, but I have found some of their videos helpful. Maybe just because they give me something to do when I'm frustrated with some injury or other!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    That wasn't supposed to post, as I was just previewing it, and now I can't edit it, but I just wanted to send hugs! I know just what you mean about feeling old and blaming yourself for this. You shouldn't, but I do completely get it, and how demoralising it is. Hope you're better soon x
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thank you Vail. I’ll check out the videos. I’m taking a “play it by ear” approach. I’ll see how it feels Monday. I’m just taking it easy and not doing much today and tomorrow. My son and his girlfriend are coming for a quick visit on Friday afternoon and leaving Sunday morning. I doubt y’all remember but she is allergic to cats and I have a cat. So usually I will clean like a mad woman right before they arrive. I don’t think I’m going to have that opportunity this time. Hopefully it will all be okay. If it wasn’t so darn hot we could just hang out on the screened porch. I’m sure it will all work out. I’m not gonna stress over it.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Suzy/Vail...

    I don't have much to report lol... i got on the scale this morning and wasnt happy.. i've been doing a lot of mindless eating at night lately and i have to put a stop to that now... this is the last week of the challenge with my sister for hte month of July.. I added 12 min a day of strength training moves to this week along with the walking.... i worked it out and figured piece of cake right? just 12 min a day of weight bearing/strength training moves in a day...ya.. no lol.. omg ... so i put hte stopwatch on my phone and start it every time i do a set of something like bicep curls or squats or whatever... the first few days i was like what do you mean its only been 2 minutes?? LOLOL... i didn't get to the full 12 min til bedtime omg.. i have since learned to break it up during the day haha. but the sad thing is how hard just 12 sad minutes are! But its still more than i was doing before..but i definitely see the difference without the classes 2x a week the past few months.. i don't think my sister will be up for extending the challenge another month but i'm going to try to keep it up and add minutes every week...

    our city is one of the last to be moving to stage 3 this weekend... it won't be changing my world cause i definitely wont be going to any indoor restaurants or malls or bars in the near future... i'm a little worried because its a holiday weekend here coming up tho.. altho a lot of popular beach areas have closed their towns to outside visitors.. so i'll just keep following my own protocols and carry on..

    So that's me.. Suzy i know this is the week you are looking after your grand daughter; hope you aren't too exhausted altho i think its easier when they are as tiny as she is - and not mobile yet lol... that's a whole other world then, eh?? how is the achilles doing???? i know you're super busy this week so if we don't hear from you, let us konw when you can how the foot is..

    Vail i may check out that site myself.. i dont think the thumb brace is doing all that much except i will say wearing it at night has helped me sleep better because i'm not waking from the pain every half hour.. my doc had suggested i do physio once they open again but i may try to find the appropriate movements online and do some at home instead...

    anyway.. thats all i got.. hope Gail and Milove are doing ok as well
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I hope things are going OK for you, Suzy, and you're seeing some improvement now. Hope you have a lovely time with your son and his girlfriend. Anti-histamines on hand! :smiley:

    So funny about the 12 minutes, Snoozie. I agree, 5 minutes is a long time for strength training. The time goes so slowly. I suppose some is better than none, lol! Well done on getting to the 12 minutes eventually! I have not been consistent with strength training. Doing bits and pieces here and there.

    I have been doing Gin Miller videos which I discovered online. I hadn't heard of her before, but I have been using my Reebok Step for exercise (after decluttering most of my home gym equipment pre lockdown) and it turns out she was the one who actually invented step workouts after she had a knee injury. I've mainly been doing her old step workouts from the '90s, but she has a youtube channel too and is still putting stuff out there, including lots of home workouts. I like her because she's gently encouraging rather than bossy!

    Eating-wise, I don't want to say it in case I jinx it, but I haven't been too bad. I have been calorie counting (roughly) and if I've had a slipup I've tried to estimate it and add it anyway instead of giving up. It does seem to be working as I'm losing a little, and am back to where I was in May (when I had already put on far too much! But at least I'm not at my highest any more!). I have a long way to go to get back to maintenance weight, and Covid is making me think I should try to go below that if I can as I had been maintaining in the overweight range.

    I hope you find something that works for your pain, Snoozie. And do carry on with your own protocols. I personally feel that people are scoffing at me because I am so cautious, but the fact of the matter is we are in higher risk groups being older and having underlying conditions. We do have to try to protect ourselves. Things have gone to pot here, hardly any masks, people not distancing, I'm honestly afraid to go out. Infections are low but are going up rather than down, and we keep getting outbreaks - you never know if the next outbreak will be in your home town! The situation is getting worse in other countries in Europe too. I'm not going to restaurants, bars, etc. I think they are high risk.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hello ladies! My first week as full time granny nanny has been going well. My Achilles (if that’s what the problem was) is feeling a bit better. It’s still sore but improving. I’m still having pain in the ball of my foot from the capsulated second toe thing. I really expected that to be gone by now. I have skipped the morning gym visits this week and will probably put that on hold for at least another week. I know I said it before but I’m so tired of feeling so old and decrepit. My knee, my foot, my Achilles, my shoulder, my right hand....jeez!!!!! I’m not even 60 yet. Ugh.

    Snoozie what did you do to your thumb? Did I miss that? Are you able to play PB?

    I’ve been doing okay with the eating lately. I’ve been logging and, while it’s a pain in the patootie, it’s been effective for me. I didn’t gain any weight after our trip to the mountains, which was surprising. I haven’t lost any this week (as of this morning) but that’s okay because at least I didn’t gain.

    I’m exhausted all the time and am wondering if there’s anything I can do to help that... I usually get about 7 to 8 hours sleep so that’s not it. I’ve gone back to taking my vitamins and have added a B12 supplement. I’m hoping that might help.

    Have a great weekend y’all! I’ll be busy but will check in on Sunday.