February 2020 Monthly Challenge



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    taylok23 wrote: »
    This getting used to less calories is a challenge. Gotta change the mindset from living to eat back to eating to live 🤨

    It's a hard thing, for sure! I still struggle with that sometimes.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    Have been trying some new recipes lately, mostly keto-based. Although my stated goal was under 50, trying for Keto (20 or less) seems to be keeping me more focused. Would love to be at my pre-holiday weight by the end of the month.

    Struggling a bit drinking enough water, so am adding broth and bouillon to the mix
    Will it ever stop raining????????????????

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    supergal3 wrote: »
    Have been trying some new recipes lately, mostly keto-based. Although my stated goal was under 50, trying for Keto (20 or less) seems to be keeping me more focused. Would love to be at my pre-holiday weight by the end of the month.

    Struggling a bit drinking enough water, so am adding broth and bouillon to the mix
    Will it ever stop raining????????????????

    Wondering that, too.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    I wonder if it's going to stop snowing where I live. We got 6 inches on 2/9 and another 2 inches last night. Well, it's good cardio to shovel but the piles are getting so high at the end of the driveway I have to nose way out past them to see if anyone is coming. The wind chill is below zero too for the next couple days. bad news

    Very hectic day today....
    Check in for Feb 12

    1. get rid of 5 lbs by 2/29. closer say by day
    2. stay < 35 net carbs daily. well under
    3. stay < 1,500 calories daily. again well under
    4. intermittent fasting 16:8 every day. Another successful day
    5. Plan ahead every day. Did good, I am now planning for the weekend which is going to be hard b/c we have a banquet to go to.
  • herblovinmom
    herblovinmom Posts: 408 Member

    Send some rain and snow my way please. 😁 living in the desert 🌵 has it’s downfalls...
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Checking in for the last two days... over a bit on calories both days but I remained carnivore and was mindful at each meal. Even though I ate a bit more last night, I waited about 30 minutes before having anything else. Could I have refrained? Sure, but I had a small serving of protein to stop the stomach from grumbling and was fine with it. It has been nice going to bed without feeling weighed down by a big dinner. I have to remember that the next time I feel like over indulging!
  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    Checking in- my days have been going well and I’m getting much more used to the macros. Hit my fat and protein targets and kept under calories. Yeah. I hope I can keep this up. I’m so chuffed!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 13:
    1. Eat within cal/carb limits o:)
    2. Do scheduled strength training o:)o:)
    3. Do 20 min cardio >:)
    4. Find some daily inspiration and share it o:)

    Yesterday was solid...I did indulge with a glass of wine, but I kept it within goal, and I did the missed strength workout and my scheduled strength workout...we also went to the Mr. Louisa show, so didn't have enough time to fit in cardio, but that's ok, I clearly prioritized the missing strength and I'm good with that.

    Happy Valentine's Day!!!

    My husband is heading out of town, so we did gifts last night and I got an adorable coffee mug...no chocolate...nice of him to be supportive...tonight I'm heading out with the girls for some kind of kidnapping escape room...

    Today's inspiration:

    I don't know if most people would consider a girl-date a date, but it made me giggle anyway...and if anyone is going to gift me weights, they better be bigger than that little thing!!!


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member

    Send some rain and snow my way please. 😁 living in the desert 🌵 has it’s downfalls...

    If I could actually make that happen I would in a heartbeat!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    Day 13:
    1. Eat within cal/carb limits o:)
    2. Do scheduled strength training o:)o:)
    3. Do 20 min cardio >:)
    4. Find some daily inspiration and share it o:)

    Yesterday was solid...I did indulge with a glass of wine, but I kept it within goal,...

    Good job!
    Yeah, my weights would eat that little dumbbell as a snack. :smirk: Now a set of Powerblocks...that says love/respect.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    -Feb 13-

    Monsieur Grand Saboteur decided we'd do our Valentine's dinner last night. If I had known about it I would have fasted all day and have been fine. However:

    on-plan cals: >:)
    on-plan carbs: >:)
    workout: :mrgreen: 4/6 strength
    NEAT: :mrgreen:

    It's what is. Busy busy. Eye appts, packing teens for the youth group retreat. Packing youngest so he can stay at the inlaws. So anyway since The Saboteur is involved, I'm fasting until after 6 except coffee. Must haz coffees or the world will implode. :tongue:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    vkrenz wrote: »
    I too would certainly give you snow in the desert for valentine's day if I could.
    It is sooo cold here this morning -12 when I got up and -9 walking across the parking lot to work. That's without the wind chill. Really bad news..

    Check in for Feb 13.

    1. get rid of 5 lbs by 2/29. scale is frozen today ;)
    2. stay < 35 net carbs daily. well under
    3. stay < 1,500 calories daily. again well under
    4. intermittent fasting 16:8 every day. Another successful day
    5. Plan ahead every day. Trying to plan ahead for tomorrow, hubby wants to go out fancy for Valentine's Day.

    My birthday is in a couple weeks and I've asked for 2 sets of hand weights 3# & 5#. March goals will include strength training since I have not incorporated any of that yet.

    Hope everyone is having a "love-ly" day!

    Oh yuck! Try to stay as warm as possible. :grimace:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member

    There are lots of body weight strength training routines on Darebee, you don't have to wait for weights to start getting strong!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Feb 14 check in:
    Mindful eating ✅
    Under calories- nope
    Carnivore ✅
    Water consumption ✅

    I tried some dry roasted nuts after dinner with my saboteur and needed tums because of it. I am noticing this week I have no cravings so that has been nice. There were four boxes of Krispy Kreme’s near me at work and I successfully ignored! Maybe the scale will be kind on Monday?
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,650 Member
    CW 172 down 1
    Cardio only got one in this week but it was 75 spin class AWESOME
    No strength this week, need to prioritize better.
    Logging is better than fair, I'm back in the habit.
    Meal planning and advanced prep has been so helpful.

    Not sure why but if I don't have a class scheduled, I have a hard time wanting to go to the gym by myself. Feel like I had to bully my hubby into modifying his routine once a week to go with me instead of by himself before I get home from work. He agreed to Fri when I work from home and we can go at 3pm. I swear he thinks he's a senior citizen and needs an early bird dinner LOL.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 14-15:
    1. Eat within cal/carb limits o:)o:)
    2. Do scheduled strength training o:)o:)
    3. Do 20 min cardio >:)>:)
    4. Find some daily inspiration and share it o:)>:)

    Valentine's Day was surprisingly good, got kidnapped and got away with 2 min to spare, got a cute photo...Saturday was good, got caught up on the weight workouts, did the menu, hit the grocery and cleaned the house...fun times!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    @tcunbeliever , I gave a good look at the darebee website. There are definitely alot of good exercise ideas for all fitness levels. I'm going to try the Foundation exercises at home starting today and see how well I can complete them. Thank you for letting me know about this website.

    For anyone looking for exercise ideas for different areas of your body and fitness ranges, the website is Darebee.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm on track! I had two slightly off days while flying, but am otherwise doing great this month. I joined a challenge at the gym: 24 one hour workout classes in February. I'm on track to complete it.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Feb 15 check in:
    Mindful eating ✅
    Under calories 🥴
    Carnivore ✅
    Water consumption ✅

    Was over on calories yesterday but am trending under what I would have consumed when not tracking. Still doing IF daily with ease and I’ve had no sweet cravings all week.
  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    Lost cause on Valentines but back on track since. I too like IF and it seems to be really working for me. I eat from 11.30 to 7 and workout in a fasted state and my weight loss is not as difficult as I thought it would be
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 16:
    1. Eat within cal/carb limits >:)
    2. Do scheduled strength training o:)
    3. Do 20 min cardio B)
    4. Find some daily inspiration and share it >:)

    Ate pretty well, but then had wine...argh, the wine always does me in...on the plus side, made some progress on my cosplay, and raked leaves (which isn't really cardio, but kinda cardio-ish), and did the strength training. Not a terrible day...not a perfect day, but not terrible!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Today's inspiration - I know it's late in the day, but it still counts!!!

  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    Days 13-16

    1. Workout-> cardio OR weights:
    Thursday: :star: Friday: :star: : Saturday: :disappointed: Sunday: :grimace:
    Whew! Last 4 days were busy, but I still felt unproductive. Need to keep the goals in focus despite the hiccups.

    2. Weigh/log food daily:
    Thursday: :star: Friday: :sunglasses: Saturday: :naughty: Sunday: :disappointed:
    A break through this weekend and support from my other half-- keeping me in check/reminding me that, for now, I have to log every day & weigh that food. :heart: :wink:

    3. Keep carbs to a minimum/daily <50:
    Thursday: :star: Friday: :flushed: Saturday: :cookie: Sunday: :cookie:
    Saturday & Sunday- I did not snack. 1 good meal each day... but sushi and crepes? Yeah, I went over on carbs (was good though :joy: )

    4. Tan: at least 3 times a week--
    Thursday: :sunglasses: Friday: :flushed: Saturday: :flushed: Sunday: :flushed:
    Thursday- new bulbs in all the beds. Cut my time to less than half- recovered the next 2 days.

    8. Try 10 new recipes: 1 down, 9 more --> still in progress :smiley:
    Thursday: :naughty: Friday: :naughty: Saturday: :naughty: Sunday: :naughty:
    Was not home long enough to cook. Had a dinner & breakfast engagement over the weekend.

    6. Clean out garage by end of month: ...in progress.
    Garage Day is set for the 22nd. Family will be helping with removing items they want and organize the space. The unclaimed items will be taken away for a garage sale set for a later date. Happy all this has come to fruition because I found & bought new furniture Sunday (finally)! Early spring cleaning :smiley:
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Today's Inspiration - in honor of Presidents' Day


  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    haha, love that Teddy Roosevelt.

    Check in for Feb 14, 15, and 16.

    1. get rid of 5 lbs by 2/29. Scale is stuck, hopefully not for long
    2. stay < 35 net carbs daily. did great on both Valentines and Saturday night banquet BUT then on Sunday after a long busy day I made the mistake of sitting down with the bag of Lay's potato chips instead of taking my typical 5 chips. Darn, I ate way too many, didn't even know what amount to log.
    3. stay < 1,500 calories daily. Still stayed way under even with the potato chips
    4. intermittent fasting 16:8 every day. Guess I'll have to modify my expectations to IF M-F and regular on the weekends.
    5. Plan ahead every day. Planning is a one of my strengths so far.

    Less than 2 weeks left of February. I am so looking forward to Spring!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 17:
    1. Eat within cal/carb limits o:)
    2. Do scheduled strength training o:)
    3. Do 20 min cardio o:)
    4. Find some daily inspiration and share it o:)

    Monday was good. Protein was a bit low, but calories were in line. Yoga/pilates was the workout of the day and I worked hard at it, though I do wish they would do more than 10 min of pilates, it's not supposed to be a "just yoga" class and I'm kind of annoyed at doing so much yoga in a class that I set up and asked to be an even split...gah...I think some of the other people in the class don't like the pilates - they are welcome to schedule their own class at the studio, stop trying to ruin mine!!! I will email the instructor and specifically ask for at least 30 min of pilates.

    Today's inspiration:
