February 2020 Monthly Challenge



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    -Feb 17-
    on-plan cals: :mrgreen:
    on-plan carbs: :mrgreen:
    workout: :mrgreen: 1/6 cardio
    NEAT: :mrgreen:

    Didn't get to workout Fri and do all the kids' things took up my whole day.

    Yesterday I actually got to walk outside! Which means the ground was dry enough, and it wasn't raining for a change. It was warmish too. It's almost hiking. The Fitbit calls it 41 floors of stairs. Awesomeness!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    After a very fun walk/run outside on Sunday. We got over 5 inches of snow on Monday, the weatherman forecasted rain. Ick, hopefully it melts soon, the piles are getting higher.

    Check in for Feb 17
    1. get rid of 5 lbs by 2/29. I've got the rest of this week and next, I'm hopeful
    2. stay < 35 net carbs daily. Did great after bombing the weekend
    3. stay < 1,500 calories daily. Did good
    4. intermittent fasting 16:8 every day. Good
    5. Plan ahead every day.

    Keep up the good work everyone. Consistency+Persistence+Time= Success
  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    Doing well on calories and carbohydrates. Fasting is going well- I think it is really helping me. Better than expected weight loss. Good news after over indulgence on Valentines with wine and chocolates.
    Have severe metatarsalgia in my foot and cannot weight bear, so exercising is a challenge. Any suggestions for sitting, or non-weight bearing programs?
    Good wishes to all
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member

    Spent time in gym last two days, so at least I feel good about that. Downloaded a free book on sugar addiction. It is located on sugaraddiction.com, if anyone is interested. Thought it might help me with my intense sweet tooth.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    bacpath wrote: »
    Doing well on calories and carbohydrates. Fasting is going well- I think it is really helping me. Better than expected weight loss. Good news after over indulgence on Valentines with wine and chocolates.
    Have severe metatarsalgia in my foot and cannot weight bear, so exercising is a challenge. Any suggestions for sitting, or non-weight bearing programs?
    Good wishes to all

    Check out youtube for things like "chair exercise", seated exercise, etc.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Feb 16-18 check in:
    Mindful eating ✅
    Under calories 🥴
    Carnivore ✅ Eatin’ meat like a champ
    Water consumption ✅

    Calories have been up the last few days but I’m trying to work out how much meat will satisfy me at each meal. A full week in and hubs and I are doing well with it so far.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 18:
    1. Eat within cal/carb limits o:)
    2. Do scheduled strength training o:)
    3. Do 20 min cardio >:)
    4. Find some daily inspiration and share it o:)

    Hit Costco on the way home, so by the time strength training was done there was no time for cardio...looking at my calendar I'm now a full 2 weeks without cardio (or I forgot to write it down, which is also a possibility)...so, I need to really make that happen...to be fair, I do walk and take the stairs every day, but I'm also trying to get a bit more cardio in...good for the heart and all.

    Today's inspiration:

  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for Feb 18

    1. get rid of 5 lbs by 2/29. about 10 left, I am hopeful
    2. stay < 35 net carbs daily. keeping them low
    3. stay < 1,500 calories daily. Did good
    4. intermittent fasting 16:8 every day. Success
    5. Plan ahead every day. Need to make my lunch for the next day before 11pm at night :)
  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    Days 17-19

    1. Workout-> cardio OR weights:
    Monday: :neutral: Tuesday: :neutral: Wednesday: :sweat_smile:
    Working late & going in early last 3 days (& today). Multiple co-workers are out sick and customers want everything TOMORROW. :lol: Found a fantastic resolution before leaving work last night- super excited for the changes to come... including getting my workout in every day. ;)

    2. Weigh/log food daily:
    Monday: :naughty: Tuesday: :naughty: Wednesday: :yum:
    It is coming together :lol:

    3. Keep carbs to a minimum/daily <50:
    Monday: :naughty: Tuesday: :naughty: Wednesday: :star: :
    I am going to assume I went way over on Monday & Tuesday. I do keep specific foods with me at work should I not take a lunch (which is often), but I am terrible at keeping track at what/how much I am consuming.

    4. Tan: at least 3 times a week--
    **Ha! Not happening so far... maybe tonight if I leave work at a decent time.

    8. Try 10 new recipes: 3 down, 7 more to go...
    I made myself cook despite getting home late. Was good!

    6. Clean out garage by end of month: ...in progress.
    Super excited for this weekend! Moving out a few large pieces of furniture on Friday (weather permitting). Saturday will organize & finish out the job.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 19:
    1. Eat within cal/carb limits o:)
    2. Do scheduled strength training >:)
    3. Do 20 min cardio >:)
    4. Find some daily inspiration and share it o:)

    Taxes last night, so no workouts...I'm planning to try to make it up tonight...headed to the beach house this weekend for massive yard work...not sure if I'm going to pack weights to try and keep up the strength training or not, but I'll decide tomorrow...for sure I won't be working out Friday since I'll be driving, might double up Saturday, and should totally be able to do Sunday...and I'll be traveling in the truck, which bothers my hips less than the car, so that's cool and it's way better for hauling dirt and mulch!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Feb 19 check in:
    Mindful eating 🤨
    Under calories 🥴
    Carnivore ✅
    Water consumption ✅
    Yesterday’s dinner may have been too light but I didn’t give it time to settle before I grabbed some nuts to snack on. I did mindfully set them aside before going overboard but likely should have had more protein instead. The darn things are almost gone so I will get them out of here soon. Still no sugar cravings and am sleeping great. Hubs is starting to see a loss on the scale. I’ll wait and check over the weekend for results but am just feeling firmer across the board.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    -Feb 19-
    on-plan cals: :mrgreen:
    on-plan carbs: :mrgreen:
    workout: :mrgreen: 3/6 cardio
    NEAT: :mrgreen:

    Good day. Knee mostly behaved. We shall see if we can do more legs in strength today.

  • amckholmes
    amckholmes Posts: 119 Member
    Back after being away from home for nearly two weeks. Bottom line did not remain mindful about ANYTHING good. Am home now and remembering it was a bumpy patch of road. Day three of super clean, very low carb eating and normal gym time. Feeling proud of myself for not throwing in the towel and punishing myself further by continuing the poor decisions. Onward! Big thanks to everyone on this forum who continues to share, it is not only motivating, but also helps me realize I am far from alone on a bumpy patch.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Good job with everyone's successes. I agree people sharing is a great motivator.

    Check in for Feb 19

    1. get rid of 5 lbs by 2/29. remaining hopeful with 9 days to go
    2. stay < 35 net carbs daily. way low at 13
    3. stay < 1,500 calories daily. success
    4. intermittent fasting 16:8 every day. another success
    5. Plan ahead every day. I'm already planning my Saturday.

    I have been using the Darebee workout website doing Foundation Light every day. So far, so good.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Day 20:
    1. Eat within cal/carb limits o:)
    2. Do scheduled strength training o:)o:)
    3. Do 20 min cardio >:)
    4. Find some daily inspiration and share it o:)

    Yesterday was top end for calories, so within goal, but just barely. No cardio, but I did catch up on strength so completed Wed and Thurs workouts.

    Tonight I'm headed to the beach house, which means phone only and no PC. Typically MFP doesn't work on my phone, so I end up tracking food with Fat Secret which does work.

    I will get on if I can, but if you don't hear from me, I'm still cheering for everyone and wishing you the best!!!

    Also, my scale is being totally crazy, but I think I'm down at least a pound for the month so far...and my rings are still tight, so I'm hopeful that there's at least one more pound in water to come off...but, I ordered a new scale since I just replaced the batteries in this one and it's started cutting off and being rather inconsistent...already...what a pain in the patootie.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Feb 20 check in:
    Mindful eating ✅
    Under calories ✅
    Carnivore ✅
    Water consumption 👎
    Didn’t drink as much water as I should have but it wasn’t terrible either. I ate less yesterday at both lunch and dinner because I just wasn’t feeling it. Definitely not craving anything and at least a bit, food doesn’t seem to have the same draw it did just a few weeks ago. Progress? We’ll see. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for Feb 20.

    1. get rid of 5 lbs by 2/29. looking like I just might be successful
    2. stay < 35 net carbs daily. way low again at 14 net/18 total
    3. stay < 1,500 calories daily. well under
    4. intermittent fasting 16:8 every day. good
    5. Plan ahead every day. so far, so good, test will be Sat and Sun

    Has anyone else had a time with MFP being down for maintenance a lot lately. Seems like I have to try to log in several times to be able to actually use the sight. I'm not sure if it's my wifi connection or MFP site.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    vkrenz wrote: »
    Check in for Feb 20.

    1. get rid of 5 lbs by 2/29. looking like I just might be successful
    2. stay < 35 net carbs daily. way low again at 14 net/18 total
    3. stay < 1,500 calories daily. well under
    4. intermittent fasting 16:8 every day. good
    5. Plan ahead every day. so far, so good, test will be Sat and Sun

    Has anyone else had a time with MFP being down for maintenance a lot lately. Seems like I have to try to log in several times to be able to actually use the sight. I'm not sure if it's my wifi connection or MFP site.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    Yeah, MFP has been weirder than usual for me too. "Site Down Temporarily" messages. And there's a double posting problem in the feed on the homepage for workouts mostly.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    -Feb 20-
    on-plan cals: :mrgreen:
    on-plan carbs: :mrgreen:
    workout: :neutral: 3/6 NONE
    NEAT: :mrgreen:

    The day blew up with all the kid stuff that had to be done/handled so I did not get to workout. I'll just have to try to make-up Saturday, maybe? Today is going to also be a PITA with afternoon appointments so I hope that after lunch I can squeeze in a workout before I have to take kids to appointments and other assorted complete absurdity. :grimace:

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    -Feb 21-
    on-plan cals: :mrgreen:
    on-plan carbs: :mrgreen:
    workout: :mrgreen: 4/6 cardio
    NEAT: :mrgreen:

    Perfect day.
    I still need to make up the missed strength workout today but I have to help the teens clean up the house since they are having a friend over...so I can't say it will happen for sure. But NEAT will be up. :+1:

    Scale is still up 2 of the 3 lbs it decided to find somewhere. But Lucifer and his waterfall decided to visit me so...it's possible it will finally leave and take a friend with it maybe next week.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    edited February 2020
    Feb 21check in:
    Mindful eating 🤨
    Under calories 🥴
    Carnivore ✅
    Water consumption ✅

    Seems like my days tend to repeat themselves. Up on calories and not much in the way of mindful eating yesterday but I did climb on the scale after two weeks of not checking in and am down 5 pounds. Water weight? Maybe, but it is moving in the right direction.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in for Feb 21

    Good day, even went out to eat after work. Did go over on carbs slightly. I'm happy with the numbers at the end of the day.

    We'll see how the weekend goes.

    Hope everyone has a successful weekend.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Feb GW 169
    CW still 172
    Cardio-did get in two walks this week
    Strentgh-30 min class with trainer last Monday. Will get another half hour this afternoon then bowling tonight.
    Meal prep to begin when my grand-goddaughter gets picked up.

    Considering doing carnivore next month, "Meat Madness" 😀
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member

    Gym time as planned, probably because I have a workout partner and I hate to let her down.
    Carbs and calories went haywire, AGAIN.

    Looking at the calendar, I would have been near goal by the end of the month if I had stuck to the program.

    May have to come up with a March Madness goal. :(
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    Yesterday was thrown off on calories and mindfulness as we went to a friend’s house for drinks and sports. I had three white claws and went over on calories for the day but remained carnivore. Today was better from a mindfulness and water consumption day. I woke up ravenous so ate breakfast rather than fast, had a decent lunch and small dinner. Calories may have been over but I was busy most of the day getting my NEAT in and a short run. During the week I do so much better! Can’t believe this month is nearly over and I’m heading into week 3 of carnivore. Never thought I’d stick to it!