WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - March 2020



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was going to say good morning, but it is afternoon here! I was dealing with my mom for the past few hours as she was insisting on going to the grocery store. My mom is over 80 and has mild asthma, so I had to be very insistent that she not leave the house. She has a lot of supplies, but needs some fresh foods. Many of her neighbours have offered to shop for her, but she is too proud to take them up on this. She lives in a small town about 90 minutes away, so one of me, my brother or my husband were going to drive to her and get her groceries today. After some digging, we found a service in my mom’s region that does private shopping and delivery service for seniors and disabled folks. So we made arrangements with the service for this afternoon and I hope it works out well. My mom is still quite independent and very set in her ways, so it is hard for her to have anybody do things like grocery shopping for her. She still drives and is very healthy, other than the asthma. She is just not being realistic about the risk right now. I feel about worn out by it all, and it is only 1 pm!

    Yesterday was a good day. I followed my plan and we had a nice family dinner and movie night scheduled, so I made sure to plan for that. I drank all of my water and exercised as well. My sleep quality is not that great, and the anxiety I feel is usually at night after everyone is sleeping. I am going to try some different meditations tonight to see if that helps.

    @1theresamcvean - Your hairdresser’s to go idea is brilliant! Your grandchildren are adorable!!

    @timibotkin - Way to maintain! I am so sorry that your biopsy was a difficult experience. It is completely understandable that you needed to rest. It is hard to believe that people are out shopping for pansies right now, but I guess some people feel like they have to occupy themselves somehow. I do wish people would take the social distancing more seriously though.

    @podperson1 - Glad that you were able to chat with your mom and that your parents are taking the social distancing seriously. Wish I could send you some pizza as I am making some tonight!

    @sleepymom5 - It is so generous of you to want to help out as a nurse. Depending upon where you live, it can be very serious right now due to dwindling supplies. There is more risk with age for this virus as well. What about a public health phone or text service? Our public health number here is jammed and they are hiring nurses right now. There may be something like that in your area.

    @tryingagain5 - Thank you for prayers and I am praying too. That is good news about your job in the short term and I hope that the work continues. You are right that we all need to find things to do other than worry or watch the news. Sending you a big hug.

    @mrsbell8well - So nice of you to bring some baking to your staff! The banks here have closed a number of branches and are operating others on limited hours. They are asking people to rely on ATMs, and phone/online banking. I worked at the head office of one of the big banks for many years and know that if this does get worse, more limitations will be coming. And yes, I love artichokes and grew up eating them.

    @Zumbah_luvah - Fantastic loss, congratulations! You will see the 170’s very soon!

    @brown6267 - Fantastic loss!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - I hope that you can keep your anxiety and ED under control. You are not alone with what you are experiencing, that’s for sure. Please feel free post here if you need some extra support when you are feeling like binging. Hope that your kids are ok and not exposed. Thanks for the uplifting photos! Posts like that really do help.

    @Fi45 - Nice loss, congrats!

    @hope002 - There could be a lot of reasons for this gain. Regardless, you have been doing excellent overall!

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi again everyone,

    Our F2F April registration has opened. Would appreciate you sharing the information and links below on your walls, friends or in other groups/threads where you participate. We would like to keep our community going strong through the pandemic.




    FAT 2 FIT is going strong for now over 4 years! Yep, we have been around for a while!

    Looking for a support group?
    Looking to get as much as you give?

    Fat 2 Fit is inviting you to join!

    We are a weight loss challenge and support group. We have teams for accountability and challenges for motivation.

    Come join the best bunch of losers on MFP :)

    Click here to see what we are all about:

    Want to join us?   Click here:
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day:Saturday
    Previous weight:177.0
    Current weight:178.5
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    3/20 - 10,735 steps
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @nstephenson01 - We are so happy to have you back and will get you added back for April no problem. Can you please post or message me your starting weight? We are all feeling the anxiety right now so this is a very good place to get some support. I hope that your husband makes it back safely. Feel free to post as much as you want now! Welcome back!

    @1theresamcvean - You just made me cry! Those photos are amazing and your mom looks like she is in excellent hands! That poem is lovely and yes, there will be a time when this comes to an end, and I really hope we come away kinder and more appreciative of our blessings.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 622 Member
    edited March 2020
    Weigh-in Week 4
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 263.2 (119.4 kg)
    CW: 261.2 (118.5 kg)

    - 2 lbs / 0.9 kg. Funny thing, I think and calculate in metric, but weight loss always sounds so much better in imperial lol.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 622 Member
    Steps for the past week: 52299

    Sun 15th: 6832
    Mon 16th: 7104
    Tues 17th: 11326
    Wed 18th: 4987
    Thurs 19th: 10721
    Fri 20th: 8067
    Sat 21st: 3262
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I love your dog pictures. I guess if that’s your cousins dog, technically the dog is your cousin too! I’ve got my grand puppy in town and he’s about 3-1/2 pounds and just non stop play!! It’s amazing how dogs can get your mind off of everything else going on in the world.

  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 622 Member
    @lennoncpa I saw the pic of your grand puppy, he's adorable! My cousin lives nearby so we see Mia all the time, she's almost 3 and outgrown her "puppy" phase but she still goes crazy when she sees me, it's the funniest thing. Apparently she doesn't do that for anyone else. She is totally not the sort of dog I would get if we were to get a dog, but she's pretty awesome. :smile:
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 622 Member
    @podperson1 Yes we love Big Bang. Bazinga is going to be 8 this year, so it's just as well we never got sick of it!

    @1theresamcvean amazing photos and poem. I really hope humanity does learn something from all of this.

    There's just too much else going on to respond to... but I am reading and sending you all love.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @Phoebe112476, @rosieposiesrl & @KUMEcyclingteam - Just a reminder that we are missing your weigh ins for this week! Please post if you do not want to go NWI on the spreadsheet. Thanks!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Today, these two things made me calmer after a good cry.

    1) My mother put a ball of blue wool in the window at her new nursing home so my sister could find her for a window visit. You can see my sister smiling in the window reflection ~ the nurses had also made a sign. 2) I also saw this poem about everything.



    @1theresamcvean you made me cry but in a good way. Your mom is in good hands. Love the poem.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,067 Member
    @1theresamcvean i'm not that worried yet, my appointment isn't until the 4th. my entire head needs to be done though, my hair is magenta. i wouldn't mind if my girl made me a little care package though. my husband said it will be funny to see what my hair looks like.

    today i tried going back to the store, did try walmart and sams this time, was a little successful. no toilet paper anyplace though. then came and have been watching movies, i did try reading for a bit but the book is a little slow. my zumba instructor is going to do a zumba class on zoom tomorrow morning so i am going to try to log into that. hopefully i can do it. im not that great with technology. should be fun if i can figure it out.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    The themes are up for week 4 of the March challenge. The link is below and we start tomorrow!
    Most of us are at home a lot more these days. Understandably, we are all feeling increased levels of stress and anxiety. A lot of our usual coping mechanisms have been shut down, like gyms, places of worship, cafes and favorite shops. This week is about self care, our mental health and staying motivated thorough this difficult time.

    Motivation Monday
    Now more than ever, practicing kindness and gratitude can help us and others through this time. Post a photo or describe what you are thankful for or an act of kindness in your life (whether you gave or received that kindness).

    Transformation Tuesday
    A lot of the places that we go to for self care are closed. It could be your place of worship, support group, salon, spa, gym, local pool, or neighbourhood cafe. All kinds of diy ideas and videos have popped up on how to do things for ourselves at home. Show or tell us about one way that you have transformed your self care while staying at home.

    Workout Wednesday
    Whether we feel like it or not, we need to keep moving during this difficult time. Post a selfie from or tell us about one aspect your home workout routine.

    Thirsty Thursday
    Seems like I am making way more soup lately. Post your recipe or a photo of for your favorite soup. I know that soup is a food, but it is liquid too!

    Food for Thought Friday
    Post a your favorite motivational quote. It can be a photo or text, but please share anything that is helping you right now.

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,067 Member

    tues- 6,754
    wed- 6,697
    thurs- 7,634
    fri- 8,407
    sat- 11,442

    not a lot of steps this week
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sorry about your husband. Hopefully he feels better soon.

    Glad you enjoyed my post. I've always liked helping people but right now it has to be more of a virtual helping. If what I post helps people on our team, that's great. Yesterday and today I checked up on some of the older folks from church, through phone calls and Facebook.

    You do have a lot to think about deciding to help since you have medical knowledge. Like someone else said (don't remember who)maybe you could do something with answering phones. My friend's daughter is a nurse and she will be working from home now answering calls.

    I'm not good with technology either. I did find out that I could purchase extra data for not too much extra cost so I decided to do that. I want to be able to do the exercise videos on Fitness on demand and to watch my church's service and of course be able to post here.
This discussion has been closed.