DOWNSIZERS Team Chat - April 2020



  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Thursday April 16 check in

    Exercise --- stretches done; chair yoga, chair exercise, and walking to go
    Water --- getting at least 8 every day; trying for more

    Today's To Do List --
    get in rest of exercise, drink all water, be mindful of food choices
    Pay bills
    Clean cat boxes

    My cat is being a real pain this morning. I'm trying to do my walking and she's flopping down across my feet, weaving in and out, flinging herself out in front of me. If I hadn't paid a bunch of money to get her "fixed", I'd swear she's in heat! Especially with the amount of talking she's flinging my way when she doesn't get her way. :*

    Have a good day Y'all :)
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    I realized I may have a UTI after a couple of new symptoms occurred. I Skyped with my doctor 2 nights ago and he prescribed a one time dose antibiotic which I am happy to say has cleared up all my symptoms. 😘

    Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. Glad the doc was able to prescribe something to help!
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    ddk125 wrote: »
    I had a huge thing typed out and then hit done instead of post! :disappointed:

    :o Don't you just Hate that!!! And, you know it was both brilliant and insightful! B)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    not sure why that line is there. Is there a way to edit or delete a post?

    I don’t know if you can delete a post but you can edit up to an hour after you have written the post. There’s a button in the top right hand corner of the post that allows you to edit.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    ddk125 wrote: »
    I had a huge thing typed out and then hit done instead of post! :disappointed:

    Steps: 9048
    Past weight: 183.6
    Current weight 185.2

    We had take out for supper last night and I'm thinking it messed with my weigh-in. I seldom eat takeout, and certainly not the amounts of simple carbs I consumed last night. I'll was comfort eating after receiving some emotional news.

    Yesterday was pretty a much failure as far as health goals go. But I'm getting my energy back! My doctor currently has me on progesterone every day of the month. I think it's not the right dosage for the follicular phase of my cycle. I had about a week and a half that I was really low again. Buut I'm up and running now. (Or at least I was yesterday.)

    I finished sewing the dress for my friend, got it packaged up and in a drop box. :smile:

    Spent time sifting through a whole bunch of old papers. And shredding and throwing them away. How liberating it can be to get rid of some of that old stuff!

    I did save one dear little diary from 8 year old me. I just love the entries like the one at Christmas time that says 'Today we played and got very fat!'. :lol:

    Then in the late afternoon I got the wild urge to rearrange our bedroom. We have this massive bedroom, so there are many options. I moved all the furniture around in there, and tidied and moved decor around and suddenly it feels like a luxerious B&B in our bedroom. I'm so pleased with it. :blush:

    I still want to finish up more unfinished projects this week. A huge important one is to finish switching around which room is sewing/craft room and which room is office. Each room has a big heavy desk in them that I'm not moving, so there will be lots of little stuff to move. That should help get steps in :grin:

    I'm hoping to work on that today. Today is supposed to be my rest day from exercise.
    However it may be a complete rest day if it needs to. I didn't have a good night last night. Didn't sleep until after 3am. Not sure why that was. Did drink tea in the evening. Maybe too much caffeine?! :

    Today's health goals:
    Log food.
    Stay under calories.
    Hit post reply instead of done when I get done typing this. :wink:

    The sodium in takeout can cause a weight increase in some people.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Good morning team! I’m so sorry I haven’t been active this past week. I’ve been feeling a bit off health wise and started feeling very bad a couple of days ago with pressure and pain in my lower abdomen and then I realized I may have a UTI after a couple of new symptoms occurred. I Skyped with my doctor 2 nights ago and he prescribed a one time dose antibiotic which I am happy to say has cleared up all my symptoms. I had stopped jogging due to pressure in my lower abdomen but was still walking my 5k’s each morning and this morning I was able to do walk/run intervals. I’ll get back to my runs soon enough.

    I will post last weeks step results in a few and try to catch up with some of your posts over the last week. Again sorry for disappearing 😘

    Sorry you were not feeling well. Don’t be sorry about taking care of your health, it comes first!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 82 minute walk
    Water: success

    Steps 4/15 12,304

    Well I ended up walk 5.45km yesterday. I walked in the park yesterday. You are still allowed to walk in the park but can not use the benches or playground equipment. The walkway is way wider than a side walk so it was much easier to social distance. Today I am going for a shorter walk. I will have to stay in the parking lot and on the hill as I am expecting a package.

    Today’s goal
    1. 30 minute walk
    2. 5000 steps or more
    3. Tai chi
    4. Stay within calories
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday
    PW: 248.0
    CW: 249.4

    I really really really need to get back into tracking and being active. This lockdown is getting to me.

    Time to turn it around. Goals for the next week:
    Meditate daily
    Get a minimum 15,000 steps each day
    Meet Fitbits active hour goals
    Track everything... honestly
    Happy Thursday!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,154 Member
    I cannot remember if I posted steps.
    4/12- 3451
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday
    PW: 248.0
    CW: 249.4

    I really really really need to get back into tracking and being active. This lockdown is getting to me.

    Time to turn it around. Goals for the next week:
    Meditate daily
    Get a minimum 15,000 steps each day
    Meet Fitbits active hour goals
    Track everything... honestly
    Happy Thursday!

    Sounds like you have great goals set!
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    Starting weight:. 208.6
    Last week 209.4
    This week 207.6

    I know that I logged this! I don't know why it didn't go through! Week before last was shark week. I've been getting at least an hour of exercise a day 6 days a week!
  • Murphyi150
    Murphyi150 Posts: 54 Member
    Oops I missed both the Monday weigh in and logging daily steps.
    I will try to keep better track and accountability because not doing that’s what had me gain weight 🙁.
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,410 Member
    Thursday Weigh In
    Previous: 173
    Current: 173

    This may not seem like one, but it’s a victory. I was up to 175 over the weekend so, Yay!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,154 Member
    4/16 steps 11859
  • Murphyi150
    Murphyi150 Posts: 54 Member
    April 16. 6856 steps.
  • fossett2000
    fossett2000 Posts: 12 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Last week: 259
    Today: 261.4

    It's been a rough week. Trouble at work. I'm in a boot and can't walk. So I've been eating.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Starting weight:. 208.6
    Last week 209.4
    This week 207.6

    I know that I logged this! I don't know why it didn't go through! Week before last was shark week. I've been getting at least an hour of exercise a day 6 days a week!

    Congrats on the loss! Great job on the exercise!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    UTMom81 wrote: »
    Thursday Weigh In
    Previous: 173
    Current: 173

    This may not seem like one, but it’s a victory. I was up to 175 over the weekend so, Yay!

    Great recovery! I count it as a victory too.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Weekly weigh in
    Last week: 259
    Today: 261.4

    It's been a rough week. Trouble at work. I'm in a boot and can't walk. So I've been eating.

    I hope this week is better for you. It sucks being in a boot.
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