

  • veryhotmails
    veryhotmails Posts: 171 Member
    Weigh in
    Pw 237.7
    CW 237

    Daily steps were not too bad, infact I was thinking of not yet able to beat my personal best of 19k and to my surprise I hit my new personal best at 21k.
    I have been able to have my fruits smoothies more this week. Will be bringing on running gradually once I get my new running shoes.

    I had a problem with the scale as batteries misbehaving, now sorted and reweighed myself as I knew the previous could have been better based on what I have been upto in the past week.
    PW 237. 7
    Yesterday's 237
    CW 235.7
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member

    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 3 - May 2020 Sunday
    PW 152.1 (69kg)
    CW 154.7 (70.2kg)

    Gained weight - have bad sleep and sleepy during the day so eating chocolate and biscuits for energy to wake up. Napped Friday afternoon for an hour. Thursday and Friday went to sleep at 8pm sleeping for 12hrs.

    It's that I feel so tired I just want to eat food. When actually I just want to sleep.

    I had lost in total 12kg but now it's back at 10kg. I'd wish I'd wish i just gone to sleep than eat.

    GOALS coming week:
    1. Eat less chocolate and no biscuits
    2. Say grace before every meal
    3. Plan meals in advance that thinking what to eat before preparing it


  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member
    Day: May 16
    Weigh in : week 2
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Prior Weight: 342.0
    Today’s weight: 341.6
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @deadphoenixrising - Congratulations on the great weigh-in! Thanks for checking in when your internet came back! Having it gone can be so frustrating. And hurray for that work on cleaning! As someone with some living space that is *ahem* not so great, I am suitably impressed!
    Hey, Slimpossibles! Great discussion request here!

    What do you do to help make sure you drink enough water?

    For me, making sure to drink a lot of water in the morning is really helpful. If I have also played a game of checking in with myself midday to see if I need to do some catch-up (and then guzzling down a big glass of water as needed!).
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,065 Member
    @raleighgirl09 Thanks! I hope this is a better week. <3

    @deadpheonixrising I am working on getting more liquids in, too, and what is helping me is that I have an app on my phone the HabitShare app. It allows me to set tiny goals and check them off and set reminders that go off to remind me. I have some for water: 26 oz of water by 9:00 am, by 12:00 pm, by 4:00 pm. It really helps me. But this board also has a habit tracker, some of the others can tell you about it.

    Tiny habits checkin:
    1 minute of exercise: Yes
    Focus for 5 minutes on Photoshop tutorials: No
    I will track my food for the day: Yes

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: Walk with dog and husband
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Stick to my food plan, walk with dog and husband, 52+ oz of water.
  • jmbrown11
    jmbrown11 Posts: 6 Member
    Current weight: 227.5
    That was actually yesterday as I don’t have access to a scale today but cheers to a lose!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited May 2020
    @jmbrown11 , @mlhopp93 , @veryhotmails @digger61 - Hurray! Congratulations on the great weigh-ins!


  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wahhhooooo look at us being number one this week!!! Keep it up team!!! :star:B):star:

  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Week 2
    PW 193.6
    CW 195.8

    I went off the rails for a couple days because I am angry with myself for re-damaging my ankle. For those that don't know, I had surgery to repair a 3 inch tear in my peroneal tendon back in Sept. I was doing yard work and stepped in a mole hole and my ankle went sideways. The tendon slipped over the ankle bone. The doctor said the only way to fix it is to open it back up and put in anchors to hold it in place. And so goes life.

    I allowed myself to be angry for a bit and now I'm better. Thanks for listening.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    1st Waistaways 0.53%
    2nd Downsizers 0.40%
    3rd Trimstones 0.22%

    1st Waistaways 26.8 lbs
    2nd Downsizers 21.4 lbs
    3rd Trimstones 11.5 lbs

    1st @unevano 3.84%
    2nd @SMcFall0215 2.56%
    3rd @metonymicalinsanity 2.31%

    1st @unevano 9.0 lbs
    2nd @metonymicalinsanity 7.2 lbs
    3rd @SMcFall0215 4.3 lbs


  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,022 Member
    Friday weigh in
    Week ? 5/15
    PW: 187.1
    CW 187.3
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,022 Member
    Hey all- having a bad week emotionally as others have mentioned. Have now had 3 "habitless" days which we all know leads to no good. Tomorrow we are going to spend the day driving and packing up my son's dorm room. Will work on getting my head back together on the drive and then get started on a new week. I feel like this whole process is kind of like Jenga- you get things stacked up just right and then it falls over (or maybe I knock it over myself?) and you have to start anew. Some bricks stay standing and I will take them to start with my rebuild.

    @its_cleo- you'll be missed!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @Cornanda balancing the Jenga is exactly how I'm feeling right now, exercise and movement is greatly affected, I feel lousy, and I'm feeling resistant to weighing and staying under calories but I'm scared if one piece drops they all will. Good analogy!

    I'm just peeking in to get inspiration to stay on track. As far as water goes I add stuff to it and keep a water bottle with me at all times. My fav is making ginger root cinnamon stick tea and diluting a bit in water. I love citrus in my water, been saving rinds to add lately. Now that my mint plants are growing I'm adding more to my water.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Katmary71, ginger root cinnamon stick tea sounds awesome! Where do you get it? I add those True Lemon packets to my water. I also drink a tremendous amount of plain and naturally flavored sparkling waters. :)

    @Cornanda, you just had me go look at my habit tracker and it’s been over two days since I tracked. I said I was going to redo my tiny habits and haven’t yet. I love your Jenga analogy and the secret is that we don’t give up. We rebuild. As many times as it takes!! <3

    @vegan4lyfe2012, I can totally understand how re-damaging your ankle would make you upset. I had a friend who had to have major bone surgery on her ankle, so I know you are not wanting to do that. But you also have to take care of yourself for the long haul. Please come vent anytime. <3

    What do you do to help make sure you drink enough water?

    Like I wrote to Katmary71, I drink a ton of sparkling water. I use those True Lemon packets a couple of times a day too. I always down 24 oz. of water first thing in the morning before leaving the bathroom. I drink water with my meals and sip on it while watching TV. I drink three cups of coffee a day and the rest of the time its water. Well, occasionally there might be a Diet Coke, a bottle of beer, or a glass (or three) of red wine thrown in. Just NOT all at once! :D

    Hey Team! Today was the 10th week of watching online church and we have another five weeks to go. We are planning to go back on June 28th and I can't wait!!! It will be hard not to hug my friends but at least we can see each other. Hubby and I went for a drive today and got Starbucks iced coffee. The weather is so nice that we had to get out for a while. Today was an off day from my Barre workouts so I did a 40-minute treadmill walk. My eating was on point today and the scale was down a tiny bit this morning. Maybe it will be down a bit more tomorrow. :)
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I make the tea from ginger root and cinnamon sticks in the Instant Pot, then leave it on warm for a few hours so it's real concentrated. A great affordable tea if you like cinnamon is Sweet and Spicy from Good Earth, there's a black tea version and a caffeine-free.

    If you like cold brew Starbucks has a really good salted honey cold brew for 40 calories right now, I bought it when depressed kind of hoping I wouldn't like it but it's now my favorite Starbucks drink!

    My church keeps having streaming problems, both services were a complete bust.

    Not sure what I think of the videos, I was pretty worn out when I watched but the second video with all the jiggles reminded me of those fat jiggling belts women used early 80s. I tried to shake like that this morning and definitely don't go nearly as fast!
  • gberin
    gberin Posts: 23 Member
    Username: gberin
    Weigh-in week: Week 3
    Weigh-in day: Sat
    Previous Weight: 191
    Todays Weight: 188

    Things are going great with my new adopted dog. It's day 3 with him.

    I recently have been getting bored. I am living alone and not by choice, I really need a roommate.

    Also, I was looking into becoming an egg donor and found out that I am disqualified at some places because of my bmi, kind of a nasty shock. It felt like someone was telling me that my life is not worth living because of my weight! I know they don't mean that, but still! Also, for most of my life I have weighed about 30 -40 lbs less than I do now. Anyway, I'm choosing to be thick-skinned about it.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    @deadphoenixrising - Congratulations on the great weigh-in! Thanks for checking in when your internet came back! Having it gone can be so frustrating. And hurray for that work on cleaning! As someone with some living space that is *ahem* not so great, I am suitably impressed!
    Hey, Slimpossibles! Great discussion request here!

    What do you do to help make sure you drink enough water?

    For me, making sure to drink a lot of water in the morning is really helpful. If I have also played a game of checking in with myself midday to see if I need to do some catch-up (and then guzzling down a big glass of water as needed!).

    @AustinRuadhain I use a 32 ounce cup - I fill it after breakfast and have it done by lunch, fill again, have it done before 4ish. I fill again and try to finish by bedtime - sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I finish the 3rd and tonight I am on a 4th. But knowing I am committed to that full cup twice and having two time points for getting them in is my key to getting my minimum.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 686 Member
    Sunday check in

    Hey gang! Late check in - I am visiting family this week but at least reading posts each night. => I had a less than stellar day of eating....kind of on purpose as the day wore on. I started with indulging in snacks that were laid out - not a lot but, still. Great veggie and chicken dinner but then some chocolates and cheese after dinner so, there's that. Water and sleep have been great and above average steps - I'm in the mountains of NC so lots of tough hills each day on two walks. I'm job hunting while here, seeing as how it's all online anyway, have even had an interview. I hope everyone has a great start to the week tomorrow!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    @gberin Congratulations on your dog! If you can, post a picture!

    Sunday check-in
    Calories under
    Exercise 30 minutes arm cardio

    30 minutes cardio- done
    yoga/core- no
    weights- can't do legs
    Recipe- nothing new
    10,000 steps- no, been resting all day not that it's doing any good

    Tiny habits 2/3

    I'm still disconnected to Fitrockr, keep getting emails, reconnecting, then get another email that I'm still not connected. I don't care about the competition among our group but it would be nice if exercise counted FOR our group, though I'm not able to do much right now so it doesn't really matter. Sorry gang.

  • Wishusdonna
    Wishusdonna Posts: 241 Member
    Well done us!

    Trying to get on the tracker later. I've been trying to keep notes on my phone instead and most days 100% targets achieved!

    Weigh in day Monday

    Last week 159lbs
    This week 157lbs

    Our PM Boris wants us to watch our weight, so as my inspiration I will be thinking of him when it comes to the useless fat I want to shift! ;-P
This discussion has been closed.