

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    edited May 2020
    gberin wrote: »
    Username: gberin
    Weigh-in week: Week 2
    Weigh-in day: Sat
    Previous Weight: 191
    Todays Weight: 189
    Your weigh-in day was Sunday - you are not due until tomorrow for week 2! Good job on the 2 pounds gone though :smiley:

    If you want to change to Saturday, just post a message here to that effect.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Hm, you got me thinking here! Would your mom do chair exercises? If so I think Pahla B has good ones that can be done, there's ones for over 50 as well. I've been sticking with two of her arm videos to rest my legs lately. The catch is finding non-annoying instructors, I think chair instructors are worse than the average instructor as so far there's only two that don't bug me! Could be because I feel stuck doing them! @AustinRuadhain recommended Silver Sneakers for my Dad (when gym is open he goes daily and hasn't been working out, he's 76) when I asked for recommendations as I'd sent him a resistant band video that was too hard for him. I've also sent him ones for balance, not sure if that's an issue for your Mom or not. There's a lot of Silver Sneakers videos on YouTube! Leslie Sansone one miles aren't too bad but it depends on your mom's fitness level. I get a lot of YouTube recommendations for senior videos from doing the chair exercises. If you let me know more about your Mom (like dance, walking, sitting, pilates, yoga, or any certain music or type/age of instructor) I can search through some of the ones recommended to me and find something appropriate.

    Now that I think about it something like chair stretch or yoga would be great, I'm impressed with how good chair yoga is not having to get on the floor! Chair exercises are a way better workout than I expected, especially for the core. I wasn't resting my legs as much as I thought just bracing my body for arm exercising, It would be fun if the two of you did them together, I forgot to take my bands last time to my parent's house, I think my Dad was glad since he hadn't done the videos I'd sent!

    Here's a gentle yoga routine:

    This is one of the Silver Sneakers classes that looks pretty good, I've been looking through them for about half an hour now. Obviously your Mom doesn't have to do chair exercises, I just thought it was a good one from watching so many of them lately. I like this instructor too, she's normal! There's a lot of videos of people in retirement homes, I'm guessing if your mom can go shopping she's able to do more than the people in those videos.

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    Saturday check-in
    Exercise- did my usual chair exercises but chose arm-only ones or made them that way. Paul Eugene advanced Cardio boxing and boxing, Pahla B arms cardio, Pahla B arms only, yoga, foam rolling, chest and shoulder weights.
    Calories- under. Confused by Fitbit but what else is new
    Water- fine

    30 minutes cardio- done
    Stretching/yoga and core- done
    Weights- upper body done
    Recipe- Made skinnytaste's Giant Turkey Meatball Parmesan https://www.skinnytaste.com/giant-turkey-meatball-parmesan/
    It was really good, only thing I changed was instead of parsley in the meatball I used basil since I have a ton and only a little parsley, it has good reviews for a reason. Glad I like it as it's dinner for a few more nights. I'm actually kind of proud of myself, I'm squeamish at touching raw meat and actually made a meatloaf! It was gross!

    Tiny habits
    Picking out video- did
    Playing with cats- did
    Breathing- did
    Still need to tweak them and put something in Habit Tracker for May, I'm really behind!
  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member
    @TeresaW1020 great tiny habits- good to track your food before rewarding yourself with going on social media.

    I always brush my teeth and then read a book for 15mins before going on social media.

    I'd love to join Tiny Habits but every time I access it it crashes.

    ;c-44970233"]Wahhoooo Slimpossibles for making 3rd place this week! Special shout out to @davors19 for being our team’s number one!! :star:

    @Katmary71, I wanted to order some 2 lb weights for the new barre program and there are NONE to be had. Well, I take that back. I did find one set on Amazon for $39. Talk about your price gauging. :angry: I’ll use my 3 lbs and when I can’t then I hold water bottles.

    @apple852hk, congrats on the weight loss!! B) You should join the Tiny Habit Challenge since you already have three great goals. It might help you stay more mindful.

    @its_cleo, sorry that you feel like you haven’t been doing well. Yes, do check in more often. I will try to do that too! <3

    @AustinRuadhain, let me just say........you're AMAZING!!!! <3B):star:

    @deadpheonixrising, welcome to the group! We are very happy to have you here. Many find the accountability of these kinds of groups very helpful. So jump right in and make yourself at home. :)

    @gberin, welcome to the team! You have some good goals for yourself and yes life is hectic. But, I’m sure you know the importance of taking care of yourself. I look forward to getting to know you. :)

    @raleighgirl09, Yayyyy for checking in and for doing the Habit Tracker. I LOVE the goal that you have set for your birthday and it’s totally doable. This past month has been hard on many of us but this is a new month and we can change it around. B)

    Sunday Check-in:

    Hi Team! :) Today was another quiet day in quarantine. Hubby and I watched church on Facebook and we have a Zoom fellowship in a couple of hours. I’m doing my best not to wallow in the fact that we have at least six more weeks of this. While it’s true that my state has started to reopen, I still have to remain super careful since hubby is a senior. And then there is my mom who lives with us and has multiple health issues. They are still told to shelter in place until June 12th. Anyhoo, today was an active recovery day in my workout so I just walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes and then did some housework. I worked on my puzzle and got a small done. Only about 4700 pieces to go. :D

    I’m excited about the Tiny Habit Challenge that our amazing, super talented @AustinRuadhain put together for the entire Fat2Fit group. I really hope that you all will at least Click This Link!! and take a look at the challenge. Even better if you sign up to do!! Let’s show the other teams how to rock a challenge!! B)

    The Tiny Habits that I will do this month are:

    1. After I turn on my computer in the morning, I will track what I plan to eat that day (even if I don't track it all). Then I will go on social media and turn on the TV.

    2. After I eat lunch, I will read at least one page of my book. Then I will play with my jigsaw puzzle!

    3. After I use the restroom, I will walk in place for 30 seconds, and then when I get 6000 steps for the day I will do the happy dance!

  • apple852hk
    apple852hk Posts: 210 Member

    Weigh in Apple852hk
    Week 2 - May 2020 Sunday
    PW 153.6 (69.7kg)
    CW 152.1 (69kg)

    Lost - not as much as I was expecting. But I started to eat bigger portions again. I imagine I can eat lots of kale but that just makes my serving look bigger.

    Ate fried rice two days in a row as there was leftover rice from family. I just find it hard to throw away food. Specially at this time of uncertainty.

    I'm still got a lot of potatoe salad to get through and coleslaw too. I eat the coleslaw at dinner.

    I'm forgetting to say grace. This is a hard habit to remember to do. But I have successfully made it a routine to thank myself every morning for eating right the day before.

    GOALS next week the same:
    1. Say grace silently to myself before eating a meal or snack.
    2. Drink water before eating chocolate if I do snack on it.
    3. Prepare smaller portions on a plate - even its just vegetable
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @appleh852hk Nice loss! Don't get me started on weights! I was going to order 15lb weights and they were $35, I was considering 20lbs too but thought it was a lot. When another week was coming up I decided to get them and the few places that had them were $75! I'm not paying that for weights! I've been trying to hold my 10lbs with 8lbs or 5lbs, they're metal so it's not easy. The whole time I do anything overhead I'm chanting "Don't drop them!", all I need is a broken nose. I dropped one on my foot a few months ago so it wouldn't be the first time. One of the most creative things I've heard is using paint cans. Two liter soda bottles would be good too but would have to be used holding the neck so that's not the most comfortable. The videos I do have used energy drinks and water bottles. The only new thing I've ordered are mini-resistant bands or "booty" bands, I love them! I haven't been doing them as much due to my calves but they rock especially for butt and legs, some great Sidney Cummings ab workouts too. As for food you can always freeze some of it. I'm debating doing that now, last night's recipe has 4 servings so I'll be eating it every night but it's really good so I'll probably just do it.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @raleighgirl09 Well done with the peanut butter, that's definitely steps in the right direction! <3 Thanks re: the weigh-in, and I'm so glad that my post helped you. I'm still working on that tiny habit, but I'll get there and so will you! :) How nice that the state parks opened. That sounds wonderful!

    @TeresaW1020 Thank you! It's not as much as I want, but it's in the right direction! I'll work harder this week and it will hopefully be better. ;) I'm glad your head feels better.

    @Katmary71 Your meatball/meatloaf sounds really good!

    Hi all. I have a quiet Sunday ahead of me today. I AM going to clean/organize the refrigerator because it's kind of become a black hole and that's making it hard when it comes time to cook. :/ I went for a nice walk in my neighborhood with my husband and the dog. The sun wasn't out but the birds were chirping and I saw a few neighbors that were jogging/walking. The air smelled fresh and it was good to get out for a bit.

    Tiny habits checkin:
    1 minute of exercise: Yes
    Focus for 5 minutes on Photoshop tutorials: No
    After I brush my teeth, I will track my food for the day: Yes

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: walk
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Organize the fridge so I can find my healthy food ;) , 52+ oz of water.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Keep up the good work team!! :star:B)
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member


    1st Downsizers 0.52%
    2nd Weight No More 0.43%
    3rd Shrinking Assets 0.34%

    1st Downsizers 32.9 Lbs
    2nd Weight No More 22.2 Lbs
    3rd Shrinking Assets 18.5 Lbs

    1st @samuel860 3.75 %
    2nd @kyfrancik 3.00%
    3rd @WishfulThinning18 2.75%

    1st @samuel860 8.1 Lbs
    2nd @WishfulThinning18 7.6 Lbs
    3rd @kyfrancik 6.0 Lbs



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member


  • jmbrown11
    jmbrown11 Posts: 6 Member
    I’m not sure I posted in the right group last Sunday?? Hopefully this is where I put my weigh in lol!
    PW: 234
    CW: 230.8
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Quick checkin

    Cals- think I'm on track today.
    Wrist work- did it

    Tiny habits- did two out of three.

    Ex today was a rest day but I did a walk.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @gberin @vegan4lyfe2012 @jmbrown11 Way to go gang! Awesome losses!

    @jmbrown11 Nice drop!

    @Its_cleo way to go at squeezing in a walk!

    @trooworld It's funny for the amount of time it took me to clean out and organize the fridge and pantry it's brought me a lot of satisfaction just having everything cleaned and organized. I don't feel stressed out trying to find stuff anymore especially in the freezer so cooking and shopping is a lot easier and fulfilling.

    Sunday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- OK, Pahla B has grown on me giggles and all, I stuck with her videos today. Did the arms only a few times as it's 8 minutes, another arms only, a chair HIIT, chair abs, chair stretch, and threw in a short kickboxing video as a "reward" for all the arm ones! Yoga and foam roller.
    Water- over, did have a few Diet Pepsis but don't plan on buying it again.

    30 minutes cardio- done
    Weights- day off
    Yoga and stretching/core- done
    Recipe- made the giant meatball yesterday, today I made "the best" Instant Pot refried beans, roasted a bunch of garlic, and have tea in the Instant Pot (orange rinds, ginger root, cinnamon sticks, and fresh mint), then stir-fried Swiss Chard for dinner and made some potatoes with herbs from the garden.
    10,000 steps- done

    Tiny habits- just redid tonight so aside of the breathing I haven't done any yet as they're mostly morning ones
    - Click on email from career coach after coffee
    - Deep breathe 3xs after foam rolling
    - Squat when putting bowl out for feral cats

    Not much new, tomorrow I have a Zoom appointment to look forward to.

    @TeresaW1020 This looks really stupid at the beginning with the chicken flaps (I honestly couldn't help thinking how sad my workouts had become flapping my wings the first time) but this workout actually is the only one that made me get up and turn on the ceiling fan. Maybe your mom would like it? I've done it 6-7 times now as it's one of the only ones that doesn't use the legs.
  • Kelly_2013
    Kelly_2013 Posts: 117 Member
    I joined this group and this disappeared :-\ I got on the scale even after initial weigh in and it went up 3 pounds which is the highest I've ever weighed and the most defeated I've ever felt. I've been working out 30 mins 5 times a week for the past two weeks going into my third and seeing my scale go up even again this morning was so defeating! I guess quarantine has gotten to me worse than I though ( even though I have been working half days at work then the other half at home) Sorry for the vent and sorry I haven't gotten to know anyone yet. I am definitely going to work on that and I will be contributing to the group and the group weight loss... Gonna kick this weeks butt for sure!! I hope everyone has a great money and a great week!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @Kelly_2013, I know how frustrating it can be to see the scale go up when you are doing things mostly right. If you are new to working out or have increased your workouts you will gain water weight in the beginning. This is a crazy time in our lives, and we are living with so many unknowns that just keeping our head above water is a win. Hang in there. Vent as often as you need to. Just don’t give up on yourself. We are here for you! <3

    @Katmary71, thanks so much for the videos! I’m going to email them to my mom and see if she will actually do them. I keep telling her that her complete lack of movement is not going to end well for her. Paula B has killer arms! If mom won’t do her workouts I just might. :grin:

    @jmbrown11, great weigh-in!! Whatever you are doing, keep it up!! B)

    @trooworld, ugghhh you just reminded me that I was supposed to clean out my fridge. I guess I should do that before heading to the grocery store. :s

    @apple852hk, good weigh-in this week!! You need some kind of reminder cue so you remember to say grace. Maybe a note on the table or an alert on your table. I put a sticky on my bathroom counter that says WALK 30 seconds, that I can remember to do my tiny habit. It’s helped! :)

    Good morning team! Sorry that I was absent from the group yesterday. Mother’s Day is hard for me since I lost my daughter two years ago. I was in a lousy mood and just wanted to be left alone. :/ My sweet DH kept trying to make me feel better and I finally just had to tell him that I was fine but needed him to stop trying to fix me. He did and I spent most of the day working my 5000 piece puzzle and watching TV. Since having mom live with me I couldn’t pretend the day didn’t exist at all, so I made her favorite enchiladas for dinner and gave her a new Bible that has the biggest print I’ve ever seen. She loved it! :grin: This morning I’m going grocery shopping and DH is going to Home Depot to buy us a new grill. We have talked about it for a long time and finally decided to get one. Now I have to start collecting grill recipes. I would love to know what your favorites are? :)

    Have a great Monday and let's crush our goals this week!!


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,128 Member
    @Katmary71 Oh I wish I cleaned out my fridge yesterday but I did not! :( I'm going to do it today, I absolutely must for the very reasons you mention. The way it is now makes cooking anxiety provoking which is a shame because I love cooking! I don't get anything done when my husband is home, I swear lol. The tea in the instant pot sounds amazing! Was it iced tea or hot tea? Your dinner also sounds yummy.

    @TeresaW1020 I didn't clean my fridge yesterday so guess what I'm doing today? We can both clean our fridges.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm very sorry for your loss and that Mother's Day is hard for you. I totally get that. Mother's Day is a horribly painful holiday for me, too. I lost my mother 8 years ago and even when she was here, we had a terrible relationship. Mother's Day is a very painful day for me and I almost should take a social media hiatus it's so painful. I'm glad that you were able to distract yourself.

    @TeresaW1020 Here are a couple of my favorite grill recipes:
    Honey BBQ Chicken Kabobs https://damndelicious.net/2018/05/15/honey-bbq-chicken-kabobs/
    Grilled Lemon Garlic Chicken https://marlameridith.com/recipe/grilled-lemon-garlic-chicken/
    Best BBQ Chicken Marinade (2 ingredients!) https://www.eatingonadime.com/best-bbq-chicken-marinade-recipe/

    Tiny habits checkin:
    1 minute of exercise: Yes
    Focus for 5 minutes on Photoshop tutorials: No
    After I brush my teeth, I will track my food for the day: Yes

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under under
    Exercise: walk with dog and husband
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Organize the fridge so I can find my healthy food, YouTube video, 52+ oz of water.
  • Wishusdonna
    Wishusdonna Posts: 241 Member
    Trying to post from my phone, it keeps disappearing!

    Weigh in day Monday

    Previous 156
    This week 159.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,736 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Pahla B has really grown on me! She has two of the only arms only cardio so I do them a few times. I did one of her body toning videos today with 5lb weights and my arms are tired, I don't know if I'll lift heavier weights or not today but am going to let my arms rest a bit! She has walking videos and a lot of other stuff as well. Ifc your mom isn't into chair exercises let me know, I have more. There are also some good resistant band workouts for seniors if she's interested.

    @trooworld You should make cleaning out one or two things from the fridge a tiny habit! I'm pretty good ONCE I start, it's getting started that's the hard part. With decluttering that's what I have to do to get started as it's overwhelming, focusing on one box or shelf at a time helps a lot instead of looking at the whole thing.
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    jmbrown11 wrote: »
    I’m not sure I posted in the right group last Sunday?? Hopefully this is where I put my weigh in lol!
    PW: 234
    CW: 230.8

    All set last week - and this week. Thanks for checking in!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @katmary71 your photo of your dinner with the turkey meatball looked fantastic. It looked like a professional chef made it.

    @TeresaW1020 I;m sorry you had a difficult day. I was actually thinking about you this weekend, bc I remember you mentioning your daughter last weekend, so you both were in my thoughts.

    @trooworld sorry it was a tough day for you too. I haven't seen my mother in many years, we dont have a relationship so I can relate.

    Daily check in

    I was on track for calories yesterday- YAY
    Today calories- I dont know lol. I'm feeling sorry for myself bc my wrist arthritis is flaring up. So I may turn to comfort food

    Speaking of my wrist- one of check in things is to do my wrist work but I may need to lay off for a while. Maybe it wasn't good for me, I don't know.

    Exercise- I got my two walks in today, both around 1.5 kms. I did 20 mins of mobility work for my hips, calves.

    Tiny Habits: I got one out of 3. This is to be mindful for 2-5 mins like meditate, or just sit quietly. I have gotten used to this, it really helps me.

    Other news I bought a bike and hope to have it be end of week. My apt does have room in the garage for it, so I can store it there. When I get it I'll try to take a pic and upload it.

    Take care all.
This discussion has been closed.