

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    1st Downsizers 0.33%
    2nd Trimstones 0.32%
    3rd Shrinking Assets 0.31%

    1st Trimstones 14.0Lbs
    2nd Shrinking Assets 11.8 Lbs
    3rd Downsizers 11.7Lbs

    1st @Murphyi150 2.91%
    2nd @chassp8pooh 2.78%
    3rd @foxcc 2.76%

    1st @foxcc 6.0 Lbs
    2nd @chassp8pooh 5.8 Lbs
    3rd @Smart_Beautiful_and_Strong 5.0 Lbs



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    1st Downsizers 1.18%
    2nd Shrinking Assets 0.81%
    3rd Mission Slimpossibles 0.64%

    1st Downsizers 42.0Lbs
    2nd Shrinking Assets 30.7Lbs
    3rd Mission Slimpossibles 28.9Lbs

    1st @achagpar 6.55%
    2nd @emmajhare 6.25%
    3rd @charlottemilton 4.96%

    1st @cesse47 14.2Lbs
    2nd @charlottemilton 12.5 Lbs
    3rd @davors19 12.0 Lbs


  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    About to go get my produce box but just finished chair workouts. I'm come across this woman before and she's another one with walking videos. In the chair video she giggled a lot which was kind of annoying but I'll probably try a walking video once I'm better. I know I'm not the only "walker" here and she has a bunch, here ya go:

  • gberin
    gberin Posts: 23 Member
    week 1

    Hi Mission Slimpossible.
    I like the name of our team because I'm a fan of the Kimpossible movie, though obviously our name is a play on Mission Impossible movie. I have a 'very high' BMI according to an Orange Theory body scan (in-body) and I'm trying to get to 'normal'. My first goal is to lose 15lbs and I am doing that by meeting my calorie limit every day and getting at least 20 min of exercise a day. Life is hectic right now so this is as far as I'll detail my efforts right now.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 684 Member
    Sunday check in

    Hi team! I'm one of the motivators buuuuuut I've been around a lot less often in the past few weeks. Multitude of reasons, I guess, none of them is really a good reason but more of an excuse so I'll spare you.... => I've been with this group since July of 2019 and have found it super helpful. 29Apr2020 was my 1 year with MFP (this trip) and I've lost over 50 pounds in that time (120 overall from my highest weight). I need to remind myself of that more often and use it for continued motivation! I'm about 10-20 pounds from goal - I think - and have set my next goal of 170 by my birthday, 11Aug2020. That's about 12 pounds away and from there I just have to see how it goes. I just want to be in a size 8 pants and not really sure what number that is on the scale. Truthfully, I care less about the number on the scale than on the inside back of my pants!! :D:D:D

    Welcome to all of our new members and to everyone who posted intros, loved reading them!

    Thanks @TeresaW1020 for sharing the May link and the info on where to look on the F2F page! I'm going to back to the Habit Tracker this month as that really is a great visual - and I'm going to add a daily check in here on my Habit Tracker as one of my critical habits. When lackluster efforts are not netting desired results, a girl has to do something to kick her own butt into gear!!
    @Katmary71 I'm going to try the low impact for ladies over 50 vid - I'm still having trouble with my hip, several weeks later, and I really get the frustration with not being able to do what my spirit feels capable of! It des seem to be easing but very slowly and I'm jumping out of my skin to be able to do more - but am often reminded with pain that it isn't a good idea.
    @its_cleo I'm in the same boat - feeling some discouraged and then also working on a different story to tell myself - it's very much tied to being disappointed that I'm not being 100% all in. I agree - I think checking in will help, maybe if nothing else it will help me just be more aware and do less evening mindless snacking!
  • jmbrown11
    jmbrown11 Posts: 6 Member
    Almost forgot to do my first check in!
    Current weight this morning: 231.3
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wahhoooo Slimpossibles for making 3rd place this week! Special shout out to @davors19 for being our team’s number one!! :star:

    @Katmary71, I wanted to order some 2 lb weights for the new barre program and there are NONE to be had. Well, I take that back. I did find one set on Amazon for $39. Talk about your price gauging. :angry: I’ll use my 3 lbs and when I can’t then I hold water bottles.

    @apple852hk, congrats on the weight loss!! B) You should join the Tiny Habit Challenge since you already have three great goals. It might help you stay more mindful.

    @its_cleo, sorry that you feel like you haven’t been doing well. Yes, do check in more often. I will try to do that too! <3

    @AustinRuadhain, let me just say........you're AMAZING!!!! <3B):star:

    @deadpheonixrising, welcome to the group! We are very happy to have you here. Many find the accountability of these kinds of groups very helpful. So jump right in and make yourself at home. :)

    @gberin, welcome to the team! You have some good goals for yourself and yes life is hectic. But, I’m sure you know the importance of taking care of yourself. I look forward to getting to know you. :)

    @raleighgirl09, Yayyyy for checking in and for doing the Habit Tracker. I LOVE the goal that you have set for your birthday and it’s totally doable. This past month has been hard on many of us but this is a new month and we can change it around. B)

    Sunday Check-in:

    Hi Team! :) Today was another quiet day in quarantine. Hubby and I watched church on Facebook and we have a Zoom fellowship in a couple of hours. I’m doing my best not to wallow in the fact that we have at least six more weeks of this. While it’s true that my state has started to reopen, I still have to remain super careful since hubby is a senior. And then there is my mom who lives with us and has multiple health issues. They are still told to shelter in place until June 12th. Anyhoo, today was an active recovery day in my workout so I just walked on the treadmill for 35 minutes and then did some housework. I worked on my puzzle and got a small done. Only about 4700 pieces to go. :D

    I’m excited about the Tiny Habit Challenge that our amazing, super talented @AustinRuadhain put together for the entire Fat2Fit group. I really hope that you all will at least Click This Link!! and take a look at the challenge. Even better if you sign up to do!! Let’s show the other teams how to rock a challenge!! B)

    The Tiny Habits that I will do this month are:

    1. After I turn on my computer in the morning, I will track what I plan to eat that day (even if I don't track it all). Then I will go on social media and turn on the TV.

    2. After I eat lunch, I will read at least one page of my book. Then I will play with my jigsaw puzzle!

    3. After I use the restroom, I will walk in place for 30 seconds, and then when I get 6000 steps for the day I will do the happy dance!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I know it's a drag, but maybe hanging back a bit will be an advantage because you can see how things go in the state over time....yep the weights are in short supply. I'm in the same boat.

    @raleighgirl09 sorry you've been struggling too. I guess it's normal to have ebbs and flows over time. I'm trying to check in each day at the same time- around this time- so maybe we can challenge each other to do so.

    Well my goals for the day were:

    -make my own lunch/not order takeout - checkmark
    -stay under calories- I don’t think so.
    -do my wrist rehab work- checkmark
    -walk 1 km (I can only walk 1 km a day-tendonitis) - checkmark
    -10-12 stairs. – I did 16 stairs. It’s more difficult going down than up ironically. It was okay, felt a bit twingey after but not too bad.

    Tomorrow my goals are:

    -stay under calories
    -do my wrist rehab work
    -walk 1 km (I can only walk 1 km a day-tendonitis)
    -Optional- may do another km in the evening if my tendon feels ok
    -16 stairs again
    -a circuit strength training workout my trainer gave me.

    Plus my 3 tiny habits:

    -meditate or sit peacefully for 2 to 5 mins
    -1 mobility move for upper and lower body.

    Tonight I am watching an old Dracula movie from the 70s. It's not scary. It was just something different on tv so I dvr-ed it.
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 684 Member
    Sunday check in (nah, yer not seein' things - this is twice)

    Hi gang. Well, my check in needs to be in the evening, kind of for a wrap up tally for the day so despite an earlier check in, I'm baaaaaack!

    All of my Habit Tracker items are good, except the night eating. I raided the kitchen for some tortilla chips with melted cheese and well, that is just what happened....twice. It may be ok calorie wise as I had great choices the rest of the day but it's the actions and behaviors that are the thing, and that is where the nugget of truth of my weight loss stalling comes from. So - just checking in with it.

    @its_cleo oh my gosh, Dracula. I watched those movies as a kid and watched Dark Shadows. Hey, my clinky/clanky/cranky knee also does better up the incline than down, stairs or otherwise, I think it's the amount of pressure and force on the knee during the movement.
    @TeresaW1020 I agree - seems like it's been forever already and if/when there are people in your household who need that time, it's pretty precious. I bet Maggie Mae helps a lot here... <3 I think about this going on for another 4 weeks and I'm just sad - and I don't even know what will happen here in NC. I know in a year and 5 years and 10 years, there will be a different perspective and it does help to think about and realize that. Not wishing the time away, just thinking that it's good to have the perspective
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    @raleighgirl09 She also has chair workout videos too, they're a decent core workout! My favorite so far for chair workouts is https://youtu.be/uejXrxEkBQQ That's a boxing one. She's the only one who wasn't on the irritating side. The first woman I tried was so bad I had to mute her within minutes and I still couldn't believe how much her mouth was moving. I actually found an instructor I like less than Denise Austin! I got 5000 steps doing chair exercises! Granted, some was running in place and jump roping but still! Yeah, little more leg work than I expected.

    @its_cleo Your movie is a great idea. I've been wanting to order Joker to watch. I'm hoping to see Jumanji 2 soon!

    @gberin Welcome to the group, I'm glad you like the name, I do too! It's a great idea to make smaller goals. I found it a lot easier to concentrate on 5lbs at a time versus the whole enchilada.

    Way to go at the high scores team!

  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,755 Member
    Sunday (it's sad how long it takes me to remember what day it is!)
    Exercise: Advanced chair cardio, chair cardio with arms, chair boxing workout, chair yoga (sensing a theme?), mobility stretch with Sidney Cummings, foam rolling

    Cardio 30 minutes- done
    Weights- upper body 3xs a week total, no lower goals for now
    Yoga or stretch/core- done
    Recipe- none, made a big Swiss chard, spring onion, sweet potato scramble for dinner and it was delicious, the asparagus needs to be cooked soon so whatever I come up with for it and the other half of the onion then figure out protein from there. Going to look into cabbage rolls though I've never made them.
    10,000 steps- 7,800
    I'm going to have to revise my goals since I'll be down for at least another week, not accomplishing them when I can't is irritating me. Also need to fill in Habit Tracker and figure out what I'm doing about Tiny Habits.

    Well gang, had a decent day, got my produce box and was excited, then had some bad news. My uncle went into the hospital with a bacterial infection a few days ago. He's been on major pain medication and isn't allowed any visitors. Turns out the infection spread to his heart, he's being transferred to a hospital a few hours away from his city for open heart surgery as it spread to his aortic valve and they need to get in there before it bursts. He's not much older than I am, I can't even imagine going in for a surgery like that without being able to hug his 11-year-old daughter and wife first. If you pray please say a prayer for him.

  • deadpheonixrising
    deadpheonixrising Posts: 43 Member
    I kept under my calories yesterday despite a last minute wobble involving way too much yoghurt. Something that i'm proud of because it would have been worse in the past.

    Since other people are sharing useful workout videos, here is a channel I have found very helpful with indoor cycling. As someone that can't stand spinning classes and gets bored just listening to music these videos have been very good. https://youtube.com/watch?v=87RWXwFTPm4

    Today I want to focus on getting some work done and finishing up some gardening that I started last week.

    @Katmary71 I'm so sorry that your uncle has to go through this especially at this time. I will be thinking of him and your family and wishing them well.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited May 2020
    Good morning team! Are you ready to have an awesome week? B)


  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Happy Monday! My part of the world opened up just a little bit and we took a much needed trip to visit my brother and his family. It was a lovely visit and I managed to maintain my weight. Whoo hoo.

    I’ll be spending some time today meal and exercise planning for the week.

    I hope you are all doing well!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @Katmary71 I'm so very sorry about your uncle, I hope he's okay. I send my very best thoughts.

    Good morning team! Not much happening in my world. I did check in yesterday and I posted my 3 tiny habits but somehow, my post got deleted so I will post my 3 tiny habits again. Here they are:

    My 3 tiny habits recipes for May:
    After I drop off my husband at work, I will do 1 minute of exercise. Then I will spend 5 minutes on social media.
    After I drink my morning coffee, I will focus for 5 minutes on Photoshop tutorials. Then I will relax with a book for 15 minutes.
    After I brush my teeth, I will track my food for the day. Then I will enjoy a cup of coffee.

    Calories: over/under: over
    Water: over/under over
    Exercise: walk with the dog and the hubs
    Goals or Improvements for tomorrow: Stick to meal plan, 1 minute of exercise, 52+ oz of water.
  • Kelly_2013
    Kelly_2013 Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning, I Missed my weigh in last friday should I just give my weight from this AM or wait until this Friday?
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    Friday weigh in
    week 1 (5/1)
    PW: 188
    CW: 187.3
  • Cornanda
    Cornanda Posts: 1,028 Member
    @TeresaW1020- your additions to your weight room sound exciting. Your posts are cheery and perking me up on a daily basis.

    @AustinRuadhain @TeresaW1020 Love the tiny habits challenge! Just the motivation I need to stop putting that off!

    @Katmary71 So sorry to hear about your uncle. Will pray for him. Keep us updated.

    Intro: I'm Lisa and I live in FL. Married almost 29 years. Kids 18 and 20 and both will be off at college next year (if there is on campus college in the fall). Struggled with weight always. Still struggling now but this group helps me so much- encouragement, accountability and also helping me remember that others struggle as well.

    Hope you all have a nice Monday!
  • broncobuddee
    broncobuddee Posts: 372 Member
    Kelly_2013 wrote: »
    Good Morning, I Missed my weigh in last friday should I just give my weight from this AM or wait until this Friday?

    Welcome @Kelly_2013 !

    I'd say we update the spreadsheet based on this morning's weigh-in but defer to @jugar if she has other thoughts.
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member

    Good morning team!! :) I want to encourage you all to use the habit tracker this month. The new tracker begins tomorrow so click the link below and get yourself ready to have an awesome month! B)

    Habit tracking is powerful for three reasons.
    1. It creates a visual cue that can remind you to act.
    2. It is motivating to see the progress you are making. You don't want to break your streak.
    3. It feels satisfying to record your success in the moment.

    Here is how it works
    • open the link MAY HABIT TRACKER
    • go to the bottom, and choose your team from the tabs
    • put your MFP user name in the column on the left (highlight "name" and type yours to replace it)
    • add up to five habits you want to track daily
    • check the box when you do it!
    • watch the green check marks accumulate :smiley:
    • It is completely up to you to update your own tracking. Do it every time you finish, daily, weekly - however you want.


    Done! This is difficult for me for some reason. I don't always check in every day. So I am committing to the habit tracker for May. Maybe this will bring about some necessary changes!
This discussion has been closed.